"The impact of having a deputy minister of agriculture representing a “rightwing political party” could have a detrimental effect on perceptions about commercial farmers. "
The ANC doesn't lose votes due to poor education standards as 70% of ANC voters never finished school. The uneducated is their support base.
It says so much for the level of intelligence of the average leftist liberal who thinks the sun shines from people like Nelson Mandela and other ANC cadres.
It makes sense then that the liberal scum that was left to float on sewage dams would launch this latest onslaught against conservatives. We're experiencing more-and-more attacks against the right of freedom of association guaranteed in South Africa's beloved and trusted Constitution.
I mean, the Constitution is so loved that even the conservative right is so blinded by it that they are building their hopes on the guarantees provided in that piece of toilet paper.
We often read about conservative leaders proclaiming their rights in terms of the SA Constitution, the very Constitution that guarantees, "Freedom of speech" under the State Secrecy Bill, the right to work and practice a profession of your choice under Affirmative Action and BEE policies, the "Right to freedom of association" like Kleinfontein and Orania, the "Right to life" with 50 people murdered each and every day in SA, the "Right to safety and security" in the Rape Capital of the World.
Amazing how some people feel so protected by the Constitution, while the Constitution has meant nothing to anyone in this country thus far, but we are demanding our rights.
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Things you did not and will not learn in any South African school
~ Bill Gates~
This should be posted in every school or kid's bedroom.
Love him or hate him, he sure hits the nail on the head with this!
Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about eleven (11) things they did not and will not learn in school.
He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.
(While this should apply to South Africa, and although South Africans should learn from this, they will not, because here life owes them and here everything gets blamed on Apartheid. In the history of Africa they've never needed to take responsibility for anything, because they could always blame it on colonialism or on Apartheid)
Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it! (In South Africa, Zimbabwe, etc. , they disown the whites to make it fair, then call it equality in the name of democracy )
This should be posted in every school or kid's bedroom.
Love him or hate him, he sure hits the nail on the head with this!
Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about eleven (11) things they did not and will not learn in school.
He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.
(While this should apply to South Africa, and although South Africans should learn from this, they will not, because here life owes them and here everything gets blamed on Apartheid. In the history of Africa they've never needed to take responsibility for anything, because they could always blame it on colonialism or on Apartheid)
Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it! (In South Africa, Zimbabwe, etc. , they disown the whites to make it fair, then call it equality in the name of democracy )
Monday, 20 May 2013
Where do most Highjackings occur?
By October 2011, South Africa's vehicle population was 10,156,186, according to the eNaTIS.
64,504 (176 per day) cars, worth more than R9-billion, were stolen and 10,627 vehicles were hijacked in 2011.
This means that of the 570,012 vehicles sold in 2011, at least 75,131 occurred due to theft and hijackings.
Source: So South Africa is a stable economy built on solid rock is it?
It should be noted that the majority of hijackings take place in front of private residences, usually in the drive-ways.
In front of private residences 51%.
Victims sitting in parked cars 10%.
At traffic lights 7%.
At a stop street or yield sign 6%.
At business premises 5%
Victims forced off road by decoys 4%.
While taxis are loading/offloading passengers 4%.
At shops, post offices and telephone booths 3%.
Victims parking, that is to say either starting, leaving or approaching parked cars 2%.
Victims stationary and working at the roadside, that is to say repairing telephone cables 2%.
While loading and offloading goods 2%.
At other intersections 1%.
At filling stations 1%.
By hitchhikers 1%.
Unspecified 1%.
Source : Hi-tech Security's general manager, Vernon Lancaster
64,504 (176 per day) cars, worth more than R9-billion, were stolen and 10,627 vehicles were hijacked in 2011.
This means that of the 570,012 vehicles sold in 2011, at least 75,131 occurred due to theft and hijackings.
Source: So South Africa is a stable economy built on solid rock is it?
It should be noted that the majority of hijackings take place in front of private residences, usually in the drive-ways.
In front of private residences 51%.
Victims sitting in parked cars 10%.
At traffic lights 7%.
At a stop street or yield sign 6%.
At business premises 5%
Victims forced off road by decoys 4%.
While taxis are loading/offloading passengers 4%.
At shops, post offices and telephone booths 3%.
Victims parking, that is to say either starting, leaving or approaching parked cars 2%.
Victims stationary and working at the roadside, that is to say repairing telephone cables 2%.
While loading and offloading goods 2%.
At other intersections 1%.
At filling stations 1%.
By hitchhikers 1%.
Unspecified 1%.
Source : Hi-tech Security's general manager, Vernon Lancaster
Apartheid - the ANC's scape-goat yesterday, today, forever
The African National Congress (ANC), supported by its Tripartite Alliance with the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and the South African Communist Party (SACP), has been the ruling party of "post-apartheid" South Africa on the national level since it won a majority of seats in the first multi-racial election on April 27, 1994. It increased its majority in the 1999 elections, and further increased it in 2004, with 69.7% of the votes. In 2009 its share of the vote reduced slightly, but it remained the dominant party with 65.9% of the votes.
Today South Africa is recognised as the official Rape Capital of the World!
The NIMSS report reveals that in a single year, 2000, more South Africans died unnatural deaths than the total number of US casualties during the 12-year Vietnam war.
More people are murdered in South Africa every two months than the total number of people murdered in Ireland over the past 30 years.
Ever since the ANC came to power they've blamed Apartheid for their every failure, including:
Today South Africa is recognised as the official Rape Capital of the World!
The NIMSS report reveals that in a single year, 2000, more South Africans died unnatural deaths than the total number of US casualties during the 12-year Vietnam war.
More people are murdered in South Africa every two months than the total number of people murdered in Ireland over the past 30 years.
Ever since the ANC came to power they've blamed Apartheid for their every failure, including:
- Violence against women
- Poor service delivery
- Failure to deliver textbooks
- Abject failure of the education system
- Eskom being unable to keep the lights on
- Rampant unemployment
- Derelict RDP Housing
- Corruption
- Police Brutality
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Did the US create Al-Qaeda?
Hillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda
The title of the following video suggests that Hillary Clinton publicly admits that the US created Al-Qaeda, yet she never even mentioned Al-Qaeda anywhere in this clip. What she did say was that they backed the Afghan mujahideen.
Besides what she said in the clip, it is also generally accepted that:
"The Mujahideen were financed and armed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency during the Carter and Reagan administrations. The CIA provided billions of dollars in arms to the Mujahideen to aid them in their fight against the Soviets." - source
YouTube Video URL:
The Difference Between the Taliban, Al-Qaida and the Mujahideen
The Taliban, Al-Qaida and the Mujahideen all have their origins in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the subsequent Afghan Civil War.
The title of the following video suggests that Hillary Clinton publicly admits that the US created Al-Qaeda, yet she never even mentioned Al-Qaeda anywhere in this clip. What she did say was that they backed the Afghan mujahideen.
Besides what she said in the clip, it is also generally accepted that:
"The Mujahideen were financed and armed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency during the Carter and Reagan administrations. The CIA provided billions of dollars in arms to the Mujahideen to aid them in their fight against the Soviets." - source
The Difference Between the Taliban, Al-Qaida and the Mujahideen
The Taliban, Al-Qaida and the Mujahideen all have their origins in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the subsequent Afghan Civil War.
Friday, 10 May 2013
The Reality of Farm Attacks in South Africa: 1990-2012 New edition of Treurgrond
These areas are the most at risk of farm attacks - Solidarity
Ilze Nieuwoudt
09 May 2013
New edition of Treurgrond finds that 19.8% of farm attacks between 1990 and 2012 occurred in Gauteng
(See tables at the bottom of the page)

These areas most at risk of farm attacks - study
3 300 pairs of shoes symbolise the scope of farm attacks
Living on a farm or a smallholding in Gauteng and, on top of that, being older than 60 years place people in the category of being the most vulnerable targets for farm attacks in South Africa. According to research carried out on attacks listed in Kraal Uirgewers' latest book, Treurgrond: Die realiteit van plaasaanvalle, 1990-2012, Gauteng is the most dangerous province in the country for farm and smallholding residents. More than 19,8% of the 3 319 farm attacks recorded over the 23-year period between 1990 and 2012 occurred in Gauteng. The three other northern provinces - Mpulamanga, North West and Limpopo - are the second, third and fourth most dangerous provinces respectively, as 15,3% of the attacks were recorded in Mpumalanga, 15,2% in North West and 12,7% in Limpopo.
The Free State (11,8%), KwaZulu-Natal (11,5%), the Eastern Cape (7%) and the Western Cape (4,7%) are ranked fifth to eighth. The Northern Cape is firmly in the position as the "safest province", as approximately 1,6% of the attacks were recorded in that province. (These figures are based on the number of attacks listed for each province in Treurgrond and are not in relation to the number of residents or the number of farms and smallholdings in the provinces.)
These and other alarming figures were revealed today during the launch of Treurgrond at the Willem Prinsloo Agricultural Museum, east of Pretoria. At the launch 3 319 pairs of shoes were put on display, symbolising the number of farm attacks listed in the book. The number of murder victims was indicated by means of a red ribbon on 1 610 pairs of shoes. Treurgrond describes the attacks on at least 5 818 direct victims of farm attacks over the period 1990 to 2012.
Further research has shown that an average of three attackers are involved in each farm attack and, in some cases, there are as many as 10 attackers. It is clear that attackers choose to work in groups. Approximately 86% of attacks are carried out by groups of two or more attackers.
Moreover, research has indicated that older people are a lot more vulnerable to farm attacks than people in their 20s to 40s. According to the available information in Treurgrond, 42,6% of victims are 61 years and older. Victims who are 51 years and older represent a total of 62,7% of all victims. What's more, 6,1% of the victims whose ages are recorded in Treurgrond are 15 years old or younger.
The first edition of Treurgrond was published in 2011 and mainly consisted of data that had been gathered by TAU SA over many years. Further research was carried out and more than 700 additional farm attacks were included in the new edition. The book was compiled by Dr Dirk Hermann, Deputy General Secretary of Solidarity, Maj. Gen. Chris van Zyl of TAU SA and Ilze Nieuwoudt of Kraal Uitgewers.
The book is available from Kraal Uitgewers at R350 a copy (excluding R40 postage). To place an order, SMS "Treur" to 34388. For more information go to www.kraaluitgewers.co.za or phone 012 644 4329.
More on Treurgrond
Treurgrond: Die realiteit van plaasaanvalle, 1990-2012 tells the stories of more than 3 300 farm attacks spanning more than two decades in South Africa. This book, compiled by Dr Dirk Hermann, Maj. Gen. Chris van Zyl and Ilze Nieuwoudt, is not only the most inclusive register of farm attacks, but also tells of the scars left by farm attacks as seen through the eyes of victims, family members, loved ones, poets and an artist. Striking artworks of celebrated Free State artist Pauline Gutter are included in the book.
A glimpse inside Treurgrond: Die realiteit van plaasaanvalle, 1990-2012
Treurgrond contains, among other things, the following:
- The most inclusive and reliable database of farm attacks that occurred from 1990 to 2012 in South Africa; some 3 300 attacks and at least 1 600 murders are listed.
- Updated and more complete information on attacks such as more details and facts on the attacks, the prosecution of attackers and the sentences eventually imposed on attackers.
- Striking personal stories of victims and victims' families and friends about the trauma, sadness and loss suffered as a result of the attacks.
- Research articles by renowned experts in the field of farm attacks who, among other things, examined the potential effect of farm attacks on the community and the use of excessive violence during farm attacks.
- A proposed model for a basic community safety network formulated by a former police detective and crime expert.
- Artworks on the theme of farm attacks and the vulnerability of the farming community by celebrated Bloemfontein artist Pauline Gutter.
- Eight heart-rending poems that articulate the sadness of loss, anger and bitterness over farm attacks. Two of the poems were written by a father who lost his eight-year-old son in a farm attack.
Statement issued by Ilze Nieuwoudt, Publications Manager: Kraal Uitgewers, Solidarity Movement, May 9 2013
Source: http://www.politicsweb.co.za/politicsweb/view/politicsweb/en/page71619?oid=376001&sn=Marketingweb+detail&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
Number of attacks per year

Age groups of SA farm attack victims

Percentage break-down of SA farm attack victims per age group

SA farm attacks per province

Source: http://maroelamedia.co.za/blog/nuus/plaasaanvalle-en-moorde-hier-is-die-statistiek/
Further reading
Farm attacks worst in Gauteng - study
Ilze Nieuwoudt
09 May 2013
New edition of Treurgrond finds that 19.8% of farm attacks between 1990 and 2012 occurred in Gauteng
(See tables at the bottom of the page)

These areas most at risk of farm attacks - study
3 300 pairs of shoes symbolise the scope of farm attacks
Living on a farm or a smallholding in Gauteng and, on top of that, being older than 60 years place people in the category of being the most vulnerable targets for farm attacks in South Africa. According to research carried out on attacks listed in Kraal Uirgewers' latest book, Treurgrond: Die realiteit van plaasaanvalle, 1990-2012, Gauteng is the most dangerous province in the country for farm and smallholding residents. More than 19,8% of the 3 319 farm attacks recorded over the 23-year period between 1990 and 2012 occurred in Gauteng. The three other northern provinces - Mpulamanga, North West and Limpopo - are the second, third and fourth most dangerous provinces respectively, as 15,3% of the attacks were recorded in Mpumalanga, 15,2% in North West and 12,7% in Limpopo.
The Free State (11,8%), KwaZulu-Natal (11,5%), the Eastern Cape (7%) and the Western Cape (4,7%) are ranked fifth to eighth. The Northern Cape is firmly in the position as the "safest province", as approximately 1,6% of the attacks were recorded in that province. (These figures are based on the number of attacks listed for each province in Treurgrond and are not in relation to the number of residents or the number of farms and smallholdings in the provinces.)
These and other alarming figures were revealed today during the launch of Treurgrond at the Willem Prinsloo Agricultural Museum, east of Pretoria. At the launch 3 319 pairs of shoes were put on display, symbolising the number of farm attacks listed in the book. The number of murder victims was indicated by means of a red ribbon on 1 610 pairs of shoes. Treurgrond describes the attacks on at least 5 818 direct victims of farm attacks over the period 1990 to 2012.
Further research has shown that an average of three attackers are involved in each farm attack and, in some cases, there are as many as 10 attackers. It is clear that attackers choose to work in groups. Approximately 86% of attacks are carried out by groups of two or more attackers.
Moreover, research has indicated that older people are a lot more vulnerable to farm attacks than people in their 20s to 40s. According to the available information in Treurgrond, 42,6% of victims are 61 years and older. Victims who are 51 years and older represent a total of 62,7% of all victims. What's more, 6,1% of the victims whose ages are recorded in Treurgrond are 15 years old or younger.
The first edition of Treurgrond was published in 2011 and mainly consisted of data that had been gathered by TAU SA over many years. Further research was carried out and more than 700 additional farm attacks were included in the new edition. The book was compiled by Dr Dirk Hermann, Deputy General Secretary of Solidarity, Maj. Gen. Chris van Zyl of TAU SA and Ilze Nieuwoudt of Kraal Uitgewers.
The book is available from Kraal Uitgewers at R350 a copy (excluding R40 postage). To place an order, SMS "Treur" to 34388. For more information go to www.kraaluitgewers.co.za or phone 012 644 4329.
More on Treurgrond
Treurgrond: Die realiteit van plaasaanvalle, 1990-2012 tells the stories of more than 3 300 farm attacks spanning more than two decades in South Africa. This book, compiled by Dr Dirk Hermann, Maj. Gen. Chris van Zyl and Ilze Nieuwoudt, is not only the most inclusive register of farm attacks, but also tells of the scars left by farm attacks as seen through the eyes of victims, family members, loved ones, poets and an artist. Striking artworks of celebrated Free State artist Pauline Gutter are included in the book.
A glimpse inside Treurgrond: Die realiteit van plaasaanvalle, 1990-2012
Treurgrond contains, among other things, the following:
- The most inclusive and reliable database of farm attacks that occurred from 1990 to 2012 in South Africa; some 3 300 attacks and at least 1 600 murders are listed.
- Updated and more complete information on attacks such as more details and facts on the attacks, the prosecution of attackers and the sentences eventually imposed on attackers.
- Striking personal stories of victims and victims' families and friends about the trauma, sadness and loss suffered as a result of the attacks.
- Research articles by renowned experts in the field of farm attacks who, among other things, examined the potential effect of farm attacks on the community and the use of excessive violence during farm attacks.
- A proposed model for a basic community safety network formulated by a former police detective and crime expert.
- Artworks on the theme of farm attacks and the vulnerability of the farming community by celebrated Bloemfontein artist Pauline Gutter.
- Eight heart-rending poems that articulate the sadness of loss, anger and bitterness over farm attacks. Two of the poems were written by a father who lost his eight-year-old son in a farm attack.
Statement issued by Ilze Nieuwoudt, Publications Manager: Kraal Uitgewers, Solidarity Movement, May 9 2013
Source: http://www.politicsweb.co.za/politicsweb/view/politicsweb/en/page71619?oid=376001&sn=Marketingweb+detail&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
Number of attacks per year

Age groups of SA farm attack victims

Percentage break-down of SA farm attack victims per age group

SA farm attacks per province

Source: http://maroelamedia.co.za/blog/nuus/plaasaanvalle-en-moorde-hier-is-die-statistiek/
Further reading
Farm attacks worst in Gauteng - study
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Why The Republic of South Africa is registered as a company in the US
This, in response to a question asked by a SA citizen, why The Republic of South Africa, is registered as a company in the US. Follow the trail and open documents on the website to peruse information such as this, including what our national fiscus is estimated as being at present:
"Historically, from 1993 until 2012, the GDP growth rate averaged 3.3% reaching an all time high of 7.6% in December of 1994 and a record low of -6.3% in March of 2009. South Africa’s real gross domestic product (GDP) accelerated to 3.2% in the second quarter of 2012 from 2.7% in the first quarter, driven mainly by the primary sector, which includes agriculture and mining.
The 2012 MTBPS projects that South Africa’s GDP growth is expected to improve over the medium term. Real GDP growth is forecast to average 2.5% in 2012 and 3.0% in 2013, 3.8% in 2014 and rising to 4.1% in 2015.
Debt-service costs will continue to outpace the overall growth of expenditure. Following a reduction in November 2010, the SARB’s repurchase rate has subsequently remained at 5.5%. The lowering of the repurchase rate was necessitated by the fall in the inflation rate from 6.1% in September 2009 to 3.4% in October 2010.
The inflation rate in September was 5.5%, and is expected to average 5.3% in the last quarter of 2012, 5.2% in 2013, and 5.0% in 2014.
The current account deficit has widened sharply over the past year and is expected to average 5.9% of GDP in 2012, up from 3.3% in 2011.
The trade deficit detoriated to 1.9% of GDP in the first half of 2012 and net transfer payment nearly doubled as a share of GDP due to an increase in net customs revenue payments to the South African Customes Union.
Export volumes contracted at an annual rate of 6.3% in the second quarter of 2012 after falling by 1.5% in the first quarter of 2012."
EDGAR Search Results
The RSA is the only country listed as a corporation.
What are our rights and responsibilities in this corporation, as citizens of SA?
"Historically, from 1993 until 2012, the GDP growth rate averaged 3.3% reaching an all time high of 7.6% in December of 1994 and a record low of -6.3% in March of 2009. South Africa’s real gross domestic product (GDP) accelerated to 3.2% in the second quarter of 2012 from 2.7% in the first quarter, driven mainly by the primary sector, which includes agriculture and mining.
The 2012 MTBPS projects that South Africa’s GDP growth is expected to improve over the medium term. Real GDP growth is forecast to average 2.5% in 2012 and 3.0% in 2013, 3.8% in 2014 and rising to 4.1% in 2015.
Debt-service costs will continue to outpace the overall growth of expenditure. Following a reduction in November 2010, the SARB’s repurchase rate has subsequently remained at 5.5%. The lowering of the repurchase rate was necessitated by the fall in the inflation rate from 6.1% in September 2009 to 3.4% in October 2010.
The inflation rate in September was 5.5%, and is expected to average 5.3% in the last quarter of 2012, 5.2% in 2013, and 5.0% in 2014.
The current account deficit has widened sharply over the past year and is expected to average 5.9% of GDP in 2012, up from 3.3% in 2011.
The trade deficit detoriated to 1.9% of GDP in the first half of 2012 and net transfer payment nearly doubled as a share of GDP due to an increase in net customs revenue payments to the South African Customes Union.
Export volumes contracted at an annual rate of 6.3% in the second quarter of 2012 after falling by 1.5% in the first quarter of 2012."
EDGAR Search Results
The RSA is the only country listed as a corporation.
What are our rights and responsibilities in this corporation, as citizens of SA?
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness
By Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr, MD | Dec 04, 2006

Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr.,a forensic psychiatrist, explains the madness of liberalism in his new book The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness. You can read an excerpt below, and read more at his website libertymind.com.

Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr.,a forensic psychiatrist, explains the madness of liberalism in his new book The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness. You can read an excerpt below, and read more at his website libertymind.com.
Rights are inherent to freedom
Who is the final arbiter of what rights you should have? T.L. Davis writes
The one thing more humiliating than being caught by the authorities in an attempt to fight back against a corrupt and illegal system of government is to be caught not making the attempt.
One cannot look to the Supreme Court, or any court to determine what rights a person has. No matter how clearly it is said, how eloquently it is put, they will find what they want to find and discard what does not serve their purpose of the day.
The only true arbiter of one's rights is oneself. Though many feel the sting of oppression, they will not act. Only those who understand that rights are inherent to freedom and paid for in blood will ever be willing to shed blood for them. It is not a group or an organization that is capable of fighting for your rights, it is yourself, or no one.
The one thing more humiliating than being caught by the authorities in an attempt to fight back against a corrupt and illegal system of government is to be caught not making the attempt.
One cannot look to the Supreme Court, or any court to determine what rights a person has. No matter how clearly it is said, how eloquently it is put, they will find what they want to find and discard what does not serve their purpose of the day.
The only true arbiter of one's rights is oneself. Though many feel the sting of oppression, they will not act. Only those who understand that rights are inherent to freedom and paid for in blood will ever be willing to shed blood for them. It is not a group or an organization that is capable of fighting for your rights, it is yourself, or no one.
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