Gemsbok Platinum (Pty) Ltd. has lodged an application for platinum prospecting rights on the remainder of the Farm Doornpoort 295JR, situated approximately 10 km north of Pretoria on the outskirts the suburb Doornpoort.
To view the area on Gloogle Maps click HERE
An environmental consultancy has confirmed that Gemsbok Platinum (Pty) Ltd, a subsidiary of Sable Platinum Holdings has lodged an application for prospecting rights with the Department of Minerals and Energy on this land that is in extent of 2779,64 hectares. (Source)
The proposed prospecting would be conducted over the next 5 years.
Awarding of prospecting rights would lead to mining permits. Mining activities can affect the area for up to 30 years.
This development would most probably impact negatively upon ALL property prices in the enitre Doornpoort, Sinoville, Montane, Magalieskruin area. In fact it would impact on the entire region, including the Moot area, Derdepoort, Kameeldrift and surrounds.
The quiet neighbourhood north of the Magalies berg would be lost forever - squatters, violent mining strikes, hostels and compounds, dust, noise, traffic, trucks and every other curse would follow.
Safety and security would certainly be lost forever. Burglaries, armed robberies, theft, hijackings and other crimes would become the norm.
Health would be affected due to dust and allergies. Vehicles' maintenance would be affected. Few people realise this, but it could even half the life-span of a car's timing belt. (See the timing belt manufacturers' data as well as vehicle manufacturers warranty information)
A meeting has been arranged with the mining consultants Batho Earth.
For more news on this issue, please visit the Doornpoort Residents Association (DRA)
Resources and Further Reading
To download a copy of the letter from Batho Earth in pdf format, click HERE
As can be seen from the following Mining Weekly articles and other documentation, the Doornpoort project has been on the cards for quite sometime already:
New R200m platinum, iron-ore, vanadium explorer lists on JSE
Allan, Hochreiter plunge into market with R200m platinum, iron-ore, vanadium exploration play
Sable Platinum Presentation - JSE (.pdf download)
Sable Platinum CPR_06 June 2012 - Final.pdf (.pdf download)
Digby Wells Documentation :
Primary link : Doornpoort EMP and Consultation Report
: Consultation Report
Sable Platinum Holdings
Sable Platinum .pdf Search Engine
Sable Platinum sees ‘far better outlook’ amid listing
NCA - New Corpcapital Limited - Acquisition Of Sable Platinum
TSX:AAB - Aberdeen International
Exploration Roundup December 2012
This is an open article and will be updated from time-to-time as further information becomes available - Watch this space
Ek het 1999 - 2004 in Doornpoort gebly, huis daarso 2010 verkoop. Platinum snelweg, Zambesi Tolhekke, Wonderboom lughawe privatisering. 100 000 huishoudings al langs die Zambesi. Was by elke protestvergadering, sowat 'n handjievol mense het elke slag opgedaag (en daardie klein handjievol mense het toe reggekry dat die lughawe se aanloopbaan nie vir die groot Boeings verleng is nie, wys jou net), blerrie useless en slapgat witmense die meeste van hulle daarso. Dank God ek het 'n kans gekry oorsee (nadat amper in 'n plakkerskamp beland het, tersiere kwalifikasie en senior ondervinding in 'n tegniese beroep en alles, is nou weg uit daardie nagmerrie. Donners nog staan vrywillig diensplig doen op die grens, tweede 2 jaar inname, kon amper vrek geskiet gewees het, nou al ouerig en gryserig, om sulke slapgatte te beskerm. Maar wat staan en moun ek, die blanke ras raak oud en seniel die wereld oor soos hulle maar net gee en gee en gee, sweer die NG kerk het die wereld oorgeneem. Sterkte met die myn, maar hoekom staan daar Gemsbok Platinum, 'n goeie ou Afrikaanse naam. Lyk my selfs hulle steel nou waar hulle kan en werk hulle eie maatjies vir 'n vinnige bok, seker om hulle pad buiteland toe te kan koop. Sies man, wat het van ons geword? Die paar wat nog opregtheid en verstand het, weet nie of hulle nog 'n kans staan teen die onnosel massas. Ek sal hierso oorsee reguit vertel wat daarso aangaan, maar dit help nie jy praat hierso onderlangs nie, jy moet bo uitkom, en ongelukkig is bo redelik links en rooi. Hulle het die verkeerde vark in WWII geslag, en dit het hulle nou daarvan.
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