This is one of the most dangerous developments now facing South Africans and Johannesburg seems to be the testing ground.
"The City of Johannesburg will decide what your property is worth according to a mass appraisal system, regardless of the condition of your home and irrespective of what estate agents value it at.
And don’t bother to object, because even if you succeed, an automatic, computer-generated system will kick the successful objection out if the value is reduced by 10 percent."
"Not only will you not be informed about this decision, you’ll not get another chance to object."
// A mass appraisal system is a computer-generated one to calculate the average selling price using information such as location, size and price. It works on the principle that similar properties should be worth the same. “While this can be reasonable because the city cannot inspect every property, there are thousands of properties that do not fit the typical bill of other properties in the area, and should be considered separately.
“If this is upheld, the legal consequences would be absurd. It would mean the city can disregard all valuation evidence, such as estate agents’ independent valuations, and negate the entire process of objection and review. It would allow the city to simply reinstate the original valuation if above 10 percent. This would mean any challenge to any decision would always fail.
“Effectively, any property owner aggrieved by a decision of the board to ignore his evidence of valuation, would be ill-advised to attempt to exercise his constitutional right to challenge the decision and, therefore, render the entire valuation objection / appeal / automatic review and high court review system a waste of time and money,” \\
Here is one example:
// A Bryanston resident recently objected to his new property valuation of R3.6 million, which doubled from the R1.8m of the last roll.
His objection was upheld, meaning the city’s valuer agreed with him, and his value was reduced.
The matter then went on automatic review to the Valuations Appeal Board because the value had been reduced by more than 10 percent.
According to attorney Chantelle Gladwin, representing the resident, on review the board reinstated the original valuation without giving him any notice or opportunity to object or to be present at any hearing.
“This took place without the city ever having visited the property. \\
The SACP(ANC)'s Communist Agenda
At the SACP(ANC)'s Mangaung conference at the end of 2012 they announced publicly they they had discarded nationalisation of mines as an objective. What then happened was that their other arm, the unions, started putting pressure on mines by ongoing strikes, one after the other. The most successful being the platinum strikes.
The agenda behind these strikes is to break the knees of the mines, forcing them into virtual bankruptcy. It is a form of "constructive dismissal", getting the mines to fire themselves, to shut their doors or sell at rock-bottom prices.
The Chinese or any SACP(ANC) loyal grouping can then come in and buy the mines for a song. If it gets driven so far that the mines simply just collapse financially, leaving thousands without jobs, the SACP(ANC) regime would need to jump to the rescue by nationalising the mines by default, "to save the industry". They would look like the heroes once again. In the meantime they would need to call in skilled people to assist with the running of the mines, which could be the Chinese.
Because they mines would be bankrupt, the workers would be employed at the lowest possible wage, because it would be a case of either some salary, than no salary at all. China would be able to extract the mineral resources they need at cheap labour costs as a perk, while the regime would have "saved the day".
No one would be able to point a finger at the SACP(ANC), because they had officially abandoned nationalisation as a policy, but had to do so to save a crisis.
What is now happening in the property market is a very similar situation. They are going to make it impossible for people to own property. Eventually so many people would default on their bonds and rent that the banks would not be able to handle the situation, the banks would collapse and the SACP(ANC) regime would have to take control of the situation by taking ownership of all those properties. Property prices will collapse, the SA property market as a whole would collapse and all property will in the long run end up in the hands of the government. People would then be able to rent the property from the state or on a 99 year leasing system. This is not even taking into account the recent warnings issued about the SA property bubble by expert economists like Jesse Colombo.
South Africa is a textbook example of how communism works.
Read the full article:
City will decide what your home is worth
Further Reading:
A Guide To South Africa's Economic Bubble And Coming Crisis
Economic confusion: calling SA a ‘mixed economy’ is deceiving. Perhaps we are the world’s first marketwise socialist state.
How Central Banks Are Popping The Emerging Markets Bubble
Could Voting Have Avoided The ANC's Land Grabbing Legislation?
Liberty 5 - Delivering on radical change- if not on growth or jobs - 26 March 2014 (2).pdf
So South Africa is a stable economy built on solid rock is it?
South Africa Has Already Crashed
South Africa Is A Failed State, But Denied to Make the ANC Look Good
Mandela's legacy: The Collapse and Destruction of South Africa
Friday, 23 May 2014
The Grooming of an ANC Politician
It is always interesting to study the backgrounds of politicians and learn how they were groomed and made into golden boys.
One such golden boy is the ANC's Tito Mboweni
He made the headlines again today when in an article ("SA needs to transform economy") he was quoted as saying:
South Africa needs “bold, decisive, courageous and responsible action” to transform its economy.
“We need deep-seated economic transformation,” “We cannot proceed like we have been doing.” Mboweni said on his Facebook page yesterday.
Mboweni, who was nominated as an ANC lawmaker, withdrew his name from the list to “push economic transformation” through his Mboweni Brothers Investment Holdings, he said.
“We need capital in order to drive economic transformation,”
Mboweni said he will continue his work as a professor of economics at a number of universities and may become a chancellor or chairman of council at a university.
He also said he plans to be active in “state structures.” - Bloomberg News
Now please remember that, while he was the While Minister of Labour, Mboweni was the architect of South Africa's post-Apartheid labour legislation. A strong proponent of Affirmative Action and Black-Economic-Empowerment. "Transform" simply means transferring white businesses to blacks (BEE), firing whites to make room for blacks (Affirmative Action) and transferring white owned land to blacks. With all the legislation passed before the elections, like the Employment Equity Acts, etc. Mboweni is clearly one of the guys instructed to drive the process.
As far as the capital needed is concerned it needs to be remembered that Mboweni was appointed in 2010 as an International Adviser of Goldman Sachs International, where he provided strategic advice to the firm on business development opportunities, with a particular focus on South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Mboweni is definitely someone to watch in future, because he seems to be someone that will play a huge role in the dispossession of whites to "uplift" blacks.
Besides him clearly now being the guy to drive transformation from the private sector side, what also caught my attention was the bit about him continuing his work as professor of economics and I wondered how come this guy is a professor. I set out to check up on his credentials. Something interesting about "groomed boys" is that their CV's are standard wherever it is available. Always virtually exactly the same story copied and pasted everywhere else. Also, it tends to always be very concise and without detail.
His CV
I compiled the CV below from a number of sites to see what I could find. The CV is the same wherever it is available, but little bits here and there can be found on various sites relating to the golden boy. Reading through what is available about him it should be quite obvious that he was groomed for big things.
Tito Mboweni (born 16 March 1959)
Mboweni was reappointed to the ANC’s national executive committee, the party’s top decision-making body, in 2012.
Non-Executive Director, Discovery Limited 2014-Present
Non-Executive Chairman Nampak Cartons & Labels June 2010 - present
Independent Non-Executive Chairman SACOIL HOLDINGS LTD May 2013 - present
Previous Chairman of AngloGold Ashanti (AU) - Stepped down in February 2014.
International Adviser of Goldman Sachs International - Appointed in June 2010
Chairman Accelerate Property Fund
Previous Governer of the SA Reserve Bank
Minister of Labour from May 1994 to July 1998
Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Policy in the ANC
Most interesting quote:
"I have never applied for a job in my life so I don't know how to write a CV properly, the key is not to embellish a CV," yet he was Minister of Labour in Mandela's government. A groomed boy never needs to apply for a job, because he gets groomed for a particular job.
He joined the South African Reserve Bank in July 1998 as Advisor to the Governor.
In August 1999 he was appointed Governor of the South African Reserve Bank.
He attended the University of the North between 1979 and 1980, where he registered for a Bachelor of Commerce degree. He did not complete his studies there and left South Africa to go into exile in 1980.
He obtained a Bachelor of Arts (honours equivalent) degree in economics and political science from the National University of Lesotho in 1985. Whos Who's lists the dates as 1985 to 1985.
In 1987 he obtained a Master of Arts degree in development economics from the University of East Anglia in England. Who's Who lists the dates as 1987 to 1987.
Minister of Labour from May 1994 to July 1998
He became one of the World Economic Forum's Global Leaders of Tomorrow in 1995. (This shows that the grooming did not come just from the SACP/ANC's side, but that international players were involved)
Appointed honourary Professor of Economics at the University of South Africa for 2000 to 2003.
The University of Natal awarded him the degree of Doctor of Economics, honoris causa, conferred on him in 2001. (Bloomberg Business Week also lists "Doctorate - Technikon Witwatersrand Hotel School" and "Doctorate - University of Cape Town" no dates provided)
He was elected Chancellor of the University of the North-West and was installed as Chancellor on 23 February 2002.
The University of Stellenbosch appointed him Professor Extraordinary in Economics for the period 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2005.
Mboweni: SA needs to transform economy
Who's Who in Southern Africa - Tito Mboweni
Biography for Tito Mboweni
Mboweni to dust off CV
Tito Titus Mboweni (born 16 March 1959)
Bloomberg Business Week Tito Titus Mboweni BA, MA
African Success - Biography of Tito MBOWENI
SA History Online Date of birth 16 March, 1959
One such golden boy is the ANC's Tito Mboweni
He made the headlines again today when in an article ("SA needs to transform economy") he was quoted as saying:
South Africa needs “bold, decisive, courageous and responsible action” to transform its economy.
“We need deep-seated economic transformation,” “We cannot proceed like we have been doing.” Mboweni said on his Facebook page yesterday.
Mboweni, who was nominated as an ANC lawmaker, withdrew his name from the list to “push economic transformation” through his Mboweni Brothers Investment Holdings, he said.
“We need capital in order to drive economic transformation,”
Mboweni said he will continue his work as a professor of economics at a number of universities and may become a chancellor or chairman of council at a university.
He also said he plans to be active in “state structures.” - Bloomberg News
Now please remember that, while he was the While Minister of Labour, Mboweni was the architect of South Africa's post-Apartheid labour legislation. A strong proponent of Affirmative Action and Black-Economic-Empowerment. "Transform" simply means transferring white businesses to blacks (BEE), firing whites to make room for blacks (Affirmative Action) and transferring white owned land to blacks. With all the legislation passed before the elections, like the Employment Equity Acts, etc. Mboweni is clearly one of the guys instructed to drive the process.
As far as the capital needed is concerned it needs to be remembered that Mboweni was appointed in 2010 as an International Adviser of Goldman Sachs International, where he provided strategic advice to the firm on business development opportunities, with a particular focus on South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Mboweni is definitely someone to watch in future, because he seems to be someone that will play a huge role in the dispossession of whites to "uplift" blacks.
Besides him clearly now being the guy to drive transformation from the private sector side, what also caught my attention was the bit about him continuing his work as professor of economics and I wondered how come this guy is a professor. I set out to check up on his credentials. Something interesting about "groomed boys" is that their CV's are standard wherever it is available. Always virtually exactly the same story copied and pasted everywhere else. Also, it tends to always be very concise and without detail.
His CV
I compiled the CV below from a number of sites to see what I could find. The CV is the same wherever it is available, but little bits here and there can be found on various sites relating to the golden boy. Reading through what is available about him it should be quite obvious that he was groomed for big things.
Tito Mboweni (born 16 March 1959)
Mboweni was reappointed to the ANC’s national executive committee, the party’s top decision-making body, in 2012.
Non-Executive Director, Discovery Limited 2014-Present
Non-Executive Chairman Nampak Cartons & Labels June 2010 - present
Independent Non-Executive Chairman SACOIL HOLDINGS LTD May 2013 - present
Previous Chairman of AngloGold Ashanti (AU) - Stepped down in February 2014.
International Adviser of Goldman Sachs International - Appointed in June 2010
Chairman Accelerate Property Fund
Previous Governer of the SA Reserve Bank
Minister of Labour from May 1994 to July 1998
Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Policy in the ANC
Most interesting quote:
"I have never applied for a job in my life so I don't know how to write a CV properly, the key is not to embellish a CV," yet he was Minister of Labour in Mandela's government. A groomed boy never needs to apply for a job, because he gets groomed for a particular job.
He joined the South African Reserve Bank in July 1998 as Advisor to the Governor.
In August 1999 he was appointed Governor of the South African Reserve Bank.
He attended the University of the North between 1979 and 1980, where he registered for a Bachelor of Commerce degree. He did not complete his studies there and left South Africa to go into exile in 1980.
He obtained a Bachelor of Arts (honours equivalent) degree in economics and political science from the National University of Lesotho in 1985. Whos Who's lists the dates as 1985 to 1985.
In 1987 he obtained a Master of Arts degree in development economics from the University of East Anglia in England. Who's Who lists the dates as 1987 to 1987.
Minister of Labour from May 1994 to July 1998
He became one of the World Economic Forum's Global Leaders of Tomorrow in 1995. (This shows that the grooming did not come just from the SACP/ANC's side, but that international players were involved)
Appointed honourary Professor of Economics at the University of South Africa for 2000 to 2003.
The University of Natal awarded him the degree of Doctor of Economics, honoris causa, conferred on him in 2001. (Bloomberg Business Week also lists "Doctorate - Technikon Witwatersrand Hotel School" and "Doctorate - University of Cape Town" no dates provided)
He was elected Chancellor of the University of the North-West and was installed as Chancellor on 23 February 2002.
The University of Stellenbosch appointed him Professor Extraordinary in Economics for the period 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2005.
Mboweni: SA needs to transform economy
Who's Who in Southern Africa - Tito Mboweni
Biography for Tito Mboweni
Mboweni to dust off CV
Tito Titus Mboweni (born 16 March 1959)
Bloomberg Business Week Tito Titus Mboweni BA, MA
African Success - Biography of Tito MBOWENI
SA History Online Date of birth 16 March, 1959
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
How Big Business and the Media Sold South African Citizens to Communist Gangsters
As I've said so many times, CODESA was not about political negotiations, it was the conclusion of a colluding bussiness arrangement between the ANC and big business, which includes the Media.
Here is my comment to Big Business' latest letter threatening the regime they helped bring to power for their own personal selfish greedy gain:
Letter that business really needs to write to Zuma, but will not
"Some of us supported your party’s quest for power when we dumped the National Party in the 1980s and travelled to meet you in foreign capitals."
Big business dumped the National Party, because they had too many regulations that prevented easy plundering. They needed to have a corrupt government in place that could be bought and owned. A corrupt environment is good for business as one can bribe one's way to any riches the country has to offer.
"We helped you at the Convention for a Democratic SA (CODESA) negotiations. Some of us gave the African National Congress accommodation in the building that then became known as Luthuli House."
The bribery started long before this, but here they admit to having bribed their way into the ANC by "helping them" at CODESA and even providing the ANC with accommodation. Lethuli House, previously known as Shell House, was another such R20-million gift to the ANC.
"Others complied with your demand for disinvestment from South Africa, but then reinvested in those heady days after the 1994 election."
The disinvestment was all part of the plan to deliberately sink South Africa and force the National Party into submission. Today the very same big business turn around telling the world how bad the economy was before 1994. This while SA was blooming earlier in the 1980s, before big business stepped in to deliberately collapse the economy for their own corrupt agenda.
"Although some of us had doubts about your "transformation" agenda, we endorsed it.
We have effected empowerment deals worth billions."
More bribing. The "empowerment deals" are noting other than bribery, which shows that while big business accuses their corrupt partners of corruption they are the ones who created them, who financed, promoted and made them, because big business is more corrupt than those they put in power.
Business has for decades been coining it from their deals struck with the ANC. They knowingly supported a corrupt bunch and continued to support systems that they themselves did not even agree with, all for the sake of appeasing the ANC and trying to cover themselves.
"We have endorsed your plans for a national health system, although we have doubts about its costs as well as your health department’s ability to run it. We have put your supporters on to our boards."
Now how is this for admission of guilt? "We have put your supporters on to our boards."
"For little of this have we received any thanks." This is the ultimate fate of the appeaser, because in the end he will also get eaten by the crocodile he chose to feed.
Business will support anything, knowing that they could flee, as they have been doing since they started supporting the ANC.
"we have more options than you do. You cannot go anywhere. Many of us can. We also know how to exit this country and disguise it as an empowerment deal."
As I've also explained so many times before, Black-Economic-Empowerment (BEE) was created by business as a means to get paid, at hyper-inflated profits, for leaving the country.
The sad sick part is that, not only does government have nowhere to go, but also the SA public, the citizens of this country, have nowhere else to go. Business on the other hand always knew that should things not go their way, they could withdraw, without ever having considered the people of this country. To business it is all about money, at any cost.
So the New South Africa is a "Democracy"?
Big businesses in South Africa, that were so quick to tackle the National Party in the "undemocratic" Republic of South Africa, are now too scared to voice their opinions against the ANC in the "democratic" New South Africa.
Big business and the media always knew that they were backing a corrupt communist gang, but for the sake of plundering they fed them money and boosted their image, made them directors of their companies and made them instant billionaires.
"We tell you little of what we really think because we fear tender blacklisting and having licences withdrawn by officials whose abuse of due process is now legendary throughout the capitals of the world."
And here they admit to it all:
"all along we have been flattering you in public and bad-mouthing you at dinner parties. Well, appeasement and hypocrisy have gotten us nowhere."
They ignored Winston Churchill's warning that "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.". This crocodile has been eating away at them from the outset, but they were too blinded by greed to see.
"If we dump you, it will snowball. Businessmen are as susceptible to the herd instinct as anyone else. When the disinvestment tide started in the 1980s, few could resist it."
"So we are now telling you in public what we say about you in private. We’ve had enough of your threats, your corruption, your incompetence, your incessant interference, your empty promises, your racism, and your ideological fantasies.
You and your party and your communist friends are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs, including your personal golden egg." (Please note the last part "including your personal golden egg." created for him by the very same big business.)
So suddenly now that the chips are down and the world is aware that South Africa is the next big bubble about to burst and collapse into absolute famine, now big business is threatening their business partner, the ANC (Pty) Ltd. Why only now? Because they are now starting to feel it in their greedy, dirty, corrupt, selfish pockets.
Suddenly now they are no longer referring to their ANC as "democratic", but referring to their "communist friends"? The media and big business always knew that the ANC was a front for the SA Communist Party.
Business never has and never will be "patriotic", because their sick, greedy lust for money overshadows any possible notion of patriotism. They are the dogs of cold war. They dig in, get involved in countries for the sake of plundering self enrichment by supporting terrorists, drug dealers, gang lords and other scum. Then once it all collapses and after they had made their money, they withdraw to the next country where they do the same, like all viruses do.
The citizens of South Africa were sold like livestock to corrupt, criminal, communist gangsters by big business and the media who only cared about money.
In the end they leave and we'll be stuck in what they left us with, dry quicksand in the middle of a ruthless, unforgiving desert.
Do read the entire letter:
Letter that business really needs to write to Zuma, but will not
Here is my comment to Big Business' latest letter threatening the regime they helped bring to power for their own personal selfish greedy gain:
Letter that business really needs to write to Zuma, but will not
"Some of us supported your party’s quest for power when we dumped the National Party in the 1980s and travelled to meet you in foreign capitals."
Big business dumped the National Party, because they had too many regulations that prevented easy plundering. They needed to have a corrupt government in place that could be bought and owned. A corrupt environment is good for business as one can bribe one's way to any riches the country has to offer.
"We helped you at the Convention for a Democratic SA (CODESA) negotiations. Some of us gave the African National Congress accommodation in the building that then became known as Luthuli House."
The bribery started long before this, but here they admit to having bribed their way into the ANC by "helping them" at CODESA and even providing the ANC with accommodation. Lethuli House, previously known as Shell House, was another such R20-million gift to the ANC.
"Others complied with your demand for disinvestment from South Africa, but then reinvested in those heady days after the 1994 election."
The disinvestment was all part of the plan to deliberately sink South Africa and force the National Party into submission. Today the very same big business turn around telling the world how bad the economy was before 1994. This while SA was blooming earlier in the 1980s, before big business stepped in to deliberately collapse the economy for their own corrupt agenda.
"Although some of us had doubts about your "transformation" agenda, we endorsed it.
We have effected empowerment deals worth billions."
More bribing. The "empowerment deals" are noting other than bribery, which shows that while big business accuses their corrupt partners of corruption they are the ones who created them, who financed, promoted and made them, because big business is more corrupt than those they put in power.
Business has for decades been coining it from their deals struck with the ANC. They knowingly supported a corrupt bunch and continued to support systems that they themselves did not even agree with, all for the sake of appeasing the ANC and trying to cover themselves.
"We have endorsed your plans for a national health system, although we have doubts about its costs as well as your health department’s ability to run it. We have put your supporters on to our boards."
Now how is this for admission of guilt? "We have put your supporters on to our boards."
"For little of this have we received any thanks." This is the ultimate fate of the appeaser, because in the end he will also get eaten by the crocodile he chose to feed.
Business will support anything, knowing that they could flee, as they have been doing since they started supporting the ANC.
"we have more options than you do. You cannot go anywhere. Many of us can. We also know how to exit this country and disguise it as an empowerment deal."
As I've also explained so many times before, Black-Economic-Empowerment (BEE) was created by business as a means to get paid, at hyper-inflated profits, for leaving the country.
The sad sick part is that, not only does government have nowhere to go, but also the SA public, the citizens of this country, have nowhere else to go. Business on the other hand always knew that should things not go their way, they could withdraw, without ever having considered the people of this country. To business it is all about money, at any cost.
So the New South Africa is a "Democracy"?
Big businesses in South Africa, that were so quick to tackle the National Party in the "undemocratic" Republic of South Africa, are now too scared to voice their opinions against the ANC in the "democratic" New South Africa.
Big business and the media always knew that they were backing a corrupt communist gang, but for the sake of plundering they fed them money and boosted their image, made them directors of their companies and made them instant billionaires.
"We tell you little of what we really think because we fear tender blacklisting and having licences withdrawn by officials whose abuse of due process is now legendary throughout the capitals of the world."
And here they admit to it all:
"all along we have been flattering you in public and bad-mouthing you at dinner parties. Well, appeasement and hypocrisy have gotten us nowhere."
They ignored Winston Churchill's warning that "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.". This crocodile has been eating away at them from the outset, but they were too blinded by greed to see.
"If we dump you, it will snowball. Businessmen are as susceptible to the herd instinct as anyone else. When the disinvestment tide started in the 1980s, few could resist it."
"So we are now telling you in public what we say about you in private. We’ve had enough of your threats, your corruption, your incompetence, your incessant interference, your empty promises, your racism, and your ideological fantasies.
You and your party and your communist friends are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs, including your personal golden egg." (Please note the last part "including your personal golden egg." created for him by the very same big business.)
So suddenly now that the chips are down and the world is aware that South Africa is the next big bubble about to burst and collapse into absolute famine, now big business is threatening their business partner, the ANC (Pty) Ltd. Why only now? Because they are now starting to feel it in their greedy, dirty, corrupt, selfish pockets.
Suddenly now they are no longer referring to their ANC as "democratic", but referring to their "communist friends"? The media and big business always knew that the ANC was a front for the SA Communist Party.
Business never has and never will be "patriotic", because their sick, greedy lust for money overshadows any possible notion of patriotism. They are the dogs of cold war. They dig in, get involved in countries for the sake of plundering self enrichment by supporting terrorists, drug dealers, gang lords and other scum. Then once it all collapses and after they had made their money, they withdraw to the next country where they do the same, like all viruses do.
The citizens of South Africa were sold like livestock to corrupt, criminal, communist gangsters by big business and the media who only cared about money.
In the end they leave and we'll be stuck in what they left us with, dry quicksand in the middle of a ruthless, unforgiving desert.
Do read the entire letter:
Letter that business really needs to write to Zuma, but will not
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
We Need Activists Not Politicians
Activists are a most important curse to corrupt politicians. If you want to corrupt an activist, make him a politician.
Never trust a politician turned activist (Think "Global Warming"), because they do not fight for a cause. They are usually funded by large corporations to abuse a cause as part of an agenda for personal, financial and political gain.

Activists cannot be politicians, because activists are driven by a cause, not power. That is why activists cannot be politically correct.
Never trust a politician turned activist (Think "Global Warming"), because they do not fight for a cause. They are usually funded by large corporations to abuse a cause as part of an agenda for personal, financial and political gain.

Activists cannot be politicians, because activists are driven by a cause, not power. That is why activists cannot be politically correct.

Monday, 12 May 2014
Only One Percent of White South Africans Voted For Self-Preservation
The SACP(ANC)/DA/EFF group has 90,73% of SA's National vote, which means you can now wave your property, including your farm, good-bye.
The policies of the DA are the same as those of the SACP (ANC) and the EFF is the radical force behind those policies.
Speaking to News24, Julius Malema, Leader the EFF - the third strongest political party in South Africa - has already said that the priority for Limpopo and the North West (where the EFF will serve as official opposition) is the expropriation of land WITHOUT COMPENSATION. Well happy days are here again!
The SA "Constitution" (that piece of paper that so many South Africans use as their bible and protector of their "rights") can now also very easily be amended to suit the SA Communist Party. The ANC together with the EFF, PAC and at least half of the DA members in parliament are enough to change the Constitution.
Employment Equity? Well we all know where the DA stands on that issue, do we not? So whites can now also wave their jobs, their businesses and their access to tertiary education institutions goodbye. Even if only half of the DA votes with the SACP (ANC) and EFF, they'll be able to push through any piece of legislation they want.
Also bear in mind that even the Freedom Front Plus has now been infiltrated with liberals who, should they get to parliament, may also decide to appease the SACP(ANC)/DA/EFF group by voting with them.
The No Vote
Only 73.42% people voters opted to vote. Most of those who did not vote were Black, Coloured and Indian. An election is an opportunity to exercise your opinion by making a cross on a piece of paper once every five years. If you choose not to voice your opinion it means that you trust the decisions of those who do vote and that you are prepared to go along with their choices. Voters have also been adequately informed about the fact that not voting favours the majority party. The 26,58% of voters who chose not to vote accepted it and thus willingly assisted the majority party. Because the non-voters accepted the choices of those who did vote we can assume that, had they voted, they would have also voted the same as the 73.42% that did vote. This being the case, when analising the election results of a proportional voting system, we base our conclusions a 100% voter turnout.
But this is not the full story, because most whites who chose not to vote, did so because they did not feel comfortable that any of the two perceived white parties had what it takes to oppose the policies of the SACP(ANC)/DA/EFF group. The childish, immature, egotistical infighting between these two parties and their mascots also caused many whites to not vote for either of them.
Voting For Self-Preservation
Only 0.93% of voters chose to vote for a perceived white party or a party that is perceived as one representing the needs of whites. While South Africa's total white population is claimed to be 4,602,400, only 170,853 of the total number of white voters opted to vote for such a white party (165715 for Freedom Front Plus and 5138 for Front Nasionaal). Please keep in mind that the number of whites who did not vote, would have made a negligible difference to the 0.93%, because percentage wise, there were very few whites who did not vote. The non-voters would have lifted this support to no more than 1.5%.
This means that less than 1% of whites, only 0.93% of white voters, decided to vote for a predominantly or perceived white party.
If we were to consider whites as being 8.7% (4,602,400) of the total SA population, we would have reasonable cause, but with only 0.93% of whites having chosen for this cause, there is no cause.
It means that only 1% of whites chose to vote or stand up against parties supporting Employment Equity, Land Redistribution, quotas and other racist anti-white policies.
Those who did not vote also used these very reasons for not voting. It was their way of voicing their objection to these policies, with the distinct difference that they did not feel comfortable with either the Freedom Front Plus or Front Nasionaal to adequately represent their stance on these issues, but in their own way they still opted against these policies.
The DA is the official opposition in Orania
Julius Malema’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has scored 1.37% of the vote in Orania, Northern Cape.
“We don’t really care if people living in Orania voted for the EFF, it’s okay… it’s a free choice because we are not opposed to any political party,” said Orania resident Jaco Kleynhans.
Orania is made up of 0.9% black, 1.9% Coloured (2.8% total) and 97.2% White, yet they voted as follows: 15% DA vote, 2.41% ACDP, 1,72% ANC vote and 1,37% voted for the EFF.
Amazingly, while blacks and coloureds make only 2.8% of the total area population, 21,38% of the total votes in Orania did not go to the perceived white parties.
The Bottom-Line
Irrespective of people's reasons for voting for any particular party or for not voting at all, the bottom-line is that if only 1% (possibly 1.5%) of whites across the country feel that they need to stand up for themselves, the days of whites in South Africa are numbered and the party is over for them.
This 1 to 1.5% of whites will have to realise that they are on their own and that they cannot depend on anyone else for their future survival and they have some serious decisions to make.
They would need to realise the seriousness of our situation and stop this nonsense of cat fights among themselves and consider the greater cause over their own egos, dreams and ideals.
If those who did not vote, those who voted FF Plus, those who voted FN and other key role-players do not bury their stupid childish egotistical hatchets, my advice is that this 1-1.5% of whites should rather try to get their children out of the country and those young enough and able to do so, should leave SA as soon as possible. Please do not be fooled by so-called "patriotism", because the South Africa that some people are expecting us to be patriotic to, ceased to exist in 1994. 1.5% of people cannot be patriotic to a country that does not want them, to a country consisting of political pacifists, pacifiers, appeasers and communists working against them.
This remaining tiny percentage of whites will need to put the past behind them and formulate a single vision for survival or perish.
The policies of the DA are the same as those of the SACP (ANC) and the EFF is the radical force behind those policies.
Speaking to News24, Julius Malema, Leader the EFF - the third strongest political party in South Africa - has already said that the priority for Limpopo and the North West (where the EFF will serve as official opposition) is the expropriation of land WITHOUT COMPENSATION. Well happy days are here again!
The SA "Constitution" (that piece of paper that so many South Africans use as their bible and protector of their "rights") can now also very easily be amended to suit the SA Communist Party. The ANC together with the EFF, PAC and at least half of the DA members in parliament are enough to change the Constitution.
Employment Equity? Well we all know where the DA stands on that issue, do we not? So whites can now also wave their jobs, their businesses and their access to tertiary education institutions goodbye. Even if only half of the DA votes with the SACP (ANC) and EFF, they'll be able to push through any piece of legislation they want.
Also bear in mind that even the Freedom Front Plus has now been infiltrated with liberals who, should they get to parliament, may also decide to appease the SACP(ANC)/DA/EFF group by voting with them.
The No Vote
Only 73.42% people voters opted to vote. Most of those who did not vote were Black, Coloured and Indian. An election is an opportunity to exercise your opinion by making a cross on a piece of paper once every five years. If you choose not to voice your opinion it means that you trust the decisions of those who do vote and that you are prepared to go along with their choices. Voters have also been adequately informed about the fact that not voting favours the majority party. The 26,58% of voters who chose not to vote accepted it and thus willingly assisted the majority party. Because the non-voters accepted the choices of those who did vote we can assume that, had they voted, they would have also voted the same as the 73.42% that did vote. This being the case, when analising the election results of a proportional voting system, we base our conclusions a 100% voter turnout.
But this is not the full story, because most whites who chose not to vote, did so because they did not feel comfortable that any of the two perceived white parties had what it takes to oppose the policies of the SACP(ANC)/DA/EFF group. The childish, immature, egotistical infighting between these two parties and their mascots also caused many whites to not vote for either of them.
Voting For Self-Preservation
Only 0.93% of voters chose to vote for a perceived white party or a party that is perceived as one representing the needs of whites. While South Africa's total white population is claimed to be 4,602,400, only 170,853 of the total number of white voters opted to vote for such a white party (165715 for Freedom Front Plus and 5138 for Front Nasionaal). Please keep in mind that the number of whites who did not vote, would have made a negligible difference to the 0.93%, because percentage wise, there were very few whites who did not vote. The non-voters would have lifted this support to no more than 1.5%.
This means that less than 1% of whites, only 0.93% of white voters, decided to vote for a predominantly or perceived white party.
If we were to consider whites as being 8.7% (4,602,400) of the total SA population, we would have reasonable cause, but with only 0.93% of whites having chosen for this cause, there is no cause.
It means that only 1% of whites chose to vote or stand up against parties supporting Employment Equity, Land Redistribution, quotas and other racist anti-white policies.
Those who did not vote also used these very reasons for not voting. It was their way of voicing their objection to these policies, with the distinct difference that they did not feel comfortable with either the Freedom Front Plus or Front Nasionaal to adequately represent their stance on these issues, but in their own way they still opted against these policies.
The DA is the official opposition in Orania
Julius Malema’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has scored 1.37% of the vote in Orania, Northern Cape.
“We don’t really care if people living in Orania voted for the EFF, it’s okay… it’s a free choice because we are not opposed to any political party,” said Orania resident Jaco Kleynhans.
Orania is made up of 0.9% black, 1.9% Coloured (2.8% total) and 97.2% White, yet they voted as follows: 15% DA vote, 2.41% ACDP, 1,72% ANC vote and 1,37% voted for the EFF.
Amazingly, while blacks and coloureds make only 2.8% of the total area population, 21,38% of the total votes in Orania did not go to the perceived white parties.
The Bottom-Line
Irrespective of people's reasons for voting for any particular party or for not voting at all, the bottom-line is that if only 1% (possibly 1.5%) of whites across the country feel that they need to stand up for themselves, the days of whites in South Africa are numbered and the party is over for them.
This 1 to 1.5% of whites will have to realise that they are on their own and that they cannot depend on anyone else for their future survival and they have some serious decisions to make.
They would need to realise the seriousness of our situation and stop this nonsense of cat fights among themselves and consider the greater cause over their own egos, dreams and ideals.
If those who did not vote, those who voted FF Plus, those who voted FN and other key role-players do not bury their stupid childish egotistical hatchets, my advice is that this 1-1.5% of whites should rather try to get their children out of the country and those young enough and able to do so, should leave SA as soon as possible. Please do not be fooled by so-called "patriotism", because the South Africa that some people are expecting us to be patriotic to, ceased to exist in 1994. 1.5% of people cannot be patriotic to a country that does not want them, to a country consisting of political pacifists, pacifiers, appeasers and communists working against them.
This remaining tiny percentage of whites will need to put the past behind them and formulate a single vision for survival or perish.
How Party Politics Destroyed South Africa's White Tribe
Besides religion / church and sport, nothing else divides a nation more than party politics. By making empty promises political parties are able break and prevent national unity at all levels.
As long as party politics continue to exist there will be division and friction. It is the perfect "divide and conquer" system.
For the first time in SA history do we voted, not because we believe the nonsense promises made by Pied Piper political parties, but to break the majority power of the ruling communist regime.
The ONLY value your vote had in this election was the potential to reduce the parliamentary voting power of the ANC, yet, political parties were still able to cause the necessary arguments and to put people off from voting, because of all the dissension they cause based on lies and false promises.
Not a single promise made by any political party can or will be honoured and they know it. It is all a load of nonsense. Even if another party was to win these elections, they would not be able to fire everyone appointed in positions they do not belong in because they do not qualify for those positions. We are stuck with what has been created, like it or not.
Successfully running a province inherited by default from another political party does not mean you can run an entire country as effectively
So on 7 May we voted and now life carries on, but because of political parties, with their greed for money and power, based on immature idealism and dreams, the voters will remain divided and this country will remain divided.
We have never experienced the level of dissension we've seen over the past few months. The infighting is nauseating, to say the least, and one cannot really blame anyone for not wanting to vote, because I myself had to drive myself to do so, simply because of one single motivating factor, the sense of responsibility in attempting to break the ANC's majority.
I doubted that we would achieve it, because too many people decided not to vote, which has been proven as the primary reason for the ANC's repeated success in retaining their majority since 1994.
So what happens now? Nothing.
What happened the day after the elections? We continued listening to the Oscar Pistorius trial that is being used to draw our attention away from the more important issues like 400,000 murders, millions of rapes, thousands of assaults, attacks and hijackings since 1994.
Do the political parties really care what happens? No they do not. They do not give a damn, because they have achieved what they set out to achieve; making it to the news, getting some extra funds, ensuring their salaries and pensions, while you and I are still arguing about which party we should have voted for based on their empty promises.
In the end the only thing that could potentially have made a difference was if the ANC lost its huge majority in parliament. Had they lost their majority, perhaps they ould have found it more difficult to push through some of the racist anti-white legislation, but unfortunately:
Voting ANC is voting SA Communist Party
Not voting is voting ANC
Voting DA is voting ANC
Voting EFF is voting to speed-up ANC/SACP polices!
So even if the ANC had to lose its majority, the EFF and DA will support them in many instances by voting along with them in parliament and we'll still be nowhere. Stangely enough, even one white far rightwing party on the morning of the elections advised their followers to vote DA at provincial level?
The secondary reason for voting this time around was for whites to get as strong a representation / voice in parliament as possible.
Thanks to the division caused by non-politicians founding their own little parties, whites now still do not enjoy stronger representation in parliament. The Freedom Front Plus has had to resort to coalitions and liberalising their party just in an an attempt to retain some votes and hold on to their place in parliament, albeit for their salaries or pensions or not. This has been on the cards for a long time coming, but now we are still lost without strong voice in parliament speaking up on behalf of whites. We also need to keep in mind that the FFPlus has now been infiltrated by liberals, which is like playing Russian Roulette with a pistol.
The bottom-line is that whites, after these elections, are probably completely marginalised. We shall not be hearing from political parties again until the next elections. We have lost our oportunity and all the "Alice in Wonderland" promises made by political parties are now dead and buried in this so-called "constitutionally driven" country.
What will the never-stood-a-chance political parties claim in their own defence? "But YOU did not vote for us!" YOU did not support us!" "That is why we cannot honour our misleading promises to YOU!"
Whites will now have to beg overseas countries to assist us in our survival, but unfortunately history has proven that it will not happen. Because of all the dissension created by political parties, the chances of unity are now virtually destroyed.
Whites will now be forced to change their attitudes and shift into pure "survival mode", because that is all that will now remain.
The one thing that did perhaps count in our favour was the large number blacks that did not vote, but sadly a reasonable number of whites were so confused and so despondent that they did not vote either.
Now that whites have failed to strengthen their voice in parliament and the SACP(ANC)/DA/EFF political grouping retained their majority, whites will have to sit back and make some very important and serious choices, but first and foremost will be to come to the realisation that we are now living in a black anti-white African communist country where whites have no rights and where whites are unwelcome. Anti-white xenophobia will grow exponentially and we shall have nowhere to run.
Take your party-political loyalties and shove it down the nearest toilet as quickly as possible and get into survival mode and do it fast.
As long as party politics continue to exist there will be division and friction. It is the perfect "divide and conquer" system.
For the first time in SA history do we voted, not because we believe the nonsense promises made by Pied Piper political parties, but to break the majority power of the ruling communist regime.
The ONLY value your vote had in this election was the potential to reduce the parliamentary voting power of the ANC, yet, political parties were still able to cause the necessary arguments and to put people off from voting, because of all the dissension they cause based on lies and false promises.
Not a single promise made by any political party can or will be honoured and they know it. It is all a load of nonsense. Even if another party was to win these elections, they would not be able to fire everyone appointed in positions they do not belong in because they do not qualify for those positions. We are stuck with what has been created, like it or not.
Successfully running a province inherited by default from another political party does not mean you can run an entire country as effectively
So on 7 May we voted and now life carries on, but because of political parties, with their greed for money and power, based on immature idealism and dreams, the voters will remain divided and this country will remain divided.
We have never experienced the level of dissension we've seen over the past few months. The infighting is nauseating, to say the least, and one cannot really blame anyone for not wanting to vote, because I myself had to drive myself to do so, simply because of one single motivating factor, the sense of responsibility in attempting to break the ANC's majority.
I doubted that we would achieve it, because too many people decided not to vote, which has been proven as the primary reason for the ANC's repeated success in retaining their majority since 1994.
So what happens now? Nothing.
What happened the day after the elections? We continued listening to the Oscar Pistorius trial that is being used to draw our attention away from the more important issues like 400,000 murders, millions of rapes, thousands of assaults, attacks and hijackings since 1994.
Do the political parties really care what happens? No they do not. They do not give a damn, because they have achieved what they set out to achieve; making it to the news, getting some extra funds, ensuring their salaries and pensions, while you and I are still arguing about which party we should have voted for based on their empty promises.
In the end the only thing that could potentially have made a difference was if the ANC lost its huge majority in parliament. Had they lost their majority, perhaps they ould have found it more difficult to push through some of the racist anti-white legislation, but unfortunately:
Voting ANC is voting SA Communist Party
Not voting is voting ANC
Voting DA is voting ANC
Voting EFF is voting to speed-up ANC/SACP polices!
So even if the ANC had to lose its majority, the EFF and DA will support them in many instances by voting along with them in parliament and we'll still be nowhere. Stangely enough, even one white far rightwing party on the morning of the elections advised their followers to vote DA at provincial level?
The secondary reason for voting this time around was for whites to get as strong a representation / voice in parliament as possible.
Thanks to the division caused by non-politicians founding their own little parties, whites now still do not enjoy stronger representation in parliament. The Freedom Front Plus has had to resort to coalitions and liberalising their party just in an an attempt to retain some votes and hold on to their place in parliament, albeit for their salaries or pensions or not. This has been on the cards for a long time coming, but now we are still lost without strong voice in parliament speaking up on behalf of whites. We also need to keep in mind that the FFPlus has now been infiltrated by liberals, which is like playing Russian Roulette with a pistol.
The bottom-line is that whites, after these elections, are probably completely marginalised. We shall not be hearing from political parties again until the next elections. We have lost our oportunity and all the "Alice in Wonderland" promises made by political parties are now dead and buried in this so-called "constitutionally driven" country.
What will the never-stood-a-chance political parties claim in their own defence? "But YOU did not vote for us!" YOU did not support us!" "That is why we cannot honour our misleading promises to YOU!"
Whites will now have to beg overseas countries to assist us in our survival, but unfortunately history has proven that it will not happen. Because of all the dissension created by political parties, the chances of unity are now virtually destroyed.
Whites will now be forced to change their attitudes and shift into pure "survival mode", because that is all that will now remain.
The one thing that did perhaps count in our favour was the large number blacks that did not vote, but sadly a reasonable number of whites were so confused and so despondent that they did not vote either.
Now that whites have failed to strengthen their voice in parliament and the SACP(ANC)/DA/EFF political grouping retained their majority, whites will have to sit back and make some very important and serious choices, but first and foremost will be to come to the realisation that we are now living in a black anti-white African communist country where whites have no rights and where whites are unwelcome. Anti-white xenophobia will grow exponentially and we shall have nowhere to run.
Take your party-political loyalties and shove it down the nearest toilet as quickly as possible and get into survival mode and do it fast.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
AFRICA FOR THE CHINESE - Why Africa Should Be Colonised By China
In 1873 Francis Galton said the Chinese would be more competent at developing Africa than Africans are.
[Francis Galton, letter to the Editor of The Times, June 5 1873.]
Note that this letter is commonly dated incorrectly as June 6 1873.
A rejoinder to Galton's letter, by one Gilbert Malcolm Sproat, is also included.
Sir, - In a few days Sir Bartle Frere will return to England, and public attention will be directed to the East Coast of Africa. I am desirous of availing myself of the opportunity to ventilate some speculations of my own, which you may, perhaps, consider of sufficient interest to deserve publication in the Times. My proposal is to make the encouragement of the Chinese settlements at one or more suitable places on the East Coast of Africa a par of our national policy, in the belief that the Chinese immigrants would not only maintain their position, but that they would multiply and their descendants supplant the inferior Negro race. I should expect the large part of the African seaboard, now sparsely occupied by lazy, palavering savages living under the nominal sovereignty of the Zanzibar, or Portugal, might in a few years be tenanted by industrious, order loving Chinese, living either as a semi-detached dependency of China, or else in perfect freedom under their own law. In the latter case their would be similar to that of the inhabitants of Liberia, in West Africa, the territory which was purchased 50 years ago and set apart as an independent State for the reception of freed negroes from America.
The opinion of the public on the real worth of the Negro race has halted between the extreme views which have been long and loudly proclaimed. It refuses to follow those of the early abolitionists, that all the barbarities in Africa are to be traced to the effects of a foreign slave trade, because travelers continually speak of similar barbarities existing in regions to which the slave trade has not penetrated. Captain Colomb has written a well-argued chapter on this matter, in his recent volume. On the other hand, the opinion of the present day repudiates the belief that the negro is an extremely inferior being, because there are notorious instances of negroes possessing high intelligence and culture, some of whom acquire large fortunes in commerce, and others become considerable men in other walks of life. The truth appears to be that individuals of the mental caliber I have just described are much more exceptional in the negro than in the Anglo-Saxon race, and that average negroes possess too little intellect, self-reliance, and self-control to make it possible for them to sustain the burden of any respectable form of civilization without a large measure of external guidance and support. The Chinaman is a being of another kind, who is endowed with a remarkable aptitude for a high material civilization. He is seen to the least advantage in his own country, where a temporary dark age still prevails, which has not sapped the genius of the race, though it has stunted the developed the of each member of it, by the rigid enforcement of an effete system of classical education which treats originality as a social crime. All the bad parts of his character, as his lying and servility, spring from timidity due to an education that has cowed him, and no treatment is better calculated to remedy that evil than location in a free settlement. The natural capacity of the Chinaman shows itself by the success with which, notwithstanding his timidity, he competes with strangers, wherever he may reside. The Chinese emigrants possess an extraordinary instinct for political and social organization; they contrive to establish for themselves a police and internal government, and they give no trouble to their rulers so long as they are left to manage those matters by themselves. They are good-tempered, frugal, industrious, saving, commercially inclined, and extraordinarily prolific. They thrive in all countries, the natives of the Southern provinces being perfectly able to labor and multiply in the hottest climates. Of all known varieties or mankind there is none so appropriate as the Chinaman to become the future occupant of the enormous regions which lie between the tropics, whose extent is far more vast than it appears, from the cramped manner in which those latitudes are pictured in the ordinary maps of the world. But take a globe and examine it, and consider the huge but poorly-peopled bulk of Africa, by whose side the areas of India and of China look insignificant, and think what a field lies there for the development of a suitable race. The Hindoo cannot fulfil the required conditions nearly as well as the Chinaman, for he is inferior to him in strength, industry, aptitude for saving, business habits, and prolific power. The Arab is little more than an eater up of other men’s produce; he is a destroyer rather than a creator, and he is unprolific.
The history of the world tells a tale of the continual displacement of populations, each by a worthier successor, and humanity gains thereby. We ourselves are no descendents of the aborigines of Britain, and our colonists were invaders of the regions they now occupy as their lawful home. But the countries into which the Anglo-Saxon race can be transfused are restricted to those where the climate is temperate. The Tropics are not for us, to inhabit permanently; the greater part of Africa is the heritage of people differently constituted to ourselves. On that continent, as elsewhere, one population continually drives out another. Consider its history as it extends over successive centuries. We note how Arab, Tuarick, Fellatah, Negroes of uncounted varieties, Cadre, Hottentot surge and reel to and fro in the struggle for existence. It is into this free flight among all present that I wish to see a new competitor introduced-namely, the Chinaman. The gain would be immense to the whole civilized world if we were to out-breed and finally displace the negro, as completely as the latter has displaced the aborigines of the West Indies. The magnitude of the gain may be partly estimated by making the converse supposition –namely, the loss that would ensue if China were somehow to be depopulated and restocked by negroes.
The pressure of population in China is enormous, and its outflow is great and increasing. There is no lack of material for a suitable immigration into Africa. I do not say that it would be possible at any moment to persuade communities of men and women from Southern China to establish themselves in Africa; but I am assured, by excellent authorities, that occasions of political disturbances frequently arise when it would be practicable to do so by the promise of a free, or nearly free, grant of land. The Chinese have a land hunger, as well as a love for petty traffic, and they would find a field in which to gratify both of these tastes on the East African Coast. There are many Chinese capitalists resident in foreign parts who might speculate in such a system and warmly encourage it. If once successfully started, it ought to maintain itself. The colonist could not starve; and when they began to succeed they would send money to their relatives to enable them to follow, just as they now do from the many other parts of the world where they are located. For these reasons it is probable that the streams of emigration from China have sufficient "head" to enable them to reach and overflow the coasts of Eastern Africa if they were watched and judiciously diverted in that direction.
I have finally to speak of the political effort necessary to secure a free right of occupancy and of settlement at suitable points on the coast. No very serious obstacle seems to stand in the way; certainly none was met with when Liberia was founded. It is probable that as the success of such an enterprise would be of equally great value to all nations commercially interested in those parts, no national jealousy would be excited by its promotion, and the necessary territory could be obtained with little difficulty and at a small cost, to be advanced in the first instance as a charge on the land and hereafter to be redeemed.
Francis Galton
End Cultural Marxism @genophilia :
[Francis Galton, letter to the Editor of The Times, June 5 1873.]
Note that this letter is commonly dated incorrectly as June 6 1873.
A rejoinder to Galton's letter, by one Gilbert Malcolm Sproat, is also included.
Sir, - In a few days Sir Bartle Frere will return to England, and public attention will be directed to the East Coast of Africa. I am desirous of availing myself of the opportunity to ventilate some speculations of my own, which you may, perhaps, consider of sufficient interest to deserve publication in the Times. My proposal is to make the encouragement of the Chinese settlements at one or more suitable places on the East Coast of Africa a par of our national policy, in the belief that the Chinese immigrants would not only maintain their position, but that they would multiply and their descendants supplant the inferior Negro race. I should expect the large part of the African seaboard, now sparsely occupied by lazy, palavering savages living under the nominal sovereignty of the Zanzibar, or Portugal, might in a few years be tenanted by industrious, order loving Chinese, living either as a semi-detached dependency of China, or else in perfect freedom under their own law. In the latter case their would be similar to that of the inhabitants of Liberia, in West Africa, the territory which was purchased 50 years ago and set apart as an independent State for the reception of freed negroes from America.
The opinion of the public on the real worth of the Negro race has halted between the extreme views which have been long and loudly proclaimed. It refuses to follow those of the early abolitionists, that all the barbarities in Africa are to be traced to the effects of a foreign slave trade, because travelers continually speak of similar barbarities existing in regions to which the slave trade has not penetrated. Captain Colomb has written a well-argued chapter on this matter, in his recent volume. On the other hand, the opinion of the present day repudiates the belief that the negro is an extremely inferior being, because there are notorious instances of negroes possessing high intelligence and culture, some of whom acquire large fortunes in commerce, and others become considerable men in other walks of life. The truth appears to be that individuals of the mental caliber I have just described are much more exceptional in the negro than in the Anglo-Saxon race, and that average negroes possess too little intellect, self-reliance, and self-control to make it possible for them to sustain the burden of any respectable form of civilization without a large measure of external guidance and support. The Chinaman is a being of another kind, who is endowed with a remarkable aptitude for a high material civilization. He is seen to the least advantage in his own country, where a temporary dark age still prevails, which has not sapped the genius of the race, though it has stunted the developed the of each member of it, by the rigid enforcement of an effete system of classical education which treats originality as a social crime. All the bad parts of his character, as his lying and servility, spring from timidity due to an education that has cowed him, and no treatment is better calculated to remedy that evil than location in a free settlement. The natural capacity of the Chinaman shows itself by the success with which, notwithstanding his timidity, he competes with strangers, wherever he may reside. The Chinese emigrants possess an extraordinary instinct for political and social organization; they contrive to establish for themselves a police and internal government, and they give no trouble to their rulers so long as they are left to manage those matters by themselves. They are good-tempered, frugal, industrious, saving, commercially inclined, and extraordinarily prolific. They thrive in all countries, the natives of the Southern provinces being perfectly able to labor and multiply in the hottest climates. Of all known varieties or mankind there is none so appropriate as the Chinaman to become the future occupant of the enormous regions which lie between the tropics, whose extent is far more vast than it appears, from the cramped manner in which those latitudes are pictured in the ordinary maps of the world. But take a globe and examine it, and consider the huge but poorly-peopled bulk of Africa, by whose side the areas of India and of China look insignificant, and think what a field lies there for the development of a suitable race. The Hindoo cannot fulfil the required conditions nearly as well as the Chinaman, for he is inferior to him in strength, industry, aptitude for saving, business habits, and prolific power. The Arab is little more than an eater up of other men’s produce; he is a destroyer rather than a creator, and he is unprolific.
The history of the world tells a tale of the continual displacement of populations, each by a worthier successor, and humanity gains thereby. We ourselves are no descendents of the aborigines of Britain, and our colonists were invaders of the regions they now occupy as their lawful home. But the countries into which the Anglo-Saxon race can be transfused are restricted to those where the climate is temperate. The Tropics are not for us, to inhabit permanently; the greater part of Africa is the heritage of people differently constituted to ourselves. On that continent, as elsewhere, one population continually drives out another. Consider its history as it extends over successive centuries. We note how Arab, Tuarick, Fellatah, Negroes of uncounted varieties, Cadre, Hottentot surge and reel to and fro in the struggle for existence. It is into this free flight among all present that I wish to see a new competitor introduced-namely, the Chinaman. The gain would be immense to the whole civilized world if we were to out-breed and finally displace the negro, as completely as the latter has displaced the aborigines of the West Indies. The magnitude of the gain may be partly estimated by making the converse supposition –namely, the loss that would ensue if China were somehow to be depopulated and restocked by negroes.
The pressure of population in China is enormous, and its outflow is great and increasing. There is no lack of material for a suitable immigration into Africa. I do not say that it would be possible at any moment to persuade communities of men and women from Southern China to establish themselves in Africa; but I am assured, by excellent authorities, that occasions of political disturbances frequently arise when it would be practicable to do so by the promise of a free, or nearly free, grant of land. The Chinese have a land hunger, as well as a love for petty traffic, and they would find a field in which to gratify both of these tastes on the East African Coast. There are many Chinese capitalists resident in foreign parts who might speculate in such a system and warmly encourage it. If once successfully started, it ought to maintain itself. The colonist could not starve; and when they began to succeed they would send money to their relatives to enable them to follow, just as they now do from the many other parts of the world where they are located. For these reasons it is probable that the streams of emigration from China have sufficient "head" to enable them to reach and overflow the coasts of Eastern Africa if they were watched and judiciously diverted in that direction.
I have finally to speak of the political effort necessary to secure a free right of occupancy and of settlement at suitable points on the coast. No very serious obstacle seems to stand in the way; certainly none was met with when Liberia was founded. It is probable that as the success of such an enterprise would be of equally great value to all nations commercially interested in those parts, no national jealousy would be excited by its promotion, and the necessary territory could be obtained with little difficulty and at a small cost, to be advanced in the first instance as a charge on the land and hereafter to be redeemed.
Francis Galton
End Cultural Marxism @genophilia :
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
So What Happens Now that SA #Elections2014 are over?
Besides religion / church and sport, nothing else divides a nation more than party politics. By making empty promises political parties are able break and prevent national unity at all levels.
As long as party politics continue to exist there will be division and friction. It is the perfect "divide and conquer" system.
For the first time in SA history do we vote, not because we believe the nonsense promises made by Pied Piper political parties, but to break the majority power of the ruling communist regime.
The ONLY value your vote has in this election is the potential to reduce the parliamentary voting power of the ANC, yet, political parties are still able to cause the necessary arguments and to put people off from voting, because of all the dissension they cause based on lies and false promises.
Not a single promise made by any political party can or will be honoured and they know it. It is all a load of nonsense. Even if another party was to win these elections, they would not be able to fire everyone appointed in positions they do not belong in because they do not qualify for those positions. We are stuck with what has been created, like it or not.
Successfully running a province inherited by default from another political party does not mean you can run an entire country as effectively
So today we vote and tomorrow life carries on, but because of political parties, with their greed for money and power, based on immature idealism and dreams, the voters will remain divided and this country will remain divided.
We have never experienced the level of dissension we've seen over the past few months. The infighting is nauseating, to say the least, and one cannot really blame anyone for not wanting to vote, because I myself had to drive myself to do so, simply because of one single motivating factor, the sense of responsibility in attempting to break the ANC's majority.
I doubt very much if we'll achieve it. Too many people have decided not to vote, which has been proven as the primary reason for the ANC's repeated success in retaining their majority since 1994.
So what happens now? Nothing,
What happens tomorrow? We listen to the Oscar Pistorius trial that is being used to draw our attention away from the more important issues like 400,000 murders, millions of rapes, thousands of assaults, attacks and hijackings since 1994.
Do the political parties really care what happens? No they do not. They do not give a damn, because they achieved what they set out to achieve; making it to the news, getting some extra funds, ensuring their salaries and pensions, while you and I are still arguing about which party we should have voted for based on their empty promises.
In the end the only thing that could potentially make a difference is if the ANC loses its huge majority in parliament, Should they lose, perhaps they'll find it more difficult to push through some of the racist anti-white legislation, but unfortunately:
Voting ANC is voting SA Communist Party
Not voting is voting ANC
Voting DA is voting ANC
Voting EFF is voting to speed-up ANC/SACP polices!
So even if the ANC was to lose its majority, the EFF and DA will support them in many instances by voting along with them in parliament and we'll still be screwed. Yet one white far rightwing party this morning even advised their followers to vote DA at provincial level?
The secondary reason for voting this time around is for whites to get as strong a representation / voice in parliament as possible.
Thanks to the division caused by non-politicians founding their own little parties, whites will also not longer be represented in parliament. The Freedom Front Plus has had to resort to coalitions and liberalising their party just in an an attempt to retain some votes and hold on to their place in parliament, albeit for their salaries or pensions or not. This has been on the cards for a long time coming, but now, should the FFPlus lose support and seats, we'll be lost without anyone in parliament speaking up on behalf of whites. We also need to keep in mind that the FFPlus has now been infiltrated by liberals, which is like playing Russian Roulette with a pistol.
The bottom-line is that whites will after tomorrow probably be totally screwed. We shall not be hearing from political parties again until the next elections. We would also have lost our representation in parliament and all the Alice in Wonderland promises made by idealistic parties are now dead and buried in this so-called "constitutionally driven" country.
What will the never-stood-a-chance political parties claim in their own defence? "But YOU did not vote for us!" YOU did not support us!" "That is why we cannot honour our misleading promises to YOU!"
Whites will now have to beg overseas countries to assist us in our survival, but unfortunately history has proven that it will not happen. Because of all the dissension created by political parties, the chances of unity are now virtually destroyed.
Whites will now be forced to change their attitudes and shift into pure "survival mode", because that is all that will now remain.
The one thing that may just perhaps count in our favour is if a large number blacks really decided not to vote, but sadly this will probably be counteracted by the equally large number of whites so confused and so despondent that they did not vote either.
Should whites lose their voice in parliament and should the ANC/SACP/DA/EFF political grouping retain or grow their majority, whites will have to sit back and make some very important and serious choices, but first and foremost will be to come to the realisation that we are now living in a black anti-white African communist country where whites have no rights and where whites are unwelcome. Anti-white xenophobia will grow exponentially and we shall have nowhere to run.
Take your party-political loyalties and shove it down the nearest toilet as quickly as possible and get into survival mode and do it fast.
Further Reading
Afrikaner community of Kleinfontein chose not to speak (vote) - Now forever hold your piece
Idi Amin and the Asians - What lies ahead for Whites, and all other minorities, in SA under the ANC after Elections 2014
As long as party politics continue to exist there will be division and friction. It is the perfect "divide and conquer" system.
For the first time in SA history do we vote, not because we believe the nonsense promises made by Pied Piper political parties, but to break the majority power of the ruling communist regime.
The ONLY value your vote has in this election is the potential to reduce the parliamentary voting power of the ANC, yet, political parties are still able to cause the necessary arguments and to put people off from voting, because of all the dissension they cause based on lies and false promises.
Not a single promise made by any political party can or will be honoured and they know it. It is all a load of nonsense. Even if another party was to win these elections, they would not be able to fire everyone appointed in positions they do not belong in because they do not qualify for those positions. We are stuck with what has been created, like it or not.
Successfully running a province inherited by default from another political party does not mean you can run an entire country as effectively
So today we vote and tomorrow life carries on, but because of political parties, with their greed for money and power, based on immature idealism and dreams, the voters will remain divided and this country will remain divided.
We have never experienced the level of dissension we've seen over the past few months. The infighting is nauseating, to say the least, and one cannot really blame anyone for not wanting to vote, because I myself had to drive myself to do so, simply because of one single motivating factor, the sense of responsibility in attempting to break the ANC's majority.
I doubt very much if we'll achieve it. Too many people have decided not to vote, which has been proven as the primary reason for the ANC's repeated success in retaining their majority since 1994.
So what happens now? Nothing,
What happens tomorrow? We listen to the Oscar Pistorius trial that is being used to draw our attention away from the more important issues like 400,000 murders, millions of rapes, thousands of assaults, attacks and hijackings since 1994.
Do the political parties really care what happens? No they do not. They do not give a damn, because they achieved what they set out to achieve; making it to the news, getting some extra funds, ensuring their salaries and pensions, while you and I are still arguing about which party we should have voted for based on their empty promises.
In the end the only thing that could potentially make a difference is if the ANC loses its huge majority in parliament, Should they lose, perhaps they'll find it more difficult to push through some of the racist anti-white legislation, but unfortunately:
Voting ANC is voting SA Communist Party
Not voting is voting ANC
Voting DA is voting ANC
Voting EFF is voting to speed-up ANC/SACP polices!
So even if the ANC was to lose its majority, the EFF and DA will support them in many instances by voting along with them in parliament and we'll still be screwed. Yet one white far rightwing party this morning even advised their followers to vote DA at provincial level?
The secondary reason for voting this time around is for whites to get as strong a representation / voice in parliament as possible.
Thanks to the division caused by non-politicians founding their own little parties, whites will also not longer be represented in parliament. The Freedom Front Plus has had to resort to coalitions and liberalising their party just in an an attempt to retain some votes and hold on to their place in parliament, albeit for their salaries or pensions or not. This has been on the cards for a long time coming, but now, should the FFPlus lose support and seats, we'll be lost without anyone in parliament speaking up on behalf of whites. We also need to keep in mind that the FFPlus has now been infiltrated by liberals, which is like playing Russian Roulette with a pistol.
The bottom-line is that whites will after tomorrow probably be totally screwed. We shall not be hearing from political parties again until the next elections. We would also have lost our representation in parliament and all the Alice in Wonderland promises made by idealistic parties are now dead and buried in this so-called "constitutionally driven" country.
What will the never-stood-a-chance political parties claim in their own defence? "But YOU did not vote for us!" YOU did not support us!" "That is why we cannot honour our misleading promises to YOU!"
Whites will now have to beg overseas countries to assist us in our survival, but unfortunately history has proven that it will not happen. Because of all the dissension created by political parties, the chances of unity are now virtually destroyed.
Whites will now be forced to change their attitudes and shift into pure "survival mode", because that is all that will now remain.
The one thing that may just perhaps count in our favour is if a large number blacks really decided not to vote, but sadly this will probably be counteracted by the equally large number of whites so confused and so despondent that they did not vote either.
Should whites lose their voice in parliament and should the ANC/SACP/DA/EFF political grouping retain or grow their majority, whites will have to sit back and make some very important and serious choices, but first and foremost will be to come to the realisation that we are now living in a black anti-white African communist country where whites have no rights and where whites are unwelcome. Anti-white xenophobia will grow exponentially and we shall have nowhere to run.
Take your party-political loyalties and shove it down the nearest toilet as quickly as possible and get into survival mode and do it fast.
Further Reading
Afrikaner community of Kleinfontein chose not to speak (vote) - Now forever hold your piece
Idi Amin and the Asians - What lies ahead for Whites, and all other minorities, in SA under the ANC after Elections 2014
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