
Tuesday 31 January 2012

Apartheid an inhumane system?

"SA THEN versus NOW"

Apartheid in South Africa has been demonized as an 'evil racist era'. Nothing can be further from the truth. Look at the statistics and stop being so gullible to believe all the liberal propaganda you've been brainwashed with.

The Apartheid government built ten Universities for blacks including Medunsa which is a unique medical university that turned out 200 highly qualified black doctors every year all at state costs, paid for by the white taxpayers. It also trained paramedics and nurses.

Since 1970 the budget for black education was raised by about 30% per year every year. More than any other government department.

In the period 1955 -1984 the amount of black school students increased 31 times from 35,000 to 1,096 000.

65% of black South African children were at school compared to Egypt 64%, Nigeria 57%, Ghana52%, Tanzania50% and Ethiopia 29%.

Amongst the adults of South Africa, 71% could read and write (80% between the ages 12 and 22). Compare this to Kenya 47%, Egypt 38%, Nigeria 34% and Mozambique at 26%.

In South Africa, the whites built 15 new classrooms for blacks every working day, every year. At 40 children per class it meant space for an additional 600 black students every day!!!

In 1985 there were 42,000 Blacks at 5 universities in South Africa, about the same amount at the universities of the homelands.

In an article called "Die Afrikaner" 11 Feb 1987, the quarterly magazine called "Vox Africana Nr 29 4/87 stated that,

South Africa had 4,8 million whites and 18,2 million blacks in 1987. The whites paid 77% of the taxes and the blacks only 15%...despite this...56% of the government budget was spent on blacks.

During the time of Dr. Verwoerd. the living standards of Blacks were rising at 5,4% per year against that of the whites at 3,9% per year. In 1965 the economic growth of South Africa was the second highest in the world at 7,9%. The rate of inflation was a mere 2% per annum and the prime interest rate only 3% per annum. Domestic savings were so great that South Africa needed no foreign loans for normal economic expansion.

Even Lord Deedes admitted, "White South Africa grew to become the economic giant of the continent, the other members of the Commonwealth virtually sank into poverty."

At the hight of Apartheid in 1978 Soweto had 115 football fields, 3 Rugby fields, 4 athletic tracks, 11 Cricket fields, 2 Golf courses, 47 Tennis courts, 7 swimming pools built to Olympic standards, 5 Bowling alleys, 81 Netball fields, 39 children play parks, and countless civic halls, movie houses and clubhouses.

In addition to this, Soweto had 300 churches, 365 schools, 2 Technical Colleges, 8 clinics, 63 child day care centres, 11 Post Offices, and its own fruit and vegetable market.
There were 2300 registered companies that belonged to black businessmen, about 1000 private taxi companies. 3% of the 50,000 vehicle owners in 1978 were Mercedes Benz owners. Soweto alone had more cars, taxis, schools, churches and sport facilities than most independent countries in Africa. The Blacks of South Africa had more private vehicles than the entire white population of the USSR at the time.

 The discussion and comments that followed the publication of the above document led to the response provided by ToxiNews below: 
Accusation: "But there was so much human abuse & violation of the black population under the apartheid regime. They were treated like 3rd class citizens compared to us whites! The architects of apartheid were nazi Hitler sympathisers. It is the whole reason we are in this mess now because black families were destroyed by pass laws & bantu home lands which were designated to them on the worst land of the country, while the best land was kept for the whites! Apartheid was one of societies most evil events, and I am certainly NOT brainwashed. It Never should have happened, there should have been black people in power alongside white people from the beginning, maybe then there wouldnt be this current situation because they would have had more respect for us. This situation in SA now is the aftermath of the evil regime of apartheid, & It is sad but true!"

Answer : The mere use of the word Apartheid combined with the term Human Rights Violations points to liberal ignorance and there is no sense debating a situation with someone from that point of view. There is this tendency that some people suddenly read newspapers and hear about the murders without ever having been interested or involved in politics before, which leads to them coming up with nonsense about so-called Apartheid, a term used abroad only and that did not even appear in the National Party's Manifest. Apartheid is something that never even existed and was nothing but a creation of the foreign media after Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd used the term only twice ever, merely in an explanatory context.

They also do not realise that the National Party removed many of the systems inherited from the British Union of SA. Now I have to beg the question, why should we bother to now discuss a non-existent system of Apartheid deliberately defined to create an impression completely removed from the actual Separate Development system. I also cannot see why I should debate the current genocide perpetrated by the communist Marxist-Leninist ANC Regime put in place by the very people now blaming it on Apartheid, a word they do not even understand. Anyone that blames the current genocide on Apartheid is an ignorant fool that has zero knowledge, understanding or experience of South Africa before or during the National Party rule, let alone of the current ANC Regime or Africa as a whole for that matter. It is more important for us to address our current predicament and inform and guide as to what is lying ahead than waste our time discussing apartheid. Appeasing liberals will always find something to blame for the current as a means to warrant their ignorance in the past. You and I are living here now and we have to survive what was predicted 40 years ago already and we are living those predictions right now, we know what is lying ahead and we need to ready ourselves for the inevitable, there is no time for us to live in a conjured-up past that never existed, but in the minds of the manipulated populace abroad. Current reality dictates our future.

I want to add this. The people blaming the genocide on apartheid supported this ANC Regime all along and are therefore the architects of the Genocide and cannot be trusted now. They feel in most instances that the genocide is warranted, because it is viewed as payback for the so-called Human Rights Violations that were concocted by the media. Remember always that we were the children in school uniforms that were showed in movies abroad apparently using blacks for moving target practice. While the poor ignorant fools abroad never realised that we were actually filmed while doing target practice and later the films were edited to show blacks lying dead in-front of us. WE were the ones in those movies, therefore we know what really happened and how those films were produced and we know that the world could nail us today based on those movies as according to the world we really did shoot blacks in our school uniforms, at school and with the consent of the teachers. So these liberal idiots blaming today's murders on apartheid do not deserve our time, because they do not even feel guilty for the murders that they were the architects of. To hell them. They will in future turn against us once again and when we have to defend ourselves against the Regime they are the ones that would once again use that film material, manipulate it and show the world, once again "Look at what those nasty Nazi SA whites are doing to the poor innocent blacks!" Mark my words these people will again use the film material to paint the opposite picture, because as stated so many times before, we SA whites were Nazi's and that is how they view us and that is why they feel we deserve it as payback for the so-called atrocities of the past that they think happened here.

They are the same people that condoned the terrorist attacks on innocent civilians during the NP rule. It would take less than five minutes to loose them in discussion on the truth about those times, which they prefer to ignore or to know, like the fact that 90% of political deaths during that time was black on black perpetrated by their holy beloved terrorist ANC under the leadership of the architect of terrorism in SA the highly praised messiah of liberalism the Marxist-Leninist terrorist Nelson Mandela. They are ignorant about the role of Kissinger and how the whole situation was orchestrated with the help of Pik Botha and FW de Klerk and how the various situations were interwoven to achieve what we were handed in 1994. People think they know what "Apartheid" was about, because of what they heard from other liberals.

Young people have a completely distorted view and impression of pre-1994 SA, which is as it was intended to be. It has always been like this. Just as people are not aware of what is happening now, so too did they also not know what was happening during the time of the NP. Anyone calling an American a traitor and a sell-out is uninformed as to what went down in those days. SA was not sold out by America, SA was sold out by its own people. It is an absolute waste of time and effort trying to educate people on pre-1994 SA and even more so trying to change their ingrained perceptions of pre-1994 SA. Whatever their perceptions are is their business and if they want to learn the truth about it, they are at least 2000 books behind. There is no time for catching up, there is only time to address what is lying ahead.

Rivonia Unmasked: The True Story of Nelson Mandela
This is a perspective on Nelson Mandela you will not read elsewhere. I know it was written by a right-winger, but the truth nonetheless

Nelson Mandela - communist, terrorist, rabble-rouser !

The Pass Laws
Something to think about is why so many black South Africans actually supported the NP, something no one ever tells us either. The first pass laws in South Africa were introduced on 27 June 1797 by the Earl Macartney in an attempt to exclude all natives from the Cape Colony. Introduced in South Africa in 1923, they were designed to regulate movement of black Africans in white urban areas. Outside designated "homelands", black South Africans had to carry passbooks at all times, documentation proving they were authorised to live or move in "White" South Africa. The laws also affected other non-white races. Indian people, for example, were barred from the Orange Free State. These discriminatory regulations fuelled a growing discontentment from the black population and the ANC began the Defiance Campaign to oppose the pass laws. The Natives (Abolition of Passes and Co-ordination of Documents) Act, 1952, commonly known as the Pass Laws Act, made it compulsory for all black South Africans over the age of 16 to carry a "pass book" at all times within white areas. The system of pass laws was not the work of the National Party, but something they inherited and could not merely overnight abolish and certainly not at the time, it would have led to a revolution that they would not have been able to contain. The system of pass laws was repealed by the National Party in South Africa in 1986.

The Sharpville Massacre
On 21 March, a group of between 5,000 and 7,000 people converged on the local police station in the township of Sharpeville, offering themselves up for arrest for not carrying their pass books. This was part of a broader campaign organized by the PAC. Many of the crowd attended to support the protest, but there is evidence that the PAC also used intimidating means to draw the crowd to the protest, including the cutting of telephone lines into Sharpeville, the distribution of pamphlets telling people not to go to work on the day, and coercion of bus drivers and commuters. By 10:00 am, a large crowd had gathered, and the atmosphere was initially peaceful and festive. Fewer than 20 police officers were present in the station at the start of the protest. Later the crowd grew to about 20,000, and the mood turned hostile. About 130 police reinforcements, supported by four Saracen armored cars, were rushed in. The police were armed with firearms. There was no evidence that anyone in the crowd was armed with anything other than rocks. Sabre jets and Harvard Trainers approached to within a hundred feet of the ground, flying low over the crowd in an attempt to scatter it. The crowd responded by hurling stones, striking three policemen, and at about 1:00 pm the police tried to arrest a protester. There was a scuffle, and the crowd advanced toward the fence. The shooting began shortly thereafter. 69 people were killed. Police reports in 1960 claimed that inexperienced police officers panicked and opened fire spontaneously, setting off a chain reaction that lasted about forty seconds. It is likely that the police were nervous as two months before the massacre, nine other police officers had been killed at a riot in Cato Manor. The Cato Manor killings undoubtedly made policemen edgy when they were surrounded by black people, as they were at Sharpeville on the fateful day of March 21 1960. "If the PAC's civil disobedience against the hated pass laws had not led to violence in Sharpeville - it had not done so in Soweto and elsewhere - it's campaign might simply have become another failed attempt by blacks to persuade the government to abolish oppressive and discriminatory legislation, as Thomas Karis and Gwendolen Carter argue in their documentary history of black protest and resistance in South Africa."

A major problem at Sharpeville on the fatal day was that PAC marshals appeared to be thin on the ground and/or not vigilant enough in preventing the crowd from pressing against the fence surrounding the police station. In his analytical chronicle of the Sharpeville shooting An Ordinary Atrocity, Philip Frankel goes a stage further when he writes: "... the much vaunted marshals, whose primary task was to steer up the mob ... were unable or unwilling to steer the crowd away from what was clearly becoming a cataclysmic situation."

But here comes the crux of the matter, the part very seldom, if ever mentioned anywhere. "Emeritus professor David Welsh provides another perspective in his excellent and newly published book The Rise and Fall of Apartheid. He identifies the immediate cause of the tragedy as two simultaneous events: firstly, a scuffle at the fence gate when security police officer Att Spengler opened it to let a member of the crowd in and some of the people at the gate entered with him, possibly because they were pushed from behind; and, secondly, the arrival at scene of Geelbooi, a common law criminal who was drunk and armed with a handgun, and who, thinking he had spotted a policeman who had maltreated him, fired two shots in the air."

Sharpville was used as a political tool with more efficacy than any other event in SA history and in fact it was the only incident of its kind in all of pre-1994 SA that could be blamed on the Government and which is why it is the only one ever mentioned.

The question I often ask to people is what would they have done in that situation? I've been in that situation. I saw young soldiers 18, 19 years old wetting themselves and vomiting over themselves and they were only faced by some 50 raging rioters. I knew at the time that should I not step in and in the harshest possible manner diffuse the situation, anyone of those scared young men could lose it and pull a trigger out of fear and sheer nervous reaction, which could have led another massacre, but this time against rioting black soldiers, not civilians.

Imagine being faced with 20,000 angry rioters intent on killing you. Its easy for us to talk today, but if you have never been in that situation and do not know the circumstances its better sometimes to stand back and allow the media and politicians to enjoy their propaganda games.

Media manipulation of the facts:
"69 Blacks died. The official reports states that many were shot in the back. But the journalism have to be brought into question because the bodies photographed had EXIT wounds on their backs where the most blood is shown. Shot in the front, small entry, person runs away and collapses on his stomach, bloody exit wound on his back is photographed by BBC journalists and claim that he was shot in the back... you get the picture. If the police really wanted to commit a “massacre”, they would have shot wildly into the crowd, emptied their magazines and thousands of Blacks would have been killed. The fact that only 69 were killed was a testimony to the discipline and restraint exercised by the policemen. The Sunday night and the Monday morning preceding the “Massacre” the police drove the Blacks back with batons and tear gas, but they still kept coming, at about 13h35 on the Sunday they broke through the gates and their aim was to kill every policeman inside the police station." Quoted from "Mike Smith's Political Commentary: Sharpeville revisited: The Avocado tree at Cato Manor" (The original link is nolonger active, but the original article can still be found at

The old SA is frequently being accused of "abhorrent human rights abuse", but to this day no one could come up with any evidence to the effect, yet we can provide literally thousands of cases orchestrated and executed by the ANC against blacks since their founding some 100 years ago.

Accusation: "the ANC government who used to be banned & brutalised by white police ended up becoming a military terrorist organisation"

Answer: According to the Human Rights Commission 73 people died while in Police detention during the period 1963 to 1990, which equates to 2.6 people annually during the "Apartheid" years. According to the Independent Complaints Directorate (IDC) 219 people died in police custody for the period 1997 to 1998 alone. And by the time we received their results for the period 2008 to 2009 a total of 912 people had died while in Police custody. Yes so obviously the old SA police were very brutal compared to the ANC Regime. LMAO

Accusation: "The men who began apartheid were huge Hitler followers." "There are differences as well as similarites between the two regimes. Germany & SA have totally different & unique demographics & circumstances. Does not change the fact that the old South Africa back in the 1930s-40's, under nationalist rule was sympathetic to Hitlers ideals. Now that may not have been everyone in the Nats of that time but definately the kingpins & people who had the most influence in the party." "the old South Africa back in the 1930s-40's, under nationalist rule"??

Answer: The NP only took over the government in 1948, after WWII, after the fall of Nazi Germany. How could the National Party Government have been sympathetic to Nazi Germany when it did not even exist.

Accusation: "For too long the blacks had been de-humanised & were starting to rise up for equal rights."

Answer: Where are blacks more dehumanised than in black African states. There is no comparison between the dehumanisation of any blacks anywhere in Africa under black rule than ever was the case during Apartheid. I always find it interesting how the whole world would rise up against Apartheid, always refer to Apartheid and demonise Apartheid, yet no one ever says a word about Africa, the human rights violations in Africa during the past thousands of years. No one ever mentions the advantages of Apartheid, how it grew and develop South African blacks when compared against the rest of Africa during the same period. More black millionaires were produced under Apartheid than in all of Africa combined during the same period.

Isn't it strange how all of Africa where "Apartheid" never existed is worse off than SA where Apartheid did exist. Their inhabitants (no African country has citizens, because citizens have a life) are generally worse off in all respects than any local SA blacks ever were. Isn't it strange how the oldest liberated black state in the world is a disaster like none other more than 85 years after independence, without ever having been under Apartheid rule.

It was the first independent nation in Latin America and the first black-led republic in the world when it gained independence as part of a successful slave revolution in 1804.
Haiti was virtually bankrupt and the United States occupied the island in 1915 and US Marines were stationed in the country until 1934.

The US made massive improvements to infrastructure: 1700 km of roads were made usable; 189 bridges were built; many irrigation canals were rehabilitated hospitals, schools, and public buildings were constructed, and drinking water was brought to the main cities.
Sisal was introduced to Haiti, and sugar and cotton became significant exports.[44] The U.S. Marines supervised the operations of a client Haitian government, and emphasized American-style modernization of the infrastructure and universal education. Haitian traditionalists were highly resistant to these changes while the urban elites wanted more control. Together they helped force an end to the occupation in 1934.

The US occupation forces established a boundary between Haiti and the Dominican Republic by taking disputed land from the latter. After the US left in 1934, Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo – in an event known as the Parsley Massacre – ordered his Army to kill Haitians living on the Dominican side of the border. In a "three-day genocidal spree", he murdered between 10,000 and 20,000 Haitians. He then developed a uniquely Dominican policy of racial discrimination, Antihaitianismo ("anti-Haitianism"), targeting the mostly black inhabitants of his neighboring country.

In 1925, Haiti was lush, with 60% of its original forest covering the lands and mountainous regions. Since then, the population has cut down an estimated 98% of its original forest cover for use as fuel for cookstoves, and in the process has destroyed fertile farmland soils, contributing to desertification.

In 2004, a revolt began in northern Haiti. René Préval was elected President in February 2006, following elections marked by uncertainties and popular demonstrations.
I rest my case.

Broken schools breed 'lost generation'

Reuters | 27 January, 2012 12:07
An empty classroom. File picture.
Image by: ALAN EASON / ©Daily Dispatch

The first blow to Martha Netshiozwe's future came when her parents died of AIDS.

The second came when she ran out of money and had to drop out of a South African high school.

Netshiozwe, 23, is a product of the first post-apartheid generation who entered a new and aspiring education system which aimed to heal the economic divisions created by the white-minority government. But like many, she left without the skills to qualify for anything other than manual labour.

Despite pouring billions of dollars into education, the ruling African National Congress (ANC) has little to show for its money except for public primary schools regarded as among the worst in the world and millions of students destined for a life in the underclass.

"If you don't have an education, you don't have a chance in life," said Netshiozwe, who is unemployed with little prospect of finding regular work. She and her HIV-infected aunt live together and scrape by on about $100 a month in welfare benefits.

Nearly half of South Africa's 18 to 24 year olds -- the first generation educated after apartheid ended in 1994 -- are not in the education system and do not have a job, according to government data.

Academics have called this group the "lost generation" and worry it will grow larger unless the government fixes a system riddled with failing schools, unskilled educators and corruption that stops funding from reaching its intended destinations.

"This is an appalling waste of human potential and a potential source of serious social instability," the Ministry of Higher Education said this month when it unveiled sweeping plans for boosting university enrollment and improving vocational colleges.

The lost generation poses long term risks for Africa's largest economy, which is trying to grow its tax base as it funds increased social spending.

There are about three people receiving social welfare payments for each taxpayer. While the recipients of state funds are set to increase substantially under anti-poverty programmes, the number of taxpayers is not, which should cause already yawning budget deficits to widen.

Major ratings agencies are also worried.

Fitch, this month, and Moody's a few months ago, downgraded the outlook for South Africa, saying the government has not done enough to tackle structural problems including chronic unemployment, growing state debt and a broken education system.


South Africa does not suffer a lack of plans or finances for education, the largest sector of state spending and accounting for more than 20 percent of the budget.

The problems are with implementation.

Corruption eats away at money. Teachers are poorly trained and challenged by a constantly shifting curriculum. Schools are often shut by teachers' strikes.

There have been numerous changes for the better in the ANC-run education system with more of the country's blacks, excluded from most high-quality education under apartheid, entering high-performing schools. (Please refer to the following ToxiNews articles "Education is key to South Africa's Problems? " and "Who then, was John Langalibalele Dube? - Jacob Zuma")

Once almost exclusively white, universities now reflect the racial composition of the country with more people from groups disenfranchised by apartheid climbing the ladder with a degree or diploma. (Please refer to the following ToxiNews articles "Education is key to South Africa's Problems? " and "Who then, was John Langalibalele Dube? - Jacob Zuma")

But at the same time, the number of people living in poverty has changed little since apartheid ended, with no remedy in sight given the structural problems in education.

"As things stand, the ANC is wreaking untold damage on our children and, consequently, on the country's future, just as apartheid education did in the past," said Barney Mthombothi, editor of the influential weekly Financial Mail.

Hundreds of schools do not have electricity or running water and absenteeism has become such a concern that President Jacob Zuma has begged teachers to show up for classes.

A study by graft watchdog Transparency International last year pointed to massive local level corruption resulting in millions of students not having desks, chairs or books.

The central government has been trying to take over two provincial education systems that are effectively bankrupt.

In Limpopo province, students started the school year in January without textbooks even though millions of dollars had been allocated for purchases, with media reports saying a politically connected figure may have pocketed the funds.

This month, the central government said Limpopo, which has recorded some of the country's worst results in standardised testing, had unauthorised expenditure of 2.2 billion rand ($275 million). The province had more than 2,400 teachers on the payroll, including 200 "ghost teachers" who were not in classrooms but were still paid.


A university education is seen as the best ticket out of poverty. Competition is fierce and at some of the top schools, there are about 10 applicants for each place.

The desperate demand for higher education led to a stampede at the University of Johannesburg this month when thousands of applicants lined up for a few hundred available places on the final day to submit paperwork.

"The lofty status of universities is an indicator of a lack of status for any other alternative for post-school education," said Frances Faller, an education expert at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.

About eight in 10 unemployed have not completed secondary education or just made it through high school. Only six percent of South Africa's jobless have a university degree, a study from the South African Institute for Race Relations said.

The odds are also stacked against those who hope to find entry-level employment. Economists say labour laws make it difficult for employers who want to take on new workers and train them for jobs.

A cosy relationship between the ANC and organised labour, formed in their partnership against apartheid, has hampered apprenticeship programmes.

The ANC, which relies on the 2 million members of top labour federation COSATU as a source of votes, has put off plans denounced by unions, but backed by economists to reduce youth unemployment by allowing firms to hire youths at cut-rate wages and train them up.

"We will never let them get away with making these laws even more 'flexible' to allow even higher levels of exploitation," COSATU said in a statement.

ANC governments have spent billions of dollars on job training programmes only to see large sums lost to corruption, while producing few graduates with skills required by employers.

"I know what will happen to me if I don't get into school," said university applicant Eddie Ncube, 18.

"Look at what I am exposed to. I am from the ghetto. Without school, I will get into drugs and I'll never find a job."

The original article can be read HERE

Education is key to South Africa's Problems?

It is often stated that education is the key to resolving the problems of South Africa and Africa as a whole. It is also very frequently stated that the National Party Government did not provide schooling for black children and that the schooling was sub-standard compared to that of white schools.

"There had never been more schools build for blacks in SA then in the period that I was Minister of Bantu Education. I will go to the TRC and ask for forgiveness for this crime an also promise never to do it again!" - Said by Dr Ferdi Hartzenberg (Leader of the CP and ex-Minister of Bantu Education) when subpoenaed to appear before the truth And Reconciliation Committee (TRC)

Even prominent black scholars today agree that the education received by blacks during apartheid was superior to what they are receiving today.

Even the self-made multi-billionaire mining magnate Patrice Motsepe stated on SA Television just a few weeks ago, that had it not been for the high standard of education he was afforded during the time of the National Party he would not have been where he is today. He went on to say that the discipline he learned in those schools carried him through to where he is today. He praised the old South Africa for what it gave blacks during those years.

A friend provided the following interesting facts:
Just have a look at the prominent ANC members and other blacks associated with them :

Tutu studied at the Pretoria Bantu Normal College from 1951 to 1953, and went on to teach at Johannesburg Bantu High School and at Munsienville High School in Mogale City.

Mandela attended a Wesleyan mission school located next to the palace of the regent. Following Thembu custom, he was initiated at age sixteen, and attended Clarkebury Boarding Institute. Mandela completed his Junior Certificate in two years, instead of the usual three. Designated to inherit his father's position as a privy councillor, in 1937 Mandela moved to Healdtown, the Wesleyan college in Fort Beaufort which most Thembu royalty attended. At nineteen, he took an interest in boxing and running at the school.

After enrolling, Mandela began to study for a Bachelor of Arts at the Fort Hare University

Mbeki attended primary school in Idutywa and Butterworth and acquired a high school education at Lovedale, Alice. In 1959, he was expelled from school as a result of student strikes and forced to continue studies at home. In the same year, he sat for matriculation examinations at St. John's High School, Umtata.

Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, a Zulu, was born in Natal, the eldest of eight children. She completed high school at the Amanzimtoti Training College in 1967. In 1971, she started her studies in Zoology and Botany at the University of Zululand, from where she obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Science (BSc). She subsequently started her medical studies at the University of Natal.

Jacob Zuma - had no formal school according to the ANC's info page.

It is strange how all, or most of the ANC dignitaries had their schooling in SA under the "bad old Bantu education system", yet they all have obtained degrees at reputable Universities:

Govan Mbeki - South African politician,
Yusuf Lule - Interim president of Uganda 1979,
Kaiser Matanzima - President of bantustan Transkei,
Oliver Tambo - member, African National Congress,
Joshua Nkomo - Founder of the ZAPU,
Nelson Mandela - Former President of South Africa,
Lionel Ngakane - South African filmmaker,
Seretse Khama - First President of Botswana. Later Sir Seretse Khama,
Julius Nyerere - President of Tanzania,
Robert Sobukwe - Founder of the Pan Africanist Congress,
Robert Mugabe - President of Zimbabwe, attended 1949–1951,
Kenneth Kaunda - First President of Zambia,
Mangosuthu Buthelezi - Leader of the Inkatha Freedom Party,
Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri - Minister, South Africa,
Manto Tshabalala-Msimang – Minister, South Africa,
Chris Hani - Leader of the South African Communist Party,
Makhenkesi Arnold Stofile – Minister, South Africa,
Bulelani Ngcuka - South Africa's former Director of Public Prosecutions,
Loyiso Nongxa - Vice-Chancellor of WITS,
John Hlophe - Judge President of the Cape Provincial Division of the High Court.

The issue around Afrikaans was a handy stick which the communist propagandists used. They played with the lives and the future of the black students, and today there is a whole generation of blacks who never finished their schooling because they were being used as pawns by the communists. Go to any communist take-over in history and you will see that the one thing a communist regime does not tolerate, is educated people. That is the privilege of the elite.

Please do some serious research and you will see the anomalies in their stories, and how they twist the real facts of history to turn the truth into lies and the lie becomes their new truth.

As mentioned above the thousands of successful black graduates from schools and universities during the Apartheid era. No one ever cares to mention the more than 2,500 class rooms destroyed by fire when hundreds of black schools were burned down between 1976 and 1994, which did leave SA blacks without proper education. The long-term effects of "Liberation first Education Later", has been a nightmare to the ANC Regime to this day, a slogan created by themselves as part of their strategy to make SA ungovernable, starting with the 1976 Soweto Uprisings. They dug a hole for themselves and created generations of uneducated, undisciplined hooligans, for which so-called Apartheid is being blamed to this day.

If education was the key things should have been very different in SA, had they not burned down their own schools at such a rate that the NP Government could not keep up restoring the damaged class-rooms. Those that did receive education ended up as great leaders, entrepreneurs, academics, business people, etc. Speak to someone like Prof. Mogotlane ( and ask him his opinion as to the standard of education during Apartheid vs today and ask him why he thinks blacks do not have education and why they claim not to have received proper education during the Apartheid years. I worked with him and I would enjoy some ignorant liberal taking him on about it, because even his students tried it while we were working at MEDUNSA in the 1980's.

See also
Revolution in Black SA Schools-Part 1

Revolution in Black SA Schools-Part 2

You could even refer to the following liberal propagandist thesis, particularly the first two pages of this chapter.

"Today much is being said about Black education under Apartheid, but the truth is that in 1987 at the height of Apartheid, six million black children were at school, a new record for South Africa at the time. In the previous year 1800 classrooms for secondary education were built by whites, with white money for blacks. About 130 new schools were built. If one considers the schools burnt down by blacks at the same time the education standards of blacks could have been even higher.

At the time black South Africans had the highest literacy rate amongst other blacks on the entire continent. Blacks had eight universities in South Africa producing lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc of world standard. None of those people would say today that their education and degrees are of an inferior standard. Quite the contrary, they are extremely proud of their education they underwent during Apartheid. Telling them that their education was “Sub standard” would be insulting them.

As I have mentioned before, South Africa was a world leader in medical science during Apartheid and established a unique Medical university called MEDUNSA which produced amongst others on average 200 black doctors per year. MEDUNSA also trained nurses and other medical staff." - Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box – Part 5 – Black cognitive ability. Third Rationale for Apartheid.

Now read "How June 16 has lost its meaning"

Open Letter to South African President Jacob Zuma

30 January 2012, 14:36

My sincere and humble greetings, President Jacob Zuma. 

I hope my letter finds you in a good financial state this January.

Perhaps I should begin by saying that I am truly inspired not only by your charisma but also because you are the first man I have heard of who has been flown out of this country on multiple planes all at once. Of course, Chuck Norris is yet to attempt this one.

I think you are the only man I know who can afford flying to New York accompanied by two other empty planes.

For a local kasi-boy like me who has never even been on a single plane, I can only wonder how one guy flies in three planes all at once. In fact, a friend of mine said maybe you had flown with wife number one, number two and maybe wife number three. I told him that would be ridiculous,  wouldn't it? Not the number of wives but the fact that each wife flies in her own plane. Now that would be ridiculous.  

According to news reports, it took three jets, 16 pilots and at least 18 cabin crew members to get you to New York and back. Now, Mr. President, I have heard of the motto “Go big or go home” before. But you, Mr. President, just took that motto to totally different heights.

Even the centenary party you threw over two weeks ago for the ANC was proof that you don’t do small.  You threw what most of us would call “one hell of a mother” centenary party and it only cost R100 million. I am just shocked that, when there are so many hungry children, homeless families and jobless people, the media could only comment about how much of a bore your speech was.  

Again the previous week 'critics' attacked you for the multimillion-rand chartering of “shadow” aircraft for your flight to a UN Security Council meeting earlier this month. "When will the critics stop?” is probably what you are wondering. I mean, it is not your fault that you are a big money spender or is it? You have always been spending money you never had. And both your office and I know that it is the same critics (DA) that advised Schabir Shaik to ask for a repayment of an alledged R2 million that he loaned to you. Poor you Mr. President, everyone is always out to get you; but what the DA and Shaik do not understand is that the money you are stylishly spending is not yours but the tax payers’ money.

I can understand why most people are "jealous" of you, Mr. President. Who wouldn’t be? Opposition parties are just bitter because the Defence Ministry would never do the same for them. In fact, the Defence Ministry would actually think that any SA citizen is out of their mind to even suggest flying in not just two but three planes. I have always known you were a very important man, Mr. President, but this is a perfect reminder to all those who have recently forgotten that you are in fact still running this country.

If you would allow me Mr. President, I’d like to shove these numbers down the throats of all the "jealous" people who are making a lot of noise about your travelling style. News24 reported that “according to aviation sources it can cost up to $15 000 (R120 000) an hour to charter a Global Express, with a flight to New York taking up to 18 hours.”

Now I would actually challenge a lot of your education system’s pupils to do the math on this one but, even with their good grades I doubt they can. So let me simplify it for them, Mr. President. I even need Julius to understand this one. If it costs one plane R120 000 per hour, then for 18 hours it would cost the plane R2 160 000. Now, if there are three planes, it would mean they (all three planes) cost R6 480 000 just to fly to New York. Now that is quite a lot of money, money that our education and health institutes could do with.

I am relieved that most families without food, without a proper house or flushing toilet and the victims of the recent floods will probably not read this letter. I am relieved because if they did read this letter, Mr. President, they would suggest that you could have at least used some of this money to help them instead.

Perhaps people just don’t get it, Mr. President. They don’t see things the way you do. They just don’t get that there should be a huge gap or difference in living standards between them and their president.

I recently read that your jet flew solo to Qatar last week. To be honest Mr. President that was really 'disappointing'. I am certain that after hearing from the UN dignitaries what a grand arrival you made down in New York, people from Qatar expected you to arrive in not three, not four but six (empty) planes this time. We have set a precedent as South Africans and now we can’t maintain the standard or even do better.

But I think you decided on a solo flight on purpose Mr. President; you like to keep us guessing. There has always been this mystery and unpredictable status that so many admire about you. It is good that you keep us guessing as to what mind boggling, newsworthy stunt you might pull next. Always ahead of the opposition I see.

Oh, before I leave you to get back to some brainstorming of the next mind boggling event, there is one thing that always puzzled me about this plane shadowing story: if the SAA Boeing A340-200 was shadowing your jet “Inkwazi” just in case it suffered a mechanical fault, what would have happened if indeed Inkwazi suffered a mechanical fault? Were you going to do a mid-air exchange? And I suppose the Global Express aircraft was there just in case the Boeing also suffered a mechanical fault then you’d do another mid air exchange.

I always knew that MacGyver (an American fictional secret agent) had nothing on you... Well Mr. President, let me leave you to rest, I am sure you must be tired from your trip to Qatar where you probably blessed them with your Zzzuma speech and knocked them dead.

Kind regards.

Vusi Kokela (your biggest fan)

Read the original letter HERE

Sunday 29 January 2012

World Report on Human Rights 2012 : South Africa

This 22nd annual World Report summarizes human rights conditions in more than 90 countries and territories worldwide in 2011. It reflects extensive investigative work that Human Rights Watch staff has undertaken during the year, often in close partnership with domestic human rights activists.

Below is the section on South Africa extracted from the report.

The full report is available for download HERE

South Africa

South Africa continues to grapple with corruption, growing social and economic inequalities, and the weakening of state institutions by partisan appointments and one-party dominance. Attacks on freedom of expression, particularly attempts by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) to tamper with media independence, raised serious concerns about the government’s commitment to the protection of basic civil and political rights. In April 2011, images of the brutal, public murder by the police of Andries Tatane during a peaceful protest in Ficksburg to demand better service delivery elicited public ire regarding police brutality. Despite these concerns, institutions of democracy, among them the South African Human Rights Commission and the Public Protector, remain highly active.

The Foreign Policy White Paper, published in late May, failed to clarify the thrust of South Africa’s international agenda, dashing hopes that a country with strong constitutional protections of rights at home is ready to assume a leadership position on the realization of rights worldwide.

Freedom of Expression

Following year-long deliberations, the Ad-Hoc Committee on the Protection of Information Bill tabled a new draft for parliamentary approval in September 2011. The bill is designed to regulate classification procedures of state information and proposes prison sentences of 15 to 20 years for publishing information deemed to threaten national security. Public engagement on the bill has been vociferous, with civil society arguing that, if promulgated, the bill would silence the media and whistleblowers and condone overreaching state secrecy. Despite improvements to the bill—such as the establishment of an independent Classification Review Panel and limitations on institutions that can classify information—it remains flawed. The absence of a public interest defense, permitting the publication of information that serves the public, is its most notable weakness. Public pressure—coordinated through the Right2Know Campaign, a civil society network of organizations opposed to the Protection of Information Bill—forced the ANC’s bill on September 20 to allow for further consultation.

Concerns regarding the ANC’s attempts to curtail freedom of media persist. The party periodically invokes the spectre of a media appeals tribunal, which would see statutory regulation of the media. Also of concern is ANC’s growing hold over the country’s public broadcaster, the South African Broadcasting Corporation.

Vulnerable Workers

Despite legislation protecting the rights of workers and being highly organized, workers in various sectors of the economy continue to face severe challenges; farmworkers are particularly vulnerable. The failure of the government to enforce labor and tenure laws renders them defenseless against powerful employers. Human Rights Watch’s research in the Western Cape, the second-richest province with the largest number of farmworkers in South Africa, uncovered a number of exploitative conditions under which farmworkers interviewed work and live. These range from occupational health and safety hazards, including exposure to harmful pesticides; evictions without access to short-term shelter and poor housing conditions on farms; difficulties in forming or joining unions; and unfair labor conditions, such as pay below minimum wage.

In response to a report that was the outcome of the Human Rights Watch research, and the efforts of other civil society organizations, several South African government officials committed to addressing abuses and enforcing labor laws, in spite of negative reactions from farm owners.

Women’s Rights

South Africa’s maternal mortality ratio has more than quadrupled in the last decade, increasing from 150 to 625 deaths per 100,000 live births between 1998 and 2007, with HIV playing a role in many of the deaths. The United Nations estimates that 4,500 women die each year in South Africa due to preventable and treatable pregnancy-related causes. This is despite South Africa’s wealth, reasonably good health infrastructure, and strong legal and policy framework, which includes a constitutional guarantee of the right to health.

Generally poor health outcomes—especially maternal and child mortality—are a result of various factors, including fragmentation; inequalities between the public and private health sectors regarding the availability of financial and human resources; the accessibility and delivery of health services; and a high disease burden, particularly HIV/AIDS. The government’s failure to provide effective oversight for the implementation of existing reproductive and sexual health-related laws and policies contributes to South Africa’s high and increasing maternal death rate, as does a lack of accountability for recurrent problems in the health system, including abuses committed by health personnel.

The country’s women and girls continue to live with insecurity despite efforts to curb violence against women, specifically sexual violence, which has been on the rise. Several studies indicate that the failure of the criminal justice system to investigate and punish sexual violence has created a culture of impunity for rape. The rulings of magistrates and judges sometimes trivialize the gravity of rape. Judge Mogoeng Mogoeng’s nomination and subsequent appointment as chief justice by President Jacob Zuma could erode the gains that have been made in addressing violence against women. Many civil society groups have accused Mogoeng of undermining the rights of women and girls by issuing lenient sentences in cases of rape and domestic violence, and invoking in his rulings myths about rape that often blame the victims and excuse perpetrators.

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

During the 17th UN Human Rights Council session, South Africa successfully pushed through the adoption of the first-ever UN resolution on sexual orientation and gender identity. This action affirmed South Africa’s endorsement of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people worldwide, but does not address the concerns of the LGBT community at home. A 2011 Human Rights Watch report found that, despite the country’s progressive legislation, discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity is widespread in the society and evident in the behavior of government officials, including the police and teachers. Black lesbians and transgender men are especially vulnerable and live under constant threat of verbal, physical, and sexual violence from acquaintances and strangers. Civil society pressure following recent cases of rape, torture, and murder of black lesbians and transgender people has prompted the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development to form a multi-sectoral task team to formulate legal and judicial responses to violence against members of the LGBT community.

Refugee Rights

In 2011 South Africa prevented Zimbabwean asylum seekers from entering the country, and forcibly returned registered Zimbabwean asylum seekers because they did not possess “travel documents,” an unlawful requirement under international law. On June 1 South Africa closed its largest refugee reception office in Johannesburg. Local groups and Human Rights Watch raised concerns this would further exacerbate registration problems faced by refugees and asylum seekers, lead to increased unlawful deportation, and further increase the backlogs in a system already struggling to process over 250,000 cases.

Some South African officials indicated that the country was considering moving refugee reception offices to its borders with Mozambique and Zimbabwe and detaining all asylum seekers while their cases were being considered. Local civil society voiced concerns this would bring chaos and possibly a humanitarian crisis to the South Africa-Zimbabwe border area in particular and lead to a sharp deterioration of already poor decision-making, which would likely lead to increased refoulement of genuine refugees.

International Role

South Africa’s role as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council has been mixed. In Cote d’Ivoire, for example, as forces loyal to former President Laurent Gbagbo were killing Ivorians known or suspected of supporting rival and current President Alassane Ouattara, South Africa chose to focus on the validity of the contested November 2010 elections, which it claimed were inconclusive. That foot-dragging stalled international and regional efforts to resolve the electoral crisis and protect civilians under siege.

In the case of Libya, South Africa surprised its critics by voting in favor of UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973; the latter permitted military action against to protect civilians Muammar Gaddafi’s regime. Zuma was harshly criticized by his African Union peers, as well as some within his administration and the ANC, for this vote. Zuma later backtracked, claiming that South Africa was misled into supporting a NATO-led, Western regime-change agenda. Afterward the Zuma administration failed to criticize the abusive actions of the Libyan regime, as the human rights situation in the country deteriorated. Since then the government of South Africa has used the Libya situation to explain its failure to support UN Security Council action on country situations such as Syria.

In an unprecedented development President Zuma’s more assertive leadership as Southern African Development Community (SADC) mediator on Zimbabwe saw SADC taking a tougher stance against President Robert Mugabe’s continued repressive rule. At a SADC meeting in Livingstone, Zambia, in March SADC leaders challenged Mugabe on his failure to institute agreed reforms under the Global Political Agreement. Later Mugabe launched a scathing attack against Zuma and his mediation panel for interfering in Zimbabwe’s affairs.

Friday 27 January 2012

Invitation to International Supporters of the ANC to Vistit South Africa

This is an invitation to all those people who over the past hundred years supported the ANC in their ruthless cowardly terrorist acts and helped them to take control of South Africa.

A man is judged by his friends, a man is judged by those he associates with and a man is judged by those he supports, therefore it is only reasonable and fair that anyone that supported the ANC over the past hundred years be judged by his support of the ANC. It also then stands to reason that anyone who supports and finances terrorists must be a terrorist himself, even if he does try to disguise the terrorists by calling them "Freedom Fighters".

Please read the following FEW postings made by white South Africans (names removed for their protection) on Facebook over the past few days, because it is as a result of your sick immoral support of a terrorist organisation that caused the pain and suffering of innocent civilians in this country over the past ONE HUNDRED YEARS!.
You deserve to stand accused of the atrocities perpetrated by those you supported and brought to power in this once safe, peaceful and beautiful country!
You deserve living here, you deserve spending a month or two on vacation here, you deserve anything bad, evil and atrocious that happens to you while being here!

This is an invitation to come to South Africa, if you have the guts, because we all know you do not have the guts to face up to your own filthy handy-work, you cowardly sick deluded immoral scum!

Read these stories and then PLEASE come to South Africa for a WELL DESERVED extra-long holiday so that you may personally experience first-hand the harsh realities of the BLACK RUTHLESS SOUTH AFRICA that YOU created!


I was just reading something interesting on another page and it made me think. This is possibly the reason why I am feeling the way I do. Maybe there are some of you that possibly feels the same way I do, and would like to share some of you thought with me. I was quite happy with the way I lived up to standard 1 (1994), from then on the living conditions in this country got gradually worse.

My Mother has survived 9 armed robberies and my sister 6, they work in the retail industry, so that could be expected, right? On another occasion, my mother was stabbed in her back for her handbag, and by the grace of God it missed her lung (purely because of her bra strap that was in the way).

My best friend and his father were out car-shopping in the Kinross/Secunda area, when they were pulled over by a police vehicle, for no apparent reason (he was in standard 5 at the time). They were both shot and killed on the spot.

My brother and his wife were hi-jacked in front of their 3 year old sons crèche last year in Springs.

And so, the list goes on and on, these acts of violence were all committed by black people.

So here is my question then, Is it wrong to call me a racist when this is what they do? This is the reason I don’t trust them, this is the reason I don’t want to be associated with them and this is the reason why I don’t want to share this country with them….


Racism is not a White man’s disease.

I would like to share three instances where my family was victimized on 2012-01-18. This has become the norm and people do not share these experiences as it is has become part of every day living. I dare to make it public for the world to see and perhaps somewhere, someone will take notice.

Incident 1:
As you might have known a few hundred ANC Youth League members marched in Bloemfontein on Wednesday demanding better economic empowerment opportunities from the government. It happened that they marched passed the centre where my elder brother works. Daily, my brother habitually buys Cola from a small café just outside of the vicinity. It happened that at that instant he walked passed the marching ANC youth League members. One of these members provokingly waved a flag into my brother’s face most likely hoping for a reaction. My brother ignored the repulsive gesture and as result the victimization escalated into the form of name calling and shouting “What are you doing here ‘Pinky’, you do not belong here!”, still waving the flag into my brother’s face obscuring his view from where he his walking. My brother ignored the annoyance and kept on walking whilst the aggravating provocation continued. After buying his Coke, more youth league members provoked him still further, this time with the words: “You did not answer me ‘Pinky’, what are you doing here, you do not belong in this country!” Still, my brother ignored the provocation and returned to his workplace, luckily unscathed. Had my brother lost his cool, he surely would have been attacked by the hordes of provoking dim-witted uneducated antagonists. What these mindless rivals forget is that my working brother are being heavily taxed monthly in order for the foolish, jobless, vermin to received a grant every month whilst they do not contributing at all to the economy of this country.

Incident 2:
My oldest brother worked after-hours in order to ensure that economic targets are met. Whilst sitting in his office, he heard some racket from the ground floor. As he walked down the stairs to investigate, three black youths were in the process of stealing a photocopier machine. When they got sight of my brother, all three youths attacked him, hitting, pushing, and roughly kicking him. My oldest brother suffers from a sort of bomb-shock that he got during his military duty. As result, he went into a psychological defence mode and was able to fight back severely, hurting two of the attackers after which they fled. Even though the panic button was pressed, Chubb security only arrived about half an hour later. The Police even took longer. Eventually, at the Police station, my brother had to wait for more than an hour after which he demanded some attention. He requested to see the station commander in order to report the assault. Even though the Police commander took notion of my brother’s discontent, my brother had to complete the necessary documents and even complete his own statement as none of the officers were enthusiastic to take down his statement. Nowadays, victims are being treated like criminals by careless “Law Enforcement” officials who are suppose to protect the innocent.

Incident 3:
My mother was referred to the provincial hospital in Bethlehem to have biopsies done on lumps found in her breasts in order to determine whether it is cancerous or benign. As an old Afrikaner lady, she was treated with the utmost immoral staff members at the hospital. Upon arriving, she went to admissions. She explained to the officials her reason for being there and presented he reference letter from the specialist. The official diminutively asked my mother: “What must I do with this?”, upon which she then responded that she unfortunately did not know as she was told to present this letter when signing into the hospital. With an intense dreadful attitude, she was referred to casualties in a derogative manner. When arriving at casualties, the queue was extremely long and no white person in sight amongst the multiple patients. Eventually, after a few hours, when attention was given to her, she was told that she did not belong there and should return to the admissions office. She returned to the office and remained there for yet a long period. As it was here turn to be admitted, the official on duty blatantly turned her back on my mother and just walked away without any indication whether she would return or not. My mother stood for several minutes after which the frowned-faced-official returned and started attending to other people out of the queue even though my mother was first in line. The total lack of respect, and mocking “entertainment” of these officials with a hate glare in their eyes got the better of my unfortunate mother, and she had no alternative but to leave the hospital without receiving the medical care as stated in our constitution. My mother potentially has a life-threatening disease, and she was “forced” to leave the hospital by a method of derogative mannerisms by people who are suppose to provide loving and tender care to the sick.

Let’s face it, South Africa has become a hell hole for white people, the constitution bare no relevance when your skin is white. By daring to utter this statement, I will be labelled a racist. If only the world could wake-up to the lies and open their eyes. We are alone!


I have been denied the blessing of seeing my grandchildren grow up. My son moved to New Zealand and I have been there. The contrast between there and here is miles apart. NOBODY lives in fear. Children ride their bikes, play in the parks (which are spotless) and have a REAL childhood. The elderly take strolls and THEY ARE SAFE. There are no security gates, high walls, electric fencing, or walls around their houses. The people are so peaceful and live in harmony with one another. My son happened to leave his wallet on the roof of his car at a shopping mall. when he realised what he had done, he went back to his car and lo and behold it was still there. Now that must tell you something. It is so clean and peaceful. If we could afford it we would emigrate there, BUT WE ARE STUCK!!!! I am sick to death of hearing about "apartheid". They can thank God that the white man has handed them so much. They are hell bent on destroying this beautiful country of ours through their corruption, theft, and the countless taxes we are paying to line their pockets. "They pick and we pay". What is it going to take to change things?


Five BLACK "men" - which should read cowards - have attacked Anita Jacobs van Niekerk (62) of Pietersburg, in her house and slit her throat. The official reason for the attack, is "robbery".

They were arrested with her handbag and the money.

Mrs van Niekerk was attacked at 23h00 in her house after the terrorists gained access by bending the burglar bars. At the time of the attack, her 4 year old grandson was in the house, but was asleep and unharmed. She was taking care of him since his mother was murdered 2 years ago.

Mrs van Niekerk survived the attack, but will likely not be able to swallow normally again, and will have to have her vocal cords re-attached.

This is the kind of attacks carried out by savages in response to the "Kill the Boer" song sung by the leadership of the ANC.

(Summary and comment to an article that appeared on the website of an Afrikaans news provider)


A farmer was just shot here on his plot in the Rest Nelspruit about 20 minutes ago he was shot in his stomach and has been taken to the hospital, apparently its the second white person shot in Nelspruit today!

On Saturday night Mr Neville Joseph, his wife and their two friends with two children were attacked on their small holding the rest in Nelspruit. They were having a braai when three armed men stormed on to them, the armed men then spoke to them in afrikaans and English telling them that they will not be harmed,the women were then told to give up their jewellery, Mr Neville Joseph then over heard them talking to one another in Zulu that they were going to first rape the women then kill all of them, luckily Mr Joseph understood their language, Mr Farreira took action and threw one of the attackers with a chair and Mr Joseph also jumped them, they ran around the house then a shot was fired hitting Mr Joseph in his stomach, more shots were then fired but luckily no one was hit! The nearby security heard the shots and the Joseph family also pushed the panic button at this time the attackers fled! Mr Joseph is in hospital and doing ok! His wife is very traumatized but also ok


Afrikaner Boer Francois du Toit (38) was executed by 3 attackers on his farm outside Roossenekal in the Northern Transvaal. He heard a noise outside and got up to get his pistol from the safe - a ridiculous practise forced upon the law abiding citizens by the regime to protect the terrorists - but at that point three terrorists have already gained access to the house, and shot Mr du Toit in his stomach.

Mr du Toit fired back, but none of the terrorists were hit. His wife and children were then tied up with cable ties, which is commonly also used by the Police and which are being used more and more in these attacks. One must ask why it is so convenient that they always manage to "find" cable ties......

Mr du Toit was then executed by a shot behind his ear.

The terrorists left the scene with two rifles, two pistols, some money and cellphones, using the Du Toits' two Nissan Navara's / The one Navara was left on the farm and the other one was found nearby. At that stage Mr du Toit was still alive, but died soon after help arrived.

This is the direct result of the "Kill the Boer" song, sung by the ANC leadership.

(Summary and comment to an article that appeared on the website of an Afrikaans news provider)


Bloemfontein.... Elderly couple attacked for the fourth time since September 2011.
The 70 year old Alje van Deemter and his wife Annemarie (70) were attacked in their house in the crime-ridden Bloemspruit area, on Saturday morning. Mr van Deemter's arm was seriously injured as he tried to prevent being hit on the head with a hammer. Mrs van Deemter had a knife held against her throat. The attacker(s) wore face masks.

No further information is available at this stage, since the media and the news do not consider it important enough news to publish much regarding black on White attacks. It will probably only reach the news in a couple of days when the news will have lost it's impact.


Another White man murdered by black attackers.
Frans van der Linde, a Farmer from Lichtenburg, and his wife was visiting in Brits when 3 blacks broke into the house they were staying in and murdered him. His wife was seriously injured in the attack.

Condolences with the family - who supplied the information since Media 24 and the news services can not be bothered to report on black on white attacks until days after the event.


On average every murder causes trauma to 28 people. Just imagine how much trauma the sick disgusting immoral liberal pro-ANC supporters of the world caused in South Africa. Every piece of scum that ever supported the ANC during the past hundred years of their sick ruthless tyranny has blood on his / her hands and every such person is equally as sick and as criminal as the terrorists they supported.

The Law of Retribution is an unforgiving Law and may punishment for the sick hypocritical do-gooders that supported the ANC be as harsh and unforgiving as is possible and may we the sufferers of their actions be allowed the privilege to witness the full execution of their punishment.