
Wednesday 9 July 2014

So Steve Hofmeyr is in trouble with appeasers for singing "Die Stem", "The Call of South Africa"?

Patriotic South African, Steve Hofmeyr, calls on fellow SA patriots to continue singing Die Stem, while the liberal appeasers are up in arms.

Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika ("Lord Bless Africa") is a prayer for Africa by Enoch Sontonga and sung on the music of "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" composed by Charles Wesley in 1740.

Die Stem is a prayer for South Africa, our fatherland, written by C.J. Langenhoven in 1918 and set to music by the Reverend Marthinus Lourens de Villiers in 1921.

"Die Stem" ("The Call of South Africa"), which forms part of the New South Africa's National Anthem since 1994, is a prayer written for South Africa, by a patriot for patriots. It was written neither for liberals nor for conservatives, because it was written for the Fatherland!. It was not written for the nation, for any particular people, religious, cultural, language group or race. It was written about and for the love of this great country, South Africa.

It was not written only for the modern day "Boers" and neither was it written only for the modern day "Afrikaners", because it was written for patriots of South Africa, long before the Republic of South Africa was established in 1961. It was written long before the National Party took control of the country in 1948 to break up the country into a number of smaller countries through their policy of Separate Development, referred to as "Apartheid". It was written for the united geographical area, only named "South Africa" in 1910, that so many have been fighting over.

Please do not get confused with the once-off use of the word "Afrikaner", because strictly speaking the word "Afrikaner" is just the Afrikaans word for "African" - Suid-Afrikaners translates to South Africans. It is also worth nothing the the main opposition to Steve Hofmeyr singing "Die Stem", came from high profile Afrikaans speaking white South Africans, generally referred to as "Afrikaners". (See Note at the end)

"Die Stem" is a song that patriots can and do associate with, because it speaks throughout of commitment to the Vaderland (Fatherland). Appeasers cannot associate with it, because patriotism exists neither within their vocabulary nor within their being or their mental make-up. Appeasers of a government do not have the capacity to be patriots, because they are appeasers, ass-crawling sellouts.

Party loyalists cannot associate with a song written for patriots either, because to them their political party always comes first. A patriot cannot be loyal to a political party, because a patriot can only be loyal to his country and his country always comes first.

It is for this reason that patriots only recognise the first three verses and not the fourth verse of the song. As was originally intended by the author, any South African patriot from any background can associate with his original three verses of the song. "Die Stem" originally only had three verses, but the Government, controlled by the Dutch Reformed Church, coerced the author into adding the fourth verse with a religious theme to support with the political agenda of the day as dictated by the church. The fourth verse was not the author's work, it was the manipulative work of government controlled by the church. Patriots are not loyal to deceitful manipulative governments, they are only loyal to their country.

The original three verses spoke only to the country and not to anything or any particular grouping, because it was written by a patriot for patriots of South Africa. The author, when writing his original three verses, clearly understood what patriotism was all about.

Another such patriotic anthem is "Deutschlandlied" - the national anthem of Germany since 1922 - also referred to as "Deutschland über alles", "Unity and justice and freedom for the German Fatherland!", "Germany above everything, above everything in the world," The word "nation" also does not appear in the German anthem. It is all about the fatherland, the country, not its people, not for selected sectors or groups of people or the nation or "volk" speaking any particular language, attending particular churches, having particular political views or belonging to particular political parties.

Unfortunately less than 1% of South Africans are patriots. Patriots understand that only the country matters, because without a country there could be no people, no nation, no languages, no church, no sense of belonging and no future.

Sadly we find in South Africa very little loyalty or patriotism towards the country, the fatherland. Blacks only care about themselves, whites only care about themselves, so-called "Afrikaners" only care about themselves, so-called modern day "Boers" only care about themselves, Christians only care about themselves, Muslims only care about themselves, Zulus only care about themselves, Xhosas care only about themselves. Then we also find that the ANC, SA Communist Party and unions only care about themselves. Big business only care about themselves. Mining companies and the manufacturing industry only care about themselves. South Africa consists of a multitude of diverse selfish groups each only caring about their own.

People rape, murder and deceive one another and politics is always about "people", while patriotism is about the country. Who sold out this country to self-serving communists? People did and people will do it again, which is why "Die Stem" does not even suggest that a patriot should fight, let alone die, for the so-called "nation" or any "volk".

Patriots are a like-minded tribe within any nation. "Die Stem" is not political, not religious, not tribal or cultural, it is patriotic.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." - John F.Kennedy

Long after people had left, died and gone, the country will remain. It is the responsibility of a people to fight for their country. A patriot neither identifies nor belongs to any group, a patriot belongs to a country. A patriot does not expect anything from his country. A patriot does not expect the country to fight for him, because a patriot fights for his country. A patriot knows that his country does not owe him, because he understands his responsibility towards his country and that he owes his country. Self-entitlement is the direct opposite of patriotism. A patriot dissociates himself from self-serving, self-righteous, "us" and "we" groups and parties.

A patriot is an individual. A patriot does what needs to be done, he does what is best for his country, with or without the help or support of anyone else. As an individual, a patriot associates with other patriots, irrespective of who or what they are, irrespective of their ever changing culture and religious beliefs, their language or their ever changing hypocritical political views and affiliations. Patriots do not necessarily belong to any political party, they have no loyalty to political parties, because they are loyal only to their country.

Patriots love their country, and "Die Stem' epitomises the patriot's love for this country, South Africa, our fatherland.

Patriots, "Children of South Africa" sing "Die Stem", because they associate with "The Call" to fight for and to protect South Africa, their fatherland!

Notes on the word "Afrikaner":

The Afrikaans language

The language spoken in the late 1800s was identified by Arnoldus Pannevis in 1866 as being so different from Dutch that he suggested it be referred to as "Afrikaans", using the Dutch word for African to describe a form of Africanised Dutch. The use of the word "Afrikaner" to describe Afrikaans speaking white South Africans came only long after the Afrikaans language became generally accepted.

The Afrikaans language only became officially recognised in South Africa in 1925, as being equal to Dutch. Dutch was officially scrapped in South Africa only in 1983.

"Afrikaander" means "African".

The word Afrikaner was used even long before the Afrikaans language came into being and even longer before the country was united to become the geographical area known as "South Africa". "Ik ben een Afrikaander" uttered in court by Hendrik Biebouw in 1707 is always correctly translated as "I am an African", because that is what it means.

There are hundreds of examples of the use of the word "Afrikaander" ("Afrikaner") long before the Name "Afrikaans" was suggested as the name for the slang-Dutch spoken across the Southern part of Africa at the time. The word "Afrikaans" is also a Dutch word for "African". The Dutch refer to "het Afrikaanse continent" meaning "The African continent". "South Africans" is translated to "Suid-Afrikaners" in Afrikaans.

The original use of the word "Afrikaander" was in reference to people of Africa, Africans, and At the beginning of the eighteenth century the term Afrikaander (Afrikaner) was applied to locally born slaves and free blacks and the Khoikhoi.

It should be obvious that the use of the word "Afrikaander" as the Dutch word for "African", preceded the naming of the Africanised version of the Dutch language, "Afrikaans", by more than one and a half centuries.

While the word Afrikaner has been used to describe an Afrikaans speaking white South African, it remains the Afrikaans version of the Dutch word for African and while everyone born and bred on this continent are Africans ("Afrikaners"), WE are proud citizens of SOUTH AFRICA, our FATHERLAND!

It should be noted that the the main opposition to Steve Hofmeyr singing "Die Stem", came from high profile Afrikaans speaking white South Africans, generally referring to themselves as "Afrikaners".


Hofmeyr sings Die Stem at Innibos

My gedagtes oor DIE STEM (met video) nou hier geplaas

Steve sings "Die Stem" at Innibos (Video)

Hofmeyr defiant over Die Stem

PRAAG supports EFF call to scrap Die Stem

SA PRESIDENT Zuma sings his personal the hate speech anthem: Kill The Boer

National anthem of South Africa

Die Stem van Suid-Afrika (The Call of South Africa)


Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika

Jesus, Lover of my soul

Geschiedenis van het Afrikaans

Afrikaans - Geschiedenis NL Wiki

Die oorspronge van Afrikaans

Afrikaans tel vandag onder grootste tale

Het Nederlands in de wereld: Zuid-Afrika - Theorieën over het ontstaan van het Afrikaans

Afrikaans - Wiki

Afrikaner - Wiki

Die Afrikaner Volk - Die Afrikaners

Roots of Afrikaans: Selected Writings of Hans Den Besten

The roots of Afrikaans

Die ontstaan en groei van die Afrikaanse taal

Pogings om die ontstaan van die Afrikaanse taal te verklaar

Die ontstaan van Afrikaans in 'n intertaal konteks'n%20intertaal%20konteks.pdf

Travel Writing 1700-1830: An Anthology
William J. Burchell - Travels in the interior Southern Africa (p250-)
1812 - Afrikaander

Hendrik Biebouw

Geschiedenis van de Afrikaanse taal

Het eerste geschrift waarin bewust het Afrikaans werd gehanteerd, was het Lied ter ere van de Swellendamsche en diverse andere helden, enz. uit 1795.

Afrikaans: Die Pad Van Ons Taal
Vader van Afrikaans   
Ná die Britse oorname in 1806 het die Kaap verengels weens ’n verengelsingsbeleid om Nederlands en Afrikaans te probeer verdring. Arnoldus Pannevis word as die vader van Afrikaans beskou. Hy was ’n taalkundige en onderwyser by De Gimnasium, ’n privaat skool vir Hollandssprekende kinders. Hy het besef dat die Kaaps-Hollands nie meer as ’n dialek van Hollands beskou kan word nie, maar inderwaarheid ’n nuwe taal is. Hy was die eerste persoon wat die taal, Afrikaans genoem het.

Arnoldus Pannevis

Oorsprong van Afrikaans
Arnoldus Pannevis, ’n Nederlander, wat in 1866 in die Paarl aangekom het.
Pannevis was ook ’n taalkundige en het besef dat die sogenaamde Kaaps-Hollands wat die mense gepraat het, nie meer genoeg ooreenkomste met Hollands toon om dit as een van sy dialekte te kan beskou nie. Hy was die eerste persoon wat die taal Afrikaans genoem het.

The burghers were victorious in their struggle against Cape Governor Willem Adriaan van der Stel and his officials

Hendrik Biebouw – the first Afrikaner?

Voortvarende Hendrik Biebouw

'Het groot Afrikaander volk geboren'

#steve_hofmeyr #DieStem


  1. Great stuff Johan, dankie vir jou moeite, al die verwysings.
    Aracellis Lyall.

  2. Baie insiggewende artikel. Dankie Johan.
