Original six Black Panthers (November, 1966) Top left to right: Elbert "Big Man" Howard; Huey P. Newton (Defense Minister), Sherman Forte, Bobby Seale (Chairman). Bottom: Reggie Forte and Little Bobby Hutton (Treasurer).
Black Panther Theory: The practices of the late Malcolm X were deeply rooted in the theoretical foundations of the Black Panther Party. Malcolm had represented both a militant revolutionary, with the dignity and self-respect to stand up and fight to win equality for all oppressed minorities; while also being an outstanding role model, someone who sought to bring about positive social services; something the Black Panthers would take to new heights. The Panthers followed Malcolm's belief of international working class unity across the spectrum of color and gender, and thus united with various minority and white revolutionary groups. From the tenets of Maoism they set the role of their Party as the vanguard of the revolution and worked to establish a united front, while from Marxism they addressed the capitalist economic system, embraced the theory of dialectical materialism, and represented the need for all workers to forcefully take over the means of production.
Amid Genocide Alert, Racist New Black Panthers Hit South Africa
Written by Alex Newman
Thursday, 21 March 2013 15:30
Even as the world’s most prominent expert on genocide warns that South Africa’s European-descent Afrikaner population is on the verge of government-linked extermination, the virulently racist U.S.-based “New Black Panther Party” has a delegation visiting the so-called “Rainbow nation” — a country now ruled by a president who openly sings about murdering whites. The NBPP and its leadership have regularly called for genocide against white South Africans as well, so critics of the visit are expressing alarm, concerned that the officially recognized hate group is agitating for further ethnic cleansing while collaborating with genocidal elements within the regimes ruling South Africa and Zimbabwe.

As late as last year, the NBPP were openly calling for genocide against white South Africans on the radio. “We give them 24 hours in South Africa to get out of town by sundown. I say, if they don’t get out of town, we kill the men, we kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the babies, we kill the blind, we kill the cripple,” former NBPP National Chairman Khalid Muhammad, who led the group until his death in 2001, said in a speech that was re-broadcasted by the organization on its radio program as late as August of last year. “I say God d[***]it we kill them all.... If they are white, kill ’em all.” (Read the rest of this detailed article HERE)
Federal Freedom Party attempts to stop the New Black Panthers' visit to South Africa
Press Release
9 March 2013
FFP wants New Black Panther Party visit to be stopped.
The Federal Freedom Party (Federale Vryheidsparty) wants that the visit of the delegation of the New Black Panther Party’s visit to South Africa from 19 to 27 March 2013 to be stopped. Their former deceased leader Khalid Muhammad more than once said in speeches in the USA “Kill them all Whites”. In August 2012 the party opened its radio program with the audio calling for the murder of all white people in South Africa. This was the audio of late leader Khalid Muhammad: "We give them 24 hours in South Africa to get out of town by sundown. I say, if they don’t get out of town, we kill the men, we kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the babies, we kill the blind, we kill the cripple, we kill the crazy, we kill the fagg**ots, we kill the lesbians, I say god damnitt we kill them all," he said. The present leader, Malik Zulu Shabazz then added "if it's white kill it". Malik Zulu Shabazz has also made similar threats concerning Jewish people suggesting they too should all be killed.
The visit comes after the invitation of the Pan African Congress of Azania or better known as the PAC.
The Federal Freedom Party says that we as an open and democratic society cannot permit an organization which openly and hatefully advocates the genocide of people based on race, ethnic origin and sexual orientation to enter our country. Our country's government cannot refuse entry to a peaceful world leader like the Dalai Lama and then allow an openly murderous hateful group like the Black Panther Party to enter our country. The FFP blames the South African Government for granting visas to this movement's members to visit the country in a time of racial turmoil and sensitivity where certain groups have already been criminally charged with hate speech for advocating the death of white people.
The FFP plans to visit the United States of America Embassy to help stop the visit of the Radical New Black Panther Party.
Francois Cloete
National Secretary : Federal Freedom Party
This is how the New Black Panthers responded
"You NO GOOD BASTARDS leave no stone unturned in trying, it was our people here who are descendants of the Black Man and woman there, you Devils , in that party have alot of nerve to try and muddy the peaceful intention of our trip knowing damn good and well, we have stated that we are fact finding, and returning to the land of our Ancestors. You made had your statement, we shall respond shortly. - Chawn S. Kweli , National Spokesman of the New Black Panther Party and Representative of Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz, National Chairman" - Chawn Saddam Kweli (Facebook 10 March at 03:04)
US Embassy's Michael Sepporten has reassured the Federale Vryheidsparty in SA that the embassy will closely monitor this month's visit by New Black Panthers. While the NBPP 'is visiting South Africa in its personal capacity'; the US embassy however will be monitoring all their movements inside South Africa, and will also monitor all the public statements made by the NBP delegation in South Africa. Mr Sepporten reportedly noted that If the New Black Panther Party issues any wrong statements to propagate hatred or incite genocide immediate action will be taken against them and deportation will become necessary. The FFP (Federale Vryheidsparty) asks its Facebook readers to report to them any inciting statements of hatred or genocide-propagation made by the New Black Panther delegation inside South Africa :

“Training” for New Black Panther’S in Zimbabwe?
Mr. Shabazz mentioned that although his twenty member delegation would include mostly members of the NBPP, it would also be comprised of young Pastor Ted Sutton who is a member of the Maryland based Ministers of Defense, Nation of Islam members, and others. He mentioned that his delegation is also scheduled to visit Zimbabwe where they plan to meet with the country’s controversial President Robert Mugabe to have talks on partnerships, to learn and get “training”. (Read more HERE)
"All who are able, take time to pray , meditate and send positive wishes to the New Black Panther Party, Myself, Dr. Shabazz, Our entire delegation.. for a safe trip home and back in the center.
Supreme beings blessings on all who helped, and all who will help. Regardless to whom or what, don't compromise, hold the line- and fight the good fight. We are doing what is written, in the Spirit of the Black Power General, the Honorable Dr. Khallid Muhammad, our Ancestors- and all of our greats, Present and Gone. It's Black Power for Black People, All Power to the People! If Black People are not free, no one's Free." ~ Chawn Saddam Kweli
In reality, as the group’s publicly available radio shows and frequent genocidal remarks demonstrate, the true purpose of the ongoing visit is more likely to help pursue the ultimate extermination of all European-descent Africans from the region. The official NBPP statement, which was filled with spelling and grammar mistakes, also indicated that the “home coming visit” was being coordinated with the All-African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) and brutal dictator Robert Mugabe’s “Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front” (ZANU–PF). The socialist so-called “Pan African Congress” also played a role in arranging the trip, which includes NBPP members from various countries including the United States and goes from March 19 until the 27th. “This is not just a visit but a historic journey that may UNITE AFRICAN/BLACK Nation's [sic],” the group said on its website. “It is a visit in which, 20 and 30 years from now, men and women will speak about it and write of it [sic]. To all my brothers and sisters we ask each and everyone [sic] of you to give your full support to make this historic journey a success, wherever you are, support us spiritually, physically, especially financially [sic] if you can please contact and Support the Revolutionary Roots tour 2013 [sic].” Critics and Afrikaner activists, however, are frightened by the “historic” visit, pointing to the NBPP’s history of calling for the extermination of whites — something that, according to Genocide Watch, is already in the planning phases in South Africa, probably with official help from the ruling African National Congress (ANC) and South African Communist Party (SACP) regime. In Zimbabwe, white farmers have already been eliminated under the Mugabe regime, often times enduring barbaric torture and even murder as the despot and his minions sought to “redistribute” the wealth. Today, the nation is starving to death, dependent on international aid after the economy imploded. As late as last year, the NBPP were openly calling for genocide against white South Africans on the radio. “We give them 24 hours in South Africa to get out of town by sundown. I say, if they don’t get out of town, we kill the men, we kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the babies, we kill the blind, we kill the cripple,” former NBPP National Chairman Khalid Muhammad, who led the group until his death in 2001, said in a speech that was re-broadcasted by the organization on its radio program as late as August of last year. “I say God d[***]it we kill them all.... If they are white, kill ’em all.” Muhammad, who worked for Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam prior to assuming power at the NBPP, also explained why he thought white woman and children needed to be murdered, too.
Related Resources:
“Training” for New Black Panther’S in Zimbabwe?
Ed Begley talks to Freedom Central about Boer Genocide
Genocide and Communism Threaten South Africa
New Evidence Shows Mandela Was Senior Communist Party Member
Socialist International Congress Hosted by ANC Amid Genocide Alert
South African Tells of Genocide in Communist-dominated South Africa
South African Labor Unrest Grows as Regime Blames Mining Firms
South Africa Facing White Genocide, Total Communist Takeover
Silk-tie Revolutionaries
South Africa: The Questions That Need to Be Asked
A Meeting of Minds
The Comrades' Necklace
Is Genocide Coming to South Africa?
Ilana Mercer's "Into the Cannibal's Pot": A Review
"Invictus" Means Invincible, Like Hollywood Myths
New York Times Sees "Golden Lining" in Zimbabwe's Brutal Marxist Rule
New Black Panthers Target Jews and Tea Partiers
Holder Reveals Underlying Racism in DOJ Treatment of Black Panther Case
Racists Prepare for “Race War” Over Florida Shooting
Zanu-PF's big lie
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