Saturday, 15 November 2014

Dr. Myles Munroe's Last Lesson on Legacy in his "Change Through Leadership" Series

Dr. Myles Munroe (1954 to 2014) "Change Through Leadership" Series
Dr. Munroe published 60 books of which 49 were best sellers. One of the greatest men of our time, Myles Munroe was awe-inspiring, a visionary leader, a teacher blessed with unparalleled wisdom and insight... may he Rest In Peace.

Here is the verbatim script of part of his last TV interview as written down by Rose Iga Akudo:

"The greatest act of leadership is what happens in your absence.

If all you have done dies with you, you are a failure. True leadership is measured by what happens after you die.

This is why true leaders don’t invest in buildings (Jesus never built a building), they invest in people. Why? Because success without a successor is failure.

So your legacy should not be in buildings, programs, projects…your legacy must be in people.

The greatest act of leadership is mentoring. Who are you mentoring to take your place?

True leaders make themselves unnecessary. (I’m gonna repeat it again). True leaders make themselves unnecessary.

A true leader works themselves out of a job. So great leaders measure their greatness by their absence.

Study Jesus, the greatest leader of all. Listen to His words. “It is better for you that I go away. If I do not go away, you won’t be great. My absence is your greatness”.

He proved His greatness by leaving. He left. And His organization grew in His absence.

My question is, if you die today, as a leader, leaving the studio, in an accident, what happens to your organization, what happens to your church, what happens to your business?

If it dies when you die, you are a failure.

So I encourage you right now, identify your successors, and mentor them, and train them.

This is why in our organization, I am unnecessary. I can travel the world and our ministry grows. The companies grow.

My son, 29 years old, is running my businesses. My daughter, who is 30, is running our global organization. Why? I mentored them.

Jesus Christ said to Peter: Do you love me? Yes Lord. He said then, the company is yours. Feed the people. And He left.

What happens in your absence? That’s your legacy."

Watch the video:

Dr. Myles Munroe's Last Lesson on Legacy en Español #wow

In the last media interview which he had in Kenya on October 24, Dr. Munroe talked on KTN’s JKL Show about dying and about being unafraid of death.

He said: "I want to challenge every Kenyan to go to the cemetery and disappoint the graveyard. Die like the Apostle Paul who said I have finished my course, I have kept the faith and I have been poured out like a drink offering. There is nothing left. I am ready to die. That’s how I wanna die because there is nothing else for me left to die,"  he told the show’s host, Jeff Koinange. "When you die, die like I am planning to die. Empty. It’s finished," Munroe added.

In this last interview also he explained why "The wealthiest spot on earth is actually the cemetary...":

Dr Myles Munroe speaks of death on the Jeff Koinange Live Show

A few quotes from the follow three videos:

"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"

"Nothing is worse than allowing a poor person to enter a place of power, because they use the power to empower themselves."

"Leadership is not determined by how many people serve you, it is determined by how many people you serve."

"True leaders never seek followers, they attract them."

"True leaders do not use power to empower themselves."

"Anytime a leader wants to be served, that's not a leader, that's a parasite."

"No tree ever eats its own fruit."

"Corruption is a result of a poor, poverty, mentality."

"Woe to the land when a slave becomes king."

" the end of revolutions, those who won, based on numbers obviously, end up in power without training, positions without principles...."

"Vision is the key to successful leadership. Where is no vision the people perish. But it never says where there is no leader. Vision is more important than leadership."

"Never cancel people. Don't assume you know anybody and never speak negative to a child, because in that child could be a best selling author."

"I get an average of 4 hours sleep everyday. You cannot really make an impact on the world and get 8 hours sleep, it's impossible."

"Once you know where you are going, you'll also know where you don't want to go."

"The greatest distraction to people is good things, not bad things."

"One of the weakness I think in emerging countries in Africa and other places is that we are so focused on employment we never focus on deployment, so we create dependency over our people rather than independence."

"I don't fight for human rights, I was born with them."

In the first video he explains his own life story: "Every successful person has a story. Their story is more important than their success..."

Jeff Koinange Live with Dr. Myles Monroe, American Televangelist ( Part 1 )

Most African countries are the product of revolution after colonialism: "What happens at the end of revolutions is, those who won, based on numbers obviously, they end up in power without training, positions without principles...."

Jeff Koinange Live with Dr. Myles Monroe, American Televangelist ( Part 2 )

"Every human being on earth is motivated by five questions..."

Jeff Koinange Live with Dr. Myles Monroe, American Televangelist ( Part 3 )

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Dear Mr. #SteveHofmeyr, have I ever told you the story of the Bee?

Have you ever experienced what happens when a bee flies into a movie theatre Mr. Hofmeyr?

The audience sits watching the film, which contains a huge amount of information being flashed at the screen, at a rate of 24 or even 48 frames per second, and the next moment a tiny little bee enters room.

The film is projected at 2.2 MP (megapixels), which is 2,200,000 pixels (dots) of visual information projected unto the screen at 24 or even 48 frames per second. Some theatres even use 8.85 MP (8,850,000 pixels) resolution at 24 frames per second.

That is a huge amount of visual information passed by the audience per second. Now add to that the huge amount of audio information being absorbed at the same time.

Movies are supplied to the theatre as a digital file called a Digital Cinema Package (DCP). For a typical feature film this file will contain anywhere between 90GB (gigabyte) and 300GB  of data (roughly two to six times the information contained on a Blu-ray disc)

Each time you blink you lose millions of pieces of visual information.

The bee steals your attention

When a bee flies into a movie theatre, everyone's attention gets shifted from the vast amount of information on the screen to this tiny little "pest" flying around. In the meantime the movie does not stop rolling and the audience loses unimaginable amounts of information in the process.

The bee distracts everyone's attention from what they should be focusing on.

Everyone in the audience follows the bee, they chase the bee, they try catching the bee and they even try to kill the little bee, all the while completely forgetting about the movie and the vast amount of information, including the story-line, that they are missing.

At this point in time the media and politicians in South Africa are using you as one of those many little bees Mr. Hofmeyr. They are using your tweet as a bee to distract the public's attention away from much more serious, much more important, much more dangerous issues affecting this country right now.

Does it make any sense that, suddenly, the entire country flares up just because you tweeted an opinion that no one bothered to "Go figure!" as you suggested in the very tweet? Have you ever seen the killing of a sport star get such explosive attention as the recent killing of the Bafana Bafana goalkeeper?

Do you recall when the Rev Kemo Waters tweeted: “The only way to end racism is to kill a material number of whites. ... “ Mr. Hofmeyr?  Do you recall any of the individuals, movements, groups or organisations now attacking you, ever having said a single word about that tweet Mr. Hofmeyr? 

The only reason that particular tweet made the news was because it made reference to the leader of the Democratic Alliance "@helenzille your indifferent and patronising stance is a double dare…”, but none of those now attacking you, ever stood up against that tweet did they?

Mr. Hofmeyr, at least 410,000 people had been murdered in South Africa since 1994, roughly about 17,000 people each year or some 45 people each and every single day of each year that the media, the South African government, the tourism industry and economists do not want the world to know about... and your tweet Mr. Hofmeyr, is just one of the little bees being used to draw everyone's attention away from the horrific and unique murder situation in this country.

At least 66,387 rapes were reported to the SA Police in 2012/2013 alone, and your tweet is the little bee being used to draw the world's attention away from this serious danger in South Africa, Mr. Hofmeyr.

Eskom is collapsing and South Africa is facing a very dark future and your tweet is the bee being used to draw people's attention away from that dark future Mr. Hofmeyr.

South Africa is running out of water and food and your tweet is being used as just another bee to draw away the attention from that life-threatening situation Mr. Hofmeyr.

The communist, self-enriching, plundering tripartite alliance is splitting and South Africa is racing towards its very own "Tunisia-day" and your tweet is the bee keeping everyone's attention away from preparing for that looming catastrophe Mr. Hofmeyr.

The SA Airways (SAA) is collapsing, the SA Post Office is collapsing, mines are laying off thousands and offering retrenchment packages, hundreds of businesses are closing down and thousands are losing their jobs each day, none of which even make it to the newspapers Mr. Hofmeyr, because they have so many bees being used to draw away the public's attention .

A vast amount of serious, dangerous, life-threatening information is presently being ignored by the South African public, because a liberal puppet with little or no knowledge of politics or history, saw a bee, grabbed a hold of it, and let it loose in this movie theatre called the New South Africa.

The very groups, organisations and "movements, drawing everyone's attention to your tweet, never have and never will draw such attention to the threats of violence on Facebook, on twitter and in comments on news article:

Vssta Ramailane - "Works at Gauteng Department of Community Safety"

These are just three (very recent) examples of hundreds of real, actual threats filled with blatant racial hatred, openly being posted regularly on public social media and widely distributed for all to see, yet strangely, it never draws any attention from any of the very same people and groups abusing your tweet, a personal opinion, as a bee Mr. Hofmeyr.

The attack on you and your tweet is not just an attack on freedom of speech, it is not just an attack aimed at destroying  you personally and your career, it is not just an attack on the Afrikaans language aimed at destroying Afrikaans music and Afrikaans culture...

Your tweet Mr. Hofmeyr is being used very effectively as a very noisy bee to draw the public's attention away from the most dangerous and most difficult situation in the entire history of South Africa.

References and Further Reading

‘Kill whites’ reverend backs down

Will 74,400 women be raped this August in South Africa?

Digital Cinema Package



Do You Know the Difference between a Gigabit and a Gigabyte?



Vssta Ramailane

Monday, 10 November 2014

Egypt and UAE launch secret airstrikes in the war over Libya's oil

Libya War Continues Three Years After Gaddafi Assassination
Egypt, UAE launch airstrikes as rebel forces battle for control
October 21, 2014

Two regional states which participated in the imperialist-engineered war against Libya, - Egypt and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), - have been carrying out periodic airstrikes against alleged “Islamist” strongholds in various locations in the east and west. Also the former renegade Gen. Khalifa Hefter, a longtime Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) asset, has mounted a bid for power utilizing sophisticated weapons and air strikes.

A dispute over who could actually sell Libyan oil on the international market was eventually addressed by the U.S. when it sent a naval warship to reclaim cargo traded by interests inside the country who were not endorsed by Washington.

Unrest has erupted again surrounding which political group claiming authority in Libya would control the proceeds from oil sales. Both the parties controlling the capital of Tripoli who are often labelled as “Islamists” and the “government in exile” in the eastern city of Tobruk, say they are entitled to the revenue generated from the trade in oil.

The response of aerial bombardments from Egypt and the UAE will only further the generalized sense of lawlessness and terror.

The UAE Has Been Secretly Sending Warplanes To Bomb Islamists In Libya
August. 26, 2014

The United Arab Emirates has secretly sent warplanes on bombing raids against Islamist militias in Libya over the past week, using bases in Egypt

The strikes signaled a step toward direct action by regional Arab states that previously have fought proxy wars in Libya, Syria and Iraq in a struggle for power and influence.

"The UAE carried out those strikes,"

The UAE -- which has spent billions on US-manufactured warplanes and other advanced weaponry -- provided the military aircraft, aerial refueling planes and aviation crews to bomb Libya, while Cairo offered access to its air bases, the paper said.

But it remained unclear whether and to what degree Egypt and the UAE had informed the Americans in advance of the airstrikes.

Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates view Islamist militants in the region as a serious threat and have forged cooperation against what they see as a common danger.

Without mentioning any air strikes by the UAE and Egypt, the statement said "outside interference in Libya exacerbates current divisions and undermines Libya's democratic transition."

The air strikes also underscored how Washington's old allies are more willing to act on their own, without backing from the Americans.

Saudi and UAE leaders in particular have expressed concern that Washington can no longer be counted on, citing US diplomatic overtures to Iran and a cautious approach to the Syrian conflict.

The strikes in and around Tripoli demonstrated the UAE's readiness to employ its air power, as the Emirates have built up one of the region's most proficient air forces with American gear and training.

About 5, 000 American troops are based in the Emirates, most of them airmen stationed at Al-Dhafra Air Base.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

The impact of refugees, legal and illegal immigration on the future of South African citizens

A recent article stated that "There are 20.1 million economically active people in South Africa"

"South Africa's economically active population is growing, an indication that more people are coming into the labour force. Unfortunately, the growth in the number of economically active population does not correlate with the growth in the number of jobs created year-on-year,"

South Africa has 20.1 million economically active people but the country's labour absorption rate has remained stagnant at around 42.8%, according to the Annual Labour Market Bulletin. This lagged well behind the international average of about 60%.

The department's Employment Services for South Africa recorded 607,229 new job seekers in the past financial year, of which only 2.5% were placed in positions in the same period.

It recorded a sharp increase in trade union membership, which grew by 22.6% in the last financial year, compared to a 10% dip the year before that.

"Sustainable economic growth, restoring the country's competitiveness in the global economy and better matching of the work-seekers with the jobs are required for government to be able to find employment for more than five million unemployed people," the report stated."

"With half of South Africans without formal employment, the issue of illegal immigrants from neighbouring states had become one of the most sensitive political issues. Illegal Mozambicans alone are said to number between 500,000 and 1 million." The shocking part about these figures is that it comes from an article published in 1994. "Last year [1993] 96,000 illegal immigrants - 81,000 from Mozambique - were expelled from South Africa compared with 44,225 in 1988."

Ten years later, during the first 10 months of 2004, the South African government had deported 41,069 Zimbabwean citizens from Limpopo province alone, a nine percent increase from the total of 37,796 deportations in 2003.

"In 2009, the Chinese population in Africa was estimated at between 580,000 to 820,000. Today, that number is likely closer to (or even over) 1 million, although exact counts are virtually impossible to ascertain due to the mobility of Chinese migrants as well as highly porous borders within Africa, high levels of corruption within some African government agencies, and inefficiencies within agencies tasked with immigration and border control."

"South Africa, as one of the most developed countries in Africa, is a popular destination for Chinese moving to the continent. According to some reports, well over half of all Chinese migrants heading to Africa end up at the southern tip of the continent."

"After the dawn of democracy in South Africa in 1994, this country experienced a huge influx of immigrants and refugees. The increased flight of immigrants and refugees from some African as well as the SADC countries into South Africa has resulted in rapidly growing problems for the latter as the host country."

"In 1989 the South African Institute of International Affairs estimated that there were 1.2 million illegal immigrants in the country.

By 1994 they estimated the number at approximately 5 million (Minaar et al. 1995: 33). It is interesting to note that over the same period, however, the South African Police Services (SAPS) estimated the number of illegal immigrants at between 2 and 3.5 million or between 5 and 8 percent of the total population. Senator Carl Werth of the Freedom Front (FF), during a Home Affairs debate in the Senate in August 1994, announced that the number of illegal immigrants in the country was 8 million. A month later, Dr Frederick van Zyl Slabbert announced at the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) symposium that the number of illegal aliens in the country might be as high as 12 million (Minaar and Hough 1996: 127)."

"In 2010, more asylum applications were lodged in South Africa than in any other country in the world. The trend continued in 2011, and the heavy demands on the asylum system resulted in a backlog of more than 300 000 applications awaiting a decision. Most asylum applications and refugees in South Africa are from nationals of Burundi, Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Rwanda, Somalia and Zimbabwe.

As of December 2010 some 58 000 people, mainly from Angola, the DRC, Burundi, Rwanda and Somalia had been recognised as refugees in South Africa. They were allowed to work and to avail themselves of basic social services."

"By June 2011, the Department of Home Affairs had received approximately 181 000 asylum applications for the year 2010. Ironically, this was a fifth of the total number received globally during the same period, making South Africa the world’s largest recipient of individual applications for asylum."

"In 2012, the ANC government tried to ease the pressure on the asylum system and made it more efficient. This saw some 275 000 Zimbabweans apply for work, study or business permits."

"Despite the above statistical data, there is general consensus among researchers in the migration field that migration into and within South Africa is poorly collected and coordinated (Wa Kabwe-Segatti and Landau 2006: 5;

Forced Migration Studies Programme Report 2010: 1). The Forced Migration Studies Programme (FMSP) Report of 2010, based on its extrapolation from [useless] census data, estimated the total foreign population to be between 1.5 and 2 million or 3-4 percent of the South African population (FMSP Report 2010: 3). In agreement with the above sentiments, Solomon (2003: 90) argues that the researchers were confronted by the central problem of the illegal and clandestine nature of this form of population movement because it provides an inadequate basis for its quantification."

It should be quite obvious that the above estimate of the total foreign population being between 1.5 and 2 million is absurd to say the least. It suggests that the total number of illegal foreigners increased from 1.2 million in 1989 to only some 2 million by 2013.

South Africa welcomed a total of 9,616,964 tourists in 2013. Africa, remains the largest source of foreign tourism arrivals to South Africa with 6,889,389 in 2013. This means that of the 9.6 million, 6.6 million were from Africa, as every other year, and no one can tell how many of those ever leave the country again.

Statistics South Africa reported that the annual number of deaths in South Africa increased by 57%, from 318,287 in 1997 to 499,268 in 2003. Calculated South African population growth could only account for approximately 10% of this increase. This means that 57% more people are dying, while South Africa's population is growing at a rate of only 1.3% per year (2013). By 2008 the total annual death figure had increased even more to 592,073 from 499,268 in 2003 and 318,287 in 1997. South Africa's latest population growth rate: -0.48% (August 2014 estimate), while 57% more people are dying.

According to Census 2011, we are, remarkably, five times less certain about the population than we were in 2001, which, says Mr Moultrie, "simply does not make sense". - Jury out on statistician's counting


It should be obvious that for South Africans the future looks very bleak. South Africa's infrastructure cannot cope with the demands posed by the population explosion caused by the influx of illegal foreigners and refugees.

Soon Chinese, Pakistanis, Zimbabweans and Nigerians will be filling the posts that should have been filled by South Africans. South Africans will be dying from thirst and be stuck without electricity, because foreigners and their extended families, refugees and illegal foreigners will extend the demand to way above the maximum available supply.

South Africa is running out of water, electricity and jobs.

There is more than enough evidence that South Africa has run out of electricity and jobs.

"We all know that there is not enough water in South Africa for the future,"

South Africa faces a growing gap between water supply and demand. Estimated demand for water in South Africa will reach 17.7 billion cubic meters in 2030. Current (2010) supply, by contrast, will equal only 15 billion cubic meters and South Africa purchases nearly 25 percent of its total water supply from nearby Lesotho, which is not politically stable. Demand for water would overtake supply by as early as 2025 and growing demand is greater than the Vaal river’s “sustainable supply”. South Africa’s annual rainfall is half the world average and the water infrastructure is crumbling due to lack of maintenance since 1994. South Africa’s plan to double its power generation capacity by 2025 will further constrain water resources.

South Africa's health services cannot cope with the demand, while more and more hospitals are closing down. More and more health professionals are fleeing the country. It is impossible to train health professionals fast enough to cope with the growing shortage. Mines are closing down, businesses are closing down and large corporations have been withdrawing in a steady stream.

The worst is that South Africa's farming community is shrinking fast due to communist legislation disguised under the banner of "land redistribution" forcing commercial farmers out of business, farmers being murdered at

Hundreds of schools have been closed down by the ANC regime and the country is suffering a serious shortage of teaching staff. South Africa already has the lowest standards of education in the world.

3.3 million people are paying 99% of all income taxes in South Africa and the tax burden on those 3.3 million people, which is also shrinking, is fast reaching breaking point.

The ANC regime is stealing money faster than South Africa's Industry and Commerce can generate.

SA's total Q2 2014 industry turnover was R1.86-trillion, less than in 2013 and measured against the US Dollar, South Africa is moving backwards.

55% of South Africans earn less than R10,000 (US$891) a month -$1,922 less than in 1994.

The South African Rand has lost its value. If you wanted emigrate to the U.S. with R10-million in your back pocket, you would arrive in America with just US$890,718.

Big-Business loves corrupt politicians, which is why they pushed so hard to get the ANC to power in South Africa, but now big business is threatening the ANC Regime with withdrawal:

"If we dump you, it will snowball. Businessmen are as susceptible to the herd instinct as anyone else. When the disinvestment tide started in the 1980s, few could resist it."

"So we are now telling you in public what we say about you in private. We’ve had enough of your threats, your corruption, your incompetence, your incessant interference, your empty promises, your racism, and your ideological fantasies.

You and your party and your communist friends are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs, including your personal golden egg."

One can expand and continue listing more examples, but it should be quite obvious that the artificially created South African bubble is about to burst.

While, according to the latest Census figures, South Africa has about 52 million citizens, anyone with the least bit of common sense would realise that, together with the refugees and illegal immigrants, the total population of South Africa exceeds 100 million and the country's infrastructure cannot cope with the demand.

It strongly suggested to also read the previous article on the subject of South Africa's population:

A Lesson in Mathematics South African Style

The above article was the precursor to the article:

Why Whites Would Lose a Fight Against Africans

In order to understand the total untrustworthiness of South African statistics read:

Why Africa Check failed to disprove Steve Hofmeyr - Whites ARE dying like flies

References and Further Reading

There are 20.1 million economically active people in South Africa

Illegal Immigration in South Africa

Living In Between: The Chinese in South Africa - January 4, 2012

South Africa: Rough road home for illegal immigrants

An Analysis of Attempts by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Solving Immigrants and Refugees Problem in the SADC Region: A Case of South Africa[8].pmd.pdf

South Africa welcomed a total of 9,616,964 tourists in 2013

South Africa Population growth rate

SA's total Q2 2014 industry turnover was R1.86-trillion, less than in 2013

Big-Business loves corrupt politicians - Just look at the ANC and its business partners

How Big Business and the Media Sold South African Citizens to Communist Gangsters

55% of South Africans earn less than R10,000 (US$891) a month -$1,922 less than in 1994

Confronting South Africa’s water challenge

Water crisis looms, but there's hope in the pipeline

South Africa's water shortage -- the future looks dry

Monday, 27 October 2014

Can Africa be saved from itself?

"Sorry to offend but in my books Blacks were the architects of Apartheid. Go figure." - Steve Hofmeyr 11:33 AM - 23 Oct 2014

On 26 October he posted the following tweets on Twitter tagged as #RealArchitectsOfApartheid :

"Denial.Expected no less. It's tough to know that no-one wanted to play with you. They even institutionalised a little distance.
If other kids don’t want to play with you, it isn’t always their fault
If nobody wanted to invite you in as partner, it wasn’t always their fault
If nobody wanted to assimilate to your collective habits, it wasn’t always their fault
If folk did not want to share a country with you, why is it always their fault?
If governments send you home on trains and trucks back to this continent, it isn’t always their fault
If other governments tighten immigration laws against you, it isn’t always their fault
If the world doesn’t buy into African systems, mentality and reputation, it isn’t always their fault
If there has hardly been a prosperous black-led country, it isn’t always other people’s fault
If international investors flee the country, it isn't always their fault
If women, toddlers, grannies complain about your contribution to the rape rate, it isn’t always their fault
If horrified citizens complain about your contribution to the murder rate, it isn’t always their fault
If, back then, a sovereignty legislated you out of their lives, it wasn’t always their fault
If nobody is envious of pre- or post colonial African achievement, it isn’t always their fault
Does anybody get the metaphor now? Apartheid was cruel, unfortunate and unsustainable, but WHAT inspired that maddening segregation?"

Following on Mr. Hofmeyr said, let us consider the following:

In an article entitled ‘SA could become like Nigeria’, 26 October, Professor Kole Omotoso (The "Yebo Gogo" man in Vodacom's television advertising campaign of some 20 years ago), an African himself, says:

The question I keep going back to, and which really gets to me, is this: What were the leaders of African countries thinking when they got their independence in the 1960s?

“They must have had such big dreams of what was possible in a post-colonial era. I think so often of all the people I got to know during apartheid who were involved with the anti-apartheid movement… What were they all hoping for when South Africa was finally liberated? And why has that dream been shattered? What kind of people have allowed this to happen?”

Although based in South Africa, Omotoso visits Nigeria regularly. “It is a real tax on the senses. It is so good to be back in a country [South Africa] where you don’t have as much hassles to deal with on a very basic everyday existence – like roads, lack of electricity, and running water. It’s good to be back,” he said.

Nigeria has been crippled by corruption. “Take the steel industry for example. The government awarded a contract to a company to build steel factories in 1979. When it was 90 percent completed, it was abandoned, then re-awarded to the same company for another amount of money, and then abandoned again. When each government comes in, they award the same project. Nigeria is a country that talks about industrialisation but hasn’t produced a nail. There are no municipal services, so every house is a local government on its own. In Nigeria you could not ask to see a domestic municipal bill… there is nothing like that. So you walk down the street, and you will see and hear one generator plant after the other, from house to house. The noise is unbearable."

“There is also no meaningful provision of electricity or water. Everybody has their own generator or water supply." "... although the president is in power, Corruption is in control. Corruption is the decisionmaker.”

Omotoso had a warning for South Africa: “We might get to a point where the ANC is in power but corruption is the decisionmaker.”

Is South Africa heading towards being crippled by corruption? “Yes, I think so, and it’s happening fast. Take the arms deal… It’s a case of those in power going out and buying something the country does not need because of a huge kickback. What was the deciding factor in going for that deal? Was it security needs or corruption? You can reduce the arms deal down to what is happening on a local government level, where projects become ‘ATMs’ for governments in power as they keep awarding contracts at inflated costs to society.

“What is particularly disturbing is the way people accept corruption in South Africa."

“They have not experienced living in a country that’s been brought to its knees by corruption, where corruption is in power. Nigeria has reached that point. We in SA have not.”

Back in 1969, John Mbiti, a Professor of African Philosophy and Religion, an African himself, explained 'The African Concept of Time':

"He wrote that the concept of time may help to explain beliefs, attitudes, practices, and general way of life of African people, not only in the traditional set up, but also in the modern situation (whether political, economical, educational or church life).

Time to Mbiti, in African concept, is of little or no academic concern, especially in their traditional life. In his words, to Africans, time is simply a composition of events which have occurred, those which are taking place now and those which are immediately to occur. He wrote that what has not taken place or what has no likelihood of an immediate occurrence falls in the category of “No time”. What is certain to occur, or what falls within the rhythm of natural phenomena is in the category of inevitable or potential time.

In the traditional African setting, according to Mbiti, time is a two dimensional phenomenon, with a long past, a present and virtually no future. This is contrary to the linear time concept in western thought, with an indefinite past, present and future. Based on his research in some tribes in East Africa, Mbiti concluded that African has no time consideration in the perspective of the future. This is because the events in the future have not taken place."

"Mbiti portrayed that beyond a few months from the present, African concept of time is silent and indifferent. To him, it means that the future is virtually non-existence as actual time. To them, what will constitute future should be extremely brief. This is so because any meaningful event in the future must be so immediate and certain that people have almost experienced it.

On the other hand, if the event is remote, say beyond two years from now then, it cannot be conceived by the people. It cannot be spoken of and the language themselves have no verb tenses to convert that distant future dimension of time.

It becomes obvious that time in the African concept, at the pre colonial era is tied to or related to the events of the time. The linear time was alien to the people. They see time in the perspective of actuality, dominated by events. Time to them has to be experienced. It makes meaning to them when it is related to whether, seasons, natural phenomena around them. Time then was not mathematical or numerical. It is simply time as experienced by the people in relation to events around them."

Just recently, one of the reasons the ANC Regime's President Jacob Zuma believed criminal charges against him relating to the SA arms deal should be dropped was because corruption is only a crime in a “Western paradigm”.

In 2006, Zuma said that a woman wearing a wrap or a kanga, construed a sexual signal, and that “in Zulu culture, you don’t just leave a woman [when she is aroused] ... she will have you arrested and say you are a rapist”.

A Rare, Astonishing Conversation with Credo Mutwa - by Rick Martin 1999, The SPECTRUM newspaper

"I live in Africa. Here are my people. Here is my home. But I see Africa being destroyed in wars that make no sense whatsoever to me as an African. I look at India which, like Africa, suffered the scourge of colonialism by the French, the English, and other European powers. But India, through her independence as a country, has achieved the things which we, Africa, have failed to achieve. Why?

India has exploded the atomic bomb and is today one of the feared nations of this world. India has launched satellites into orbit. India, although she has the same problems as Africa has-a burgeoning population, religion as well as tribal strife-although India has got an incredibly poor section of her population, as well as an incredibly rich one, she has achieved things that Africa has failed to achieve."

"I am in South Africa now. Here I was born, and here I was to die. But I see my country falling apart like a rotting mango. South Africa was once a powerful country. She had a powerful army. She had huge industries, which were producing everything from locomotives to little radios. But today my country has become a drug-sodden, crime-ridden piece of rubbish. Why?"

"There are wars which take place in Africa, where after an African country has gained its independence from the colonial power, then a force of rebels pick up weapons against that country’s government, but instead of the rebels fighting the government to the bitter end, what happens again and again is that the rebel forces split into various groups which end up fighting not only the government in power, but also each other. And the result is that, in several African countries, the country is so destroyed that, no matter which party wins, the people lose. In other words, Africans have now started fighting wars which bring about not victory, but the destruction of themselves, as well as their people."

"There were no drugs in South Africa during the days of the apartheid government. Now, under our democratic government, our country has become one drug-sodden cess pit. Why?"

In a speech during the festive season in KwaZulu-Natal in 2012, ANC President Jacob Zuma told Africans that “Even if you apply any kind of lotion and straighten your hair you will never be white,”

References and Further Reading:

Steve Hofmeyr

‘SA could become like Nigeria’ - By Sue Segar

African Concept of Time, a Socio-Cultural Reality in the Process of Change, Journal of Education and Practice, Vol.4, No.7, 2013

Zuma wanted charges dropped because corruption is a Western thing

Seven ways you know you're an African, according to Jacob Zuma

A Rare, Astonishing Conversation by Rick Martin

Monday, 13 October 2014

Churches are becoming wealthier and more lucrative by the day

"You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion." - L. Ron Hubbard - Scientology

It is well-known that churches are among the most profitable businesses to invest in as they tend to operate tax free in most countries and they are not obliged to make their earnings public.

Below is an overview taken from a number of random articles, with links to all article headings provided at the end:

10 Richest Pastors in the world as of 2014

10) Joseph Prince – Net worth: $5 Million (Singapore)
9) Chris Okotie – Net worth: $10 Million (Nigeria)
8) Matthew Ashimolowo – Net worth: $10 Million (Nigeria)
7) T.B. Joshua – Net worth: $15 Million (Nigeria)
6) T. D. Jakes – Net worth: $18 Million (United States)
5) Billy Graham – Net worth: $25 Million (United States)
4) Creflo Dollar – Net worth: $27 Million (United States)
3) Benny Hinn – Net worth: $42 Million (United States)
2) Chris Oyakhilome – Net worth: $50 Million (Nigeria)
1) David Oyedepo – Net worth: $150 Million (Nigeria)

Why It’s Good to Run A Church Like A Business

The line between business and church is messy. It’s a line everyone must walk, and nobody’s sure how to do it well.

Is this a church or a business? Or could it be both?

Money may not be your primary responsibility as a church, but it’s certainly important.

While God does provide for our every need, he also honors those who are faithful with what they’ve been given.

Running your church like a business—thinking about opportunity cost, revenue, and growth—is one way to stay true to these fiscal responsibilities.

The better we function as a business, the more we can care for the people on our payroll, offering them benefits and a fitting salary in exchange for their love and hard work.

Sure, the business world can be heartless, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, it can be really smart. When you make more money than you spend, understand budgets, embrace what it takes to hire a high-functioning staff, understand sustainability and maximizing resources—your church can thrive.

Treating our churches more like a business doesn’t have to be Godless endeavor. In fact, creating a healthy, sustainable, well-managed church organization might just be the best way to serve our congregation well.

The Church is a Big Fat Business

The latest revelation, two pieces in the 2013 spring issue of Adventist Today by T. Joe Willey and Jim Walters, is that those exercising the right arm of the message are making themselves millionaires under its banner.

How Rich Is the Catholic Church?

Nobody really knows, because religious groups don’t need to follow regular accounting and disclosure rules.

Pope Francis is not just the spiritual leader of one of the world’s major religions: He’s also the head of what’s probably the wealthiest institution in the entire world. The Catholic Church’s global spending matches the annual revenues of the planet’s largest firms, and its assets—huge amounts of real estate, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Vatican City, some of the world’s greatest art—surely exceed those of any corporation by an order of magnitude.

Our best window into the overall financial picture of American Catholicism comes from a 2012 investigation by the Economist, which offered a rough-and-ready estimate of $170 billion in annual spending, of which almost $150 billion is associated with church-affiliated hospitals and institutions of higher education. The operating budget for ordinary parishes, at around $11 billion a year, is a relatively small share, and Catholic Charities is a smaller share still.

Apple and General Motors, by way of comparison, each had revenue of about $150 billion worldwide in Fiscal Year 2012.

The most lucrative businesses in Nigeria

Church business, on the one hand, is the exploitation of a people’s misplaced and exaggerated spirituality, borne out of the hardships they are facing and the baseless fear of the unknown. Operators of this business have a simple task of continuously orchestrating the people’s helplessness and gullibility regarding issues such as ill health, poverty and unemployment (all outcomes of a failure of leadership in the country) to remain in business.

To ensure success in the business, you have to be a good orator, a psychologist, and a dramatist. It is important that you hold your congregation spellbound all the time. Also, you must run the business like a sole proprietorship. You alone should give the directives and no one should question your authority. Close associates who get too ambitious should be disgraced, called agents of the devil, and excommunicated.

In the meantime however, like a ‘man of God’ told me in an e-mail in response to my article ‘Nigerian Men of God as Con-Artists’, there is enough room for everyone in the business. So if you have the money, invest.

Megachurches: The hidden pillar of Nigeria's economy

Exactly how much of Nigeria's $510bn GDP megachurches make up is difficult to assess, since they are, like the oil sector, largely opaque entities.

“They don’t submit accounts to anybody,” says Bismarck Rewane, economist and CEO of Lagos consultancy Financial Derivatives. “At least six church leaders have private jets, so they have money. How much? No one really knows.”

As the churches have charity status, they have no obligation to open their books, and certainly don’t have to fill in tax returns—an exemption that is increasingly controversial in Nigeria, where poverty remains pervasive despite the oil riches.

The pastors argue their charity work should exempt them.

“We use the income of the church to build schools, we use the income of the church to serve the needs of the poor,” David Oyedepo, bishop of the popular Winners Chapel, told Reuters in an interview. “These are non-profit organisations.”

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) declined to comment on how churches fit into their GDP figures, but a source there said they were included as “non-profit”, which falls under “other services” in the latest figures. In 2013, the category contributed 2.5% of GDP, the same as the financial sector.

A former banker at Nigeria’s United Bank for Africa, who declined to be named, recalled being approached five years ago by a church that was bringing in $5-million a week from contributions at home or abroad.

“They wanted to make some pretty big investments: real estate, shares,” he said. “They wanted to issue a bond to borrow, and then use the weekly flows to pay the coupon.”

In the end, he said, the bank turned down the proposal on ethical grounds.

The bank was more ethical than the church

How the Mormons Make Money

Late last March the Mormon Church completed an ambitious project: a megamall. Built for roughly $2 billion, the City Creek Center stands directly across the street from the church’s iconic neo-Gothic temple in Salt Lake City. The mall includes a retractable glass roof, 5,000 underground parking spots, and nearly 100 stores and restaurants, ranging from Tiffany’s (TIF) to Forever 21. Walkways link the open-air emporium with the church’s perfectly manicured headquarters on Temple Square. Macy’s (M) is a stone’s throw from the offices of the church’s president, Thomas S. Monson, whom Mormons believe to be a living prophet.

On the morning of its grand opening, thousands of shoppers thronged downtown Salt Lake, eager to elbow their way into the stores. The national anthem played, and Henry B. Eyring, one of Monson’s top counselors, told the crowds, “Everything that we see around us is evidence of the long-standing commitment of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to Salt Lake City.” When it came time to cut the mall’s flouncy pink ribbon, Monson, flanked by Utah dignitaries, cheered, “One, two, three—let’s go shopping!”

The Mormon Global Business Empire
Mormons make up only 1.4 percent of the U.S. population, but the church’s holdings are vast. First among its for-profit enterprises is DMC, which reaps estimated annual revenue of $1.2 billion from six subsidiaries, according to the business information and analysis firm Hoover’s Company Records (DNB). Those subsidiaries run a newspaper, 11 radio stations, a TV station, a publishing and distribution company, a digital media company, a hospitality business, and an insurance business with assets worth $3.3 billion. (See link for much, much more)

Inside the most powerful church in south Africa

Jacob Zuma attends. So do many of the ANC's most senior figures. But suspicion of Rhema's materialist message has left outsiders worried at its growing influence.

To its supporters, who include some of the country's most powerful people, it is a welcome coming together of two of South Africa's favourite pastimes, conspicuous consumption and Christianity. To its critics it's a prosperity cult.

Set in an estate of it own in the comfortable Johannesburg suburb of Randburg, Rhema has a vast car park that is made to resemble the forecourt of a luxury vehicle dealership every Sunday. The charismatic Christian evangelical organisation goes out of its way to make the well-heeled feel comfortable, and so the pastor, who is dressed in a shiny black shirt with contrasting white stitching, is happy to boast of Rhema's status.

"We are not an ordinary church. The president comes to us to ask for advice," he says proudly. "We are very influential and very active on social issues."

Pastor Sifiso leans back into an ample leather armchair and prepares to explode what he sees as the misconception that a rich man cannot enter heaven.

"Listen, the bible tells us that the streets of heaven are paved with gold," he says. As the young preacher speaks there's a glint of the precious metal from the jewellery under his shirt cuffs.

"Where there is Jesus, there is gold everywhere," he insists.

South African Pastor Calls Prosperity Gospel Damaging, Asks 'Where Are We Heading To?'

Thuso Kewana, an ordained pastor and ministry leader living in impoverished South Africa, says he can be silent no longer about the damaging effects of the prosperity gospel, an American export he believes is unbiblical and used by wolves in sheep's clothing to prey on mostly charismatic and Pentecostal Christians not only in his country, but around the world.

Kewana, speaking recently via phone from his home in Polokwane in the Limpopo province, bordered by Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, told The Christian Post he has witnessed how the prosperity gospel can warp people's understanding of God — leaving the impression that He requires worshippers to give money, to ministers, churches or their favorite television network, before they can be blessed with financial, physical and spiritual well-being.

Best-selling Christian author and writer and preacher at Oak Hills Church, Max Lucado

Max Lucado is a preacher with a storyteller’s gift—a pastor’s heart and a poet’s pen. Max’s sermons begin at home with the congregation at Oak Hills Church, which he has led for more than 25 years. It is in this setting that his stories are first told, from a pastor’s heart. Eventually some of these sermons and stories are refined and fashioned into books that are shared far beyond the walls of Oak Hills and the city limits of San Antonio, Texas. Max’s words have traveled around the world in more than 54 languages via more than 120 million individual products. Most of these products are books (92 million), which have now occupied spots on every major national bestseller list. Over the years Max Lucado has been featured in countless national media outlets, dubbed “America’s Pastor” by Reader’s Digest, and even named one of the most influential leaders in social media by The New York Times.

The Zion Christian Church (ZCC)

Lekganyane is synonymous with South Africa’s biggest Christian denomination, the Zion Christian Church (ZCC).  It is one of the largest African initiated churches in southern Africa. The ZCC is estimated to number between 2 million and 6 million followers in more than 4000 parishes.

The ZCC is different from the “church businesses” and “prosperity churches”, which are popular among both rich and poor.

Nevertheless, many of its members are small business owners who ask for blessings over their ­efforts. They thank the church ­traditionally with a gift of their own choosing.

At the end of the 2013 Easter long weekend: “They say there were 9.4 million of us here today!” That is more than 100 soccer stadiums full of worshippers.

No one has been able to estimate the wealth of the ZCC

The Dutch Reformed Church (DRC)

It consists of three sister churches.

Total membership is 1,074,765 and there are 1,626 ordained ministers in 1,162 congregations.

One of the richer congregations, the Moreleta Park Dutch Reformed Church, built an auditorium seating approximately 7,100 people, completed in 2006 for R95-Million, with administrative facilities worth R62-million completed in 2009 with a third phase in it's planning stages.

Total financial worth of the DRC is unknown.

Angus Buchan, a Zambian farmer of Scottish heritage

He first came to prominence after the release of his book, followed by a movie, entitled Faith Like Potatoes.

By 2010, The Mighty Men Conference, organised by Shalom Trust, seated more than 400,000 people and it is estimated that 80% were Afrikaans men.

He has published a string of books and two films, Faith Like Potatoes (2006) and Angus Buchan's Ordinary People (2012).

"Buchan is an economic change agent, and his story shows how building dreams around God can result in grand results like no other."

A former friend of Mr Buchan's, Shaun Willock said, "But then our paths diverged. It was inevitable, for as he embraced the Charismatic movement and became increasingly involved in it, the Lord was opening my eyes to the unbiblical errors of Pentecostalism/Charismatism, culminating ultimately in my departure from it and utter repudiation of it. And in this can be seen the discriminating grace of God.  Separation from all that the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement stood for was what I desired, whereas Angus wanted more of it."


So why is Angus Buchan mentioned here? Well he says he does not make any money from using the Bible. Angus Buchan the money maker? Nah, he is the only man on earth who does not make any money from his films, books, road shows, conferences in SA, USA and across the world, he does it for free remember. According to his entranced followers, most of whom obviously never had maths at school, he does not make even a single cent for himself.

He does not even feature among...

The "Top 10 richest pastors in the world".

1. Bishop T D Jakes: Bishop Jakes lives in a $1,7 million mansion, he has been called America’s best preacher and has been featured on the cover of TIME Magazine. He is a writer, preacher and movie producer.

Thomas Dexter “T. D.” Jakes, Sr: Is the bishop/chief pastor of The Potter’s House, a non-denominational American mega church, with 30 000 members, located in Dallas, Texas. TD Jakes wears custom made suits and sports a diamond ring the size of a coin. This man of God has been endowed with a $150 million net worth.

2. Bishop David Oyedepo: Bishop David Oyedepo is a Nigerian preacher, Christian author, founder and presiding Bishop of Winners Chapel known as Living Faith Church World Wide. Has been hailed as the wealthiest preacher in Nigeria with a total net worth of $150 million and properties like four private jets and homes in the United States and England.

After the foundation of the Living Faith Outreach Ministry in 1981, it has evolved to be one of the largest congregations in Africa and has a flourishing mission in Nairobi.

3. Enoch Adeboye: This messenger of God was listed in an African magazine, NEWSWEEK, as the most powerful man in Africa and one of the top 50 global power elites in 2008/ 2009, among others such as President Barack Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy. Pastor Adeboye heads the Redeemed Christian Church of God, something he has done for the last 28 years.

Among his possessions are private jets. Earlier this year, Bishop Oyedepo was barred from entering the United Kingdom after his church was accused of “cynically exploiting supporters”.

4. Benny Hinn: Israeli televangelist,Toufik Benedictus “Benny” Hinn has an estimated net worth of $42 million. He is best known for his regular “Miracle Crusades” — revival meeting/faith healing summits that are usually held in large stadiums in major cities, which are later broadcast worldwide on his television programme, “This Is Your Day”. Hinn was born on December 3, 1952.

5. Chris Oyakhilome: This is the man behind Believers’ Loveworld Ministries, aka Christ Embassy. His church has an estimated net worth of $50 million.

The charismatic preacher was recently at the centre of a $35 million money laundering case in which he was accused but eventually cleared of siphoning funds from his church to foreign banks.

Christ Embassy, boasts more than 40 000 members, several of whom are successful business executives and politicians. Oyakhilome’s diversified interests include newspapers, magazines, a local television station, a record label, satellite TV, hotels and extensive real estate.

His Loveworld TV Network is the first Christian network to broadcast from Africa to the rest of the world on a 24 hour basis.

6. Creflo Dollar: American Bible teacher, pastor, and the founder of World Changers Church International located in Fulton, Georgia.

Creflo Dollar is estimated to have a net worth of $27 million, most of which came from his ministerial establishments around the United States. Creflo Dollar International covenant association, Arrow records, and the Creflo Dollar ministries are jointly overseen by the popular TV evangelist and his wife.

In 2006, the overall cash revenue received in his church was about $69 million.

His church auditorium named the World Dome was built with $18 million without any bank loans. He is the publisher of Change Magazine with over 100 000 readers around the US.

7. Kenneth Copeland: He runs Kenneth Copeland Ministries and was one of several televangelists whose finances were investigated from 2007 to 2011 by Republican Senato Charles Grassley of Iowa.

According to an article by the Associated Press that ran in 2008, “His ministry’s 1 500-acre campus, behind an iron gate a half-hour drive from Fort Worth includes a church, a private airstrip, a hangar for the ministry’s $17,5 million jet and other aircraft, and a $6 million church owned lake-front mansion.

The article later added that while Copeland has not released up-to-date salary statements, “the church disclosed in a property-tax exemption application that his wages were $364 577 in 1995; Copeland’s wife, Gloria, earned $292 593.

It’s not clear whether those figures include other earnings, such as special offerings for guest preaching or book royalties.”

8. Billy Graham: American evangelical Christian evangelist, William Franklin “Billy” Graham, Jr., has a net worth of $25 million.
The Southern Baptist evangelist rose to celebrity status as his sermons started getting broadcast on radio and television. Graham was born on a dairy farm near Charlotte, North Carolina in 1918, he has conducted many evangelistic crusades since 1948.

He is now a world renowned televangelist raking in millions of dollars.

9. Matthew Ashimolowo: Ashimolowo, the owner of Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC) gets an annual income of $200 000.
Today, his KICC is reportedly the largest Pentecostal church in the whole of the United Kingdom.

His net worth has been put at $6 million and the source of his wealth comes from varied business interests including his media company, Matthew Ashimolowo media, which churns out Christian literature and documentaries.

In 2009, Kingsway International Christian Centre posted profits of close to $10 million and assets worth $40 million.

10. TB Joshua: Nigeria’s most controversial clergyman is also one of its richest and most philanthropic. T.B Joshua heads the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN), a congregation he founded in 1987, which accommodates over 15 000 worshippers on Sundays.

He has an estimated net worth of $15 million.

References and further reading
Angus Buchan Documentary - YouTube video

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Faced with a huge energy crisis, SA's total government debt increased from 27% of GDP in 2009 to 63% in 2014

South Africa's total government debt has increased from 27% of GDP in 2009 to an unsustainable level of about 63% of GDP - over R2 trillion.

Municipal debt. South Africa’s local government owes Eskom just under R3 billion in unpaid electricity with just under R2 billion unpaid for over 90 days. The biggest delinquent municipalities are from the Free State (over R1 billion owed), Mpumalanga (over R800 million) and the North West (just under R400 million). Matjhabeng (Welkom) and Emalahleni (Witbank – where Eskom generates much of its electricity) owe so much, it is hard to imagine there debts to Eskom ever being repaid.

What is clear is that we are in for a hard time in the next five years or so. Load shedding will become part of our lives and we will need to get used to it. Eskom’s much-needed change of maintenance philosophy will reduce its generating availability for 2015 by 7,400 MW, 5,900MW in 2016, 4,200MW in 2017, 2,200MW in 2018 and by 1,100MW in 2019. Clearly all such ability to meet such timelines is dependent upon Eskom’s funding and engineering capabilities. Both of these are in short supply.

Eskom may take years to start all six units at its Medupi power plant, according to a National Planning Commission member.
The utility expects to connect the first of six units at its coal-fired 4 764-megawatt Medupi facility by the end of this year.

“According to senior Eskom sources, the second unit is scheduled to come online two-and-a-half years after the first and then the subsequent units at six-month intervals,” Anton Eberhard, a planning commission member and professor at the University of Cape Town’s Graduate School of Business, said today.

“Due to political pressure to show progress, they diverted resources away from the remaining units to focus on getting the first commissioned.”

Labour strikes and contractor errors pushed Medupi’s plans back and Eskom last month said the plant was 73% done. The first unit was supposed to be commissioned in 2012, Eskom said on its website.

This is not all – we can expect electricity price increases significantly above inflation. Our 30-year investment holiday where we enjoyed cheap and abundant electricity is now well and truly over.

Links to the full articles:

Ticking down: SA's (energy) clockwork orange

Few years before all Eskom’s Medupi units come online

Related ToxiNews Articles

Collapsing SA Rand suffers longest losses on record, SA trade deficit almost doubled, SA's ailing economy growing at only 1.7 percent

55% of South Africans earn less than R10,000 (US$891) a month -$1,922 less than in 1994

SA's total Q2 2014 industry turnover was R1.86-trillion, less than in 2013

ANC Regime refuses Dalai Lama a Visa to SA - 6 brave women cause the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates to be cancelled

ANC Regime refuses Dalai Lama a Visa to SA - 6 brave women boycott and cause the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates to be cancelled.

While the summit was backed by foundations representing four South African peace laureates:
  • Archbishop Desmond Tutu;
  • Nelson Mandela;
  • FW De Klerk; and
  • Albert Luthuliremain
- all of whom chose to keep silent on the ANC Regime's refusal to allow the Dalai Lama into South Africa, the world shuns South Africa by boycotting the summit, forcing it to be cancelled.

At least six women had the guts to stand up, while the hypocrites chose to remain silent.

We thank the six women who had confirmed their boycott:
  • American activist Jody Williams;
  • Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi;
  • Liberian activist Leymah Gbowee;
  • Yemeni journalist Tawakkol Karman;
  • Northern Irish activist Mairead Maguire; and
  • A representative of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines.

Pre-1994, the world was coerced into boycotting South Africa. Now the world is boycotting SA spontaneously, which is a 1000 times worse!

The world is turning its back on the liberals and their beloved ANC and, while we all shall pay the price for it, it is much needed.

Let us now see if China will fill the gaps being created by the ANC.

410,804 people murdered in SA since 1994. At least 46,000 people officially reported as having been raped each year. The ANC Regime bans the Dalai Lama from entering South Africa to attend the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, forcing it to be cancelled. NOW IS THE TIME TO KEEPING PUSHING MUCH HARDER!

"If you sit by the river long enough you will see the bodies of your enemies float by." - Ironically, this is a very old Chinese proverb.

Further reading

Peace Laureate summit cancelled

BREAKING: World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates canceled after the Dalai Lama’s visa refusal

Nobel Summit Cancelled After South Africa Denies Visa to Dalai Lama

Nobel laureate summit cancelled over Dalai Lama visa refusal

SA Nobel Peace summit cancelled - reports

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

2014 Global AgeWatch Index ranks South Africa 80th out of 96 countries

The 2014 Global AgeWatch Index ranks 96 nations on the basis of the quality of life and social and economic status of older people, aged 60 and over.

From this index, governments can use it to identify policies to improve the lives of older people.

Out of the 96 countries, South Africa ranks a disgustingly low 80th place overall, but is the second-highest in its region, sub-Saharan Africa, which is one of the most pathetic and poorest areas on planet earth.

The index studies four areas, in particular:

  • Income Security covers the state of pensions, relative welfare of older people, GDP in each country, and poverty rate in old age.
South Africa is ranked 19th in terms of Income Security.
By October 2013, 93% of older South Africans received a pension of which 63% (more than 2.9 million) received a tax-payer-funded Old-Age-Pension (OAG) of approximately R1,260 (117 US$) per month the communist ANC Regime with the rest receiving contributory pensions.

  • Health status includes life expectancy at 60 and psychological status.
South Africa ranks at a very low, near-rock-bottom 89th place due to health service delivery in the country having come to a virtual halt.

  • ‘Enabling environment’ includes physical safety, social connections and access to public transport.
South Africa is ranked 83rd place, due to below regional averages on older people’s satisfaction with their safety (31%) and civic freedom (66%)

  • Capability covers the employment level and educational status of older people:
South Africa is ranked 75th place thanks to the high standards of education under "apartheid".
South Africa has the highest rate of educational attainment among older people in its region (43.8%), slightly above the overall Index average (43%) - Obviously these people were educated in pre-1994 South Africa, when we enjoyed among the highest educational standards in the world.


Commentary on South Africa’s domain ranks in the 2014 Global AgeWatch Index
By Necodimus Chipfupa, Regional Director, HelpAge Southern Africa
Download this document in pdf format at:

Compare South Africa to other countries:
What's it like to grow old in YOUR country? Global index ranks the world based on quality of life for the over-60s

Global rankings map
The map shows how countries are ranked in the Global AgeWatch Index. Countries are ranked from 1 to 96, with 1 being the highest rank. The higher the rank, the better the quality of life for older people. Colours on a spectrum from dark green to dark red represent the ranking from 1 to 96. Grey is used for countries where there is not enough data to include them in the Index

Collapsing SA Rand suffers longest losses on record, SA trade deficit almost doubled, SA's ailing economy growing at only 1.7 percent

The collapsing SA Rand suffers its longest run of quarterly losses on record and it may continue into year-end, while South Africa’s trade deficit almost doubled, from R6.8-billion to R16.3-billion. Meanwhile, the National Treasury is predicting South Africa's ailing economy to grow at only 1.7 percent this year.

The currency posted its 10th straight quarterly drop against the dollar in the three months through September, the longest stretch since at least 1971, when Bloomberg began compiling the data.

“Our economic fundamentals are not a good story and I can’t see the commodity cycle turning. We’re probably going to see more rand weakness.”

The currency retreated to its weakest level since January, closing in on the lowest since October 2008, after South Africa’s trade deficit widened more than economists’ estimates in August. The shortfall climbed to 16.3 billion rand ($1.4 billion) from 6.8 billion rand and more than the 8.7 billion- rand median estimate of 14 economists in a Bloomberg survey.

Take note: South Africa’s trade deficit almost doubled, from R6.8-billion to R16.3-billion

Raw materials accounted for 60 percent of exports in 2013, with South Africa's new colonisers, China, being the biggest buyer of coal, iron ore and other mining commodities. In the meantime, China's economy will be growing at its slowest pace in more than two decades.

“Should China experience further slowdown, the rand will likely weaken as commodity prices ease once again,” Annabel Bishop, the Johannesburg-based chief economist at Investec, said.

Investec revised its year-end forecast for the rand to 10.92 per dollar, compared with a previous forecast of 10, and said there is a 45 percent probability of a “down-case scenario” that could see the currency depreciate to 11.70 this year and 12.70 by the end of 2015.

The National Treasury is predicting South Africa's ailing economy to grow at only 1.7 percent this year.

“Even with an end to the worst of the industrial unrest, South Africa’s problems are not over,” Razia Khan, a London- based Africa economist at Standard Chartered Plc, said in an e- mail yesterday. “There is no evidence of a hoped-for automatic correction in external metrics. The rand may have to adjust further.”

A friend added the following:

"I did a quick calculation yesterday (which I posted on my wall) taking the run rate of the Rand over the last few months (source and it is my prediction the Rand will be somewhere between R11.70 and R12,70 by year end. The Rand is losing 6% of its value month on month for the last three months. The slide started to happen on the 27th July 2014 and the stats after that don't lie. Most importers of electronic goods - myself included - are already costing at R11.55 / USD with many of my compatriots stating that they are moving to costing at R11.70/USD and we are nowhere near year end yet."

Rand endures record 10th quarterly decline

Monday, 29 September 2014

Big-Business loves corrupt politicians - Just look at the ANC and its business partners

Big-Business loves corrupt politicians, which is why they pushed so hard to get the ANC to power in South Africa.

Big business could not openly support terrorists, so they called them "freedom fighters". In so doing, they could legally finance them, train them, market them as heroes of "the struggle", because what they were seeking, was an open door to South Africa's minerals and wealth.

The fight against the South Africa under the National Party never was about racism or racial discrimination, it was all about money. The National Party blocked access to plundering big business and big business had to remove that obstacle.

The National Party's Separate Development policy, aimed at splitting South Africa into smaller independent countries, known as the TBVC states, was not good for business and had to be stopped.

Big business wanted only one government, preferably a very corrupt government, to negotiate with, not numerous smaller independent states.

One of the first things Nelson Mandela's ANC Regime did, when they came to power in 1994, was to abolish the TBVC states, reincorporate them back into South Africa, and remove all mineral rights held by private property owners. They nationalised mineral rights to pave the way for plundering big business.

It is a fact that more racism and racial discrimination existed in ANC supporting overseas countries than had ever existed in South Africa, but the word "Apartheid" was a powerful weapon in the hands of plundering big business.

Every country that ever supported the ANC, disguised as "freedom Fighters", is today a partner in South Africa's ANC Regime.

A close friend added:

"Don't forget that "Big Business" consists not only of "The Board" who are the decision makers, but also of the "shareholders" who are nothing other than loan-sharks who want - or rather DEMAND - a return on the loans the made in the form of "purchasing" shares.

They - the shareholders - couldn't care one hoot about the morality of "The Board's decisions", and usually they will claim ignorance of both the decisions and the consequences.

When the AA, and later BEE, and BBBEE legislation was promulgated, the Corporates could have stood up en masse and stated clear that interference in business will not be tolerated, but although they had the power to do so, they did not - they had debts and favours to call in and by staying in the good books of Pretoria, would ensure that they will be rewarded for their immoral support through the years. And the citizens be damned. They found it handy to oppose so-called "inhumane laws" when they were still currying favour with the terrorists, but when their prodigies promulgated laws which were beyond any previously "inhumane" laws, they showed their moral impotence.

There is not one single director of a company who will lose one second of sleep about the lives destroyed by their immorality - and neither is there one single loan-shark "shareholder" who would.

What they forget is that the term "shareholder" defines their position in the misery and death caused by these immoral corporates - they share in the blame, and they will have to have to carry that responsibility when the time comes."

More of them have now been exposed...

EXPOSED: How French arms giant, Thales, bankrolled SA ('President') Jacob Zuma and the ANC

President Jacob Zuma and the ANC were deep in the pockets of French arms giant Thales. This is according to explosive documents obtained exclusively by the Sunday Times that reveal how Thales fixer Ajay Sooklal allegedly arranged flights, fancy clothes, legal fees and lavish hotel stays in Europe for Zuma when he faced corruption charges linked to the arms deal.
Thales's South African subsidiary Thint won a R2.6-billion contract in 1997 to fit four new navy frigates with combat suites.
The documents are transcripts of testimony given under oath before retired Judge Phillip Levinsohn at confidential arbitration hearings held earlier this year in a fee dispute between Sooklal and Thales.
The transcripts, totalling 1358 pages, provide a detailed account of Sooklal's work as a lawyer and secret fixer for Thales for six years.
Sooklal claims he is owed R70-million in outstanding fees. Thales has offered him R42-million.
Zuma declined to respond to detailed questions e-mailed to his spokesman Mac Maharaj this week.
"Anyone with information relating to the arms deal should bring it to the attention of the Seriti commission," Maharaj said. "The commission has been established specifically to deal with such allegations and rumours."
The commission resumes on October 6 with testimony from arms deal activist Terry Crawford-Browne.
The transcripts expose for the first time that:
Zuma used the code words "Eiffel Tower" to accept a R500000-a-year bribe from Thales in return for political protection in the arms deal probe and to secure future business;
- Thales gave former ANC treasurer Mendi Msimang a cheque for €1-million (about R14-million at today's rates) in April 2006 to be paid from a secret Dubai account into an "ANC-aligned trust" shortly before the company was due to stand trial for corruption with Zuma;
- Thales was asked to bankroll the ANC conference at Polokwane in 2007, where Zuma was elected party president, but did not do so;
- Thales furiously lobbied ANC officials including former president Thabo Mbeki, former justice minister Penuell Maduna, former secretary-general Kgalema Motlanthe and Msimang to be let off the hook, even enlisting the help of French president Jacques Chirac; and
- Thales bankrolled Zuma and Sooklal to fly around the world and meet witnesses who could help the ANC president in his forthcoming corruption trial, even when they were unrelated to Thales.
- As deputy president and head of government business at the time, Zuma was also expected to promote the French arms and electronic company's future business ventures in South Africa in return for his alleged bribe.
The arms company has since clinched several lucrative state contracts.
These include a R1.87-billion rail signalling contract in the Western Cape in 2013, a R100-million electronic ticketing system for the Gautrain in 2007 and a R95-million air traffic control maintenance contract in 2009 that did not go out to tender.
Despite a decade of court proceedings, Sooklal's is the first sworn testimony that Zuma personally signalled his acceptance of the bribe that led to Shaik's conviction. The code words used, "Eiffel Tower", has also never been revealed before.
The documents show Shaik proposed the bribe and code words to Alain Thetard, who headed Thint at the time. On March 11 2000 Shaik brought Thetard to see Zuma at King's House, his official residence in Durban, where he allegedly said: "I see the Eiffel Tower lights are shining today."
This was taken to mean Zuma had accepted the bribe offer. At the meeting Thetard jotted down the terms of the bribe agreement on a piece of paper he later gave to his personal assistant, who typed it up and sent it via encrypted fax to Thales's Paris and Mauritius offices. The fax became a crucial item of evidence and helped convict Shaik on corruption charges.
Two courts found that the King's House meeting in 2000 led to the first R250000 tranche of bribe money being released to Shaik.
The transcripts reveal the extent to which Thales had Zuma and the ANC in their pocket.
Sooklal, a politically connected former government official, was hired in 2003 to "make representations to the highest authorities in the land" to get corruption charges against Thales withdrawn and arrest warrants for its top executives uplifted soon after then-prosecutions boss Bulelani Ngcuka announced he would charge Shaik - and said there was a "prima facie" case of corruption against Zuma.
Sooklal was mandated by Thales to help Zuma beat his corruption charges. Zuma and Thint were only charged in November 2005, after Shaik was convicted of corruption.
Pierre Moynot, who replaced Thetard to head Thales's South African arm, allegedly told Zuma in Sooklal's presence: "Your clothes and your other outgoings anywhere in the world, I will pay for that."
Moynot allegedly handed the à1-million cheque to Msimang at his Waterkloof, Pretoria, home in Sooklal's presence. "Mr Msimang was quite happy with the cheque" and asked Moynot to thank his boss in Paris, said Sooklal.
Asked to comment on Sooklal's allegations, Moynot said Thales had hired him because he had "very good relations with the government" but accused him of "lying" in his testimony. "We realised very soon he was not a proper guy - he would do anything for money," Moynot said.
However, he confirmed that Thales had bankrolled Zuma's clothes, trips and legal fees and made a substantial donation to the ANC. "He had no money at the time. That's why we helped him," he said.
Thales wanted Zuma's prosecution "to be stopped as soon as possible. If he had lost, the company would have a lot of problems in his country and we would have had to leave."
There was nothing untoward in the ANC donation. "A lot of companies want to have good relations with the ANC and give them money from time to time." Asked to confirm the amount of à1-million, he said it was "something like that".
ANC spokesman Zizi Kodwa said "the ANC has got no record of such a donation. It's hearsay."
Sooklal's job with Thales ended after charges against Zuma and Thint were controversially withdrawn in April 2009 by prosecutions boss Mokotedi Mpshe, citing evidence of political interference contained in the so-called spy tapes.
Thales has declined to make any official comment, saying the arbitration matter was "sub judice at this stage". Sooklal said he would comment when the hearings ended. They are scheduled to continue this month.
Thetard and Msimang could not be reached for comment.


Further Reading

Camp Quatro – ANC crimes against humanity

How Big Business and the Media Sold South African Citizens to Communist Gangsters

Self Determination - Boer Republics, Volkstaat, Secession
(See paragraph under the heading "The battle for a United South Africa")

How international banks lured pre-1994 South Africa into a trap

Arms dealer had Zuma in its pocket - report
(Zuma also allegedly used the code words "Eiffel Tower", which when translated meant "bribe".)