SECTION-A: Immigration and Assimilation
SECTION-B: Race Problem
SECTION-C: Attack Anti-Whites
SECTION-D: History
1) “Genocide involves the attempt to achieve the disappearance of a group by whatever means. It does not have to be violent, it could be a combination of policies that would lead to a certain group dying out.”
Malcolm Fraser (Prime Minister of Australia 1975-1983)
Attempting to ‘blend’ White people, out of existence in EVERY White country at the same time is Genocide.
Nobody is doing this to ANY Asian country, or ANY Black country.
‘Anti-racism’ is a codeword for Anti-White
2) Alright let’s pretend that thousands of American Whites haven’t been murdered in racially motivated attacks in America and let’s pretend that the Boers in South Africa are not on genocide watch because of their slaughter. Even if the only method of genocide being used was massive non-White immigration into ALL White countries and ONLY into White countries and forced integration and assimilation, this would still lead to the ELIMINATION of a unique human GENOtype, a GENOcide.
3) Mick Dodson, an Aboriginal leader who wrote the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission report “Bringing Them Home” along with Sir Ronald Wilson, has been quoted as saying: “assimilation is genocide”.
Is Mick Dodson a “racist”, or does he get a pass from you anti-whites because he`s a non-White?
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
4) “I don’t support any genocide”
Right, you just support the intentional demographic elimination of White children on a global scale and call it “Celebrating Diversity”. Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, RACIAL or religious group.
Criminals always lie about their actions to avoid punishment for their crimes.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
5) Section C of the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide:
( c ) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Section C applies to what anti-whites are doing to my race:
Flooding our countries with non-whites, force integrating our communities, encouraging us to blend ourselves out of existence and attacking anyone who opposes these things are imposing conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of my race. It’s genocide.
6) Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser is quoted as saying “Genocide does not have to be violent”. Aboriginal leader Mick Dodson along w/ Sir Donald Wilson have said “assimilation is Genocide”.
Genocide-by-assimilation, the blending out of an identifiable group – a race; annihilation by “assimilation”. This is happening to my people, White People, in White countries and ONLY White countries.
“anti-racists” support this FORCED diversity. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
7) If I hated a race, I might campaign to flood all of their countries with millions of people that are not their race, and tell everyone to “mix in”, until no people of that kind were left. If anyone objected, I would scream R-word! at them and get them fired from their jobs.
If I hated a certain race, I might do that. But I am not doing that. Anti-whites are doing it to White people in all White countries and only White countries.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

You lie anti-White.
Sarkozy said that “not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country” why is that “OK” and not “racist” but a White person saying they believe in white racial survival is an “evil racist”?
You anti-Whites are allowed to promote interracial marriage in media, schools and entertainment. Nowhere are White people allowed to promote same race marriage.
9) Anti-Whites like to say Diversity is “freedom” for non-Whites to enter White living space and “mix in” with whomever they wish.
However White people are not allowed to refuse this “freedom”, so it is your diversity we are FORCED to accept.
10) What you don’t realize is that White people have not consented to having their borders opened to non-White immigration…period. This is something that has been FORCED down the throats of White people and ONLY White people. We have been systematically targeted for a particular form of genocide, in this case a force-assimilation. White people have not consented to being assimilated out of existence, that’s what makes this a genocide.
Anti-racist is a codeword for ANTI-WHITE.
11) There are laws to enforce integration in White nations, by gunpoint if needed. Genocide is genocide, whether accomplished by bullets ,mustard gas, or mass immigration and social engineering.
12) If diversity isn’t forced, why are ‘Whites only’ signs outlawed?
If diversity isn’t forced, why is there affirmative action & racial employment quotas?
If diversity isn’t forced, why aren’t White People allowed to vote to stop mass non-White immigration into White countries & only White countries?
If diversity isn’t forced, why is integration of ALL & ONLY White communities forced?
If diversity isn’t forced, then you describe the diversity we are forced to accept?
Anti-racist = anti-White
13) “It’s just freedom of association”
Google images of White girls being marched into schools with Africans at bayonet point, google a list of the FORCED integration of schools; anti-Whites forcing non-White immigration into every White country, making it illegal to have a White town or business, force integrating Marin country, CA. Mandating that every White business hire a minimum number of non-Whites. Constantly implementing “diversity” policies to get more non-Whites into every White country, school, business and organization etc…
14) If the different varieties of white-tailed deer that evolved in the environmentally different valleys of the Great Smoky Mountains were removed from their separate valleys and mixed together in a single area, then in a few generations there would be only one blended “variety” of white-tailed deer.
In the same way, flooding all White countries with non-Whites and legally forcing Whites to mix with them will blend Whites out of existence.
But all the liberals AND “conservatives” who share your views scream the R-word at anyone who opposes this White Genocide!
You say you are anti-racists, but what you are is anti-White!
Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-White!
15) You are saying the few thousands of White people, working in non-White countries like China or Japan, is anywhere near equivalent, to the unending millions of non-Whites being brought into all White countries every year, that are allowed to vote and take over the place, along with the forced integration laws and endless race mixing propaganda in all White countries.??? lol Are you pulling my leg?
Come on just admit it. You are anti-White and you want White GeNOcide.
16) Questions for anti-Whites:
Do you agree that If Saddam Hussein had flooded the Kurdish villages with non-Kurds and ordered the Kurds to “assimilate” and “celebrate this diversity” and thereby demographically wiping out the Kurds as an ethnic group he WOULD have been GUILTY of committing an intentional act of genocide?
Isn`t that what you anti-Whites are doing to White people by flooding our communities with non-Whites and telling us we have to “assimilate” and “celebrate diversity”?
17) Why do you want to deny people the right to their own homelands? Why is this assimilation and race-mixing in ALL White countries and ONLY White countries so important to you? Why do you anti-Whites never talk about flooding Africa with millions of non-Blacks and assimilating them into the Black population to “end hate”, or to “make it more diverse”, or to “fix the economy”, or to “have a perfect harmony”?
18) Answer our questions anti-Whites:
We have explained how forcing mass immigration, “assimilation”, 24/7 race-mixing and other anti-white propaganda on EVERY White country and ONLY in White countries will eliminate White Children globally and is therefore a deliberate program of geNOcide under international law.
Tell us why you claim this is not genocide?
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
19) In your opinion, are White countries permitted to say no to mass immigration and “assimilation” like all the non-White countries?
20) If die-versity and multiCULTuralism are so wonderful, why are we keeping for EVERY and ONLY White countries?
21) Poor justification for the genocide of whites. But I’ll give you a chance to redeem yourself, which Asian or African country would you like to see flooded with non-Asians or non-Africans and the natives forced to integrate, assimilate and produce children with the immigrants?
22) No one says that a Black country needs multiCULTuralism.
No one says that an Asian country needs multiCULTuralism.
Yet in ALL & ONLY White countries, anti-Whites posing as “anti-racists” demand those countries stop being White and become “multicultural”. This is genocide – the targeted destruction of a group.
MultiCULTuralism is a codeword for White genocide and anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
23) They say the final solution to the RACE problem is the third world pouring into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries and Whites “assimilating,” i.e., intermarrying, with all those non-whites.
But if I tell the obvious truth that this is genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
24) Less White people in any given country or town is a great thing and is cause for celebration. However only an evil monster would celebrate less non-White people in a country or town. Die-versity is a code word for White geNOcide and anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
25) I’m not sure what question you are asking here.
Mulattoes? Do they consider themselves White? Do White people consider them White? Are they a new race, only loyal to their own kind?
Obama is a Mulatto, yet is hailed as “America’s first Black President”. Obama’s loyalties are not with Whites. All of his actions on border protection, prove he does not care about White interests. Flooding a White country, with millions of people that are not their race, is GeNOcide according to UN Law.
26) The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Eastern Europe is Dirt Poor. Yet Eastern Europe is regularly asked when they will be ready for this immigration. Why is Eastern Europe supposed to be “ready for this immigration” and not Japan?
They are White.
27) If ALL and ONLY Black countries in 1965 opened their borders and let hundreds of millions of non-Blacks into their countries, and then 90 years later, Blacks are expected to be minorities in the countries that let non-Blacks in; that’s not done by accident. It’s obviously a plan to wipe out the Black race. AKA genocide.
This is what’s been done to my people, White people. It’s geNOcide.
Anti-Whites promote this White geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
28) People say there is this RACE problem and this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries. They say the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-Whites. It’s really just the final solution to the White problem. It’s genocide. They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
29) What if we set aside the assumption “anti-racists” are brainwashed and apply Occam’s Razor to what they are actually doing?
“Anti-racists” Demand all White countries and only White countries be flooded with millions of people that are not their race, until White people become a vanishing minority. If any White person objects to this genocide-by-assimilation, “anti-racists” call them a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
They want White geNOcide.
30) China is predominately Chinese. Japan is predominantly Japanese. In 1965, the United States was 89% White. Nobody is insisting that there is a race problem in Japan or China requiring the problem to be solved by massive non-Chinese immigration into China and non-Japanese immigration into Japan. This occurs in White nations and ONLY White nations.
It IS geNOcide.
Anti-racism is just a code word for anti-White.
31) When it’s pointed out the 50,000 Europeans who’ve been murdered by non-Whites, allowed in Europe over the last four decades by anti-White policies they support, they tell us it’s just growing pains, and that the killings of our race will end once they’ve successfully blended us out of existence into a brown humanity.
Anti-racism is a codeword for anti-White.
32) No one says a country that is 100% Black needs more diversity.
No one says a country that is 100% Asian needs more diversity.
No one says a country that is 100% Oriental needs more diversity.
They are already 100% diverse.
All White countries and only White countries always need to be more diverse. White countries only stop needing to be more diverse when there are no White people left in them.
Diversity is a codeword for White geNOcide. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
33) These riots look like a scene out of a third-world country, because White nations ARE turning into third word-countries through massive immigration and forced integration w/ these 3rd worlders. Whites are about 8-9% of the world’s population. Not only are we a minority in the world but we are poised to become minorities IN OUR OWN COUNTRIES within a few decades. So called “anti-racists” still say it’s Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, and White Countries for everybody! Anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-White.
34) The most common technique used by anti-Whites to demoralize White people is to promote a racially brown future, BUT ONLY IN WHITE COUNTRIES. You haven’t told the Black people in Africa that they have to be blended out of existence; You haven’t told the Asian people that they have to be blended out of existence. It is ONLY White people that are targeted with this tactic and this agenda…It’s genocide…White Genocide
Now you do see why White people see you as a vicious Anti-White?
35) The words “immigration”, “tolerance” and “assimilation” are being used to promote a program of Genocide against White children.
No one’s flooding Mexico with non-Mexicans in some attempt to end “Racism”, and trying to Force Integrate them to create a Blended Humanity. It IS genocide.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
36) “Mixed race people are better”.
Machines guns are better than bows and arrows, that’s why the WHOLE world uses them.
But you anti-Whites aren’t going to Asia and saying “Mixed race people are better, so we’re going to flood your countries with millions of non-Asians and force blend you out of existence”.
You anti-Whites aren’t going to Africa and saying “Mixed race people are better, so we’re going to flood your countries with millions of non-Africans and force blend you out of existence”.
You anti-Whites ONLY demand this be done to EVERY White country and ONLY White countries. You are demanding and justifying the GENOCIDE of my people.
37) Nobody is saying that Africa needs diversity.
Nobody is saying that Asia needs diversity.
They are already 100% diverse.
People are only telling White children in White countries that they need diversity.
White Countries will be 100% diverse when there are no White people left.
Diversity is a code-word for White genocide; anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
38) If I talk about the intentional blending-out (genocide) of my race, the White race, I am called anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. Every other race has a more or less homogenous homeland to go to. But for Whites this is strictly forbidden. Not only are we called the r-word for discussing this, it is ILLEGAL to have all-White communities or institutions the world over. This blatant double-standard is proof to the fact that anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. It IS White geNOcide!
39) Every White country on the planet is forced to become multicultural and multiracial. EVERY white country is told to end its own race and culture. No one asks that of ANY non-White country. Immigration and intermarriage is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries. Anti-whites call themselves “anti-racists”, but their actions lead to the elimination of one race and only one race, my race, the White race. The true goal of anti-racism is to wipe out my race. It is genocide.
40) You’re response to White genocide is “have more babies”? Go to Nigeria and force them to accept tens of millions of Chinese (for the sake of a better economy) and force “integration” and “assimilation” while demonizing any Nigerians who are against this forced “diversity” as “raaacisss” until Black children are minorities in Nigeria and are eventually blended out of existence – then tell Nigerians “stop complaining, just have more babies” – LOL! You stupid Anti-White!
41) Separation is what creates diversity (separate sub-species) and maintains diversity. And ending separation is what ends diversity, by interbreeding separate subspecies out of existence.
The separation between human subspecies in this country has been ended not only by increasing the physical presence of non-Whites here by “immigration,” but also by having constantly repeated the R-WORD until it’s become the automatic reflex of most Whites at any attempts to maintain social separation.
42) Africa isn’t becoming non-black. African people don’t have a policy of mass non-black immigration and assimilation forced upon them. Asia isn’t becoming non-Asian. Asian people don’t have a policy of mass non-Asian immigration and assimilation forced upon them. Yet EVERY white country has to accept a policy of mass non-white immigration and assimilation that no one ever voted for. The anti-whites want a mixed, blended humanity for EVERY white country. They want white genocide.
43) You dont understand the implications of what U are demanding, YOU are demanding White geNOcide; “diversity” is code word for White geNOcide.
Which non-White populations do you demand be more racially “diverse” until there is “enough diversity” to blend the host population out of existence? or are you only anti-White? you only demand White geNOcide, no?
If “diversity” isn’t forced, you describe the “diversity” my People and ONLY my White People are forced to accept?
44) Racial separation is a beautiful thing.
Anti-Whites oppose separation and claim to love diversity.
But it’s a simple fact of evolution that separation is what has produced diversity.
Anti-Whites support a blackout on black-on-White murders. Anti-Whites support flooding White countries with non-Whites. Anti-whites support White genocide and call it anti-racism.
But anti-racism is just a code word for anti-White.
45) Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White Countries for Everyone
There will still be Africans in Africa. There will still be Asians in Asia. But my race is set to be blended out of existence through mass immigration and forced assimilation.
That’s genocide.
This is happening in ALL white countries and ONLY white countries.
This is genocide through racial assimilation.
Wake up and fight the system!
46) Diversity is code word for less White People. Nobody says an Asian country that is 100% Asian needs more diversity. Nobody says an African country that is 100% Black needs more diversity. Anti-Whites claim “anti-racism” and demand diversity for White countries and ONLY White countries. They say it’s Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, and White countries for EVERYBODY!
47) Everybody says the final solution to the RACE problem is for EVERY White country & ONLY White countries to “assimilate” w/ hundreds of millions of non-Whites
What if I said the final solution to the Black problem would be pouring hundreds of millions of non-Blacks into all Black countries & ONLY into Black countries? How long would it take any sane Black man not to notice this? And what kind of psycho Black man wouldn’t object to this on ground of Genocide?
Anti-racist is anti-White
48) Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White Countries for Everybody
Annihilation by Assimilation
Every white country on earth is supposed to become multicultural and multiracial. EVERY white country is expected to end its own race and end its own culture. No one asks that of ANY non-white country.
Everybody says the final solution to the RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to bring in the third world and assimilate with them.
Its white genocide.
1) Let me get this right. Genetic science accepts and can define race while social sciences negate race? Genetic science=based on hard facts and DNA while Social Science=based on egalitarian, leftist biases? I think i can see a problem here!
Are you an anti-White self hating White or a non White?
2) Ah, the ole “out of Africa” hypothesis.
Why is that hypothesis only used to benefit Blacks in White countries outside Africa?
In America & Europe, we’re told “we’re all from Africa” so we have to set aside our ethnic interests to not offend our Black “cousins.”
In South Africa, even though “we’re all from Africa,” we’re told Whites have no right to the country they built. People shouting “we’re all from Africa” to “fight raaacisssm” aren’t anti-racist at all. They’re anti-White.
3) Nobody is flooding Black nations and ONLY Black nations with non-Blacks and saying, “Its OK, there is no such thing as race. So we are going to replace Black people with a blended people.” This is happening in White nations and ONLY in White nations. They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White. And what they want IS genocide.
4) If there is no such thing as race, there is no such thing as genocide. A murderer on death row will swear he is innocent of murder if there is no body. How are the two different? Both are equally delusional. Would you give up on prosecuting a murderer because he is delusional?
All of their arguments result in fewer White people. Don’t let them get away with it.
5) Race is a social construct? A forensics expert will be able to take a hair off of a rotting dead body and be able to tell through DNA the GENOtype of that individual. However, to keep from getting fired, in the next breath they may say race does not exist. But when it comes down to serious business, they will identify the bodies.
6) “Race is a social construct”.
Should ALL and ONLY Black countries be flooded with hundreds of millions of non-Blacks who are then force assimilated into the Black population because “Race is a social construct”???
You anti-Whites ONLY ever argue for this to be done to EVERY White country and ONLY White countries. You are demanding and justifying the GENOCIDE of my people.
7) The only time so called “anti-racists”, ever acknowledge the existence of White people, is when they are calling us names.
“White Trash”, “White Supremacist”, “White Racist”, etc, etc..
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

So you’re saying that my people don’t exist? and therefore their countries should be flooded with hundreds of millions of immigrants, and then have these immigrants assimilated until my people become minorities, because according to you “We’re all the human race”???
Nobody is doing that to the Black people in Africa.
Nobody is doing that to the Asians in Asia.
Nobody is doing that to the Muslims in the Middle east.
Nobody is doing that to the Mestizo people in South America.
You anti-Whites ONLY ever argue for this to be done to EVERY White country and ONLY White countries. You are demanding and justifying the GENOCIDE of my people.
9) The UN Genocide Law, SPECIFICALLY recognizes the existence of RACE as an ‘Identifiable Group’, to prevent what anti-Whites like you are doing right now.
Your attempt to dehumanize my people, the White race, by saying we are a social construct and we do not exist, will not work.
Dehumanization is one of the 8 steps of genocide.
No one is going to Africa or Asia and telling the people there, Blacks or Asians do not exist. Anti-Whites are only doing this in all White countries and only White countries.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
10) Meanwhile, no one is flooding Africa with Non Africans and telling them… “Race is a social construct” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Africa.
No one is flooding Japan with non-Japanese and telling them… “Race is a social construct” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Japan.
Only White countries are doing this, only Anti-Whites like you are pushing it. Its GeNOcide.
11) Why are you trying to deny the existence of a group, anti-White? This is a process called ‘dehumanisation’ and common in those complicit with the crime of GENOCIDE.
Do you support mass immigration, FORCED multiCULTuralism and FORCED
Multi-racialism in White countries and ONLY White countries?
Do you support GENOCIDE?
Anti racism is a code word for anti White.
12) If we are the same then when skeletal remains are found forensics specialist would say “we have the remains a a male/female human”. They don’t. Instead we hear “we have the remains of a Caucasian male/female or we have the remains of a black male/female”. So are you saying that forensics pathologists (or whatever they are called) are wrong? I’ll answer it for you, no. And that is because we are all human, yes, but race is a biological construct not a social one.
13) Evidence suggest that humans are %1 different than chimps. We all know how different we are from chimps. Now, there is a %1 difference between male and female. There is also a difference of %1 between black and white. But yet you say we are all the same. How is that?
14) Anti-Whites have such a strong sense of White racial identity, that they will routinely associate collective guilt to White children for things that happened thousands of miles away, and hundreds of years before, those White children were even born.
And yet. Those same Anti-Whites will also look you straight in the eye. And tell you that the White race is just a social construct that does not actually exist.
Of course, all NORMAL people can see the obvious contradiction in the above.
But the other point is that Anti-Whites have never let a little thing like reality get in the way of their sick agenda. They say they are Anti-Racist. What they really are is Anti-White. Anti-Racist is just a CODE WORD for Anti-White!
15) One who argues that race does not exist, or the only race is the human race, is stating that genocide has never occurred and cannot occur.
16) The USA is for White people, Silly !
It says so right in the Constitution ‘for ourselves and OUR posterity’, remember?
The USA is not for Everybody, why do you think you have the right to take away White children’s countries and give them to 3rd Worlders? That’s very Anti-White.
Creating a ‘melting pot’ of freaky ‘blended humanity’ in ALL White countries is an act of Genocide.
Why do you justify White Genocide?
‘Anti-racism’ is a codeword for Anti-White
17) What we called a US citizen in the pre-50s, we now call a White supremacist, as everyone was “racist” back then? we just never talked about race because we never had to. “Racism” is the default position; the entire non-White world is “racist” to the bone. Only White people are forced to be race-neutral in order to facilitate our own genocide.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
18) Yes, America is definitely a White country.
The US was created solely by White people. Until just a few decades ago she was 90% White.
The Constitution dedicates America to “ Secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and OUR Posterity.”
That was White people writing those words, so they meant White people`s Posterity, not the non-White global herd of “New Citizens” you anti-Whites have foisted on us.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
19) A White country is one of the countries YOU anti-Whites insist has an obligation to import huge numbers of third world immigrants.
YOU define it all the time. General Wesley Clark defined what he would send American soldiers to die for: “There is no place IN EUROPE for an ethnically pure country.”
There is no place on earth for a Canada that is not multicultural, meaning multiracial.
YOU anti-Whites have defined what we pro-Whites are fighting for.
20) “America is a melting pot”
The Preamble to the United States Constitution states: “for ourselves and our Posterity”.
If the Asians took some land in a war, and then said “We claim this land for ourselves and our Posterity”, they’re not talking about Mexicans, or Africans, or Europeans; they’re talking about Asians and ONLY Asians.
Tell us exactly where in the US constitution it says “We are a melting pot.”
Tell us exactly where in the US constitution it says “We must bring in millions of immigrants and assimilate with them until Whites become a minority.”
Tell us exactly where in the US constitution it says “Oh, but this isn’t genocide on White people!”
21) Anti-Whites decided my country should be a “melting pot”. I didn’t. My people didn’t – there was no public voting on this. So why do they have the moral authority to flood my people with millions of immigrants, then force assimilate these people into my people until my people become minorities in their own home?
Why isn’t Africa, or Asia, or the Middle east a “melting pot”. If all this diversity and multiculturalism is so good, why are we keeping it for ALL and ONLY White countries?
You anti-Whites ONLY ever call White countries “melting pots” and ONLY White countries. You are demanding and justifying the GENOCIDE of my people.
22) Why is White racial survival a taboo topic in this society?
Because of the anti-White PC religion that demands that all White people must celebrate our own geNOcide, or be ex-communicated as “evil nazis”
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
23) You have never heard anybody talk about a race problem?
You have never heard the White race condemned?
You have never heard anybody insist on open borders?
You have never heard anybody say the Final Solution to racism is “mixing THE races”? When they mean only mixing races in predominantly White countries?
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
24) If you think it is “not a big deal” if White people are Blended out of existence, then nominate a non-White people to blend out of existence.
Together we can demand the borders to all of their nations and only their nations, be opened to millions of foreigners until they become a minority. We will encourage everyone to mix in until they disappear. We will call it “anti-racism” and “humanism” but just between you and me, the motivation is Hate.
25) White people can never disprove they are “evil-racist”, our very existence is seen as a form of “race-ism” by the so-called “anti-racists”.
They say all things White must become “diverse” or it is “evil-racism”.
They say there should be no White countries, no White communities, no White schools, no White sports, no White social gatherings, etc.
The anti-Whites give us Whites two choices: Accept White geNOcide or you are an “evil-racist”.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
26) What exactly is this race problem?
No one is flooding Black or Brown countries with non-Blacks or non-Browns.
White countries and only White countries are being flooded with non-Whites.
But anyone who notices this fact is called a Naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews!
“anti-racism” is really code for anti-White: the race problem is White genocide.
27) The NAACP is Black and pushes a pro-Black agenda. That’s called “empowerment.” Tea Partiers tend to be White and are scrupulously non-racialist. They’re called “racist.” That’s why I say anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
28) It`s your anti-White PC State Religion that is doing all the oppressing and censoring.
24/7 anti-White output, ALL pro-white output censored in the MSM as “hate”
You suck up to the head bully and think you can get away with participating in criminal conduct as long as he`s there to stop your enemies for you.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
29) Nobody arrests Japanese in Japan for speaking the OBVIOUS TRUTH, that Zulus are not Japanese
Nobody arrests Zulus in Africa for speaking the OBVIOUS TRUTH, that Japanese are not Zulus
ONLY in White countries are we expected to believe that Turks are Germans,
Pakistanis are Englishmen and Vietnamese are Australians..
Every White country and ONLY White countries are expected to ‘mix’ out of existence
Anti-racism is a codeword for Anti-White.
30) “Because of history ” does not justify White GENOCIDE
“For the economy” does not justify White GENOCIDE
“We all bleed red!” does not justify White GENOCIDE
“Because of colonialism” does not justify White GENOCIDE
“A shortage of doctors” does not justify White GENOCIDE
“We are all human!” does not justify White GENOCIDE
“Race is just a social construct!” does not justify White GENOCIDE
“We are all from Africa!” does not justify White GENOCIDE
Anti racism is a code word for anti White.
31) You say any White person who stands up for their people is a “racist.” When Ghandi stood up for Indian people he was called a hero, When Mandela stood up for Black people he was called a hero, but when anyone stands up for White people they are called a “racist”. Anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-White.
32) “Anti-racist isn’t a code word for Anti-White”
It’s a FACT that no major “anti-racist” campaign ever targets non-Whites. That’s why anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
33) Go to all the Black countries in the world such as Nigeria, Congo, Zambia, etc, force mass non-Black immigration into Black countries, force “integration”, promote “assimilation” in the media, schools and goverment and demonize, ruin, and even jail any Black person who’s against this forced diversity until Black children are minorities in their own countries or worse – then tell the Black people that are left “we are all one people”.
Who do you think you are kidding anti-White?
34) MultiCULTuralism today looks like this…
African countries for Africans
Asian countries for Asians
Israel for Jews or you’re an anti-semite!
White countries for everyone or you’re a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
White people protesting this genocidal hypocrisy are called “race-ist”
Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White
35) Hypocrisy is that all White countries and only White countries are made to accept massive non-White immigration in the name of “diversity,” while others are not. You and similar people with manipulated minds have been conditioned to use the word racism through decades of social engineering to shut up any White person who resists this. Anti-racism is truly and utterly just a codeword for anti-white.
36) Nobody ever says “let’s import MILLIONS of non-Africans into every African country and ONLY into African countries. Then, when the Africans object we will call them “evil-racists”.
Nobody ever says “let’s import MILLIONS of non-Asians into every Asian country and ONLY into Asian countries. Then, when the Asians object we will call them “evil-racists”.
Of course not. They ONLY target White children for extermination. They ONLY label Whites as “evil-racists” for opposing their own geNOcide. They ONLY DEMAND Whites accept this as their reality. They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
37) The R-WORD has been a principal tool anti-Whites have used to further their program of White Genocide. It carries the fundamental lie that racial feeling is a learned pathology rather than an innate biological trait that evolved to protect the survival of racial groups.
Whites are the only race that have been taught that lie, and are the only race that believe it. White people, wake up! We are being targeted for Genocide thru assimilation!
38) Travel to Asia and places like Japan and Korea are almost 100% Asian, China is 90% Han Chinese like America was 90% White in 1965 and there are no crazy anti-racist groups, demanding they become more diverse, ie less Asian.
Travel to any other non-White country in the world and it is the same. It doesn’t matter if the country is rich or poor, no anti-racist groups are in those countries demanding they become more diverse, ie a minority in their own lands.
Yet if you visit any White country, it doesn’t matter which one you choose, you find diversity is celebrated and White minority is demanded and calculated to the exact year in the ones where they got the program started early – USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Western and Central Europe. Eastern Europe is dirt poor and is asked when they will be ready for this immigration, regular as clock work; even Iceland (it only has a few hundred thousand White people lol) is pressured to become “more diverse”, ie less White.
So this diversity nonsense is being pulled anywhere that is White and no where that is non-White.
No White country has ever been allowed to discuss it, let alone vote on it. And after decades of social engineering, most White people are terrified of being called “racist”. anti-racist is a code word for anti-White
Further Reading:
To continue reading - Sections C and D click HERE
South African Situation
Number of whites in steady decline
South Africa: Number of whites in steady decline - A commentary : Ozzie Saffa's Blog
The Future of Non-Black South Africans
Sacramento South Africa Project (Once again read the comments to this video)
What are they going to do when multiculturalism collapses?
Global Situation
A crash course in Counterjihadism for the political Left in Norway (Very interesting reading and also read the other articles on this blog)
PLEASE read : "Guidelines for Norwegian Journalists issued by NJL ( Norwegian trade union for Journalists" on the right-hand side of the page.
An Alarming Number of Population Reduction Quotes
A Quarter of the US Population Hispanic (also read the comments)
Racism in Europe reaches alarming proportions, says Davutoğlu (Reading the comments is most important)
Half of Oslo dwellers immigrants by 2040
What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?
The End of White America? (Once again read the comments - most interesting)
Also see (South Africa - What’s Black & Blue & Red All Over?)
The Church's Perspective
And then finally we have the role of the church, that place where the devil hides under a cloak to deliberately mislead and twist the truth, that place where the cloaked devils support and protect the terrorists and help them to murder the innocent civilians in the streets, that place where they promote evil terrorist leaders to saints, just like they've been doing in SA for decades.
The South African experience
Who's smarter ?
ReplyDeleteThe anti white whites or the pro white whites .
Go tribe white