
Thursday 27 October 2011

The Afrikaners' Misguided Attachment to the Netherlands

Due to ignorance the Afrikaner / Boers have this passionate emotional attachment to the Netherlands and their "SO-CALLED" Dutch heritage.

Whereas most other countries saw their Governments spearheading the anti-apartheid drive. In the Netherlands, while the Government was more talk than action, this drive came mostly from the public. The Dutch as a nation was against the Afrikaner, Boer National Party and Apartheid.

Notwithstanding, the Afrikaners / Boers to this day, persist in their attachment to the Netherlands, the nation that sold them out more times and with more ferocity than any other nation. No other country of origin had betrayed the Afrikaner as much as the Netherlands.

It is true that the blood of the Dutch fills the veins of the Afrikaner, because clean blood fills the arteries. While the Afrikaner is not Dutch, but rather a mixed breed of European nations, they do not have this same attachment to their other nationalities of origin, like Germany, France, Portugal, UK, Italy, Greece, etc. The Dutch always looked down upon the Afrikaner and always distinguished themselves from the Afrikaner.

During the Apartheid years very few nations supported the country and Netherlands, the beloved blood-country of the Afrikaner, was not one of those countries.

The Dutch sponsored and financed the terrorist movements in South Africa that led to the murder of many white Afrikaners, yet the Afrikaner continues to hail their Dutch heritage? The Dutch People should be held directly responsible for the killing of many Afrikaners, by having supported, financed and supplied weaponry to terrorist organisations for use against Afrikaner / Boers.

There are literally thousands of sources supporting the above, but the following articles provide sufficient evidence to the case.

Relations between South Africa and the Netherlands
During this century, successive Governments in the Netherlands have over the years encouraged the transition to democracy and equal rights in South Africa. The anti-apartheid movement in the Netherlands was one of the strongest and most effective in the world, which effectively placed a constraint on bilateral contact with the Apartheid governments in many spheres. Three major anti-apartheid organisations existed. Upon democratisation in SA, the two largest anti-apartheid movements (Anti-Apartheid Beweging Nederland [AABN], and Kommittee Zuidelijk Afrika [KZA]) merged and converted themselves into the Nederlands Instituut voor Zuidelijk Afrika (NIZA). Niza conducts projects aimed at development and the upliftment of our people.
Relations between the Netherlands and South Africa have particularly strengthened since 1990, with further impetus given to bilateral relations by the South African referendum in 1992 and the inauguration of the Government of National Unity. Since the breakaway from the Government of National Unity by the National Party, the Government of the Netherlands has on several occasions reiterated its support for the present Government.

International Terrorist Support Groups Thrive in Belgium and Netherlands
Adriana Stuijt - Monday, Sept. 24, 2001
The Netherlands does not have any anti-terrorism laws – and thus openly allowed fundraising and arms purchase exporting by, for instance, terrorist support groups during the anti-apartheid movement's support of the terrorist cells of the African Nationalist Congress (ANC) and the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) before 1994.
Many Dutch citizens – such as the head of the now-defunct "Anti-apartheid movement Netherlands," the journalist Connie Braam – even actively participated in smuggling weapons and bombs into South Africa from Dutch territory and without any intervention from the Dutch government, which even provided government funding for this terrorist support group.
As long as the Muslim-fundamentalist terrorist support groups do not misbehave inside The Netherlands, they can therefore continue to use the Dutch territory from which to garnish economic and material support – including purchasing highly sophisticated weaponry from the local arms industry – even if these directly lead to terrorist attacks outside The Netherlands, as also happened during the terrorist campaign conducted by the ANC and the PAC against the apartheid government in South Africa prior to 1994.

Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives - Netherlands
The first anti-apartheid activity in the Netherlands dates back to 1956 with a protest meeting against the Treason Trial in South Africa. There has always been a special interest in the Netherlands for South Africa due to the colonial era links between the two countries. There was a wide range of anti-apartheid organisations active in the Netherlands, often organised according to (formal or informal) political affiliation. Besides the anti-apartheid groups at national and local level, there were also many other organisations with anti-apartheid activities.
Defence and Aid Fund Netherlands (DAF Nederland) was affiliated to the IDAF and existed from 1965 till 1991.  It concentrated on fundraising for the defence of political prisoners and support to their families in South Africa. It also published informational materials.

Differences British and Dutch Anti Apartheid Movements
In the Netherlands we spoke of sanctions as a form of “economic war”. Economic sanctions had to be real with bite, and not merely cosmetic.  At a sanctions conference held in Amsterdam in 1975 there was a clash on this terminology with a riled Abdul Minty saying that we would be destroying the tolerances of exile host countries with such language, let alone actual action. This despite the fact that in Amsterdam we were already doing pioneering work with “low key intelligence” by infiltrating firms, using unorthodox methods that led to direct results.
See also Program of action of the Dutch Anti Apartheid Movement 1970-77

Resistance to apartheid - International resistance
International anti-apartheid movements - The Netherlands

The non-government anti-apartheid movements were most important in establishing the Netherlands as an anti-apartheid country. The three largest organisations were Werkgroep Kairos, the Anti-Apartheidsbeweging Nederland (AABN) and the Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (KZA). Werkgroep Kairos came into being in 1970 as a result of a connection with the Christian Institute (CI) of Beyers Naude that was based in South Africa. Cor Groenendijk, J. Verkuyl and Erik van den Bergh held influential positions in the movement. Kairos decided to fill the need for a Christian anti-apartheid organisation in the Netherlands as well as focus on informing the Dutch public. As a Christian organisation, Kairos’ aim was to give information to the churches on developments in South Africa. It did not have a broad following, but was very important in church circles, both inside the Netherlands and South Africa.

Sanctions against apartheid South Africa should inspire the Palestinian people
Public campaigns in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands there is a rich history of public boycott campaigns against South Africa between 1960 and 1990.
In February 1985, the sale of Kruger Rands was entirely stopped in the Netherlands.
Sanctions and boycotts against apartheid South Africa have been the subject of many studies in relation to their impact in South Africa and the Netherlands.
A campaign in the Netherlands to isolate South Africa through a sports boycott was inspired by the South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee. There were also calls for a cultural boycott and an academic boycott. The message to apartheid South Africa was that if they continued their racist and oppressive policies, the Netherlands should attempt to cut its ties with the country.
In her studies into the role of the anti-apartheid organisations in the Netherlands, the South African scholar Genevieve Lynette Klein draws the following conclusion: ” It needs to be remembered that the white South African apartheid regime identified the Netherlands’ anti-apartheid actions as highly dangerous and effective. This is another reason why the Netherlands’ actions are considered so important, but it has little to do with the actual nature of the actions. Already in 1965, when the Netherlands’ government offered 45.000 euro to an organisation that gave legal assistance to political prisoners, the South African government reacted very extremely. This was because South Africa interpreted actions by the Netherlands’ government and public as much more serious than actions by other countries. The Afrikaner still looked to the ‘blood-bond’ experienced at the start of the 20th century, and in the light of this, expected the Netherlands to support them.”

South Africa Embraces Dutch Fans Despite Past
In the 1990s, Mohamed served as general secretary of the Pan Africanist Congress, a liberation movement outlawed under apartheid, along with the now-ruling African National Congress party. Because of his underground political activities, Mohamed -- whose mix of Malaysian, African and European ancestors classified him as "colored" under the apartheid system -- was forced to occasionally go into exile. Among the places he visited was Holland in the 1960s.
"We were running from the police in our country, and the Dutch took us in and protected us," he said. "I went to a supermarket in Leiden and couldn't' believe my eyes -- Dutch people giving out stickers protesting oranges grown in South Africa under apartheid. They said, 'If you eat this orange it's like sucking the blood of black South Africans,'" he said.
"I'll tell you, of all the European countries I've been to, I love the Dutch most," said Mohamed, a dark-skinned native Afrikaans speaker. "It was the Dutch who supported us in our struggle. They gave us millions of rand (South African currency) -- maybe out of a bit of guilt, but mostly out of generosity I think."

South African blacks forgive the Dutch
Back in 1987, when African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela languished in prison, the Dutch soccer legend Ruud Gullit dedicated his footballer-of-the-year award to Mr. Mandela.
The next year, Mr. Gullit recorded an anti-apartheid song, “South Africa,” with the reggae band Revelation Time. It was a striking, unusually political statement for a European soccer star.

Shell House / Luthuli House
Luthuli House is a 22-floor high-rise building. The ANC headquarters are officially located on the 7th floor, while the 6th floor houses the office of the Secretary-General.
Previously known as Shell House, it was bought by the party from Royal Dutch Shell upon its unbanning and return to South African politics in 1993 for R20,000,000. It was renamed in 1998 after Chief Albert Luthuli.

Note: It was no coincidence that the ANC Head Quarters were housed in Shell House and later bought from the Royal Dutch Shell Company.

The European Union promoting democracy in South Africa: strengths and weaknesses
On 28 September 1976, the Dutch presidency made the following comments at the UN: “False solutions to the problems of apartheid […] such as the establishment of homelands and Bantustans as presently pursued by the South African Government promote rather than diminish racial discrimination […] Apartheid has no future and constitutes an unsupportable violation of human dignity” [Speech by M. van der Stoel, Netherlands Foreign Minister, at the Thirty-First General Assembly of the United Nations, 28 September 1976, New York, European Community]. In 1977, the Belgian Presidency on apartheid: “[…] a form of institutionalised racism and deprives the majority of the inhabitants of the full exercise of civil and political rights. The Nine recently decided to examine a variety of different actions they could take to bring their collective influence to bear on South Africa to put an end to apartheid” [Speech by H. Simonet, Belgian Foreign Minister, at the Thirty-Second General Assembly of the United Nations, 26 September 1977, New York, European Community]. These two declarations are quoted in Holland 1988 (pp.32-33).
In 1976, the UK, France and West Germany voted against UN resolutions calling for investment, trade and arms embargoes while other Member States supported such measures.
The UK had clearly opposed the support of ANC-related organisations and had affirmed it would not have continued diplomatic relations with the ANC if the latter had not ceased recurring to violence.

Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa (NiZA)
Trade unions, churches, local governments and development organisations all played an active role, as did organisations focused specifically on solidarity with Southern African struggles. Dutch groups were active not only in building pressure to change Western policy and isolate South Africa but also in directly supporting Southern African liberation movements. The groups often worked together in coalition, despite rivalries and strategic disagreements. Together they reached into all sectors of Dutch society, having a powerful impact on public opinion.

Web Dossier: The Netherlands against Apartheid
Anti-Apartheid and Southern Africa Solidarity Movements in the Netherlands, 1948-1994
Background information with the anti-apartheid and Southern Africa collection

A­Z list of Anti-Apartheid organisations (See number of Organisations in the netherlands)

Leiden University Mandela Scholarship Fund
Leiden University  - Donor
Mandela Scholarship Fund established at Leiden University, Netherlands when President Nelson Mandela received an Honorary Doctorate from the University. African (post) graduate students will have the possibility to study for a period of a year at Leiden University.
Type: Bursaries, scholarships, foundations named after Mandela
Source: Leiden University website
Date: 12 April 1999
City: Leiden
Country: Netherlands
Continent: Europe
ID: T00170

Unfortunately the following article is in Dutch, but it shows the general feeling towards the white Afrikaner South Africans.

Het gevaar Bosma

Onder de radar van de meeste mensen en de landelijke pers door schoof Martin Bosma, de partij-ideoloog van de PVV, in Het Parool afgelopen zaterdag zijn visie op Zuid-Afrika naar voren. Bosma-watchers wisten al dat hij zich om de Afrikaner taal bekommert, maar hij ging dit weekend een paar stappen verder. In de verkeerde richting, natuurlijk.

Spijtig dat links Nederland het ANC aan de macht heeft geholpen. Het Afrikaans en het Afrikaner volk zullen waarschijnlijk vernietigd worden. Dankjewel, Ed van Thijn voor je onbaatzuchtige idealisme.

Allereerst heeft Nederland weinig tot niets heeft gedaan om het ANC aan de macht te helpen. Zingende Nederlandse voetballers hebben het Voortrekkersmonument niet aan het wankelen gebracht en activisten als Klaas de Jonge evenmin. Het waren de Afrikaners zelf die onder toenemende druk uit binnen- en buitenland (waarbij inderdaad ook Nederland een rolletje speelde) het ANC legaliseerden, Mandela vrij lieten en uiteindelijk vrije verkiezingen voor iedereen uitschreven. Het volk van Zuid-Afrika heeft Mandela’s ANC aan de macht geholpen. Op democratische wijze. Kennelijk heeft Bosma het niet zo op democratie en de macht van de meerderheid. Het zou me niets verbazen.

De op zich vreedzame omverwerping van de apartheid in Zuid-Afrika werd gekenmerkt door bende-oorlogen tussen zwarte groeperingen en gewelddadige en bloedige wanhoopsacties van Afrikaners. Ondanks jarenlange uitbuiting, moord, onderdrukking en marginalisering van de zwarte meerderheid, en ondanks het stijfkoppige verzet tot op het laatste moment, besloot het ANC dat ook Afrikaans één van de officiele talen van het nieuwe Zuid-Afrika moest zijn. Afrikaners, hun taal, hun godsdienst en hun cultuur werd geen strobreed in de weg gelegd. Sterker nog: echte hardliners hebben al een beginnetje van een gedroomde, etnisch zuiver Afrikaner Volkstaat gecreëerd: Orania.

De gedachte dat de verkiezing van het ANC – het einde van de apartheid dus -  spijtig is, is afschuwelijk. Spijtig is het dat het minderheidsregime niet veel eerder is gevallen. Spijtig is het dat het zo lang heeft geduurd en dat er zo veel slachtoffers zijn gevallen. Natuurlijk zou het spijtig zijn als de taal van dichter Breyten Breytenbach – Bosma noemt hem natuurlijk niet, die “verrader van zijn volk” die het bovendien bestond om de tweede man van Wilders tegen te spreken – zou verdwijnen. Maar het staat in geen enkele verhouding tot de verschrikkingen van het apartheidssysteem.

Het is hoogst verontrustend om te zien hoe Bosma en de zijnen de geschiedenis herschrijven als een pervers en simplistisch spelletje tussen ‘links’ en ‘rechts’, waarbij links de schuld heeft van de immigratiestroom uit de jaren zestig, Hitler links was, de Servische volkenmoordenaars helden zijn, het ANC de Afrikaners dreigt te ‘vernietigen’ en de apartheid nooit had moeten worden afgeschaft. Bosma is een ideologisch revisionist met maar één doel waarvoor hij zich door geen historisch feit laat belemmeren: links moet kapot.

Ik geef u te raden wat mijn antwoord daarop is, als linkse Nederlander. Maar dat mag ik natuurlijk niet opschrijven.


  1. Inside South Africa, the Afrikaans speaking nation call the Enlgish "Rooi Nekke", and in turn, the English call the Afrikaners "Dutchman". However, the black nation see ALL white people inside South Africa, irrespective of the spoken language, as "Dutchmen". It appears that the black man on the street is totally unaware and ungrateful to his Dutch benefactors. he will attack, maim, torture and kill ANY pale skinned person in South Africa without flinching, justified by believing the false propaganda so freely distributed by irresponsible political speakers. Unfortunately the black African is savage by nature, which is obvious by the way they exterminate their own brothers from the North of Africa, all the way South. The greatest factor that has saved their tribes from obliterating each other off the face of the earth, was the white South Africans. At the risk of their own lives, they halted thousands of tribal faction wars. Their goal was not to destroy, but to uplift, ALL of South Africa into a successful, first world country. Unfortunately, they turned South Africa into a jewel, to be desired by many. To gain the wealth of the country, its citizens are being destroyed in many different forms. Those educated in the ways of politics, are crying out for help to the very powers that created this malignant regime. The message is clear: You made the mess, now help us to fix it. In the same manner that outcries were made against inequality to support the ANC, so should the same outcry be made against the inequality now experienced by all the minority groups in South Africa. Job opportunities should be available to EVERYONE, irrespective of race, based on capabilities. The cost of basic services including water and electricity should be to the account of every person, not carried in large scale by only the white population. Public transport services, including trains, busses and taxis, should be safe for ALL citizens to use. Public services such as policing and nursing should serve all citizens equally. The education system should be uplifted as a goal, and not lowered to appease the lazy. Unfortunately, it has become clear, that the rule of fairness by which the Afrikaner was forced to forsay his country, is as misguided as his attachment to the country that betrayed him.

    Nederlandse parlement stem mosie oor SA af
    2011-11-29 22:58

    Den Haag. – Tot die skok van die voorsteller het die Nederlandse parlement gistermiddag ’n mosie van kommer oor die situasie in Suid-Afrika afgestem.

    Die mosie is verlede week tydenstydens die begrotingsdebat oor buitelandse sake deur mnr. Kees van der Staaij, leier van die klein Staatkundige Gereformeerde Party (SGP), ingedien.

    Die algemene verwagting was dat die mosie aanvaar sou word, aangesien mnr. Uri Rosenthal, minister van buitelandse sake, in sy antwoord te kenne gegee het dat hy die mosie “omhels”.

    In sy mosie het Van der Staaij gevra die parlement moet kennis neem van die gewelddadige misdaad en die verskraling van persvryheid.

    Die regering is versoek om te kyk hoe hy Suid-Afrika kan bystaan met die voorkoming van misdaad, opsporing van misdadigers, regsondersteuning en anti-diskriminasiemaatreëls (’n bedekte verwysing na regstellende aksie).

    ’n Meerderheid van die parlement het die mosie verwerp.

    Die linkse opposisie het daarteen gestem, maar ook die gematig regse partye in die regerende koalisie, die liberale en die Christen-Demokrate.

    Omdat geen debat gister gevoer is nie, is die redes vir die partye se verwerping van die mosie onbekend.
