Liberals could learn so much from SA Public Protector, Thuli Madonsela:
"When somebody starts insulting you, just know that you have won and
that they are surrendering their power to you. It is the same thing
when people stop discussing the issue at hand and start discussing you.
"They do it in soccer when the player starts playing the man instead
of the ball, it is because they are desperate and they are losing the
game," said Madonsela.
"I understand that sometimes humans kick because they are afraid. So
when they kick me, I know that they are doing the best that they can
and the driving force is fear."
The above describes the typical behaviour of liberals. They will
always insult you as a person, your intelligence and your knowledge.
And liberals do so because liberals are losers, they ALWAYS lose.
Self-entitled blacks and South Africa's white conservatives can also
learn from SA Public Protector Thuli Madonsela:
"When you put the attention on yourself, you see yourself as a victim
and once you see yourself as a victim, you are a danger to yourself
and to society because victims tend to do nothing wrong..."
While this is so typical of the ANC and Africa as a whole, all we have
been hearing from whites in South Africa, since 1994, is how they are
being victimised. We have heard more talk and read more complaints
about Britain's genocide against the Boers during the Anglo-Boer War
over the past 10 years than during entire past century combined. South
African whites have become victims of their past.
We read daily about the killing of whites, but we never hear about the
circumstances that led up to it, let alone about the total lack of
situational awareness that so often paved the way and created the
opportunities for it.
We read about a 50-year-old woman being shot in her car at a garage,
but we do not read about the fact that it was after midnight and that
she had just stopped on her way from one night club to the next, alone
in a car that time of the night, in Pretoria. This is but one example
of many.
The great Col. Jeff Cooper wrote in December, 1994: "The subject of
personal defense is far more psychological than technical. As soon as
you decide and insist that you will not be victimized, you have done
more than any weapon can to provide for your safety."
Whites have become a danger to themselves, not just because of
cowardly liberal sellouts appeasing those they fear most, but because
SA whites have developed a shameful "poor-us" victim mentality.
One has to wonder if SA whites will also be crying about being victims
of the ANC decades after the ANC Regime had been toppled, just as
blacks will still be crying about being victims of Apartheid for the
next 2,000 years.
One can foresee a time in the distant future where blacks and whites
will unite by crying on each other's shoulders, blacks about being
victims of apartheid and whites about being victims of the ANC Regime.
What would have happened to South Africa had the Boers also sat back
crying "victim" after the Anglo-Boer Wars? Fortunately the Boers
looked at what they had left to work with and to build upon, rather
than crying "victims of Britain".
1994 was the tenth Border War, the one and only Border War we lost,
and of the third Anglo-(American)-Boer War, the one where we just gave
it all up, rather than choosing to fight for our rightful place in
South Africa, the country that never even existed before 1910.
There is no one else to blame but ourselves, because South Africans
willingly and knowingly chose this path for themselves. We are not
victims of the ANC. We are victims of ourselves, victims of a
contorted history and a false breed of our own people.
We are not victims of war, victims of oppression, anti-white racism
and discrimination. We are victims of peace, victims of instilled
white guilt and victims of the criminally insane Human Rights
Movement, victims of big business' greed, victims of money and image,
victims of "international participation" and "international
integration", and last but not least;
We are victims of religio-political pacifism that taught us that,
"because of our sins of Apartheid" capitulation would serve as a kind
of repentance and an attempt to redeem our "our sins of Apartheid",
while resistance would "prove" a lack of remorse.
We could, like all of Africa, continue crying "victim" for the next
few hundred years, or we could choose to do something like a S.W.O.T.
analysis to determine what we have that we could use, that we could
build upon for a better future.
Only we can make this choice for ourselves, no one else can or will do
it on our behalf.
When somebody insults you, know that you have won - Madonsela
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Thursday, 30 July 2015
While the world is focussed on 13-year-old Cecil the Lion
While everyone is making the biggest hype in history about a 13-year-old lion, with a life-span of 15 years and his contribution to the gene pool and survival of his species ending at the age of between 10 to 12 years, I shall rather focus my attention on the survival of one of the countries that have been growing the numbers of the lion species, being South Africa. There are more than enough people all-over the world fighting for Cecil the 13-year-old Lion, so I am quite sure that it does not need any further input from me.
Here is a letter from a "Concerned Johannesburg citizen" to the Gauteng Premier David Makhuru, which might as well have been written to the president of South Africa, as this is the state of things throughout the country:
"I write on behalf of those living and working in Johannesburg who are killed, robbed, intimidated, and brutalised by criminals on a daily basis. Black, white, the aged, women, children, physically and mentally challenged, no one is spared.
Johannesburg is in a state of emergency due to the level of crime. Nowhere is safe and people are virtual prisoners in their homes. Arriving or leaving home is a nightmare. Our children travel to and from school in fear.
The rise in crime has an impact on all Gauteng citizens, and load-shedding makes it easier for criminals to escape.
We need an urgent solution to the crisis in Johannesburg and Gauteng.
We as Community Policing Forum members are unable to make a visible difference. Not even the police are able to curb the crime plague.
The police need the support of the SANDF to restore order. Public order has broken down, and state security is threatened.
We have become a failed province on the issue of crime, failing to protect our citizens.
Premier, we beg that the SANDF be deployed in Johannesburg before another family loses another father or mother or child to crime."
Here are few other issues in our newspapers that I have tweeted over the past seven days (The tweets listed below can be found at @toxinews):
By November 2014 The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has executed nearly 1,500 people in Syria in the five months since it declared the establishment of a "caliphate" and when It Comes to Beheadings, ISIS Has Nothing Over Saudi Arabia
In the first four months of 2015, a record 393 rhinos were killed by poachers – up 18% on the same time last year.
Using this outdated estimate and 2012/13 rape statistics suggest that 444,384 rapes were committed in 2012/13.
The most recent study into reporting rates found that in South Africa’s Gauteng province, only one in 25 rapes (4%) had been reported to police.
"researchers estimated that approximately 100 million sharks are killed per year by humans. However, they add that this is a conservative estimate, and the true number could be as high as 273 million sharks killed annually by humans."
Since the International Whaling Commission moratorium on whaling went into effect in 1986, 30429 whales have been killed. Despite bans on commercial whaling and the trade in whale products, Japan, Norway and Iceland still kill 2000 whales between them each year and also continue trade in whale products.
According to a national homicide study by the SA Medical Research Council, a total of 1 018 child homicides were recorded across the country in 2009 alone, with 454 being fatal child abuse cases.
Personal Note
As a matter of interest, I am not particularly fond of trophy hunting and personally I have an ethical and moral issue with trophy hunting, BUT I also realise that had it NOT BEEN for trophy hunting and hunting in general, South Africa's wild life would not have been steadily increasing over the years, and it would also have declined to near extinction as in the rest of Africa.
One has to weigh the pros and the cons of everything in life and we have to be practical and not just emotional about issues such as Cecil the lion.
In the meantime, while the world is running wild with the lion issue, the very same people screaming and crying on TV and social media about this lion, never say a damn word about ISIS, because they are too damn scared to say anything. It is therefore easier for them to cry and scream about a lion at the end of his life, than taking issue with serious matters such as the crime, murder, rape, beheadings, fraud and corruption of terrorist regimes.
Lion Numbers in South Africa vs the Rest of Africa
In 1999, there were between 800 and 1,000 lions in cages in South Africa. In 2005 there were between 3,000 and 3,500 captive lions. According to credible organizations like Panthera, South Africa has between 2,700 and 3,200 “wild” and “managed” lions—split roughly 50/50. The wild lions live in two parks, Kruger National Park and Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. Managed lions inhabit private reserves such as Phinda and Tswalu and are managed in the name of keeping the gene pool diverse. The South African Predator Association (SAPA) keeps track of captive lions and captive breeding facilities, and based on interviews we’ve done with SAPA and also with the South African department of environmental affairs, some 7,000 lions now live in captivity.
Latest Lion Population Estimates in Africa
Throughout Africa many people and organizations are working to assess the numbers of lions in a variety of areas.
On this page we will bring you the latest news as we get it about the remaining lions in Africa.
February 2014: Surveys of lions Panthera leo in protected areas in Zimbabwe yield disturbing results: what is driving the population collapse?
Direct estimates of lion populations from surveys in Gonarezhou suggests a total population of 33 lions (95% CI 28–39). In Tuli, no lions responded physically or vocally to calling stations, and no lion tracks were observed on the roads during 4 days of searching.
January 2014: The Lion in West Africa Is Critically Endangered
"Results suggest that only 406 (273–605) lions remain in West Africa, representing <250 mature individuals."
Estimates for four areas containing lions in West Africa were given as:
16 (0 - 54) in Niokolo-Koba NP, Senegal
356 (246 - 466) in W-Arly-Pendjari Lion Conservation Unit, Benin / Burkina Faso / Niger
32 (23 - 63) in Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria
2 in Yankari Game Reserve, Nigeria
October 2013: King of Beasts Losing Ground in Uganda's Paradise (read online article here)
"According to the results of a recent survey, African lions in Uganda have decreased by more than 30 percent over the past 10 years in some areas of the country, mostly the result of poisoning by local cattle herders, retaliations for livestock predation, and other human-related conflicts. The downward trend in lion numbers has conservationists concerned about the species' long-term chances in the country, often described as the "Pearl of Africa" for its natural wonders."
Estimates for five areas containing lions in Uganda given as:
144 +/-22 in Queen Elizabeth Protected Area
132 +/-24 in Murchison Falls Conservation Area
132 +/-77 in Kidepo Valley National Park
2-8 lions in Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve
up to 5 lions in Lake Mburo National Park
March 2013: A study of lions in northwest Tete Province of Mozambique suggests 185 lions (range 136 - 227) exist in the region, down from a previous estimate of 295 lions made in 2009 and Chardonnet et al., which suggested 507 lions.
Further reading:
Inside the Grim Lives of Africa's Captive Lions
Latest lion population estimates - ALERT | African Lion & Environmental Research Trust
Child abuse and murder cases that shocked SA in 2014 | The Citizen
100 Million Sharks Killed Each Year : Discovery News
How Many Sharks Do Humans Kill Per Hour? | IFLScience
Will 74,400 women be raped this August in South Africa? | Africa Check
Whaling Information and Whale Hunting Facts - WDC, Whale and Dolphin Conservation
South Africa Violence Against Women Rated Highest In The World
ISIS executes nearly 1,500 people in Syria in 5 months - Al Arabiya News
When It Comes to Beheadings, ISIS Has Nothing Over Saudi Arabia
Here is a letter from a "Concerned Johannesburg citizen" to the Gauteng Premier David Makhuru, which might as well have been written to the president of South Africa, as this is the state of things throughout the country:
"I write on behalf of those living and working in Johannesburg who are killed, robbed, intimidated, and brutalised by criminals on a daily basis. Black, white, the aged, women, children, physically and mentally challenged, no one is spared.
Johannesburg is in a state of emergency due to the level of crime. Nowhere is safe and people are virtual prisoners in their homes. Arriving or leaving home is a nightmare. Our children travel to and from school in fear.
The rise in crime has an impact on all Gauteng citizens, and load-shedding makes it easier for criminals to escape.
We need an urgent solution to the crisis in Johannesburg and Gauteng.
We as Community Policing Forum members are unable to make a visible difference. Not even the police are able to curb the crime plague.
The police need the support of the SANDF to restore order. Public order has broken down, and state security is threatened.
We have become a failed province on the issue of crime, failing to protect our citizens.
Premier, we beg that the SANDF be deployed in Johannesburg before another family loses another father or mother or child to crime."
Here are few other issues in our newspapers that I have tweeted over the past seven days (The tweets listed below can be found at @toxinews):

- In Cape Town, Manenberg drug dealers have found a new way to get kids hooked on drugs - by sneaking narcotics into their hookah flavour.
- "SA doesn’t have surplus water and 28% of the country’s towns have inadequate water supply,"
- Over 300 people have been convicted over the past 18 months after being nabbed at the OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg for either smuggling drugs or trying to enter the country with fraudulent documents
- SA's water treatment works are in a critical state and only 41% of water samples collected by the CSIR were found to be of an acceptable quality.
- South Africans take note: Water shedding - Feel it, it is (almost) here. Engineers warn SA public to start preserving water - Under the ANC Regime water shedding is a reality
- SA Labour Minister reappointed a R1-million fraudster as her special advisor.
- The Deputy chief justice of the SA Constitutional Court says it is legal to expropriate land and that the willing buyer willing seller system is not constitutional.
- There are more than 2 000 headmen in KwaZulu-Natal and tax payers would need to fork about R171-million to cover their annual salaries for looking nice.
- a High Court judgment had effectively struck Communications Minister Faith Muthambi’s legal adviser, Daniel Mantsha, off the roll of attorneys in 2007 for his unprofessional behaviour, dishonesty and misappropriation of funds.
- Riot police had to fire rubber bullets and tear gas at CHILDREN protesting (like in 1976) in Port Elizabeth over the closure of 33 schools because of a shortage of teachers
- South Africa’s Hotels are empty, jobs are on the line, as onerous new visa regulations have wreaked havoc.
- Under the SA Communist Party-controlled ANC, South Africa is mow ranked among the top 8 ‘corruption hot spots’ in Africa.
- 'SA must better prepare for impending death of mining industry', says analyst - And it is already happening.
- SA’s steel industry is on the ropes | ArcelorMittal confirmed it may close its Vereeniging steel works
- Justice is finally on the way for 4-year-old Jasmin-Lee Pretorius, who was raped, then murdered, and then stuffed underneath a bed.
- An ANC Poo-flinger Western Cape executive declared war on the SA justice system urging the public to 'kill for justice'.
- Just as a matter of interest, "A third Shock Video Catches Planned Parenthood Vice President Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies", but we do not see the same level of outcry about this as we have been seeing about Cecil the 13-year-old lion in Zimbabwe, the second poorest country on earth, ruled by a hoodlum who have had thousands of people murdered.
- Even the ever-so-positive Magnus Heystek is now warning about the crash of the SA Rand.
- SA farm attack victims voiced their anger in the past week, but this regime does not listen, because they do not care.
- ‘He pulled my vagina from his pocket’ A few minutes later, Phuti Malema returned them to his pocket and went to boil water, telling Mapula Malemone, 29, who is now wheelchair-bound, that he was going to kill her. - Moretele Magistrate’s Court
- A Mining jobs ‘bloodbath’ hits SA, due to falling commodity prices and increasing wage demands. Thousands will lose their jobs.
- Ousted Port Elizabeth mayor now the R1-million-a-year "additional special adviser" to the EC premier.
- Eskom aims to install an extra 6250MW of coal-based power after Medupi and Kusile and will import coal, because South Africa has run out of good quality coal supplies.
- A SA Police officer was stabbed to death on the N2 highway, while changing a tyre on his way to work. Cape Town crime is madness.
- It is 2015 and yet 12 people have been arrested after a KwaMashu man was beaten and burnt alive by a mob who accused him of witchcraft.
- Two kids 10 and 12, accused of raping a 7-year-old girl in Mitchell’s Plain to be criminally assessed.
- Four murders in six weeks have left Hout Bay residents reeling as a wave of crime continues.
- Telkom more than doubled executive directors’ pay as they plan to retrench thousands of employees
- 14 000 boxes of suspected stolen alcohol seized at a bottle store in Marabastad, Pretoria
- Hijacking Safety Tips are issued for driving on the N2 highway near Cape Town International Airport
- WARNING is issued: Upsurge in vehicle stoning on R300 near Cape Town - Drive on a full tank and not stop for any reason
- Student murdered while on his way to study at the University of Johannesburg’s Soweto campus
- Underberg farm, armed criminals assaulted and robbed owners and foreign guests
- Interim chairwoman of the state-owned oil company PetroSA has quit - Golden Handshake is coming
- 1 dead after shootout at Tembisa taxi rank in taxi war between rival associations
- Boy, 14, opens fire in Johannesburg street with an unlicensed / illegal firearm
- Job cuts in SA mining industry likely to continue as high-cost mines close over the next 3 years
- Metro Police officer shot dead during a armed robbery at the Junction Mall, south of Johannesburg
- Patching of potholes halted in Johannesburg due to yet another nationwide shortage of bitumen
- The SA Communist Party-led alliance wants to enforce army conscription in South Africa
- Couple kills two house robbers in southern Johannesburg - One shot dead and one fell from balcony
- Members of AfriForum and relatives of victims of farm attacks were 'pushed around and threatened' by SA Police in front of SA Police Minister Nathi Nhleko's office..
- 'Don't scream, don't hoot or I'll shoot', an armed hijacker warns driver ar the intersection of William Nicol Drive and Main Road
- Raging riots cripple the northern areas of Port Elizabeth
- Live ammunition was reportedly fired at rioters in Port Elizabeth’s Northern Areas
- Teenager stabbed multiple times while walking to his school in Middelburg
- South Africa's racist ANC Regime is offering incentives to keep whites out of jobs
- Six adults and four children held at gunpoint in a Richards Bay flat
- Granny fights off housebreakers with telephone book | Discovers use for Telkom directories
- Malema threatens Transnet and supermarket chains Shoprite and Pick n Pay over labour brokers
- ANC Regime's foreign policy creates poverty in SA with millions of Zimbabweans having fled to SA
- Husband kept busy while his 36-year-old wife was gang-raped by 4 men at Monotomosetlha village
- Affirmative Action and cadre deployment in hospitals can kill and SA health's system proves it
- 6000 miners are about to lose their jobs. Unions, Eskom partly to blame
- Six armed robbers shot and critically wounded a Centurion businessman on Saturday night. 33-year-old man was shot and killed during an armed robbery in Centurion, Pretoria
- Three prisoners tunnel out of KZN police station cell | No one noticed anything strange?
- Power and greed derail parastatals | Of the 300 state-owned enterprises, most are in leadership crisis
- Quantifying South African Rape & Murder Since the Fall of Apartheid (2014-2015) is worse than a horror
- SASSA employees allegedly deducting from grants unlawfully
- A company which failed to deliver textbooks is now in charge of tablets, laptops for schools
- 14 toilets at a school cost R4.7m to build and the super-expensive toilets do not work
- ANC Jacob Zuma personally called SAA chairwoman Myeni to torpedo multimillion-rand Emirates deal
- There is Sewage in Gauteng's drinking water | Sewage in goverment too
- S Africa’s macadamia industry in chaos, may see substantial losses as Chinese exports fall through
- Road traffic rules changed again to make it easier to catch e-toll and traffic fine defaulters
- SA state owned PetroSA set for record multi-billion rand loss - Check ANC cadres' bank accounts
- One on five SA teenagers try to commit suicide
- Activists film horrific slaughter of 250 whales by humans in Faroe Islands (GRAPHIC VIDEO) - While the world goes crazy over one lion and says NOTHING about this.
- Three East Rand teenage girls have gone missing, since July 14 in unrelated cases
- SAA chief strategy officer believed to have resigned over 'dysfunctional' board of technical directors
- Bloodshed will be seen if pay a strike was called at SA gold mines
- 76-year-old man stabbed to death in his Kelvin Estate home | flesh on one of his arms was ripped off
- Police launch manhunt: - 50-year-old Adam Balim was fatally shot at a parking lot in Sandton
- Sex assault shock at prestigious Reddam House private school for Cape Town’s wealthiest children
- Richards Bay Pensioner shot in wrestling match with robber
- Lonmin says 6 000 jobs at risk in planning to close or mothball several mine shafts
- SANDF has paid 597 soldiers more than R340-million to remain on special leave
- Report on corruption in asylum system must be tabled in Parliament - Democratic Alliance
- Floor of government building in Riverside caves in | journalist prohibited from taking photos
- Well-known economist Dawie Roodt was hacked with a panga at his home
- "Kumba Mine In Thabazimbi To Close Shortly"
- At least 29 Gauteng police officers fired over corruption in the past three months
- SA mechanics jobless, while ANC imports 100 Cuban mechanics to help with SANDF vehicles
- Allegations of vehicle maintenance corruption in the SA National Defence Force (SANDF)
- Knife-wielding gang of train-robbers hit commuters at Retreat station, Cape Town - SA is screwed
- Inside Prasa's dirty battles | "suggests pressure exerted to pay an ANC-aligned supplier"
- 645,098 whites have left South Africa since 1986, of which more than half (340,986) left since 2000
- Congress of South African Students (Cosas) blames government for its members looting Pretoria shops
- ANC Regime takes more than 1000 companies to SA Labour Court to force black job quotas
- Investors starting to snub SA over "bribery and corruption," warns lawyer
- ANC Pres Jacob Zuma’s family NGO scams revealed: No financial reports are just the tip of the iceberg
- Woman drugged and kidnapped at popular Presley’s nightclub in Boksburg
- ANC's Minister of Energy Joemat-Pettersson jetsets while PetroSA suffers R15 billion loss - DA
- Discovery Health wants a detailed and explicit photograph of your anus before paying your claim
- SA Police vehicle set alight in Burgersfort
- EFF Gauteng's 7-day ultimatum - threatens chaos in the Johannesburg CBD over its demands
- Assault claims against Edenvale police officers pile up
- ANC's Apartheid-style race-based laws damaging SA's employable future - Youth unemployment at 63%
- Allegations of corruption as dep chief of Tshwane metro police is building a R-multimillion mansion
- 76-year-old man shot and killed armed robber in the driveway of his home in Horizon, Roodepoort
- Australian TV Exposes Britain’s Westminster Paedophile Scandal | Britain’s ‘biggest ever scandal
- Economists should wake up and realise that South Africa's economy is not producing millionaires. The ANC is making tax-theft millionaires.
- Nkandla site visit an 'eye-opener' – Ad hoc committee Chairperson | Gross inflation of construction prices. (Too many tweets on this issue to list here.)
- Goat sh*t and a mattress - how Zuma's R135-million security village was furnished
- Under the SA Communist Party-controlled ANC, South Africa is sinking deeper into violence red zone
- Newly proposed medical aid rules on prescribed minimum benefits will make patients suffer
- Nightmarish details emerge in kidnapping saga of Impala Park resident Margaretha Compaan (29)
By November 2014 The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has executed nearly 1,500 people in Syria in the five months since it declared the establishment of a "caliphate" and when It Comes to Beheadings, ISIS Has Nothing Over Saudi Arabia
In the first four months of 2015, a record 393 rhinos were killed by poachers – up 18% on the same time last year.
Using this outdated estimate and 2012/13 rape statistics suggest that 444,384 rapes were committed in 2012/13.
The most recent study into reporting rates found that in South Africa’s Gauteng province, only one in 25 rapes (4%) had been reported to police.
"researchers estimated that approximately 100 million sharks are killed per year by humans. However, they add that this is a conservative estimate, and the true number could be as high as 273 million sharks killed annually by humans."
Since the International Whaling Commission moratorium on whaling went into effect in 1986, 30429 whales have been killed. Despite bans on commercial whaling and the trade in whale products, Japan, Norway and Iceland still kill 2000 whales between them each year and also continue trade in whale products.
According to a national homicide study by the SA Medical Research Council, a total of 1 018 child homicides were recorded across the country in 2009 alone, with 454 being fatal child abuse cases.
Personal Note
As a matter of interest, I am not particularly fond of trophy hunting and personally I have an ethical and moral issue with trophy hunting, BUT I also realise that had it NOT BEEN for trophy hunting and hunting in general, South Africa's wild life would not have been steadily increasing over the years, and it would also have declined to near extinction as in the rest of Africa.
One has to weigh the pros and the cons of everything in life and we have to be practical and not just emotional about issues such as Cecil the lion.
In the meantime, while the world is running wild with the lion issue, the very same people screaming and crying on TV and social media about this lion, never say a damn word about ISIS, because they are too damn scared to say anything. It is therefore easier for them to cry and scream about a lion at the end of his life, than taking issue with serious matters such as the crime, murder, rape, beheadings, fraud and corruption of terrorist regimes.
Lion Numbers in South Africa vs the Rest of Africa
In 1999, there were between 800 and 1,000 lions in cages in South Africa. In 2005 there were between 3,000 and 3,500 captive lions. According to credible organizations like Panthera, South Africa has between 2,700 and 3,200 “wild” and “managed” lions—split roughly 50/50. The wild lions live in two parks, Kruger National Park and Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. Managed lions inhabit private reserves such as Phinda and Tswalu and are managed in the name of keeping the gene pool diverse. The South African Predator Association (SAPA) keeps track of captive lions and captive breeding facilities, and based on interviews we’ve done with SAPA and also with the South African department of environmental affairs, some 7,000 lions now live in captivity.
Latest Lion Population Estimates in Africa
Throughout Africa many people and organizations are working to assess the numbers of lions in a variety of areas.
On this page we will bring you the latest news as we get it about the remaining lions in Africa.
February 2014: Surveys of lions Panthera leo in protected areas in Zimbabwe yield disturbing results: what is driving the population collapse?
Direct estimates of lion populations from surveys in Gonarezhou suggests a total population of 33 lions (95% CI 28–39). In Tuli, no lions responded physically or vocally to calling stations, and no lion tracks were observed on the roads during 4 days of searching.
January 2014: The Lion in West Africa Is Critically Endangered
"Results suggest that only 406 (273–605) lions remain in West Africa, representing <250 mature individuals."
Estimates for four areas containing lions in West Africa were given as:
16 (0 - 54) in Niokolo-Koba NP, Senegal
356 (246 - 466) in W-Arly-Pendjari Lion Conservation Unit, Benin / Burkina Faso / Niger
32 (23 - 63) in Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria
2 in Yankari Game Reserve, Nigeria
October 2013: King of Beasts Losing Ground in Uganda's Paradise (read online article here)
"According to the results of a recent survey, African lions in Uganda have decreased by more than 30 percent over the past 10 years in some areas of the country, mostly the result of poisoning by local cattle herders, retaliations for livestock predation, and other human-related conflicts. The downward trend in lion numbers has conservationists concerned about the species' long-term chances in the country, often described as the "Pearl of Africa" for its natural wonders."
Estimates for five areas containing lions in Uganda given as:
144 +/-22 in Queen Elizabeth Protected Area
132 +/-24 in Murchison Falls Conservation Area
132 +/-77 in Kidepo Valley National Park
2-8 lions in Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve
up to 5 lions in Lake Mburo National Park
March 2013: A study of lions in northwest Tete Province of Mozambique suggests 185 lions (range 136 - 227) exist in the region, down from a previous estimate of 295 lions made in 2009 and Chardonnet et al., which suggested 507 lions.
Further reading:
Inside the Grim Lives of Africa's Captive Lions
Latest lion population estimates - ALERT | African Lion & Environmental Research Trust
Child abuse and murder cases that shocked SA in 2014 | The Citizen
100 Million Sharks Killed Each Year : Discovery News
How Many Sharks Do Humans Kill Per Hour? | IFLScience
Will 74,400 women be raped this August in South Africa? | Africa Check
Whaling Information and Whale Hunting Facts - WDC, Whale and Dolphin Conservation
South Africa Violence Against Women Rated Highest In The World
ISIS executes nearly 1,500 people in Syria in 5 months - Al Arabiya News
When It Comes to Beheadings, ISIS Has Nothing Over Saudi Arabia
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
Liberals' Mainstream, Popular, Public Opinion, Where "Assent Becomes a duty"
Something was said first by one, then by two, three and so on, and now it has become what some call a "public opinion" an opinion of the majority.
Conformists mean nothing to this world. They are zombies, useless eaters and consumers. They follow the stream, never introducing anything new. Like zombies, conformists always follow the "norm", the mainstream and popular "public opinion", because they are unable & unwilling to think for themselves.
Arrogance is the measuring unit for liberal ignorance and the ANC serves as their base standard. Liberals cannot learn anything, yet they are the ones who establish "public opinion".
The following piece, "Assent becomes a duty" written by D.V. Grauvogl, was published in Shipman's Grauvogl (V.II., p.390) in 1870:
"What is commonly called public opinion is, plainly speaking, the opinion of two or three persons, and we should convince ourselves of the truth of this, could we but see into the mode in which this public opinion originated.
We should then find that there are two or three people who first assumed or decided or affirmed that such and such a thing was so without taking the trouble very thoroughly to examine it. Taking for granted that these had sufficient capacity of judgement, a few others also accepted their opinions; three again are believed by many others, whose indolence rather inclines them to believe it at once than to take the trouble to test it.
Thus grows from day to day the number of such indolent, easily believing adherents; for if the opinion had only gained a goodly number of advocates, those who adopted it afterwards attributed its prosperity to the quasi fact that those already accepting it would have done so only on account of weighty reasons.
Others were now constrained to accept what everybody else accepted, lest they might pass for restless souls who were setting themselves up against generally received opinions, and for malapert hinds, who would be wiser than the rest of the world. Assent now becomes a duty.
Now the few who are capable of judging must be silent; and those who are permitted to speak are those who, perfectly incapable of forming their own opinion or judgement, are the mere echo of the opinions of others; nevertheless, they are all the more zealous and intolerant advocates there of. For they hate in those thinking otherwise, not so much the diverse opinion they hold, as the arrogance of daring to judge for themselves; something, by the way, which they never venture themselves, of which they are at least conscious.
In short, very few can think, but all claim the right of having opinions; what else then remains for these latter, since they cannot make opinions for themselves, but to adopt the ready-made opinion of others? As this is the case of what avail now are the voices of a hundred million of men?"
"Dico ego, tu dicis, sed denique dixit et ille; dicta que post toties nil nisi dicta vides!" - D.V. Grauvogl
There you have it, the nature of "public opinion" originated by ignorant liberals, explained even long before we started calling them.... "liberals".
Conformists mean nothing to this world. They are zombies, useless eaters and consumers. They follow the stream, never introducing anything new. Like zombies, conformists always follow the "norm", the mainstream and popular "public opinion", because they are unable & unwilling to think for themselves.
Arrogance is the measuring unit for liberal ignorance and the ANC serves as their base standard. Liberals cannot learn anything, yet they are the ones who establish "public opinion".
The following piece, "Assent becomes a duty" written by D.V. Grauvogl, was published in Shipman's Grauvogl (V.II., p.390) in 1870:
"What is commonly called public opinion is, plainly speaking, the opinion of two or three persons, and we should convince ourselves of the truth of this, could we but see into the mode in which this public opinion originated.
We should then find that there are two or three people who first assumed or decided or affirmed that such and such a thing was so without taking the trouble very thoroughly to examine it. Taking for granted that these had sufficient capacity of judgement, a few others also accepted their opinions; three again are believed by many others, whose indolence rather inclines them to believe it at once than to take the trouble to test it.
Thus grows from day to day the number of such indolent, easily believing adherents; for if the opinion had only gained a goodly number of advocates, those who adopted it afterwards attributed its prosperity to the quasi fact that those already accepting it would have done so only on account of weighty reasons.
Others were now constrained to accept what everybody else accepted, lest they might pass for restless souls who were setting themselves up against generally received opinions, and for malapert hinds, who would be wiser than the rest of the world. Assent now becomes a duty.
Now the few who are capable of judging must be silent; and those who are permitted to speak are those who, perfectly incapable of forming their own opinion or judgement, are the mere echo of the opinions of others; nevertheless, they are all the more zealous and intolerant advocates there of. For they hate in those thinking otherwise, not so much the diverse opinion they hold, as the arrogance of daring to judge for themselves; something, by the way, which they never venture themselves, of which they are at least conscious.
In short, very few can think, but all claim the right of having opinions; what else then remains for these latter, since they cannot make opinions for themselves, but to adopt the ready-made opinion of others? As this is the case of what avail now are the voices of a hundred million of men?"
"Dico ego, tu dicis, sed denique dixit et ille; dicta que post toties nil nisi dicta vides!" - D.V. Grauvogl
There you have it, the nature of "public opinion" originated by ignorant liberals, explained even long before we started calling them.... "liberals".
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Harry Truman was a different kind of President
It's one you want your Children and Grandchildren to read. They won't believe this happened, but it DID. Harry & Bess.

Harry Truman was a different kind of President. He probably made as many, or more important decisions regarding our nation's history as any of the other 32 Presidents preceding him. However, a measure of his greatness may rest on what he did after he left the White House. The only asset he had when he died was the house he lived in, which was in Independence, Missouri. His wife had inherited the house from her mother and father and other than their years in the White House, they lived their entire lives there.

When he retired from office in 1952 his income was a U.S. Army pension reported to have been $13,507.72 a year. Congress, noting that he was paying for his stamps and personally licking them, granted him an 'allowance' and later, a retroactive pension of $25,000 per year.
After President Eisenhower was inaugurated, Harry and Bess drove home to Missouri by themselves. There was no Secret Service following them. When offered corporate positions at large salaries, he declined, stating, "You don't want me. You want the office of the President, and that doesn't belong to me.. It belongs to the American people and it's not for sale."
Even later, on May 6, 1971, when Congress was preparing to award him the Medal of Honor on his 87th birthday, he refused to accept it, writing, "I don't consider that I have done anything which should be the reason for any award, Congressional or otherwise."
As president he paid for all of his own travel expenses and food. Modern politicians have found a new level of success in cashing in on the Presidency, resulting in untold wealth. Today, too many in Congress also have found a way to become quite wealthy while enjoying the fruits of their offices. Political offices are now for sale.
Good old Harry Truman was correct when he observed, "My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference! We ought to have cloned him for telling it like it is and being frugal with our tax dollars! If you agree, forward it. If you don't, delete it. I don't want to know one way or the other. By me forwarding it, you know how I feel.

Harry Truman was a different kind of President. He probably made as many, or more important decisions regarding our nation's history as any of the other 32 Presidents preceding him. However, a measure of his greatness may rest on what he did after he left the White House. The only asset he had when he died was the house he lived in, which was in Independence, Missouri. His wife had inherited the house from her mother and father and other than their years in the White House, they lived their entire lives there.

When he retired from office in 1952 his income was a U.S. Army pension reported to have been $13,507.72 a year. Congress, noting that he was paying for his stamps and personally licking them, granted him an 'allowance' and later, a retroactive pension of $25,000 per year.
After President Eisenhower was inaugurated, Harry and Bess drove home to Missouri by themselves. There was no Secret Service following them. When offered corporate positions at large salaries, he declined, stating, "You don't want me. You want the office of the President, and that doesn't belong to me.. It belongs to the American people and it's not for sale."
Even later, on May 6, 1971, when Congress was preparing to award him the Medal of Honor on his 87th birthday, he refused to accept it, writing, "I don't consider that I have done anything which should be the reason for any award, Congressional or otherwise."
As president he paid for all of his own travel expenses and food. Modern politicians have found a new level of success in cashing in on the Presidency, resulting in untold wealth. Today, too many in Congress also have found a way to become quite wealthy while enjoying the fruits of their offices. Political offices are now for sale.
Good old Harry Truman was correct when he observed, "My choices in life were either to be a piano player in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference! We ought to have cloned him for telling it like it is and being frugal with our tax dollars! If you agree, forward it. If you don't, delete it. I don't want to know one way or the other. By me forwarding it, you know how I feel.
Saturday, 2 May 2015
The Lie of Apartheid
This is a re-post of "3rd Degree Journalist" Facebook posting for the intent and purpose of debate.

In 1988, a German book was published on South Africa during the height of apartheid. Below are some of the facts referencing 1988
In 1972, SA blacks owned 360,000 vehicles. (More than all the black African states together)
The monthly income of blacks per capita in 1988 was R352 per month in South Africa – Malawi and Mozambique was less than R20 per month.
In 1988 black people could undergo a complicated heart valve surgery for just more than $ 1 while black Americans had to pay $ 15,000. In a Pretoria hospital between 2,000 and 3,000 of these surgeries were done per year.
In 1970, black workers earned R1,751 million, or 25.5% of the total wage fees in SA and increased to R17,238 million in 1984 (1,000% growth) and 32.3% of total wages in SA.
In the 1986/1987 financial year, whites paid R9,000 million and blacks R171 million tax. Indians paid R257 million and coloreds paid R315 million on tax.
Between 1962 and 1972 the UN paid $ 298 million to underdeveloped countries compared to South Africa that spent $ 558 million on the development of its black areas.
The budget amount for black education increases every year from 1970 to almost 30% more than any other government department.
From 1955 to 1984 the number of black scholars increased from 35,000 to 1,096,000. In 1988 71% of the adult black population could read and write versus 47% in Kenya, 38% in Egypt and 34% in Nigeria. On average during the year 15 new classrooms per working day were built for black scholars.
In 1985 there were 42,000 black students enrolled at SA universities.
There were 5 black universities and 28 higher education institutions funded by the government.
Soweto with its population of 1.2 million had 5 modern stadiums versus Pretoria with its 600,000 whites who had three. Soweto had 365 schools versus Pretoria 229. In Soweto in 1978, there were 115 football fields, three rugby fields, 4 athletic tracks, 11 cricket fields, two golf courses, 47 tennis courts, 7 swimming pools, 5 bowling halls, 81 basketball fields, 39 children playgrounds and countless community halls, cinemas and clubhouses.
In Soweto in 1978, there were 300 churches, 365 schools, 2 technicons, 8 clinics, 63 kindergartens, 11 post offices and its own fruit and vegetable market.
The white government built a huge hospital Baragwanath 3,000 beds in Soweto. One of the largest and most modern hospitals in the world.
Its 23 operating theaters were equipped with the best equipment money can buy.
Here blacks were treated at a nominal cost of R2 for an unlimited period.
In 1982, no fewer than 898 heart surgeries were done here.
Next to the Baragwantha Hospital is the St. John-eye clinic, famous for the treatment of glaucoma, previous fix retinas, traumatic eye injuries and rare tropical diseases.
There were over 2,300 registered firms, 1,000 taxi operators and 50,000 car owners in Soweto.
Dr. Kenneth Walker, a Canadian physician, visited Soweto and made the following observations:
He saw several houses worth more than R100 000 with various BMW’s at the door.
Only 2% of homes are shacks with neat buildings with lawns. If he had to choose between the decaying apartments in New York, Detroit or Chicago than he would rather stay in Soweto.
He’d rather be very ill in Soweto as in some Canadian cities.
He says the city has more schools, churches, cars, taxis, and sports fields than any other independent African states.
In 1978 the South African government built a highly modern hospital MEDUNSA on the border of the independent state of Bophuthatswana at a cost of R70 million on 35 hectares. In this “city” there were living and sleeping facilities for male and female students.
Black doctors, dentists, veterinarians and para-medical staff were trained. It is the only specialized university of its kind in Africa and one of the few in the world financed by white taxpayers exclusively to benefit blacks. Almost all students who mainly came from the national homelands costs were taken care of by the government.
The practical training took place in the nearby Garankuwa Hospital farm where the whole range of human ailments is covered.
Garankuwa had the facilities for kidney transplants, isotopes units with specialized laboratories where 200 doctors were trained practically every year.
South Africa provided training for the airline personnel of Swaziland, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zaire and the Comores.
In 1979, when the train traffic to the Malawian capital Lilongwe was interrupted by rebels, SA sent transport aircrafts with fuel drums to keep their economy going.
In 1986, 80,000 black businessmen from Africa visited Cape Town to finalize business deals.
South Africa provided the grain needs of its neighboring countries and wider. In 1980, Zambia received 250 000 tons of maize, Mozambique 150,000 tons maize and 50 000 tons of wheat, Kenya 128,000 tons maize and Zimbabwe 100 000 tons. Other countries that also received South African grain were Angola, Ivory Coast, Malawi, Mauritius, Tanzania and Zaire.
At least 12 countries of Africa, according to the “Argus African News Service” were so dependent on SA grain that a total ban on imports and exports would have destroyed them economically.
About half of Lesotho’s male population worked in South Africa, about 146,000 in 1983, and earned R280,6 million which was about half of Lesotho’s treasury.
In the 1982/83 financial year SA budgeted R434 million for assistance to the independent neighboring states.
SA produced more electrical energy than Italy, as much crude steel as France, more wheat than Canada, more wool than the US, more wine than Greece and more fish than Great Britain.
South African trains ran on more rail lines than in West Germany, carried more passengers than Switzerland, have better punctuality record than Austria and exported car parts to 100 countries.
SA mines bore down to the depth of 3,480 meters and holds the record for the deepest vertical shaft at 2,498m deep into the hardest rock in the world.
They were accused by the world that they were a police state:
In SA 1.4 officers for every 1,000 people while the world is as follows: UK 2.2, Israel 3.5, New York 4.3, and Moscow 10 per 1000. In South Africa there were 16,292 white policemen versus 19 177 non-white.
They were accused of killing their political offenders:
In 1979-1980 there were no deaths in SA prisons. In the previous 10 years 37 died versus 274 in the same period in Wales and England.
They were accused that they payed starvation wages:
In 1974, the average monthly income of black workers in South Africa were $ 127 versus the $ 140 in the US, the richest country in the world.
They were accused that they locked up thousands of political prisoners:
In 1983, 127 such prisoners are confined in SA and 11 whose movements were limited. A further 32 were under house arrest.
3rd Degree's photo.
Originally posted on "3rd Degree Journalist" Facebook page :

In 1988, a German book was published on South Africa during the height of apartheid. Below are some of the facts referencing 1988
In 1972, SA blacks owned 360,000 vehicles. (More than all the black African states together)
The monthly income of blacks per capita in 1988 was R352 per month in South Africa – Malawi and Mozambique was less than R20 per month.
In 1988 black people could undergo a complicated heart valve surgery for just more than $ 1 while black Americans had to pay $ 15,000. In a Pretoria hospital between 2,000 and 3,000 of these surgeries were done per year.
In 1970, black workers earned R1,751 million, or 25.5% of the total wage fees in SA and increased to R17,238 million in 1984 (1,000% growth) and 32.3% of total wages in SA.
In the 1986/1987 financial year, whites paid R9,000 million and blacks R171 million tax. Indians paid R257 million and coloreds paid R315 million on tax.
Between 1962 and 1972 the UN paid $ 298 million to underdeveloped countries compared to South Africa that spent $ 558 million on the development of its black areas.
The budget amount for black education increases every year from 1970 to almost 30% more than any other government department.
From 1955 to 1984 the number of black scholars increased from 35,000 to 1,096,000. In 1988 71% of the adult black population could read and write versus 47% in Kenya, 38% in Egypt and 34% in Nigeria. On average during the year 15 new classrooms per working day were built for black scholars.
In 1985 there were 42,000 black students enrolled at SA universities.
There were 5 black universities and 28 higher education institutions funded by the government.
Soweto with its population of 1.2 million had 5 modern stadiums versus Pretoria with its 600,000 whites who had three. Soweto had 365 schools versus Pretoria 229. In Soweto in 1978, there were 115 football fields, three rugby fields, 4 athletic tracks, 11 cricket fields, two golf courses, 47 tennis courts, 7 swimming pools, 5 bowling halls, 81 basketball fields, 39 children playgrounds and countless community halls, cinemas and clubhouses.
In Soweto in 1978, there were 300 churches, 365 schools, 2 technicons, 8 clinics, 63 kindergartens, 11 post offices and its own fruit and vegetable market.
The white government built a huge hospital Baragwanath 3,000 beds in Soweto. One of the largest and most modern hospitals in the world.
Its 23 operating theaters were equipped with the best equipment money can buy.
Here blacks were treated at a nominal cost of R2 for an unlimited period.
In 1982, no fewer than 898 heart surgeries were done here.
Next to the Baragwantha Hospital is the St. John-eye clinic, famous for the treatment of glaucoma, previous fix retinas, traumatic eye injuries and rare tropical diseases.
There were over 2,300 registered firms, 1,000 taxi operators and 50,000 car owners in Soweto.
Dr. Kenneth Walker, a Canadian physician, visited Soweto and made the following observations:
He saw several houses worth more than R100 000 with various BMW’s at the door.
Only 2% of homes are shacks with neat buildings with lawns. If he had to choose between the decaying apartments in New York, Detroit or Chicago than he would rather stay in Soweto.
He’d rather be very ill in Soweto as in some Canadian cities.
He says the city has more schools, churches, cars, taxis, and sports fields than any other independent African states.
In 1978 the South African government built a highly modern hospital MEDUNSA on the border of the independent state of Bophuthatswana at a cost of R70 million on 35 hectares. In this “city” there were living and sleeping facilities for male and female students.
Black doctors, dentists, veterinarians and para-medical staff were trained. It is the only specialized university of its kind in Africa and one of the few in the world financed by white taxpayers exclusively to benefit blacks. Almost all students who mainly came from the national homelands costs were taken care of by the government.
The practical training took place in the nearby Garankuwa Hospital farm where the whole range of human ailments is covered.
Garankuwa had the facilities for kidney transplants, isotopes units with specialized laboratories where 200 doctors were trained practically every year.
South Africa provided training for the airline personnel of Swaziland, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zaire and the Comores.
In 1979, when the train traffic to the Malawian capital Lilongwe was interrupted by rebels, SA sent transport aircrafts with fuel drums to keep their economy going.
In 1986, 80,000 black businessmen from Africa visited Cape Town to finalize business deals.
South Africa provided the grain needs of its neighboring countries and wider. In 1980, Zambia received 250 000 tons of maize, Mozambique 150,000 tons maize and 50 000 tons of wheat, Kenya 128,000 tons maize and Zimbabwe 100 000 tons. Other countries that also received South African grain were Angola, Ivory Coast, Malawi, Mauritius, Tanzania and Zaire.
At least 12 countries of Africa, according to the “Argus African News Service” were so dependent on SA grain that a total ban on imports and exports would have destroyed them economically.
About half of Lesotho’s male population worked in South Africa, about 146,000 in 1983, and earned R280,6 million which was about half of Lesotho’s treasury.
In the 1982/83 financial year SA budgeted R434 million for assistance to the independent neighboring states.
SA produced more electrical energy than Italy, as much crude steel as France, more wheat than Canada, more wool than the US, more wine than Greece and more fish than Great Britain.
South African trains ran on more rail lines than in West Germany, carried more passengers than Switzerland, have better punctuality record than Austria and exported car parts to 100 countries.
SA mines bore down to the depth of 3,480 meters and holds the record for the deepest vertical shaft at 2,498m deep into the hardest rock in the world.
They were accused by the world that they were a police state:
In SA 1.4 officers for every 1,000 people while the world is as follows: UK 2.2, Israel 3.5, New York 4.3, and Moscow 10 per 1000. In South Africa there were 16,292 white policemen versus 19 177 non-white.
They were accused of killing their political offenders:
In 1979-1980 there were no deaths in SA prisons. In the previous 10 years 37 died versus 274 in the same period in Wales and England.
They were accused that they payed starvation wages:
In 1974, the average monthly income of black workers in South Africa were $ 127 versus the $ 140 in the US, the richest country in the world.
They were accused that they locked up thousands of political prisoners:
In 1983, 127 such prisoners are confined in SA and 11 whose movements were limited. A further 32 were under house arrest.
3rd Degree's photo.
Originally posted on "3rd Degree Journalist" Facebook page :
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