
Friday 23 May 2014

The Grooming of an ANC Politician

It is always interesting to study the backgrounds of politicians and learn how they were groomed and made into golden boys.

One such golden boy is the ANC's Tito Mboweni

He made the headlines again today when in an article ("SA needs to transform economy") he was quoted as saying:

South Africa needs “bold, decisive, courageous and responsible action” to transform its economy.

“We need deep-seated economic transformation,” “We cannot proceed like we have been doing.” Mboweni said on his Facebook page yesterday.

Mboweni, who was nominated as an ANC lawmaker, withdrew his name from the list to “push economic transformation” through his Mboweni Brothers Investment Holdings, he said.

“We need capital in order to drive economic transformation,”

Mboweni said he will continue his work as a professor of economics at a number of universities and may become a chancellor or chairman of council at a university.

He also said he plans to be active in “state structures.” - Bloomberg News

Now please remember that, while he was the While Minister of Labour, Mboweni was the architect of South Africa's post-Apartheid labour legislation. A strong proponent of Affirmative Action and Black-Economic-Empowerment. "Transform" simply means transferring white businesses to blacks (BEE), firing whites to make room for blacks (Affirmative Action) and transferring white owned land to blacks. With all the legislation passed before the elections, like the Employment Equity Acts, etc. Mboweni is clearly one of the guys instructed to drive the process.

As far as the capital needed is concerned it needs to be remembered that Mboweni was appointed in 2010 as an International Adviser of Goldman Sachs International, where he provided strategic advice to the firm on business development opportunities, with a particular focus on South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Mboweni is definitely someone to watch in future, because he seems to be someone that will play a huge role in the dispossession of whites to "uplift" blacks.

Besides him clearly now being the guy to drive transformation from the private sector side, what also caught my attention was the bit about him continuing his work as professor of economics and I wondered how come this guy is a professor. I set out to check up on his credentials. Something interesting about "groomed boys" is that their CV's are standard wherever it is available. Always virtually exactly the same story copied and pasted everywhere else. Also, it tends to always be very concise and without detail.

His CV

I compiled the CV below from a number of sites to see what I could find. The CV is the same wherever it is available, but little bits here and there can be found on various sites relating to the golden boy. Reading through what is available about him it should be quite obvious that he was groomed for big things.

Tito Mboweni (born 16 March 1959)

Mboweni was reappointed to the ANC’s national executive committee, the party’s top decision-making body, in 2012.
Non-Executive Director, Discovery Limited 2014-Present
Non-Executive Chairman Nampak Cartons & Labels June 2010 - present
Independent Non-Executive Chairman SACOIL HOLDINGS LTD May 2013 - present
Previous Chairman of AngloGold Ashanti (AU) - Stepped down in February 2014.
International Adviser of Goldman Sachs International - Appointed in June 2010
Chairman Accelerate Property Fund
Previous Governer of the SA Reserve Bank
Minister of Labour from May 1994 to July 1998
Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Policy in the ANC

Most interesting quote:
"I have never applied for a job in my life so I don't know how to write a CV properly, the key is not to embellish a CV," yet he was Minister of Labour in Mandela's government. A groomed boy never needs to apply for a job, because he gets groomed for a particular job.

He joined the South African Reserve Bank in July 1998 as Advisor to the Governor.
In August 1999 he was appointed Governor of the South African Reserve Bank.

He attended the University of the North between 1979 and 1980, where he registered for a Bachelor of Commerce degree. He did not complete his studies there and left South Africa to go into exile in 1980.

He obtained a Bachelor of Arts (honours equivalent) degree in economics and political science from the National University of Lesotho in 1985. Whos Who's lists the dates as 1985 to 1985.

In 1987 he obtained a Master of Arts degree in development economics from the University of East Anglia in England. Who's Who lists the dates as 1987 to 1987.

Minister of Labour from May 1994 to July 1998

He became one of the World Economic Forum's Global Leaders of Tomorrow in 1995. (This shows that the grooming did not come just from the SACP/ANC's side, but that international players were involved)

Appointed honourary Professor of Economics at the University of South Africa for 2000 to 2003.

The University of Natal awarded him the degree of Doctor of Economics, honoris causa, conferred on him in 2001. (Bloomberg Business Week also lists "Doctorate - Technikon Witwatersrand Hotel School" and "Doctorate - University of Cape Town" no dates provided)

He was elected Chancellor of the University of the North-West and was installed as Chancellor on 23 February 2002.

The University of Stellenbosch appointed him Professor Extraordinary in Economics for the period 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2005.


Mboweni: SA needs to transform economy

Who's Who in Southern Africa - Tito Mboweni

Biography for Tito Mboweni

Mboweni to dust off CV

Tito Titus Mboweni (born 16 March 1959)

Bloomberg Business Week Tito Titus Mboweni BA, MA

African Success - Biography of Tito MBOWENI

SA History Online Date of birth 16 March, 1959



  1. I did what you did two months ago and ran into the same stone wall. There is nothing on this man. I then tried many of the other ANC 'intelligentsia' and came up with zero on them as well. I came to the conclusion in the end they they had been created for the occasion. They are not real.

  2. Maybe you should have updated this post about Mboweni since he has opened his mouth last month with his 'ideas' if you can call it that. It strikes you that the guy is an idiot. Just another front for whoever runs things in the land.
