
Sunday, 26 February 2012

‘Dominee, maar jy is soos ’n kleurling’


2012-02-24 22:39
Deur Dirk Kok

Dr. Dawid Kuyler. ’n TV-program oor sy werk as tronk-kapelaan word tans vervaardig vir Issues of Faith.

’N KWARTEEU lank al word daar oor die Belydenis van Belhar geredekawel, verskil en baklei. Die een is daarvóór. Die ander daartéén.

Vir die kwarteeu lank wat dit al woel oor Belhar, is Bloemfontein se dr. Dawid Kuyler ’n Belhar-man in murg, been en siel.

In 1986 het hy in Belhar, op die ou NG Sendingkerk se sinode, sy ja-stem gegee vir dié belydenis. Hy was die jong, wit dominee van die NG sendingkerk Koelenhof vir bruin wynplaaswerkers.

Verlede jaar het hy as skriba van die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (VGK) “met trane van blydskap” toegekyk hoe sy broers en susters van die NG Kerk op hul algemene sinode in Boksburg met ’n meerderheid van 90% vra dat Belhar deel van die kerk se belydenisgrondslag moet word.

Kuyler, kapelaan van die private Mangaung-tronk vir gevaarlike misdadigers, medeleraar van ’n gemeente in die tradisioneel bruin woonbuurt ­Heidedal, kerkleier en dosent, sê sy oë het oopgegaan in sy studentejare op Stellenbosch en in die Koelenhof-kerk waar hy verantwoordelik was vir die pastorale versorging van plaaswerkers sonder regte.

“My pa-hulle was Nasionaliste, so ek het in daardie dampkring van apartheid grootgeword en eers goed begin bevraagteken en ’n ander perspektief begin kry in die filosofieklas van prof. Willie Esterhuyse en op kweekskool toe ek die wonderlike voorreg gehad het om klas te hê by proff. Willie Jonker en Nico Smith. Volkekunde het my ook ’n ander prentjie gegee oor swart mense. Daar het ’n hele klomp skuiwe gekom in my manier van dink.”

En toe, in 1985, word hy beroep as leraar van die Koelenhof-kerk.

“Ek het twee goed daar geleer. Die een was dat my gemeentelede, net soos ek, mens was. Ek kon nie meer na hulle kyk deur die bril van apartheid en kleur nie. Hulle was mense vir wie ek verantwoordelik was. Ek het ook beleef hoe mense afgebreek is omdat hulle geen geleenthede en moontlikhede gehad het nie.

“Dit het my oë oopgemaak. Ek moes vir myself vra: Wat beteken die evangelie in sulke omstandighede?”

Dit was die ontstuimige jare van die “noodtoestand”.

“Dit was ’n slegte tyd met die veiligheidspolisie wat ons geteister het omdat ons een van ons twee kerkskole beskikbaar gestel het om vakbonde vir plaaswerkers te stig, wat nog onwettig was. Van my kollegas is sonder verhoor toegesluit. Die stryd teen apartheid is op verskillende vlakke gevoer. Plaaswerkers was die weerloosste. Daar was nie die nuwe wette oor afsetting en minimum lone nie en hulle het nog deurgeloop onder die dopstelsel. Vir daardie ouens om vas te byt en Belhar te ondersteun, het van hulle helde gemaak, net soos die ander struggle-helde.”

In daardie jare was hy ietwat van ’n “stoute outjie”.

Hy onthou ’n dag wat hy “so ’n bietjie vir ’n veiligheidspolisieman ‘gepreek’ het dat hy hom vir sy werk behoort te skaam”.

Sy gemeentelede mag nie in die see geswem het by Bettiesbaai waar wyle dr. Hendrik Verwoerd eens ’n huis gehad het nie. Die jong ds. Kuyler het “aspris” saam met sy kerkmense daar geswem.

In daardie kerk het hy die mooiste ding in sy lewe gehoor. ’n Kerkraadslid se woorde was: “Dominee, ek hoop nou nie jy gee om nie, maar jy is soos ’n kleurling.”

Oor al hierdie dinge het hy Belhar gekies.

Vir sommiges was en is hy ’n verraaier.

“My belewenis was dat dit vir sommige NG dominees moeilik was om ’n ou te hanteer wat ook wit is, maar deel van die swart kerk. Ouens het jou gesien as ’n verraaier. Dit was dikwels die belewenis, want jy was nie solidêr met hulle nie. Maar weet jy, die ondersteuning en solidariteit van my swart kollegas het meer as opgemaak vir al daardie dinge. Vir my gaan dit nie oor ’n rasse-issue nie, maar oor ’n geloof-issue: Waar staan ek?

“Omdat ek in die NG Kerk grootgeword het, was dit vir my dikwels in ons gesprekke maklik om te verstaan wat sit agter spesifieke denkwyses. Ek dink dit het sommige ouens kwaad gemaak. Daar was ook baie goeie NG Kerk-kollegas wat oor die jare heen pro-Belhar was. ’n Ou kan nie almal oor dieselfde kam skeer nie.”

Oor verlede jaar se besluit van die NG Kerk-sinode in Boksburg is hy dankbaar.

“Ek glo die Here het sy Gees oor daardie vergadering gelei. Dit stuur ’n positiewe boodskap uit dat die NG Kerk regtig ’n nuwe koers wil inslaan.”

Die Belydenis van Belhar is nié die monster wat sommige mense dink dit is nie, sê Kuyler.

“As jy met ’n vooropgestelde persepsie na Belhar kyk, kan jy nie altyd sy waarde ontdek nie. As NG mense Belhar lees en jy haal die opskrif uit en hulle weet nie dit is Belhar nie, dan het hulle geen probleem daarmee nie. Ons het dit in Bloemfontein getoets en ’n ou tannie dit in ’n ouetehuis laat uitdeel. Hulle het geen probleem daarmee gehad nie. Ek dink dominees speel ’n geweldige rol daarin hoe daar na Belhar gekyk word. In die plekke in die NG Kerk waar Belhar aanvaar is, is dit waar dominees ruimte geskep het en gesê het kom ons lees dit en laat die belydenis self met ons praat.

“Die Pellisier-gemeente het al jare terug Belhar aanvaar. Niemand het hulle gedwing nie. Hulle het besluit om dit te lees en te bestudeer. Ek dink die ouens met ’n klomp argumente teen Belhar het vergeet ander belydenisskrifte het ook in kontekste ontstaan en veral in baie sterk politieke kontekste. Jy kan nie Belhar losmaak van sy ontstaanskonteks nie, maar jy moet vra wat wou Belhar in daardie konteks sê.”

In Amerika en Duitsland word Belhar gebruik om onderskeidelik uitdagings weens die destydse rasseskeiding en die instroming van immigrante te pak vir kerkeenheid in diversiteit.

“Dit is vir my wonderlik dat Belhar nie meer aan die VGK behoort nie en ander mense dit gebruik om hul uitdagings aan te pak. Dit behoort dieselfde in Suid-Afrika te wees. Kom ons vat Belhar en kyk wat sê dit oor eenheid en versoening, maar ook oor geregtigheid. Want sonder geregtigheid kan jy nie versoening hê nie. Dit gaan nie net oor die herstel van geregtigheid nie, maar oor compassionate justice waarvan Dirkie Smit praat.

“Ek dink Belhar is nogal soos ’n staf of ’n kierie wat jou kan help. Dit is nie ’n stok waarmee jy ouens slaan nie. Dit help jou besef die kerk behoort aan die Here en al die mense, uit verskillende groepe, is almal die Here se kinders in een kerk en ons het mekaar nodig.

“Die Here het ons bymekaar gebring en ons móét die voorbeeld van versoening leef in ’n land en wêreld met soveel spanning en verdeeldheid. Die kerk moet sê: ‘Kyk hoe kán ons saamleef’. Dit is vir my sleg dat kinders by skole die voorbeeld stel van hoe mense oor alle grense heen een kan wees en die kerk doen dit nie.

“Die kerk het sy taak by die Here gekry om toe te sien dat reg en geregtigheid sal geskied, en dat ons sal omgee vir alle vorme van nood van mense en dat die kerk die stem sal word wat namens hulle praat en ook die hand wat hulle sterk. Belhar se laaste artikel oor gehoorsaamheid word soms deur mense vergeet: dat ons aan die Here gehoorsaam sal wees en nie bang sal wees wat die wêreld en mense sê nie. As ek moet kies tussen wat mense sê en wat die Here sê, dan is dit obvious.”

Kuyler sê hy sal graag ’n gereformeerde kerk in Suid-Afrika wil sien wat regtig verteenwoordigend is van alle mense en rasse en wat ’n rol kan speel in versoening en geregtigheid.

“Ek sal graag ’n kerk wil sien waar mense verantwoordelikheid vir mekaar aanvaar en dit in liefde doen. Dit is vir my baie keer sleg as ouens van oorsee kom en in die townships tuisgaan en gemeentes daar besoek, terwyl daar ouens aan die ander kant van die treinspoor is wat nog nooit daar was nie. Dit is ook lekker om te sien as NG lidmate grense oorsteek en hulle vertel jou hoe dit hulle verryk het.

“As die Here met my ’n pad geloop het en my met die jare kon verander, veral deur blootstelling, kan ander ook grense oorsteek sonder om bang te wees. Dit is vir my steeds ’n avontuur. Ek leer elke dag nuwe dinge.

“Dit is veral belangrik vir ons middeljarige ouens wat dit aan ons kinders skuld om ’n beter Suid-Afrika agter te laat.”

Vind die oorspronklike Volksblad artikel HIER

Saturday, 25 February 2012

South Africa - Attacks 01 January 2012 to 24 February 2012

Information as posted by Boere Krisis Aksie (B.K.A.)

BENONI: Jandre de Lange shot at but manages to escape. One attacker dead.
MARBLE HALL: Farmer shoots at armed trespassers – both drown trying to get away.
ERASMIA: Armed attack sees farmer hit with bricks and a pipe.
DURBAN: One armed attacker shot dead by security firm.
FIVE HEAD of cattle killed after attackers cut their tendons.
AMANZIMTOTI: Beautiful story of horse rescuing its rider after armed attacker stabs her with knife, tries to rape her.
JOOSTENBERGVLAKTE: Second farm attack in less than a week.
RUSTENBURG: Reports of a white woman pulled from her car and raped; three black men killed by rioting mineworkers.
LUNEBURG: Lattie Rabe and his spouse Leonie brutally assaulted by armed black attackers.
POTCHEFSTROOM: Dairy farmer David Hall shot execution style and wife rescued by their dog by three armed attackers.
WOLMARANSSTAD: Two stock thieves arrested before further incidents.
HAZYVIEW: Farm attack, but community shoots back and attackers flee.
LUIPAARDSVLEI: Krugersdorp couple attacked by armed men – shots fired, but no injuries.
MAN assaulted and kicked in front of his 3-y-o by blacks attackers because he ran over a chicken.
JOOSTENBERGVLAKTE: Mr Weber shot dead through his window on smallholding.
BRITS: Farm attack by blacks and vehicle stolen.
RAYTON: Community members arrest 2 blacks after attack on Mrs Holloway on her smallholding.
PARKVIEW: Rowena Murray Brown murdered brutally with hammer.
RANDFONTEIN: Community members arrest two black attackers.
EAST RAND: Department of Education hastily backtracks on a letter to schools on “Apartheid genocide”.
NELSPRUIT: Anton Naude wounded by black attackers on his farm.
AMANZIMTOTI: Dries de Bruyn (18) brutally attacked with pipe by five black attackers.
BETLEHEM: Lucy van Wyk (70) attacked and assaulted.
CAROLINA: Journalist attacked and shot.
MAGOEBASKLOOF: Elderly woman stabbed with knife on her farm.
GEORGE: Man murdered in his home by black attackers.
ANC HIT SQUAD probably free: policeman and army officer accused of political assassinations will probably go free, says lawyer.
KEMPTON PARK: Pensioner pleads with family to take him out of hospital – “They’re going to kill me” – dies two days later.
CRAIGHALL PARK: Neighbour finds murdered man’s corpse.
PARKTOWN: Domestic worker risks her own life by defending homeowner against armed attackers.
WESTONAREA: Four teenagers threatened with knifes, assaulted and robbed. Police not interested in case.
KRUGERSDORP: 84-year-old Hannes van der Merwe brutally attacked in armed attack by three blacks.
ANC government planning new law to make tapping of phones without a warrant legal.
BLOEMFONTEIN: Woman raped by black attacker – child forced to look on.
AMERICAN SUPPORTERS will rally on 27 February for our cause
GEORGE: Leon Durant murdered in his home.
KRUGERSDORP: Elderly lady of 84 brutally assaulted and robbed by black attackers.
CROYDEN: Homeowner shot dead by black attackers despite desperate attempt by housekeeper.
WAKKERSTROOM: Ingrid Anna Niebuhr (71) murdered in cold blood by slitting her throat.
BLOEMFONTEIN: Security guard shot by four armed attackers.
MTUBATUBA: Elderly Vivien Tillett (90) dies in hospital after brutal farm attack.
MEYERTON: Shaidy Trickett (7) wounded by armed black robbers.
DESPATCH: Elderly Cathy Petzer (79) assaulted, tied up by three armed black attackers.
MOUNTAIN VIEW: Anita de Bruyn (22) shot twice at her home by armed black attackers.
WELKOM: Paraplegic Thys Henzen (43) assaulted by police, raped in police cells.
GLAUDINA: Three incidents on farms in a week.
MIDRAND: Jason van Vuuren (34) shot dead after arriving home from a business trip.
BOKSBURG: Pastoral couple Meiring robbed by armed black attackers as they leave church.
ROSEBANK: Two police officers arrested after soliciting bribes.
BOTHAVILLE: Elderly couple attacked and struck by panga – both in hospital.
DURBAN: Environment campaigner Snowy Smith (65) struck with hammer by black attackers.
BALFOUR/KRIEL: Ex-nurse brutally raped, murdered and dumped in maize field.
BRONKHORSTSPRUIT: Allen Hepburn stabbed to death on his smallholding by black attackers.
MEYERSDAL: Ex-Springbok rugby player Japie Mulder robbed for third time by armed black attackers – one attacker shot by neighbour.
KLERKSDORP: Vet Roelf Theron and wife Liesel attacked by armed blacks – minor injuries.

EUROPE: 48 Parliamentarians sign a motion to discuss the situation in SA in the European Parliament.
STATISTICS SA: of the 57 987 commercial farmers of 1993 less than 36 000 left. 300 000 farm labourers now unemployed.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

First Property Letter Awarded the Liesbeeck River in South Africa

The first property letter along the Liesbeeck River awarded to Jacob Cloete as Free Citisen on 21 February 1657, which reads as follows :
Uninhabited land... stretched out land... zero population, accept Free Citisens... and a few nomads passing through in search of employment.
Just one of a vast number of examples proving that blacks did not inhabit the land when the White Europeans arrived in South Africa.

Die eerste grondbrief langs die Liesbeeckrivier toegeken aan Jacob Cloete as Vryburger op 21 Februarie 1657. Onbewoonde grond... uitgestrekte land... geen bevolking behalwe Vryburgers... en 'n paar nomade wat rondswerf en werk soek

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Zuma calls for rewriting of SA’s history

Siyabonga Mkhwanazi
Thursday, February 16, 2012

President Jacob Zuma yesterday called for the re-writing of the country's history in order to acknowledge the role played by heroes of the past who fought against colonialism.

He said South Africans could forge unity and build a better society if all communities correct the false history that was written by the country's former colonisers.

Addressing about 2000 people in Cape Town at the 300th anniversary of Griqua chief Adam Kok, Zuma said now that a democratic government was in charge, it was time to correct the history of the country.

During the years of colonialism various ethnic groups had waged resistance wars against land seizures and as a result produced many heroes.

Zuma said the Khoi and Griqua communities, particularly Adam Kok, had played a pivotal role in the fight against land dispossession.

The time had come for South Africa to accord the heroes in the fight against colonialism and apartheid their rightful place in the history books.

"Our freedom will be meaningless and not complete if we do not go back and rewrite our history as we know it and correct the wrongs in the history that was written by colonialists who oppressed us," Zuma told the crowd.

"Remember that unity is the most important thing for all of us as this nation. Working together we can do more.

"Somewhere in the middle of the history of our struggle, after the formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910, all of us realised the need for unity and when the ANC was formed the call was loud and clear that we must work together.

"We have achieved freedom, we need now to unite more to build our nation to realise our history to be indeed one South African nation united in our diversity.

"Now the task is in our hands. In the past, before 1994, we could say we were not able to do anything because the wrong people were in government.

"Now it is we who are governing, let us do the right thing for ourselves."

Zuma further told the gathering that his administration was on a drive to recognise the identity of the Khoi-San communities through legislation. Parliament would drive that process through the Traditional Affairs Bill.

"It provides for representation in houses of traditional leaders and the participation of Khoi-San leaders in municipal councils," Zuma said of the bill. "The bill also provides for the establishment of an advisory committee to investigate and make recommendations on the recognition of Khoi-San communities and leaders."

In his address earlier, Griqua King Adam Kok V said he appreciated the efforts the ANC made to recognise his nation and the role its forebears played.

Although it had been 17 years since the dawn of democracy, Griqua and Khoi-San communities had not fully reaped the fruits of freedom.

"I would like to appeal to the government to give our people jobs and job opportunities in the same concept of black economic empowerment," Kok said.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Storm Warning: Financial Tsunami Heading This Way


Tel Aviv University  (TAU)  researchers develop financial "seismograph" for early detection of collapse waves in the global market. 
Credit:  Tel Aviv University 

In today's global village, national coffers are more interconnected than ever before. And as the current economic crisis has proven, a downturn in one country can travel in a wave across the globe, like a financial tsunami. Now, researchers from Tel Aviv University, in collaboration with the Kiel Institute of World Economy in Germany, have developed a market "seismograph" — a new methodology that measures the interconnections between stock markets across the globe. It has the potential to serve as an early warning system and provide measures to manage and mitigate the spread of financial crisis.

The method sheds new light on the structure of the global financial village, says Ph.D. student Dror Kenett, working with Prof. Eshel Ben-Jacob of TAU's School of Physics and Astronomy and Matthias Raddent and Prof. Thomas Lux from the Kiel Institute. Recently published in the journal PLOS ONE, the research investigates connections among individual major world markets by analyzing the concurrent behavior of the stock market as a global whole.

Their approach studies individual economies in the context of the global financial village, exploring the flow of information between financial markets, says Kenett. "It has become both vital and critical to understand the relationships and dependencies among the world's markets," he explains, suggesting that each country could use this method as a tool for analyzing the extent of its connection to particular foreign markets and identifying where they are at risk — prompting protective financial measures.

Financial ties that bind

There's nothing new in analyzing the correlations between stocks in an individual market, using parameters such as market index and volatility to determine whether prices of stocks will rise or fall in tandem. But with this project, the researchers have introduced the concept of the "meta-correlation," in which they measure the average correlation of countries' stock markets against one another. The result is a precise understanding of how changes in one market impact another. At worst, these connections can lead to a fast spread of financial crisis.

To develop their method, the researchers looked at data from six major world markets — the U.S., the U.K., Germany, Japan, China, and India — from the beginning of 2000 to the end of 2010. Choosing the leading stocks in each market, the team then mapped the correlations between the groups of stocks from each country over the 11-year period. With the exception of China, which tended to operate independently, the researchers discovered an interesting pattern of interdependencies between these markets. Some markets, such as the U.K. and U.S., were closely connected, as predicted. But there were also surprising findings, such the fact that Japan fluctuates in its financial alignment between western and eastern countries.

Predicting economic disaster

According to the researchers, this method of understanding market connections could help each country predict when a financial crisis is imminent, allowing it to set up policies that will protect their own markets from becoming dangerously intertwined with struggling markets. "In the current era, when the global financial village is highly prone to systematic collapses, our approach can provide a sensitive 'financial seismograph' to detect early signs of global crisis," Prof. Ben-Jacob says.

There are different safety mechanisms that each country can implement, continues Kenett, citing Greece's financial problems and their impact on the European market as a whole. "Germany is so invested in Greece that they don't have an option other than to bail Greece out," he says, noting that if it had been able to see the extent of their dangerous connection with Greece, Germany could have opted to reduce its investments earlier.

Having attracted the interest of governmental financial ministries, the project will now be extended to include even more markets. "With such high frequency data, you can have almost real-time or short-time predictions on how economic information flows throughout the world," Kenett notes.

To read the article, see:
Contacts and sources: 
George Hunka
American Friends of Tel Aviv University

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Activism and Optimism: The Syrian Uprising – An Interview with Karam Nachar

Posted by eric.stern in International on December 18, 2011 10:32 pm / no comments
Conducted by Justin Schuster

Revolutions and democracy are not easy. People who think you have a revolution one day and the next day you have democracy, stability and economic growth – no, that’s a joke. I think Syria is going to be in turmoil for the coming three to five years but at the same time I think that’s totally fine. We’ve been under the Assad regime for the past 41 years and under the Baaths since 1963 and it’s getting time to be able to get rid of them.

The revolution has its doves and hawks. The hawks are people that think there is no other way than to ask for international intervention. They are very scared that the revolution will be defeated before this actually materializes. They don’t know how it’s going to happen but they want to push for something – Turkish, NATO, something to bring the regime down. They think the regime is like the Libyan or the Iraqi regimes in that it will never have a breakdown on its own. They think the regime will keep killing people until there are no more people willing to demonstrate. The longer the revolution lasts, the more hawkish people are becoming. There are people that are for international intervention and for the militarization of the revolution like the Libyan model, by letting go of the peaceful means of demonstration and actually carrying arms. This is becoming more and more of a reality because of the defections from the army. The defectors are keeping their weapons with them even though they have no ability to actually fight, and so I think that any talk about a civil war in the country is completely immature. At the same time they are attacking every week or two a convoy or a building that belongs to the security apparatus in the country.

Then there are the doves: people who believe the revolution should persist in the way it started no matter how many people are dying, and they should keep demonstrating until the revolution becomes really massive.

Read the full article HERE


Deur Genl. Johan van der Merwe
1. Die Algemene Sinode van die NG Kerk het in 2011 besluit om die Belydenis van Belhar op kerkordelike wyse deel van die NG Kerk se belydenisgrondslag te maak en dit aan die Moderamen opgedra om die nodige kerkordelike prosesse hiervoor in werking te stel. Die Moderamen het uit hoofde van die opdrag te kenne gegee dat dit hulle verantwoordelikheid is om dit te doen met die heel beste inligting, studiemateriaal en gespreksgeleenthede. Ek het in die lig daarvan hierdie memorandum in oorlegpleging met oud-lede van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag en die hulp van ander gelowiges opgestel. Die doel is dat die memorandum  as feitegrondslag vir die Moderamen uit die hoek van oud-lede van die SA Polisiemag moet dien. Lede van die SA Polisiemag het hulle gedurende die onstuimige tydperk in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika toe die Belydenis van Belhar tot stand gekom het, daagliks in die spervuur van konflik en geweld bevind. Hulle moes elke dag die wrange vrugte pluk van geestelike leiers wat in kerklike gewaad rewolusionêre bedrywighede bedryf het wat regstreeks of onregstreeks bygedra het tot die dood en verminking van burgerlikes, onder wie weerlose vrouens en kinders.  
2. Ek het bloot met sekere oud-lede wat nou betrokke was by die rewolusionêre stryd oorleg gepleeg wat die feite betref en wil hoegenaamd nie die indruk wek dat hierdie memorandum die standpunt van alle oud-lede van die SA Polisiemag verwoord nie. Ek stel my persoonlike standpunt oor die aanvaarding van die Belydenis van Belhar. Ek beskou dit as elke oud-lid wat aan die NG Kerk verbonde is se reg om persoonlik oor die aanvaarding daarvan standpunt in te neem. Daar is meer as 15 000 blanke oud-lede van die Polisie. Dit is onbekend hoeveel van hulle lidmate van die  NG Kerk is. Dit is gevolglik onmoontlik om met almal landwyd in verbinding te tree. Die oud-lede met wie ek oorleg gepleeg het, is wel landwyd versprei.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

White Refugees from Third World Barbarism: The Case of South Africa, Part 1

Lara Johnstone
July 26, 2011

Excerpts from the full article that can be found here

White South African Refugees

On 27 August 2009 the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) granted Canadian Refugee Status  to White South African Brandon Huntley. The IRB ruling found that Huntley “was a victim [of persecution] because of his race rather than a victim of criminality, who presented clear and convincing proof of state and security forces’ inability or unwillingness to protect him.”
Read more here

Most Whites in South Africa Feel Persecuted

In early September 2009, four mainstream newspapers in South Africa did surveys on the Huntley issue, revealing that 74% of White citizens felt that they were being persecuted in South Africa for reasons of their race (Beeld: 83%; Die Burger: 62%; IOL: 65% and Rapport: 87%).

By 2009 over 600 South African Whites were refugees in foreign countries (170 in Germany, 111 in USA, 46 in Ireland, 33 in Canada, 24 in the UK, 18 in France and 15 in Australia), because they had a well founded fear of being persecuted in South Africa, for reasons of race, religion, nationality or membership of a particular social group or political opinion.

The South African goverment did not dispute any of the 600 refugee’s justifications for their refugee status with the relevant governments, limiting their challenge to the claims made by Brandon Huntley.
Read more here

Human Rights and Refugee Agencies Are often Hostile to White Refugees

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Occupy South African Embassies 15 March 2012

The New South Africa, created by FW de Klerk and ruled by the ANC Regime, is today the most violent, most dangerous country on Earth. The videos listed below contain graphic material not appropriate for immoral liberals that support the ANC and neither is it appropriate for viewers under the age of 18.

Occupy South African Embassies, March 15, 2012


Occupy South African Embassies, March 15, 2012

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Renaissance Vanguard issues an invitation to all Nationalists, Third Positionists, South African ex-pats, concerned members of the public of sound and decent conscience, etc. to stage a one-day “occupation” of South African embassies against the ongoing genocide of the South African Boervolk. We ask you to consider staging “occupation” protests at all South African embassies in Western countries on March 15, 2012. The RV is limited to proposing and requesting this action/occupation; in the business world this would be called a “proposal for consideration. If our proposal and request result in acknowledgment and significant turn-outs on the suggested target date is out of our hands. We anticipate at the Center of “Left” and “Right.” The Gathering at the Vesica Piscis is latent. As such, the first business to be resolved on the dedicated Facebook page is if a six-week timeline is too tight for an undertaking of this scope and needs to be extended.

The RV owes a debt of gratitude to the organizers and participants of the South Africa Project for having inspired this call to action. The SAP is calling for and organizing a one-day protest against “the murder, the torture and the genocide of the White South Africans” at Amerikan state capitals only for February 27, 2012. In recognition of the SAP’s efforts, the RV has issued an invitation in good faith to the SAP organizers to partner with our proposal, agreement to which is pending.

The RV’s proposed Occupy South African Embassies action focuses specifically on the plight of the Boervolk for two reasons: 1. it is the Boervolk who directly represent the 4,000 farm murders in South Africa since the coming to power of the African National Congress in 1994 and who have been forced into state-engineered poverty; 2. as part of the RV’s overall Mission Statement, we unconditionally support the creation of a fully autonomous Boer Republic, and request that this propaganda be included on the day of occupation/protest. (Note: The political and legal difficulties of “Jus Sanguinis, Right of Return to Europe” for African White Refugees are outside the scope of this action.)
We do not discount the plight of the English Afrikaners of South Africa and how they will be affected just as seriously and tragically as the Boervolk in a post-Mandela South Africa. As such, we include as part of the RV’s overall Post-Peak Oil secessionist mandate the inclusion of the creation of autonomous ethno-states for English Afrikaners and the Bantu. Separation of the races, total and complete, we feel is the best solution for all concerned in this tragic country.
Each NAmerikan and European city is called on to assume individual responsibility for the proposed one-day occupation on March 15, 2012. Street permits from local authorities, recognition of local bylaws, printing of posters and signs, contacting local media, etc. will all have to be fielded and coordinated by local organizers. The primary purpose of our Facebook group is to act as an information clearing house, and networking and coordinating medium for all those who choose to accept this proposal and invitation to action, and to make this action the best, the most principled, and the most effective it can be. It is a simple request to address a very complicated, brutal, and deadly situation.

Occupy South African Embassies, March 15, 2012. This genocide of the Boervolk must end. The vicious blackout of the Boer genocide by the Western media must end. The silence and complicit endorsement by all Western governments of the Boer genocide must end. The Ides has it!
This must all end!

 South Africa is the canary in the Globalist coal mine.
Disclaimer: The Renaissance Vanguard strongly requests that all NAmerikan cross-dressing assclowns and Nutzis not participate at these proposed events. Your public relations sabotage and “support” are not welcome. Adult and European National Socialists, please tread with care and decorum.

Steve Hofmeyr on Genocide



To view the name list click HERE


To view the name list click HERE

Stop the Boer Genocide

State Sanctioned racist murder of white farmers in 

South Africa

White Genocide in South Africa

War of the Flea (trailer)

Silent cry of the Boer

White Genocide: The Evidence (Full)

This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy prohibiting hate speech. (Against the Black ANC Regime) Apparently YouTube does not appreciate the truth being spoken about the beloved ANC Regime, because they do not want any negative publicity against the regime people like themselves helped put in power.

White South African genocide

South Africa: Boer Genocide, year 2011

South Africa: Stage 6 Genocide!

Stop Plaasmoorde / Stop Farm Murders

White Genocide: The Evidence - Part 1

White Genocide: The Evidence - Part 2

White Genocide: The Evidence - Part 3

White Genocide: The Evidence - Part 4 (EP)

South Africa White Genocide of Afrikaner People 

Graphic Images

Africans Abandand We have to help them!

Boer GeNOcide

New South Africa: genocide review

Sadly the above video is narrated in Afrikaans only. 
Produced by Project 2010. October 2010.
This video contains a short but detailed review on newspaper and radio reports, only about murders on Afrikaner-Boers the past few years. The video contain "only" 350 paper reports and 29 radio reports in Afrikaans, the language of the Afrikaner-Boers. This is only a few of the total murders of the Afrikaner-Boer genocide that is currently present in die "new" South Africa under the cover of "crime".

###White Genocide.wmv

"Isreal's support against the 

South-African white genocide"

Farm Murders South Africa

Welcome To The Real South Africa

"I decided to make this video after the brutal attack by so called robbers on a one year old baby girl. I want the world to see just what the so called new South Africa is really like, to warn all potential sokker / football fans who want to visit the country for the World Cup, and to highlight the genocide against the Boer / Afrikaner / White comunity of South Africa.
Crime does affect everyone in SA, but if you took into account that 3300 + white farmers have been murdered since the anc took over in 1994, malema's constant singing about killing the Boer, and the fact that SA's president jacob zuma does nothing to either stop him, or help the whites then you will realise that there is full blown genocide in SA."



This video was made as a response to the video below



Farm murders in South Africa Part 1 of 2

Farm murders in South Africa Part 2 of 2

Crime Documentary - South Africa 

(Full version - Part 1)

Crime Documentary - South Africa 

(Full version - Part 2)

Sky News report on racist farm murders 

in South Africa

Uploaded by rudiprinsloo on 19 Jul 2006
"Since 1994 close to two thousand farmers have been murdered in tens of thousands of farm attacks in South Africa, many brutally tortured and/or raped, often in front of family members also taken hostage. The South African government calls it crime but often nothing is stolen. These brutal attacks are carried out by well armed organised (often very young) blacks against defenceless white farmers and their families and not even infants or the elderly are spared. Zimbabwe pales in comparison. Where is the world-wide outcry? Mandela, wipe that smile off your face."

More to follow.....

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

What Is The Price Of Your Values, Morals and Soul?

26 January 2012

What decides whether you will sell out your personal values to the highest bidder? It can be reasonably suggested that there would be no corruption in the world if people refused to sacrifice their value systems for monetary compensation. So why does it happen?

A neuro-imaging study shows that personal values that people refuse to disavow, even when offered cash to do so, are processed differently in the brain than those values that are willingly sold.

The experiment is curious one especially considering its funding sources namely the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the National Science Foundation. Seeing that the ONR is responsible and at the very least facilitates acts of espionage, one may question why they are so interested in funding an experiment which has the potential to teach us how to better manipulate decision makers.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is also comfortably tied to many studies seeking a scientific understanding of corruption. Through a NSF grant, Sheheryar Banuri, a political economy doctoral student, initiated a dissertation research revolving entirely around "An Experimental Study of Bribery, Nepotism and Patronage." The goal? To counter anti-corruption policies of course.

Why Whites Would Lose A Fight Against Africans

The other day a friend of mine said that a fair fight is a fight where there are set rules and both parties abide by those rules, only then is it a fair fight. Fighting against Africans cannot be a fair fight, because they do not abide by the rules, which is why whites cannot win against them, unless they adapt themselves appropriately, which seems unlikely at this stage.

South Africa won a huge war against the combined forces of mighty Russia and communist Cuba, because it was a fair fight. the South African Defence Force had the superior motivation, determination, the superior strategy and equipment. Our men had superior training under the command of the best tacticians and experts in warfare. In a fair fight where it was strength measured against strength South Africa had to win against the strongest military forces in the World, because at the time South Africa was recognised as the third strongest military force on earth. There were numerous other factors of course, such the fact that we knew the terrain, our vehicles and equipment were developed and tested for the terrain and for the particular battle, we are the masters of guerilla warfare, and many other factors. The fact remains that it was a fair fight where the strongest, best adapted, best prepared and equipped WON!

The difference is that currently it is a completely different ball-game altogether. The SA Right-Wing easily talks of war, but they have not even studied their opponent, they do not understand their opponent and they think they are going to a gunfight governed by set rules that both parties would abide by, but they are being ignorant and foolish, because they have no idea what they would be up against.

The French and the Americans learned this lesson in Vietnam, because they thought they were entering a conventional war, a fair fight, where strength would be measured against strength, but the Vietnamese do not fight that way, they do not fight a fair fight. The Vietnamese caught them and held them in cages where they had the rats eat them alive. They caught them, kicked open ant-heaps and lay the American soldiers over those ant-heaps, then painted them with honey and let the ants eat them, slowly, while dying of thirst and hunger at the same time. They would chop down the bamboo, then tie the American soldiers down across those chopped down bamboo and allow the bamboo to grow through them, slowly killing them in the most inhumane ways, while the other soldiers in cages would watch their friends die. They would hang them upside down, bury them alive, chop them up with knives and let them scream themselves to death from sheer pain. That was not a fair fight, they could not win the fight, because the Americans did not expect what they confronted with. They Vietnamese broke their spirit, drove them mad and insane, they demotivated and demoralised them in the most atrocious, unthinkable of ways. The Vietnamese did not abide by the rules and they broke all the rules, they made their own rules, which rendered it an unfair fight. The Americans were not prepared for such a fight and were not able to fight the same fight, because they were not mentally or physically capable of such inhumane behaviour.

The Boers were winning the Anglo-Boer war, because it was a fair fight, a fight they could fight, that they were able to fight, and once again they were the inventors of guerilla warfare, a much superior approach particularly at the time. The Boers started losing when the British stopped abiding by the rules, which made it an unfair fight. The British started burning down their farms, killing their cattle, destroying their land and homes, burning them to death, rather than shooting them in a fair fight. The British then caught their wives and children, threw them into concentration camps where they murdered the women and children by starving them to death, letting them die from thirst and disease. The rules were no longer being equally applied and they broke the spirit of the Boers, the broke their morale and the Boers had to capitulate, because they could not win an unfair fight. They held the Boer soldiers to ransom and forced them into submission. That is why the Boers lost, because they were no longer fighting a fair fight. In a fair fight they would have won the British, but they could not stand-up to the inhumane strategies of the British.

The Whites of South Africa today may have the guts and they maybe willing to go to war, but they have it all wrong. They think they would be going up against a conventional enemy in a fair fight where the rules would apply as expected in conventional warfare. Unfortunately this is not the case and they would be killed like flies, unless they learn to understand and adapt accordingly to meet the requirements for this challenge.

At the Battle of Stalingrad the Russian army used civilians of all ages as cannon fodder, which drove the German soldiers crazy. The German soldiers forced to shoot civilian women and children armed with nothing but axes and spades. Those women and children, forced to the front-line by the Russian army, were understandably ferocious and unforgiving in their attacks on the German soldiers, because in their will to survive they fought with everything they had, in the hope of making it out alive. Being confronted by thousands of innocent, "unarmed" women and children literally drove many of the German soldiers mad and many of them committed suicide right there on the battle field, while others threw down their rifles and surrendered. It was an unfair fight, an unexpected unconventional approach for which the Germans were not prepared.

In Somalia the American soldiers lost their minds, because they were expecting to fight a fair fight, but they were confronted by 8, 10 and 12 year old uneducated black African children bearing AK47's and the American soldiers could not bring themselves to shooting armed "children", because it was against their morals, their values and their upbringing, it was against their very nature.

Africans do not abide by rules, they do not fight conventional warfare. In a fight whites would take a gun and shoot their enemy, but Africans do not, they surprise you in an ambush, they then tie you up, then they rape your wife and daughters many, many times over-and-over in-front of your eyes and then they slowly trample and kick and hit them to death, then they start stabbing them, over-and-over again-and-again then they rape and sodomise them again while they're bleeding and screaming themselves to death, then they would string your beautiful young daughter up against a wall, by her feet and slit open her stomach and pull out her gut alive, then while they are dying they start hitting you with knob-kieries and sticks, then they would stone you then they would stab you and cut you open with knives, then they would rape you, sodomise you while you're dying then they would chop you up alive with pangas and then if they feel like it they would shoot you in the knees and then in the hips after they had kicked you and jumped on you and then they leave you and your family to die a slow and horrible death. To round it off they would cut out your heart and liver, sometimes even while you're alive and have it for dinner. This is not a fair fight, this is not a simple gunfight or one-on-one hand-to-hand combat. They are like pack-animals, they never come one-by-one, because they are too cowardly for that, they are a gutless breed that always come in numbers in packs like wild dogs, which is not a fair fight. They will break you, they will devour your soul, they will break your spirit. They would catch one of you, pull a tire over your shoulders, fill it with petrol and light you up so that all your soldier friends can watch you being burned to death and make sure everyone can and hear you screaming for help and pleading for mercy. They are not your standard proud conventional enemy, they do not have rules, while you do. They do not have remorse, while you do. They are inhumane and do not have a conscience, while you do. They are rapists by nature and you are not, They are cannibals by nature and you are not...... That is why the largely Christian convert white South Africans would lose it in a straight-forward fight against Africans.

While the Boers were fighting a conventional war with newly invented guerilla tactics on the battle fields the British soldiers were raping and murdering their wives and children back on the farms and in the concentration camps, forcing the Boers into submission and the same would happen to the whites today, because they have not contemplated the nature of the African enemy.

Too many of the white right think that if they were holding a 30.06 fitted with a telescopic sight they could have the upper hand, because they know how to use their weapons effectively with deadly accuracy and they could shoot over long distances, but that is not the fight they're up against. I sometimes laugh when I read the notices calling on whites to go for training, conventional military training, in anticipation of a conventional enemy that would abide by the rules. This tendency proves that they had learned nothing from the experiences of the Boers or the French or the Americans or any other similar war where the enemy did not fight a fair fight.

Particularly over the past 18 years the blacks have been fighting their favourite kind of fight, the inhumane, cannibalistic, typically cowardly style of terrorism intended to instil the fear of hell into their opponents.

The media and the liberals can call them freedom fighters as much as they like, but terrorists will be terrorists and they will remain terrorists. Terrorists are cowards. They plant bombs in primary school playgrounds and restaurants, like the ANC did and they murder and maim innocent children and unsuspecting civilians, children, babies and pregnant women alike. Terrorists do not have the guts to fight a fair fight, they cannot fight a conventional war, because they know they are not soldiers, but cowards that murder innocent children, just like the ANC did. Terrorists rape, burn down houses, kill nuns and priests, emergency medical personnel, they rape and kill babies, they have no morals, no respect for life, they are like reptiles.

Once a terrorist always a terrorist. The ANC terrorised South Africans of all colours and backgrounds for more than half a century and they cannot change their ways, because they are still terrorising us to this very day. The media, the churches and the liberals turned them into hero's for having murdered, raped and maimed children, babies, women, girls and other innocent civilians. They promoted and supported them to become the government so that they could be free to terrorise everyone even more, to be free to steal the state coffers to bankruptcy. They the liberals, the churches and the media, supported and promoted them, they financed them and helped them to become the government so they could become drug-lords, turn South Africa into the rape capitol of the world and to be free to commit genocide against the whites of this country WITH THE SUPPORT AND BACKING OF ALL SOUTH AFRICAN CHURCHES, THE LIBERALS AND THE MEDIA TO THIS DAY! The churches, liberals and the media are denying that these murders are taking place, they are denying the high rates of crime and rapes, because they WANT them to continue terrorising us, because they support it today as much as they supported it back then.

We are still being terrorised by the same terrorists. Terrorists kill, the murder and rape, and they can see nothing wrong with it. That is why the ANC Regime can see nothing wrong with the 50 to 100 people being murdered everyday in South Africa, because to them it is normal, to them it is the right thing to do, because they have been doing it for more than 50 years. They are terrorising people in this country with the unthinkable number of high-jackings, armed robberies, the world record breaking number of rapes every minute of every day. The ANC has done nothing and can see nothing wrong with the high incidence of rapes in this country and they turned it the RAPE CAPITOL OF THE WORLD, because it is in their nature of the African male to rape. People are living in prisons with burglar bars and fencing, armed guards, dogs, and alarm systems. The number of private security armed response businesses shot up by 264% while total active registered security businesses grew by 61% over a five-year period. It is highly sophisticated terrorism. BEE and transformation is nothing other than economic terrorism. They are slowly but surely killing the white race, breaking their spirit and demoralising them, terrorising them by threats of being fired and replaced by unqualified, uneducated, unskilled blacks, taking away their means to earn a living and providing for their families, sophisticated commercial and labour terrorism. This is not a conventional enemy.

They make examples of every case of murder they commit by being as inhumane as possible and then hail the murderers hero's. The ANC's black Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu defends a man accused of hiring three black men to gang-rape his estranged wife, then cutting off her breasts with an angle-grinder and shooting her 19-year-old son dead at point-blank range, by saying he is "a child of God", with the "capacity to become a saint", because ANC leaders who had also killed and ordered the killings, murders and maiming of thousands of innocent civilian people, had also been raised to the status of "Saint" with the help of the immoral SA churches, liberals and media. Remember that the ANC invented Necklace Murders, pulling tires over people's shoulders, filling it with petrol and lighting them up to make an example of them, terrorising everyone so that no one would dare go up against them for fear of also being killed in such monstrous (or should we say "saintly") ways. They rule by fear, because they are terrorists called freedom fighters. They are freedom fighters because they were free to commit these terrorist acts thanks to the support of the churches, the World's media and the immoral liberals of this sick world. Today they are free to do as they please and they are doing it in every way they please with the support of those very churches, media and liberals.

The white right would lose against this enemy, they do not even stand a chance against this enemy, because this is not a fair fight. While the white men would be out fighting in the streets and alleys of major cities, the Africans would be raping, burning and murdering their wives and daughters back in their homes, breaking those men, stealing their souls and their motivation to fight. They would hang the whites from lamp posts and burn them to death for their friends to see, to break them and steal their spirit. Africans rape babies to death, they bash their skulls against concrete walls and as we have seen so many times since the ANC took over, they bash white babies to death with their bare fists, without remorse.

Every murderer admits that only their first murder was a challenge, but once they had crossed that obstacle of the initial murder, it is easy to kill again and again and again. Not one single member of the ANC ever admitted to their crimes against humanity as a terrorist organisation. They were never expected to say they were sorry for any of their murders and vicious cowardly terrorist acts and they never did say they were sorry, because they never had any remorse, not even the messiah of the liberal world, Nelson Mandela himself.

Moral whites do not have the ability to fight the Africans according to their own rules, because their conscience and religious convictions would not allow them to do so. Whites would be fools for thinking they would be fighting a fair fight. They think that by going to a shooting range and shooting at stationary targets, being fit and learning about conventional warfare they would be well trained, ready and prepared to face this enemy in a fair fight. Unfortunately this is not a fair fight, it has never been a fair fight and it never will be a fair fight.

If you want to fight, first study your enemy, study the way he thinks, understand his behaviour and his survival mechanisms, but never underestimate your enemy and least of all never go up against an enemy that does not fight according to the rules you expect him to follow, because you will lose.

"Why Blacks Certainly Would Lose A Fight Against White South Africans" is another discussion altogether that I may just consider publishing one day .....