Written by Vusi Mabaso (And if you have to know, he is a black South African man)
400 years ago Africa might as well been another planet in our solar system.
We were living in peace in our thatch huts. The 10 piece of cattle were grazing under the African sky. The head of the family sat in the shade of a tree drinking beer, the wives were working the land and the kids were making clay oxen to play with.
Every man’s dream, even to this day, no matter where on this planet you might come from. It sounds like the African version of the Playboy mansion. You sit in the shade and your multiple wives work for you.
Then the Europeans arrived and laughed at our people who had no education and thought our way of life was savagery. We had to fight them with spears to survive and ultimately lost the battle. They took our land and made us their slaves. They sold us to America and we became a trading commodity.
That is, what it is. We can’t change the past. So now 400 years later, what now?
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Put God in the trash?
Apparently the White House referred to Christmas Trees as Holiday Trees for the first time this year which prompted CBS presenter, Ben Stein, to present this piece which I would like to share with you. I think it applies equally to most countries outside America ...

The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.

The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.
Friday, 14 December 2012
Wat gebeur regtig in sogenaamde wit plakkerskampe?
Met ’n ruie baard en deurmekaar boskasie het Neels Jackson hom as ’n werklose en hawelose voorgedoen. Hy het twee dae by die Dagbreek-sorgsentrum by Bapsfontein en vier dae by die Elim Pinksterkerk se Eksodus-sentrum by Bela-Bela (Warmbad) gaan bly om te sien wat gebeur regtig in sogenaamde wit plakkerskampe. Deaan Vivier het die foto's geneem.
Daar is nie ’n beter woord as “uitbuiting” om te beskryf hoe tienduisende arm mense in sogenaamde wit plakkerskampe behandel word nie.
Die enigste inkomste van talle inwoners is R1 200 ouderdoms- of ongeskiktheidspensioen van die staat. Daarvan moet hulle die helfte of meer afstaan om in dié sentrums te woon.
Inwoners meen skenkings word soms deur die bestuur toegeëien.
Die bestuur gebruik inwoners as onbetaalde arbeiders vir allerlei werk wat soms niks met die sentrum te doen het nie.
Beskuldigings dat godsdiens by Eksodus gebruik word om inwoners tot absolute gehoorsaamheid van die bestuur te manipuleer.
Klagtes dat die bestuur mense se bankkaarte vat en by hulle hou.
Rautenbach sê mense stem met beëdigde verklarings in dat sy dit kan doen.
Volgens Van Rensburg kom dié soort praktyke wyd voor in die sogenaamde sorgsentra.
Hy sê daar is 89 sulke plekke binne 200 km van Pretoria met tussen 13 000 en 15 000 mense wat daar bly.
Landwyd is daar 633 000 wit Afrikaanssprekende werkloses waarvan die meeste in sulke kampe woon.
Lees verder en kyk ook die video:
Video: Oorde buit oues uit
Deur Neels Jackson
BEELD 2012-12-12
Daar is nie ’n beter woord as “uitbuiting” om te beskryf hoe tienduisende arm mense in sogenaamde wit plakkerskampe behandel word nie.
Die enigste inkomste van talle inwoners is R1 200 ouderdoms- of ongeskiktheidspensioen van die staat. Daarvan moet hulle die helfte of meer afstaan om in dié sentrums te woon.
Inwoners meen skenkings word soms deur die bestuur toegeëien.
Die bestuur gebruik inwoners as onbetaalde arbeiders vir allerlei werk wat soms niks met die sentrum te doen het nie.
Beskuldigings dat godsdiens by Eksodus gebruik word om inwoners tot absolute gehoorsaamheid van die bestuur te manipuleer.
Klagtes dat die bestuur mense se bankkaarte vat en by hulle hou.
Rautenbach sê mense stem met beëdigde verklarings in dat sy dit kan doen.
Volgens Van Rensburg kom dié soort praktyke wyd voor in die sogenaamde sorgsentra.
Hy sê daar is 89 sulke plekke binne 200 km van Pretoria met tussen 13 000 en 15 000 mense wat daar bly.
Landwyd is daar 633 000 wit Afrikaanssprekende werkloses waarvan die meeste in sulke kampe woon.
Lees verder en kyk ook die video:
Video: Oorde buit oues uit
Deur Neels Jackson
BEELD 2012-12-12
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Mandela - Zuma - Gaddafi - Castro
HOW TO BE A GOOD COMMUNIST by Nelson Mandela the "Great Statesman"

New Evidence Shows Mandela Was Senior Communist Party Member
Source: http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/africa/item/13920-new-evidence-shows-mandela-was-senior-communist-party-member?fb_action_ids=10151215750988051&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582
Dear Liberal Fucktards: Do you still think Mandela was a heroic Freedom Fighter?
Mandela is also a vicious racist who cannot stand white people around him for longer than 15 minutes. He starts to get extremely irritable and aggressive if there are too many whites around him for too long.
Even the Red Bishop, Arch Desmond Tutu, critisized Mandela for not speaking out against despotic tyrant Mugabe and his failed state of Zimbabwe. Neither has Mandela spoken too loudly about AIDS that kills 800 people (mostly blacks) every day.

New Evidence Shows Mandela Was Senior Communist Party Member
Source: http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/africa/item/13920-new-evidence-shows-mandela-was-senior-communist-party-member?fb_action_ids=10151215750988051&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582
Dear Liberal Fucktards: Do you still think Mandela was a heroic Freedom Fighter?
Mandela is also a vicious racist who cannot stand white people around him for longer than 15 minutes. He starts to get extremely irritable and aggressive if there are too many whites around him for too long.
Even the Red Bishop, Arch Desmond Tutu, critisized Mandela for not speaking out against despotic tyrant Mugabe and his failed state of Zimbabwe. Neither has Mandela spoken too loudly about AIDS that kills 800 people (mostly blacks) every day.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
History of the Zuid-Afrikaans Hospitaal
The bloodiest war ever fought on South African soil, namely the Anglo-Boer War (1899–1902), resulted in the birth of the Zuid-Afrikaans Hospitaal en Diakonessenhuis.
By 1904 the Boers were finding it difficult to be admitted to the Victoria Cottage Hospital in Pretoria, which was a strictly British military hospital. They needed their own hospital where they could feel at home and be treated in their own language. And so the Zuid-Afrikaans Hospital started out as a 6-bed nursing facility in the home of General CF Beyers in Sunnyside. The name of the hospital was “Het Hollands Hospetaaltje”, mainly because of the funding being received from Holland.
By 1904 the Boers were finding it difficult to be admitted to the Victoria Cottage Hospital in Pretoria, which was a strictly British military hospital. They needed their own hospital where they could feel at home and be treated in their own language. And so the Zuid-Afrikaans Hospital started out as a 6-bed nursing facility in the home of General CF Beyers in Sunnyside. The name of the hospital was “Het Hollands Hospetaaltje”, mainly because of the funding being received from Holland.
The Russians and the Anglo-Boer War
by Apollon Davidson and Irina Filatova
Published by: Human and Rousseau/Combined Book Services 287 pp. £17.99
When we were at school 70 years ago, a quarter of the World's map was coloured red to denote the territories of the British Empire on which the sun never set. Britain did not acquire this largest Empire in history by chance, or by mere luck, Britain fought its way at every turn in the face of jealous rivals such as Russia, France, Spain and Germany.
Even when transport was slow and the motorcar and aeroplane were not yet in service, Britain could despatch half a million troops to South Africa to protect the long route to India via the Cape. Jews played a major part in Britain's ascendancy in the 19th Century.
Benjamin Disraeli whose family were members of the Sephardi Bevis Marks Synagogue, acquired the shares of the Suez Canal with the help of the Rothschilds and he made Victoria Empress of India.
Published by: Human and Rousseau/Combined Book Services 287 pp. £17.99
When we were at school 70 years ago, a quarter of the World's map was coloured red to denote the territories of the British Empire on which the sun never set. Britain did not acquire this largest Empire in history by chance, or by mere luck, Britain fought its way at every turn in the face of jealous rivals such as Russia, France, Spain and Germany.
Even when transport was slow and the motorcar and aeroplane were not yet in service, Britain could despatch half a million troops to South Africa to protect the long route to India via the Cape. Jews played a major part in Britain's ascendancy in the 19th Century.
Benjamin Disraeli whose family were members of the Sephardi Bevis Marks Synagogue, acquired the shares of the Suez Canal with the help of the Rothschilds and he made Victoria Empress of India.
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Geloftefeeskalender 2012
Lys van Geloftefeeste sover inligting bekom kon word
• Gelofteherdenking Plek: Kalgoorlie 600 km vanaf Perth, Gemeenskapsentrum
16/12: 18:00
Laertrek Geloftefees Plek: Laertrek Geloftefeesterrein (Tussen Bethlehem enKestell)
15/12: 13:30 – Bring en braai / Ou danse / Boeresport /Samesang /Lees van Gelofte.
16/12: 09:30 - Vlaghysing en vlaglied
10:00 - Gelofte diens en heraflegging van Gelofte - Ds.Dawie Kriel
12:00 - Gelofterede - Johan de Beer (Pretoria)
13:10 – Saam eet en kuier en kort toer na Voortrekker en ABO terreine.
Kontak: Martiens le Roux tel 082 571 5471
• Gelofteherdenking Plek: Kalgoorlie 600 km vanaf Perth, Gemeenskapsentrum
16/12: 18:00
Laertrek Geloftefees Plek: Laertrek Geloftefeesterrein (Tussen Bethlehem enKestell)
15/12: 13:30 – Bring en braai / Ou danse / Boeresport /Samesang /Lees van Gelofte.
16/12: 09:30 - Vlaghysing en vlaglied
10:00 - Gelofte diens en heraflegging van Gelofte - Ds.Dawie Kriel
12:00 - Gelofterede - Johan de Beer (Pretoria)
13:10 – Saam eet en kuier en kort toer na Voortrekker en ABO terreine.
Kontak: Martiens le Roux tel 082 571 5471
Naamlys van Boere by Bloedriver en die Gelofte
Deur Cuan Elgin, outeur van: Bulala: A True Story Of South Africa
Vind Cuan Elgin op Facebook : BULALA by Cuan Elgin
Koop die boek Bulala: A True Story Of South Africa hier:
Kalahari.com : http://www.kalahari.com/books/Bulala-Bulala-Tagati/632/39409700.aspx
Amazon.com : http://www.amazon.com/Bulala-True-Story-South-Africa/dp/1588402940
Volgens Dewald Johannes Pretorius is hierdie lys die naamlys van offisiere en manskappe in Die Slag van Bloedrivier.
Soek jou familienaam en as jy dit vind, sal jy besef daar rus 'n verpligting op jou en jou kinders om die eed, afgele op 16 Desember te eer - my familienaam is daar, is joune?
Vind Cuan Elgin op Facebook : BULALA by Cuan Elgin
Koop die boek Bulala: A True Story Of South Africa hier:
Kalahari.com : http://www.kalahari.com/books/Bulala-Bulala-Tagati/632/39409700.aspx
Amazon.com : http://www.amazon.com/Bulala-True-Story-South-Africa/dp/1588402940
Volgens Dewald Johannes Pretorius is hierdie lys die naamlys van offisiere en manskappe in Die Slag van Bloedrivier.
Soek jou familienaam en as jy dit vind, sal jy besef daar rus 'n verpligting op jou en jou kinders om die eed, afgele op 16 Desember te eer - my familienaam is daar, is joune?
Monday, 10 December 2012
Die Gelofte en die NG Kerk se siening
Ope brief aan die Kerke van Suid-Afrika
4 Desember 2012
Re: Geloftefees- ‘n Broer in die tronk?
Die Bybel maak dit baie duidelik dat ‘n volk wat nie sy Geloftes onderhou nie, swaar gestraf sal word. In die lig hiervan vra ek vandag die kerke van Suid-Afrika hoekom hulle so min aandag gee aan die volk se Geloftes (Ja, ons volk is met 4 Geloftes aan die Vader verbind)
Kyk, as julle ernstig was oor die mense in julle banke, die Bybel en ons Skepper sou dit julle seker bygeval het dat die afwatering van ‘n Gelofte, ‘n bittere skande is. Ja, julle hou elke jaar kersdienste (op ‘n datum wat ons nie eers kan bevestig of ons Verlosser gebore is nie), maar op ‘n datum soos 16 Desember waar ons volk ‘n direkte verbond gesluit het met ons Vader, is julle stil. Hier en daar is nog ‘n gemeente wat regtig erns maak met die saak op 16 Desember, maar oor die algemeen word dit eenvoudig afgewater en is dit ‘n paar ou mensies wat nog die dienste bywoon. Is dit julle ‘n idee van ‘n Dankdag tot SY eer?
4 Desember 2012
Re: Geloftefees- ‘n Broer in die tronk?
Die Bybel maak dit baie duidelik dat ‘n volk wat nie sy Geloftes onderhou nie, swaar gestraf sal word. In die lig hiervan vra ek vandag die kerke van Suid-Afrika hoekom hulle so min aandag gee aan die volk se Geloftes (Ja, ons volk is met 4 Geloftes aan die Vader verbind)
Kyk, as julle ernstig was oor die mense in julle banke, die Bybel en ons Skepper sou dit julle seker bygeval het dat die afwatering van ‘n Gelofte, ‘n bittere skande is. Ja, julle hou elke jaar kersdienste (op ‘n datum wat ons nie eers kan bevestig of ons Verlosser gebore is nie), maar op ‘n datum soos 16 Desember waar ons volk ‘n direkte verbond gesluit het met ons Vader, is julle stil. Hier en daar is nog ‘n gemeente wat regtig erns maak met die saak op 16 Desember, maar oor die algemeen word dit eenvoudig afgewater en is dit ‘n paar ou mensies wat nog die dienste bywoon. Is dit julle ‘n idee van ‘n Dankdag tot SY eer?
Friday, 7 December 2012
Collective Narcissism and the ANC
This article was originally published as a note on a Facebook page and republished here with the permission of the author.
By Renata S Roux
During my research regarding Parental Alienation, I became aware of everything from the corrupt justice system to the psychological aspects involved in this type of child abuse. Many may wonder what this has got to do with our present situation as this mostly concern children, parents, and custody battles.
Many people have accused political leaders of narcissism in the past, something I have come to agree with. It took some time before I realized the cruel reality of such a claim.
Today, we as South Africans live in one of the most troubled countries in the world. No one can deny that. Not only is crime, corruption and murder part of our reality, we are also subjected to the psychological trauma that goes along with these everyday occurrences.
I am no expert in any field, but it doesn’t take much more than a bit of common sense and some research to reveal to the average person that there are much more involved in understanding what we are going through as a minority group in this country.
Every day we see the same comments on Facebook, but after 18 years we have still not been able to fight against something that is considered a crime by International Law.
By Renata S Roux
During my research regarding Parental Alienation, I became aware of everything from the corrupt justice system to the psychological aspects involved in this type of child abuse. Many may wonder what this has got to do with our present situation as this mostly concern children, parents, and custody battles.
Many people have accused political leaders of narcissism in the past, something I have come to agree with. It took some time before I realized the cruel reality of such a claim.
Today, we as South Africans live in one of the most troubled countries in the world. No one can deny that. Not only is crime, corruption and murder part of our reality, we are also subjected to the psychological trauma that goes along with these everyday occurrences.
I am no expert in any field, but it doesn’t take much more than a bit of common sense and some research to reveal to the average person that there are much more involved in understanding what we are going through as a minority group in this country.
Every day we see the same comments on Facebook, but after 18 years we have still not been able to fight against something that is considered a crime by International Law.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Pik Botha op Volksmikrofoon 30 Nov 2012
Op 75 het Mnr. Koos van der Merwe, IVP-LP, 35 jaar in die parlement gevier.

Foto: Nico Van Heerden
Gaste op Koos van der Merwe se onthaal om sy 35 jaar in die parlement te vier, is:
Dr. Ferdi Hartzenberg
Andrew Gerber
Genl. Gert Opperman
Dr. Willem Crywagen
Pik Botha
Dr. Stoffel van der Merwe
Adv. Chris de Jager; en
Koos van der Merwe.

Foto: Nico Van Heerden
Gaste op Koos van der Merwe se onthaal om sy 35 jaar in die parlement te vier, is:
Dr. Ferdi Hartzenberg
Andrew Gerber
Genl. Gert Opperman
Dr. Willem Crywagen
Pik Botha
Dr. Stoffel van der Merwe
Adv. Chris de Jager; en
Koos van der Merwe.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
South Africa's Trade deficit explodes reaching R104.6bn as economic growth slows
South Africa's trade deficit ALMOST DOUBLED from R6.7bn in JULY to R12.2bn in AUGUST!
The cumulative deficit exploded to ALMOST EIGHT TIMES compared to 2011. By this time last year it amounted to R8.7bn, while for the same period this year it at R69.9bn!
South Africa's trade deficit almost doubled again from R13.8bn in September to R21.2bn in October.
Exports increased by 7.8% month-on-month to R61.1bn while imports jumped 16.7% to R82.3bn, SARS data showed.
Economists failed us AGAIN! The rules of their super PC game (the stock exchange) did not allow for reality.
Economists surveyed by Reuters had expected a trade shortfall of only R15.35bn for October but the data is volatile and thus difficult to forecast they said.
They cannot forecast anything, because they are constantly trying to fool the world and fool the SA public by trying to make things "look good".
South Africa is collapsing faster by the day. it is a falling rock and no one will stop or even slow it's fall.
The cumulative deficit exploded to ALMOST EIGHT TIMES compared to 2011. By this time last year it amounted to R8.7bn, while for the same period this year it at R69.9bn!
South Africa's trade deficit almost doubled again from R13.8bn in September to R21.2bn in October.
Exports increased by 7.8% month-on-month to R61.1bn while imports jumped 16.7% to R82.3bn, SARS data showed.
Economists failed us AGAIN! The rules of their super PC game (the stock exchange) did not allow for reality.
Economists surveyed by Reuters had expected a trade shortfall of only R15.35bn for October but the data is volatile and thus difficult to forecast they said.
They cannot forecast anything, because they are constantly trying to fool the world and fool the SA public by trying to make things "look good".
South Africa is collapsing faster by the day. it is a falling rock and no one will stop or even slow it's fall.
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