The Visions of 'Siener' van Rensburg - one of the greatest and distinguished as one of the most accurate seers in history.
The vision of the seven ‘thunderclouds’ is one of the most alarming regarding a series of disasters which will hit England, and which has only partially been fulfilled. According to resources at my disposal, there are more than 20 direct references to these strange and fearful events. The Seer predicted that the seventh-and last-plague will finally spell the end for England when the Boers have regained power in South Africa.
Van Rensburg has never doubted that England’s ruin would be caused by crimes she committed against Afrikaner women and children during the War of Freedom. He once said to a friend: “Every time some great world event happens, women and children are murdered, followed by retribution. Did Pharaoh also not order the mid-wives to kill all newborn male children? And the punishment that followed was that he and all his horsemen were drowned in the Red Sea…”
In this context he referred to 1 Samuel 15:2-3:: Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I remember that which Amekk did to Israel, how he had laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. Now go and smite Amekk, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass…
Mr. Boy Mussmann wrote to Mrs. S.M. van Tender in 1949: ‘”Oom’ Klasie says he ‘sees’ a multicoloured pig standing in a well in England and it is so hungry that it is licking against the walls (Famine and scarcity of water). It will probably die from hunger and thirst when the struggle is at its worst here in South Africa. There is also a pot of fire in Russia (civil war) and then ‘Oom’ Klasie sees the grass catch alight in England-the start of civil war. (Possibly this could indicate another major flare-up in the long drawn-out conflict between England and Ireland).
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
This is probably one of the most objective, truthful, most sincere, from-the-heart, written pieces one could ever hope to read in the already crashed New South Africa.
23 May 2012, 07:06
A South African artist called Brett Murray has been causing a huge stir since his painting of South Africa’s president titled The Spear was put up in a local gallery. The ANC have worked themselves up into a total frothy about the painting and their biggest issue with it - It’s racist. ???????
Disrespectful, maybe. Rude, maybe. But racist???
That little word that has become the political whip with which the ANC work the masses up into angry mobs and riots anytime something happens that they don’t like. And it’s becoming really really tiring.
In South Africa, the word racist has lost it’s original meaning and now only get’s used to describe a white person doing something a black person doesn’t like. You never hear it used in any other context. You can’t say to a black CEO that he is racist because he won’t hire white people, no - he’s just making sure that only blacks get hired because of BEE. You can’t call a university racist because they won’t accept an application from a white student with straight A’s for 8 subjects - instead taking on a black student who barely passed matric. Nope, they’re not racist, they’re just correcting the wrongs of the past. But god forbid you do hire the white person or you do admit the white student, you’ll be branded racist by the government quicker that you can say “colour shouldn’t be the issue here” because how dare you choose a white person over a black person in a democratic South Africa.
23 May 2012, 07:06
A South African artist called Brett Murray has been causing a huge stir since his painting of South Africa’s president titled The Spear was put up in a local gallery. The ANC have worked themselves up into a total frothy about the painting and their biggest issue with it - It’s racist. ???????
Disrespectful, maybe. Rude, maybe. But racist???
That little word that has become the political whip with which the ANC work the masses up into angry mobs and riots anytime something happens that they don’t like. And it’s becoming really really tiring.
In South Africa, the word racist has lost it’s original meaning and now only get’s used to describe a white person doing something a black person doesn’t like. You never hear it used in any other context. You can’t say to a black CEO that he is racist because he won’t hire white people, no - he’s just making sure that only blacks get hired because of BEE. You can’t call a university racist because they won’t accept an application from a white student with straight A’s for 8 subjects - instead taking on a black student who barely passed matric. Nope, they’re not racist, they’re just correcting the wrongs of the past. But god forbid you do hire the white person or you do admit the white student, you’ll be branded racist by the government quicker that you can say “colour shouldn’t be the issue here” because how dare you choose a white person over a black person in a democratic South Africa.
Wife and daughters listen as father is murdered by blacks
Hardly 2 weeks after the arrest of 4 members of the notorious "Machete gang" - which has been terrorizing residents of Bloemfontein - a father of two young children has been murdered by 4 black terrorists armed with machetes.
Frans Day (38), a motor mechanic who recently moved from Boksburg to Bloemfontein, was murdered in his house in the Navalsig suburb.
Three of the black murderers were armed with machetes and the fourth with a pistol.
The Day Family is at least the seventh family in Bloemfontein who has been attacked by machete wielding terrorists in the last couple of months.
His wife Tanja (36) and their daughters Kaytlinn (5) and Nicole (10) were tied up and gagged and locked in a wardrobe in the room where Mr Day was murdered.
Frans Day (38), a motor mechanic who recently moved from Boksburg to Bloemfontein, was murdered in his house in the Navalsig suburb.
Three of the black murderers were armed with machetes and the fourth with a pistol.
The Day Family is at least the seventh family in Bloemfontein who has been attacked by machete wielding terrorists in the last couple of months.
His wife Tanja (36) and their daughters Kaytlinn (5) and Nicole (10) were tied up and gagged and locked in a wardrobe in the room where Mr Day was murdered.
’n Bitter grap
Hierdie moet gelees word saammet en teen die agtergrond van "Boetman is die Bliksem in"
Lees ook "Rian Malan se punt is die bitter ironie"
Deur Rian Malan
2012-05-20 21:41
As hy in Willie Esterhuyse se skoene gestaan het, sou hy seker nes die professor opgetree het, skryf Rian Malan . Maar as hy vandag die storie sou vertel, sou hy skaars sy lag kon hou.
Willie Esterhuyse
Ek dink ek moet met ’n joernalistieke ontboeseming begin: By die eerste lees het Eindstryd my baie kwaad gemaak, om redes wat ek nie mooi kon peil nie.
Per slot van sake stem ek met prof. Willie Esterhuyse oor feitlik alles saam: Apartheid móés padgee, en die laat 1980’s was die geleë tyd.
As die Nasionale Intelligensiediens (NI) my gevra het om hoogs geheime vredesamesprekings met die ANC te begin, sou ek ja gesê het.
Ek sou miskien selfs geval het vir oudpres. Thabo Mbeki se legendariese sjarme, soos wel met Esterhuyse gebeur het, en strategiese ANC-standpunte gesteun het in die vredesamesprekings wat gevolg het.
Lees ook "Rian Malan se punt is die bitter ironie"
Deur Rian Malan
2012-05-20 21:41
As hy in Willie Esterhuyse se skoene gestaan het, sou hy seker nes die professor opgetree het, skryf Rian Malan . Maar as hy vandag die storie sou vertel, sou hy skaars sy lag kon hou.
Willie Esterhuyse
Ek dink ek moet met ’n joernalistieke ontboeseming begin: By die eerste lees het Eindstryd my baie kwaad gemaak, om redes wat ek nie mooi kon peil nie.
Per slot van sake stem ek met prof. Willie Esterhuyse oor feitlik alles saam: Apartheid móés padgee, en die laat 1980’s was die geleë tyd.
As die Nasionale Intelligensiediens (NI) my gevra het om hoogs geheime vredesamesprekings met die ANC te begin, sou ek ja gesê het.
Ek sou miskien selfs geval het vir oudpres. Thabo Mbeki se legendariese sjarme, soos wel met Esterhuyse gebeur het, en strategiese ANC-standpunte gesteun het in die vredesamesprekings wat gevolg het.
(Please note that his article was copied from a poorly scanned .pdf and I hope all the errors have been corrected. See link to original at the end of the article)
The reason I am posting this article and a few others is for us to consider against the backdrop of past experiences, whether South Africa is on the verge of a revolution this time. As you will find from the following and many other objective articles on the processes and events that led to the expulsion of the National Party and the ANC's take-over of South Africa, it was not as most people tend to think, due to the success of the ANC. In fact the ANC was a bankrupt, pathetic movement by the time FW de Klerk, together with his cronies decided to hand the country over to the ANC. South Africa was never taken over by way of revolution. The ANC could not stir a revolution even if they tried their utmost best, because they were as useless then as they are today.
South Africa was handed to the ANC, because FW de Klerk and his cronies decided to hand it over to them. Had it not been for FW de Klerk, the ANC would probably have died away and been crying to this day. It is in fact a sad , sad affair, looking back and realising how things could have turned out had it not been for the sell-outs within the National Party.
The reason I am posting this article and a few others is for us to consider against the backdrop of past experiences, whether South Africa is on the verge of a revolution this time. As you will find from the following and many other objective articles on the processes and events that led to the expulsion of the National Party and the ANC's take-over of South Africa, it was not as most people tend to think, due to the success of the ANC. In fact the ANC was a bankrupt, pathetic movement by the time FW de Klerk, together with his cronies decided to hand the country over to the ANC. South Africa was never taken over by way of revolution. The ANC could not stir a revolution even if they tried their utmost best, because they were as useless then as they are today.
South Africa was handed to the ANC, because FW de Klerk and his cronies decided to hand it over to them. Had it not been for FW de Klerk, the ANC would probably have died away and been crying to this day. It is in fact a sad , sad affair, looking back and realising how things could have turned out had it not been for the sell-outs within the National Party.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
The Misdirected Spear
I think I quickly need to explain something about Brett Murray's 1.85m-high painting titled 'The Spear' wherein Jacob Zuma's private parts are exposed in full glory outside his trousers.
When Piet Retief entered the Dingaan's kraal he was told to sit right across from Dingaan.
When Piet Retief entered the Dingaan's kraal he was told to sit right across from Dingaan.
Dingaan sat with his legs wide open, exposing his private parts to Retief. Had Retief known better he would have realised right there and then that it was a trap, or at least a dangerous situation.
In Zulu culture, when a Zulu exposes his private parts to your face it is the worst of the worst, the ultimate sign of disrespect imaginable.
In Zulu culture, when a Zulu exposes his private parts to your face it is the worst of the worst, the ultimate sign of disrespect imaginable.
This kind of disrespect is only expressed in the most critical and most dangerous, most determined of situations. It is a point of no-return, the end of the line, the final message. It is a message that you are about to be killed, it is a declaration of war.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Boetman is die bliksem in
Chris Louw
Geagte dr. De Klerk
Aanvanklik het ek gewonder waarom ek u boekie Afrikaners: kroes, kras, kordaat met soveel weerstand gelees het. Nie heeltemal weersin nie, let wel: net weerstand.
My geslag is mos grootgemaak om ons emosies te beteuel, om ons nie oor te gee aan enige werklike vorm van koestering nie nie liefde nie, en ook nie haat nie.
Ons is geleer om gesien en nie gehoor te word nie, om opdragte uit te voer sonder teëspraak, om respek vir die oueres te toon. Om, op die keper, bereid te wees om ons lewe op te offer vir ons land en vir die Groter Saak. Ek praat nou van wit Afrikanermans van so tussen dertig en vyftig dié ouens wat met verpligte diensplig gebrandmerk is.
Laat ek dit maar so diplomaties moontlik sê: u boekie ruik na oneerlikheid. Die oneerlikheid van selfregverdiging.
The Role of the Afrikaner in a Multicultural South Africa
DR PIETER MULDER: National Leader of the Freedom Front
21 October 2002
The question put to me today is: “What is the role of the Afrikaner in a Multicultural South Africa?”
In trying to answer the question, it would be a mistake to create the impression that I am answering the question on behalf of all Afrikaners. No one can claim that. The opinions of a diverse community, as diverse as the Afrikaner community, can never be put in simple yes and no boxes. My answer will be based on my research on the issues under discussion and on my personal experience as a politician, having contact with Afrikaners from all spheres of life.
For more than 300 years Afrikaners played a prominent role and often a dominant role in South Africa. That changed in 1994. After 1994 Afrikaners went through different phases as I experienced it. I broadly distinguish three phases. I call them the Honeymoon phase; the Boetman phase and the present Pessimism phase.
DR PIETER MULDER: National Leader of the Freedom Front
21 October 2002
The question put to me today is: “What is the role of the Afrikaner in a Multicultural South Africa?”
In trying to answer the question, it would be a mistake to create the impression that I am answering the question on behalf of all Afrikaners. No one can claim that. The opinions of a diverse community, as diverse as the Afrikaner community, can never be put in simple yes and no boxes. My answer will be based on my research on the issues under discussion and on my personal experience as a politician, having contact with Afrikaners from all spheres of life.
For more than 300 years Afrikaners played a prominent role and often a dominant role in South Africa. That changed in 1994. After 1994 Afrikaners went through different phases as I experienced it. I broadly distinguish three phases. I call them the Honeymoon phase; the Boetman phase and the present Pessimism phase.
Sunday, 20 May 2012
The Reptilian Mind
The Reptilian Mind described below is not the Reptilian ascribed to the Illuminati or Annunaki. What I'll be presenting here is the Reptilian Mind of the specific Human breed controlled by their "old brain", like reptiles, controlled by their survival instinct.
The "reptilian brain" is your first and oldest brain - very animalistic and primitive in its nature. It closely resembles the brain of reptiles such as lizards. It drives fundamental needs such as survival, mating, feeding and self-sustenance. Its primary role is to make sure that you stay alive and ensure survival of the species by mating with others. The reptilian brain is all about survival.
In addition to this, the reptilian brain also took on the responsibility of controlling autonomic bodily functions, such as the beating of the heart, the breathing of the lungs and the regulation of body temperature. From this can be deduced that the reptilian mind is on autopilot, all behaviour and responses are automated, under subconscious control, to the exclusion of all rationality or reasoning of any kind. - Beating the Reptilian Brain
The reptilian Mind is the savage mind, the old mind. Like snakes and lizards it does not think, it behaves and responds. The reptilian mind controls: "Self Preservation, Hunger, Sex, and Sleep. This is the mind that makes you grab food, without abiding by any social etiquette or formality, without asking permission. It circumvents the 'higher mind' or Human Mind and usually gets that person into some trouble by breaking a societal rule of some sort. They get hungry they grab, they get horny they rape." The Fight or Flight response is also associated to this mind.
The "reptilian brain" is your first and oldest brain - very animalistic and primitive in its nature. It closely resembles the brain of reptiles such as lizards. It drives fundamental needs such as survival, mating, feeding and self-sustenance. Its primary role is to make sure that you stay alive and ensure survival of the species by mating with others. The reptilian brain is all about survival.
In addition to this, the reptilian brain also took on the responsibility of controlling autonomic bodily functions, such as the beating of the heart, the breathing of the lungs and the regulation of body temperature. From this can be deduced that the reptilian mind is on autopilot, all behaviour and responses are automated, under subconscious control, to the exclusion of all rationality or reasoning of any kind. - Beating the Reptilian Brain
The reptilian Mind is the savage mind, the old mind. Like snakes and lizards it does not think, it behaves and responds. The reptilian mind controls: "Self Preservation, Hunger, Sex, and Sleep. This is the mind that makes you grab food, without abiding by any social etiquette or formality, without asking permission. It circumvents the 'higher mind' or Human Mind and usually gets that person into some trouble by breaking a societal rule of some sort. They get hungry they grab, they get horny they rape." The Fight or Flight response is also associated to this mind.
Personality Types - The Dark Side
Nearly 50 years of research has revealed that people operate with four distinct ways of interaction, or Social Styles: Analytical, Driver, Amiable and Expressive. Each of these personality types are further broken down into four more sub-types, making it sixteen personality types in total.


Thursday, 17 May 2012
Reports on Attacks and other SA News for 17 May 2012
MIDRAND: BELLS HOUR: Swarte wat bejaarde man van 82 beroof in Visserstraat in Presidentpark doodgeskiet deur polisie.
MIDDELBURG: Boervrou droom man se moordenaar kom terug: vind met 'n skok
uit hy het die vorige dag ontsnap! Net 'n dag nadat 'n vrou vir haar
kinders gesê het sy het gedroom haar man se moordenaar kom terug plaas
toe, het hulle gehoor hy het ontsnap.
"Ons, en veral my ma, is angsbevange," het me. Deana Swart
Woensdagoggend gesê. Sy het vertel dat haar ma, Sue, verlede Sondag vir
hulle vertel het dat sy gedroom het haar man se moordenaar kom terug.
Toe hulle die Maandag by die hooggeregshof op Middelburg aankom vir die
verhoor, het hulle die skokkende nuus gekry dat die beskuldigde, Tonic
Madutlela, op Nelspruit ontsnap het.
Mnr. Graeme Adams is op 13 Februarie 2009 deur sy sitkamervenster op die
plaas (net buite Middelburg op die Loskopdampad) geskiet. Hy het nog na
hul slaapkamer gestrompel, waar hy inmekaar gesak en gesterf het.
MIDDELBURG: Boervrou droom man se moordenaar kom terug: vind met 'n skok
uit hy het die vorige dag ontsnap! Net 'n dag nadat 'n vrou vir haar
kinders gesê het sy het gedroom haar man se moordenaar kom terug plaas
toe, het hulle gehoor hy het ontsnap.
"Ons, en veral my ma, is angsbevange," het me. Deana Swart
Woensdagoggend gesê. Sy het vertel dat haar ma, Sue, verlede Sondag vir
hulle vertel het dat sy gedroom het haar man se moordenaar kom terug.
Toe hulle die Maandag by die hooggeregshof op Middelburg aankom vir die
verhoor, het hulle die skokkende nuus gekry dat die beskuldigde, Tonic
Madutlela, op Nelspruit ontsnap het.
Mnr. Graeme Adams is op 13 Februarie 2009 deur sy sitkamervenster op die
plaas (net buite Middelburg op die Loskopdampad) geskiet. Hy het nog na
hul slaapkamer gestrompel, waar hy inmekaar gesak en gesterf het.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Is A Race War Being Censored To Avoid White Backlash?

Posted 05/14/2012 06:14 PM ET
When two white newspaper reporters for the Virginian-Pilot were driving through Norfolk, and were set upon and beaten by a mob of young blacks — beaten so badly that they had to take a week off from work — that might seem to have been news that should have been reported, at least by their own newspaper. But it wasn't.
"The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News Channel was the first major television program to report this incident. Yet this story is not just a Norfolk story, either in what happened or in how the media and the authorities have tried to sweep it under the rug.

Posted 05/14/2012 06:14 PM ET
When two white newspaper reporters for the Virginian-Pilot were driving through Norfolk, and were set upon and beaten by a mob of young blacks — beaten so badly that they had to take a week off from work — that might seem to have been news that should have been reported, at least by their own newspaper. But it wasn't.
"The O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News Channel was the first major television program to report this incident. Yet this story is not just a Norfolk story, either in what happened or in how the media and the authorities have tried to sweep it under the rug.
When the Banks Come Marching in the ANC Elite get RICH
Prejudice and self-enrichment - Where is the end?
2012-01-23 06:59
According to Noseweek, this how the rental business works in SA:
Apparently the Dept of Public Works, which hires government office space over 5 year terms, claims they have a directive (they won't say from whom) that the government will no longer rent buildings from companies that aren't ONE HUNDRED PERCENT black-owned - this isn't even BEE, it's unconstitutional.
When white-owned leases are up, the Dept of Public Works gives notice, like the latest case in Pretoria. The owners are caught in a bind with a soon-to-be empty building. But help arrives by way of a white middleman who makes an offer for their building (R26.8 million), even though they haven't let anyone know of their predicament.The middleman immediately sells the building to an all-black company for R37.5million.
But no-one has the money for these deals, so Nedbank promises the black company (which has no assets ) a bond of R60 million (yes, more than the building is worth) if the Government signs the lease. Why is Nedbank so generous? Because the rent for the building,which the government still occupies, will rise from R1.2 million to R9 million per annum. A guaranteed cash flow... if the government still wants it at nearly 8 times the old price, that is. "It's better than buying government bonds from the Reserve Bank because the interest rates are much higher," says a confidential Nedbank source.
2012-01-23 06:59
According to Noseweek, this how the rental business works in SA:
Apparently the Dept of Public Works, which hires government office space over 5 year terms, claims they have a directive (they won't say from whom) that the government will no longer rent buildings from companies that aren't ONE HUNDRED PERCENT black-owned - this isn't even BEE, it's unconstitutional.
When white-owned leases are up, the Dept of Public Works gives notice, like the latest case in Pretoria. The owners are caught in a bind with a soon-to-be empty building. But help arrives by way of a white middleman who makes an offer for their building (R26.8 million), even though they haven't let anyone know of their predicament.The middleman immediately sells the building to an all-black company for R37.5million.
But no-one has the money for these deals, so Nedbank promises the black company (which has no assets ) a bond of R60 million (yes, more than the building is worth) if the Government signs the lease. Why is Nedbank so generous? Because the rent for the building,which the government still occupies, will rise from R1.2 million to R9 million per annum. A guaranteed cash flow... if the government still wants it at nearly 8 times the old price, that is. "It's better than buying government bonds from the Reserve Bank because the interest rates are much higher," says a confidential Nedbank source.
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Africa in 2040 - The Darkened Continent

By Paul Chefurka
This article examines the interaction of a variety of influences on the African food supply over the next three decades. The influences include climate change, rising oil and fertilizer prices, HIV/AIDS, rising population, falling GDP, food import and distribution requirements and global food price inflation. The article then looks at what the growing constraints on fuel, food and finance might mean for the population of the African continent over the coming years.
Malaria-Infected Mosquitoes Resist Insecticides In Africa And India
The negative impact of Malaria on Africa's future survival will be huge.
* WHO says resistance reported in 64 countries with malaria
* Mosquito-borne disease kills more than 650,000 a year
* Action plan designed to stay ahead of insecticide threat
By Kate Kelland
LONDON, May 15 (Reuters) - Malaria-carrying mosquitoes in Africa and India are becoming resistant to insecticides, putting millions of lives at greater risk and threatening eradication efforts, health experts said on Tuesday.
While existing prevention measures such as mosquito nets treated with insecticide and indoor spraying are still effective, experts said tight surveillance and rapid response strategies were needed to prevent more resistance developing.
* WHO says resistance reported in 64 countries with malaria
* Mosquito-borne disease kills more than 650,000 a year
* Action plan designed to stay ahead of insecticide threat
By Kate Kelland
LONDON, May 15 (Reuters) - Malaria-carrying mosquitoes in Africa and India are becoming resistant to insecticides, putting millions of lives at greater risk and threatening eradication efforts, health experts said on Tuesday.
While existing prevention measures such as mosquito nets treated with insecticide and indoor spraying are still effective, experts said tight surveillance and rapid response strategies were needed to prevent more resistance developing.
Africa must stop begging for food - UN
2012-05-15 21:09
Nairobi - Sub-Saharan African nations will not be able to sustain their accelerated economic growth unless they eliminate hunger, the UN said in a report on Tuesday.
Many sub-Saharan economies are growing fast but the growth rates have not translated into significant hunger reduction, said UNDP Administrator Helen Clark.
Sub-Saharan Africa's growth, this year expected to be more than 5%, is accelerating faster than the rest of the world excluding China and India, according to UNDP statistics.
According to the agency's African Development Report, nearly 218 million people on the continent are undernourished and 55 million children are malnourished, a figure that is projected to rise.
Nairobi - Sub-Saharan African nations will not be able to sustain their accelerated economic growth unless they eliminate hunger, the UN said in a report on Tuesday.
Many sub-Saharan economies are growing fast but the growth rates have not translated into significant hunger reduction, said UNDP Administrator Helen Clark.
Sub-Saharan Africa's growth, this year expected to be more than 5%, is accelerating faster than the rest of the world excluding China and India, according to UNDP statistics.
According to the agency's African Development Report, nearly 218 million people on the continent are undernourished and 55 million children are malnourished, a figure that is projected to rise.
A comparison of food prices across some key emerging markets.
Why do South Africans pay so much more?

Firstly our population growth is more than the growth in food production, so it is basic supply and demand economics.
Labour cost & failed land reform are major contributing factors. Add to that the millions of illegal immigrants residing in the country, farm murders that often result in farms becoming unproductive (and unfortunately the opposition parties have not been vocal enough in proposing ideas regarding farm safety) and a failed land reform programme, that is supported by the DA, and we have recipe for disaster.
Food security is the foundation of every nation, yet political parties do not take the issue of food security seriously. 95% of all farms acquired by state are no longer producing effectively.
We get 40% of our fuel from SASOL coal to fuel, but are penalised monthly for the international oil price fluctuations.
Our labour costs are outrageous...until and unless we become a manufacturing nation (and why would we with local labour laws) we will always have high unemployment.
Something has to give.....

Firstly our population growth is more than the growth in food production, so it is basic supply and demand economics.
Labour cost & failed land reform are major contributing factors. Add to that the millions of illegal immigrants residing in the country, farm murders that often result in farms becoming unproductive (and unfortunately the opposition parties have not been vocal enough in proposing ideas regarding farm safety) and a failed land reform programme, that is supported by the DA, and we have recipe for disaster.
Food security is the foundation of every nation, yet political parties do not take the issue of food security seriously. 95% of all farms acquired by state are no longer producing effectively.
We get 40% of our fuel from SASOL coal to fuel, but are penalised monthly for the international oil price fluctuations.
Our labour costs are outrageous...until and unless we become a manufacturing nation (and why would we with local labour laws) we will always have high unemployment.
Something has to give.....
Monday, 14 May 2012
Apartheid Revisited
By Gavan Tredoux
Apartheid has been credited with remarkable powers. To its detractors it has been the cause of most, if not all, evils in South Africa. Unemployment, illiteracy, crime, child molestation, AIDS, sexual harassment, corruption, and power outages have all been attributed to apartheid. The new black-controlled regime routinely ascribes the problems in which it is entangled to the legacy of apartheid. It is widely held that "apartheid fallout" will contaminate South African for many years to come.
In another era, apartheid was advertised as the solution to multiple evils, by Afrikaner Nationalists who were eager to be seen as political saviours of white South Africa. The very word "apartheid" was a product of the political propaganda devised by Nationalists in the 1940s. The central claim of this propaganda was that whites were being betrayed by the government of the day, and would be lost if they were not protected by the state. This proved to be a successful political weapon for the Nationalists, even though their opponents were mystified by the claim that they were any less pro-white.
Regardless of political sympathy, apartheid has acquired a reputation for efficacy. Since political policies have rarely been effective anywhere, this must raise questions about the accuracy of traditional accounts of apartheid. Crediting apartheid with unreasonable powers obscures not only the history of South Africa, but also its present.
Apartheid has been credited with remarkable powers. To its detractors it has been the cause of most, if not all, evils in South Africa. Unemployment, illiteracy, crime, child molestation, AIDS, sexual harassment, corruption, and power outages have all been attributed to apartheid. The new black-controlled regime routinely ascribes the problems in which it is entangled to the legacy of apartheid. It is widely held that "apartheid fallout" will contaminate South African for many years to come.
In another era, apartheid was advertised as the solution to multiple evils, by Afrikaner Nationalists who were eager to be seen as political saviours of white South Africa. The very word "apartheid" was a product of the political propaganda devised by Nationalists in the 1940s. The central claim of this propaganda was that whites were being betrayed by the government of the day, and would be lost if they were not protected by the state. This proved to be a successful political weapon for the Nationalists, even though their opponents were mystified by the claim that they were any less pro-white.
Regardless of political sympathy, apartheid has acquired a reputation for efficacy. Since political policies have rarely been effective anywhere, this must raise questions about the accuracy of traditional accounts of apartheid. Crediting apartheid with unreasonable powers obscures not only the history of South Africa, but also its present.
Sunday, 13 May 2012
In Memory of Willemien Potgieter and her Family
A typical example of the daily murders in South Africa since the ANC was put in power in 1994, but the the world care, do they give a damn for what they had done to this once beautiful country? No why would they, because Liberals are immoral to the bone and do not care for anyone but themselves and their wealth.

Dec 7 2010. Lindley, Free State. The execution-style murders on Dec 1 of Willemien Potgieter (not yet 3) and her parents on their Free State farm were racially-motivated, South Africa’s very angry deputy-agriculture minister Dr Pieter Mulder said outside the magistrate’s court during the remand-appearance of five of the six suspects yesterday (Monday).
In a rare show of unity, widely-divergent political groups stood side by side outside the courtroom to protest against the cruel massacre of the unarmed Boer family. On hand were Free State Agricultural union members, the AWB leader Steyn van Ronge, cabinet-deputy agriculture minister dr. Mulder, members of the AfriForum youth movement – and members of local ANC WOMEN’S LEAGUE – all protesting together.
‘The ANC-songs create an atmosphere of hatred…’
A large crowd of peaceful Boer protestors had gathered outside the law court – but the authorities refused to let them inside ‘for security reasons’, reported Beeld newspaper. Mulder said ‘the people are protesting today to show their anger and frustration at the triple-murders, and to show their solidarity with the victims’ family.’
“If a white man had shot dead a black three-year-old child there would have been tens of thousands of hysterical people at this court today screaming ‘racism’. Why is there no reaction to this racist murder of a white family by the ANC?”
Potgiter Wilna and Attie massacred on Lindley FreeState farm by Sothospeakers with small child Willemien 3 “There simply are no words to describe what happened to this family. I have a two-year-old grandchild myself. We try to establish a reason – and it’s noted that the ANC has yet to condemn these murders. These murders were racially-motivated. The songs which are sung by the ANC create an atmosphere of racial hatred. Don’t they understand the meaning of those words ( Shoot the Boer and One Bullet One White Infant ) ? “ he asked.
Willemien Potgieter, who had not yet celebrated her third birthday, was murdered with her parents Attie (40) and Wilna (36) on their farm on Wednesday December 1.
The ‘youth’ who is suspected of killing the little girl by shooting a bullet through her head, was not in court: he’s going to be tried as a ‘’ minor ‘ because he’s 17 years old.
“We killed them. We will be back..’ was the message the killers left behind after the Potgieter massacre…
The five black males arrested for the massacre of the Potgieter family on Dec 1 2010, are applying for bail on Monday March 13 2010 at Lindley, FS court: they were ltr: Tshololo Tello Mischach Letala (18), Tapa Mopontola Mofokeng (23), Paulus Samson Vusimuzi Khumalo (22), Telleko Sex Seekoei (19) and Stemmer Boy Mofokeng (22). Khumalo and the two Mofokengs work on the Potgieter farm Tweefontein.
Dr Mulder wrote on the Face book blog of the Freedom Front plus opposition party: “I am sitting in the Lindley court, 2 metres behind the five accused of shooting dead little Willemien. They are young and know nothing about apartheid. But they are full of one-sided ANC-propaganda…’
Boer protest Dr Pieter Mulder Lindley court Potgieter massacre suspects Dec62010
In a rare show of unity, widely-divergent political groups stood side by side outside the courtroom to protest against the cruel massacre of the unarmed Boer family. On hand were Free State Agricultural union members, the AWB leader Steyn van Ronge, cabinet-deputy agriculture minister dr. Mulder, members of the AfriForum youth movement – and members of local ANC WOMEN’S LEAGUE – all protesting together. - in Lindley, Free State.

Dec 7 2010. Lindley, Free State. The execution-style murders on Dec 1 of Willemien Potgieter (not yet 3) and her parents on their Free State farm were racially-motivated, South Africa’s very angry deputy-agriculture minister Dr Pieter Mulder said outside the magistrate’s court during the remand-appearance of five of the six suspects yesterday (Monday).
In a rare show of unity, widely-divergent political groups stood side by side outside the courtroom to protest against the cruel massacre of the unarmed Boer family. On hand were Free State Agricultural union members, the AWB leader Steyn van Ronge, cabinet-deputy agriculture minister dr. Mulder, members of the AfriForum youth movement – and members of local ANC WOMEN’S LEAGUE – all protesting together.
‘The ANC-songs create an atmosphere of hatred…’
A large crowd of peaceful Boer protestors had gathered outside the law court – but the authorities refused to let them inside ‘for security reasons’, reported Beeld newspaper. Mulder said ‘the people are protesting today to show their anger and frustration at the triple-murders, and to show their solidarity with the victims’ family.’
“If a white man had shot dead a black three-year-old child there would have been tens of thousands of hysterical people at this court today screaming ‘racism’. Why is there no reaction to this racist murder of a white family by the ANC?”
Potgiter Wilna and Attie massacred on Lindley FreeState farm by Sothospeakers with small child Willemien 3 “There simply are no words to describe what happened to this family. I have a two-year-old grandchild myself. We try to establish a reason – and it’s noted that the ANC has yet to condemn these murders. These murders were racially-motivated. The songs which are sung by the ANC create an atmosphere of racial hatred. Don’t they understand the meaning of those words ( Shoot the Boer and One Bullet One White Infant ) ? “ he asked.
Willemien Potgieter, who had not yet celebrated her third birthday, was murdered with her parents Attie (40) and Wilna (36) on their farm on Wednesday December 1.
The ‘youth’ who is suspected of killing the little girl by shooting a bullet through her head, was not in court: he’s going to be tried as a ‘’ minor ‘ because he’s 17 years old.
“We killed them. We will be back..’ was the message the killers left behind after the Potgieter massacre…
The five black males arrested for the massacre of the Potgieter family on Dec 1 2010, are applying for bail on Monday March 13 2010 at Lindley, FS court: they were ltr: Tshololo Tello Mischach Letala (18), Tapa Mopontola Mofokeng (23), Paulus Samson Vusimuzi Khumalo (22), Telleko Sex Seekoei (19) and Stemmer Boy Mofokeng (22). Khumalo and the two Mofokengs work on the Potgieter farm Tweefontein.
Dr Mulder wrote on the Face book blog of the Freedom Front plus opposition party: “I am sitting in the Lindley court, 2 metres behind the five accused of shooting dead little Willemien. They are young and know nothing about apartheid. But they are full of one-sided ANC-propaganda…’
Boer protest Dr Pieter Mulder Lindley court Potgieter massacre suspects Dec62010
In a rare show of unity, widely-divergent political groups stood side by side outside the courtroom to protest against the cruel massacre of the unarmed Boer family. On hand were Free State Agricultural union members, the AWB leader Steyn van Ronge, cabinet-deputy agriculture minister dr. Mulder, members of the AfriForum youth movement – and members of local ANC WOMEN’S LEAGUE – all protesting together. - in Lindley, Free State.
CORRUPTION is Out of Control Under South Africa's ANC Regime

The following was written by Carla C Viana on Facebook on the TollFreeGP page.
This list does not even mention the nepotism and all the tender corruptions!
Make yourself comfortable before you start.
"Agreed someone has to pay for the upkeep, maintenance and improvement of our grand roads so that we can be proud of our roads when compared to the rest of Africa BUT HOLD ON this anc government and their petrol fuel levies has already been collecting vast billions over many many decades for this exact cost. YOU CAN"T come along now in 2012 and impose your citizens / give us the guilt trip where anc appointees have indeed squandered and depleted the reserves intended for this very cost. Accountability first and foremost and where such wastage and thieving of petrol state coffers was found corrupted, those officials to be removed from their posts and such funds refunded back into the petrol state collected coffers. We the people have long since paid for such improvements - just how was the road accident fund and it's cripplingly multibillion collapse that transpired under the leadership of and when the anc appointees took charge of such petrol levies and state collected mechanisms. If the RAF is anything to go by on - where anc directorship appointees pay themselves and award themselves muti million rand performance bonuses salaried cheques I rest my case. NO VOTE of confidence with those managing such affairs they forced such state petrol collected coffers into bankruptcy and now expect and demand the public must pay.... !!!!!!!" - Carla C Viana.
Here follows the long list of the taxpayers money wasting while the poor are getting poorer every day! And the government still blames poverty on apartheid, while busy enriching themselves!:
The ANC and the Global War Business
This is a MUST-READ presentation that shows the ANC for what it REALLY is!
Everyone with a conscience who reads this should feel obliged to distribute it further
Also read: What went wrong with the New South Africa under the ANC Regime?
As I reported on page 13 in my book Eye On The Money published in 2007, the arms deal was just the tip of the iceberg that concerned oil deals, the taxi re-capitalisation process, TOLL ROADS, drivers' licences, Cell C, the Coega development, diamond and drug smuggling, weapons trafficking, and money laundering.
The arms deal was then as much as I could handle. The common denominator with all these scams was 10% kickback to the ANC in return for political protection.
The main whistleblower, Bheki Jacobs died in 2008 under suspicious circumstances. My sequel book, Eye On The Diamonds was the focus of three excerpts published by the Independent Newspapers this past weekend. The book is now in the bookshops, and is dedicated to Bheki who gave his life for this country to expose the corruption that the arms deal unleashed.
I have however, this morning attended the Defence Review 2012 civil society consultation in Cape Town. This is the next arms deal scandal, which will eclipse the 1999 arms deal scandal unless we put a stop to it. My colleagues have already identified 54 issues that we believe are unconstitutional. It is a recipe for militarised dictatorship and massive corruption under the guise of a "developmental state".
Everyone with a conscience who reads this should feel obliged to distribute it further
Also read: What went wrong with the New South Africa under the ANC Regime?
As I reported on page 13 in my book Eye On The Money published in 2007, the arms deal was just the tip of the iceberg that concerned oil deals, the taxi re-capitalisation process, TOLL ROADS, drivers' licences, Cell C, the Coega development, diamond and drug smuggling, weapons trafficking, and money laundering.
The arms deal was then as much as I could handle. The common denominator with all these scams was 10% kickback to the ANC in return for political protection.
The main whistleblower, Bheki Jacobs died in 2008 under suspicious circumstances. My sequel book, Eye On The Diamonds was the focus of three excerpts published by the Independent Newspapers this past weekend. The book is now in the bookshops, and is dedicated to Bheki who gave his life for this country to expose the corruption that the arms deal unleashed.
I have however, this morning attended the Defence Review 2012 civil society consultation in Cape Town. This is the next arms deal scandal, which will eclipse the 1999 arms deal scandal unless we put a stop to it. My colleagues have already identified 54 issues that we believe are unconstitutional. It is a recipe for militarised dictatorship and massive corruption under the guise of a "developmental state".
Friday, 11 May 2012
by Barbara Simpson
Barbara Simpson, "The Babe in the Bunker," as she's known to her KSFO 560 radio talk-show audience in San Francisco, has a 20-year radio, TV and newspaper career in the Bay Area and Los Angeles.
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson observes transition from goal of democracy to slavery
Published: 02/12/2012 at 4:36 PM
It’s sad. A once prosperous country with a thriving economy is turning into a bloody mess and sliding into a 21st century Third-World status.
No, not Zimbabwe, which after becoming “free” devolved into chaos, starvation and economic helplessness under its “elected” dictator, Robert Mugabe.
It echoes Iraq, now that it’s “free” and has “elections” and, of course, there’s the ongoing “Arab Spring” touted by the U.S. and the West as a move to democracy and freedom.
Barbara Simpson, "The Babe in the Bunker," as she's known to her KSFO 560 radio talk-show audience in San Francisco, has a 20-year radio, TV and newspaper career in the Bay Area and Los Angeles.
Exclusive: Barbara Simpson observes transition from goal of democracy to slavery
Published: 02/12/2012 at 4:36 PM
It’s sad. A once prosperous country with a thriving economy is turning into a bloody mess and sliding into a 21st century Third-World status.
No, not Zimbabwe, which after becoming “free” devolved into chaos, starvation and economic helplessness under its “elected” dictator, Robert Mugabe.
It echoes Iraq, now that it’s “free” and has “elections” and, of course, there’s the ongoing “Arab Spring” touted by the U.S. and the West as a move to democracy and freedom.
A Simple Example Of Communal Decline in South Africa
A Letter From South Africa by Jim Peron (September 1998)
Die, the Beloved Country
When a country begins sliding into oblivion it really is the little things that get to you. You wake up in the morning and turn to see what time it is. The clock is off. The electricity is off again. Sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for a few hours, but it seems to happen more regularly than before.
You pick up the phone at work to make a call. Nothing. Your neighborhood is without telephone service again. You breathe a sigh of relief—at least if all the phones are out, they'll do something relatively soon to fix it. If it's just your own line, it can take days before they'll do anything.
After the power comes on, you turn on the television to watch a favorite program, and hope you get the right sound with the right picture. Sometimes you get the sound of one show with the picture of another. Sometimes it's just the one or the other. Or a radio station instead of the soundtrack. You've read the papers—a large number of the "old" employees have walked out of the broadcasting studios. They couldn't take it anymore. And since television is an arm of the government, their replacements are appointed politically, not because of their experience or ability.
You drive home after going out for dinner. Entire neighborhoods are without street lights. Well, to be more accurate they are without lights that work. And the lights have been out for months. The city has said it won't fix them.
These are the little things in South Africa today. These are the things that annoy. The big things are too frightening even to consider.
Why I'm fleeing South Africa - Anne Paton
by Anne Paton (widow of Alan Paton)
London Sunday Times—DISPATCHES, Sunday, November 29, 1998
I am leaving South Africa. I have lived here for 35 years, and I shall leave with anguish. My home and my friends are here, but I am terrified. I know I shall be in trouble for saying so, because I am the widow of Alan Paton.
Fifty years ago he wrote Cry, The Beloved Country. He was an unknown schoolmaster and it was his first book, but it became a bestseller overnight. It was eventually translated into more than 20 languages and became a set book in schools all over the world. It has sold more than 15 million copies and still sells 100,000 copies a year.
As a result of the startling success of this book, my husband became famous for his impassioned speeches and writings, which brought to the notice of the world the suffering of the black man under Apartheid.
He campaigned for Nelson Mandela's release from prison and he worked all his life for black majority rule. He was incredibly hopeful about the new South Africa that would follow the end of Apartheid, but he died in 1988, aged 85.
I was so sorry he did not witness the euphoria and love at the time of the election in 1994. But I am glad he is not alive now. He would have been so distressed to see what has happened to his beloved country. [Without Apartheid]
Tailoring New Economics To South African Realities
South African Realities? What do ignorant liberals know about reality? You won't easily find more liberal bullshit than this, but it is still worth reading. Was it not for the crap about the Pre-1994 South Africa, deliberately trying to mislead people as to the truth about the time, it would have been quite a good document. Why liberals always have to splutter their political ignorance no one will ever understand. You will also never find a liberal saying a single word about the 10,000 times worse atrocities perpetrated under the ANC Regime of course and they will always do their utmost best to avoid and hide it. For some sense of reality See: Apartheid an inhumane system?
But here it is: (taken from )
In the early post-World War II years the S A economy and employment opportunities grew rapidly. By 1970 about 80 percent of the economically active population was absorbed in the formal economy, in farm or domestic labour, or in a viable subsistence life style. However economic growth rates declined significantly after that so that today, in the year 2000, only about 45 percent of the economically active population is employed in the formal sector. The income share of the bottom 40 percent of the population is only about 3.4 percent. Many survive by the unsustainable exploitation of the natural environment or by socially destructive or criminal activities. In pursuing its GEAR policies South Africa has followed the structural adjustment prescriptions of the IMF and WTO with disastrous consequences. The prescriptions of New Economics are entirely different and its policies are designed so that individual self-interest is co-incident with the greater good. Specific policies are focussed around the following concepts:
But here it is: (taken from )
JUNE 2000
SANE is an autonomous network for the creation of a humane, just, sustainable and culturally appropriate economic system in South Africa
In the early post-World War II years the S A economy and employment opportunities grew rapidly. By 1970 about 80 percent of the economically active population was absorbed in the formal economy, in farm or domestic labour, or in a viable subsistence life style. However economic growth rates declined significantly after that so that today, in the year 2000, only about 45 percent of the economically active population is employed in the formal sector. The income share of the bottom 40 percent of the population is only about 3.4 percent. Many survive by the unsustainable exploitation of the natural environment or by socially destructive or criminal activities. In pursuing its GEAR policies South Africa has followed the structural adjustment prescriptions of the IMF and WTO with disastrous consequences. The prescriptions of New Economics are entirely different and its policies are designed so that individual self-interest is co-incident with the greater good. Specific policies are focussed around the following concepts:
Derek Key's South African Budget Speech 1994
It is my duty and privilege to present to this House and to the Nation the proposals of the Government of National Unity for the Budget for the year ending 31 March 1995.
These proposals have been formulated against the background of a sound fiscal performance in the previous year - the deficit was virtually as budgeted - and in the knowledge that a continuation of the general structure of taxation set in place last year puts progressive reduction of the budget deficit in the future within our reach.
For this to come to pass, however, continued control of the level of expenditure is vital. Consequently the Government has taken particular care in deciding on the treatment of two issues which are germane in this respect, namely funding to spearhead the Reconstruction and Development Programme and the treatment of the costs of our transition to democracy.
These proposals have been formulated against the background of a sound fiscal performance in the previous year - the deficit was virtually as budgeted - and in the knowledge that a continuation of the general structure of taxation set in place last year puts progressive reduction of the budget deficit in the future within our reach.
For this to come to pass, however, continued control of the level of expenditure is vital. Consequently the Government has taken particular care in deciding on the treatment of two issues which are germane in this respect, namely funding to spearhead the Reconstruction and Development Programme and the treatment of the costs of our transition to democracy.
South Africa's Financial Support for the Independent TBVC States
Defence Expenditure of the TBVC States*
Markus Reichardt
Research Associate with the Institute for Defence Policy
*Many thanks to Mr W Botha, Development Bank of Southern Africa and Dr M Reichardt, formerly special advisor to Dr Simon Brand, formerly chief executive DBSA.
It is a political reality that government statistics are meant to obscure at least as much as they reveal. This observation is particularly pertinent in the South African context where for years the Pretoria government sought to hide - among other things - the true extent of its financial support for the independent states.
In his budget speech of March 1993, Minister Keys announced that South Africa was providing for about R6 billion direct and indirect budgetary assistance to the TBVC countries. Of this, direct budget assistance amounted to R5,145 billion, whereas the combined budget assistance that these countries are planning on for 1993/94 is R5,216 billion, i.e. already some R70 million overexpenditure.
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Pathetic ANC and their Pretoria Street Name changes
The ANC has this problem, they think that by changing the names of streets and cities developed by others, they can claim that they had built them. In the meantime the ANC has done nothing for South Africa but destroy and corrupt. They have not in 18 years been able to maintain even one of those roads they inherited from the National Party, but they are able to change the names of those very dilapidated streets at a huge cost to the economy. Ignoramus gets a whole new meaning in the New South Africa.
Will these name changes bring harmony to South Africa?
Will these name changes bring services to South Africans?
Will these names changes stop the violence, murders, rapes, high-jackings,armed robberies, drug distribution or the human trafficking?
Will these names changes make South Africa a better place?
Will these names changes make the ANC Regime more efficient and trustworthy?
Will these names changes create much needed jobs?
Which friends or family of the ANC have the contract to manufacture the new street-name signs?
To see the list of names click on
Will these name changes bring harmony to South Africa?
Will these name changes bring services to South Africans?
Will these names changes stop the violence, murders, rapes, high-jackings,armed robberies, drug distribution or the human trafficking?
Will these names changes make South Africa a better place?
Will these names changes make the ANC Regime more efficient and trustworthy?
Will these names changes create much needed jobs?
Which friends or family of the ANC have the contract to manufacture the new street-name signs?
To see the list of names click on
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
What went wrong with the New South Africa under the ANC Regime?
What could possibly have gone wrong that, under these saints, SA deteriorated into the "Rape Capitol of the world", the "Drug Capitol of the world", the "Human Trafficking Capitol of the world", the "Most Murderous Society in the world."
Why did the ANC not live up to the expectations of the liberal world, the liberal media, liberal politicians and liberal churches?
The world wanted the ANC to rule South Africa, at all cost. The world media criminalised the National Party Government and did everything in their power to paint the darkest most sinister and misleading image of the pre-1994 Republic of South Africa.
At the same time the media created the impression that the ANC consisted of angels directly descended from heaven.
It did not end here, as they continued this process by presenting to the world a misleading impression of this New South Africa, FW de Klerk's "rainbow nation".
According to what the media has been spreading to the rest of the world, SA is a wonderful new democracy made in (their) heaven.
Pre-1994, according to world leaders, the churches, economists and the media, the ANC was consisting of upright, upstanding, righteous, honourable angels that could only be the ultimate, most perfect and most ideal group to take over as the future Government of South Africa.
Murder Suspect Brags on Facebook
On 21 April Mr Gerhard Fourie was shot in the head by a black man in front of his place of work. He died on May the 2nd.
While he was fighting for his life, and lost the fight, this black accused of the murder was boasting on his Facebook profile "I work for myself, and I love it."

Yes, he loves "working" for himself - The question is what kind of work does he do and who pays him for that work.
He has been arrested and will appear in Court soon.
At the time of the attack, HE WAS OUT ON BAIL, having appeared in Port Elizabeth on charges of armed robbery. He is suspected of being involved in at least 18 armed robberies in the Eastern Cape.
And now, some lawyer will most likely ask for him to be released on bail again . . . and he will probably be released again.
While he was fighting for his life, and lost the fight, this black accused of the murder was boasting on his Facebook profile "I work for myself, and I love it."

Yes, he loves "working" for himself - The question is what kind of work does he do and who pays him for that work.
He has been arrested and will appear in Court soon.
At the time of the attack, HE WAS OUT ON BAIL, having appeared in Port Elizabeth on charges of armed robbery. He is suspected of being involved in at least 18 armed robberies in the Eastern Cape.
And now, some lawyer will most likely ask for him to be released on bail again . . . and he will probably be released again.
There seems to be a total news blackout on the situation in Mpumalanga near Komatipoort.
SABC News reported last night that a citrus farm was invaded and the White Afrikaner Boer who rented it on a 5 year rental contract from the government, was chased off the land by the black invaders who stated that they will sleep in his house and the offices and other buildings.
It is believed that the Police was present, but did nothing to remove the illegal invaders from the property which is legally occupied by the White farmer.
This appears to be a true Zimbabwe style land invasion, where nothing was done to protect the legal occupants.
It is unknown what happened to the Boer farmer's personal belongings in the house, since after the initial news report, there seems to be a total news blackout in the attack.
Take note Europe, USA, and other liberal supporters of the murderous communist regime. That which was said will never happen here, is now reality.
This farm will cease to function as a productive agricultural unit, the same way the majority of other farms which were handed over to the new black owners ceased to function.
SABC News reported last night that a citrus farm was invaded and the White Afrikaner Boer who rented it on a 5 year rental contract from the government, was chased off the land by the black invaders who stated that they will sleep in his house and the offices and other buildings.
It is believed that the Police was present, but did nothing to remove the illegal invaders from the property which is legally occupied by the White farmer.
This appears to be a true Zimbabwe style land invasion, where nothing was done to protect the legal occupants.
It is unknown what happened to the Boer farmer's personal belongings in the house, since after the initial news report, there seems to be a total news blackout in the attack.
Take note Europe, USA, and other liberal supporters of the murderous communist regime. That which was said will never happen here, is now reality.
This farm will cease to function as a productive agricultural unit, the same way the majority of other farms which were handed over to the new black owners ceased to function.
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
South Africa is Imploding
Violence and Revolution threatens to South Africa's democracy
CNN'sRobyn Curnow reports on fear of violence that opposition parties fear threaten South Africa's democracy.
CNN'sRobyn Curnow reports on fear of violence that opposition parties fear threaten South Africa's democracy.
Nuclear is so Third World
South Africa's ANC Regime may be dangerously close to repeating the e-toll fiasco with nuclear energy.
To read the article click HERE
South Africa's Auditor-General paints a bleak picture
Auditor-General Terence Nombembe has criticised the government for the weakening of the pillars of governance, Business Day reported yesterday.
Nombembe also expressed concern about the vulnerability of his office in the wake of what he said was a growing lack of support from the government to his warning about this deterioration.
He said management supply chains, service delivery, security of government information and accuracy of government reports were deteriorating.
"Things are serious, and they are even more serious than we thought they were," he said at the opening of business consultancy Deloitte's new building.
"They are more serious because the people employed by the government to do work are the least prepared and equipped to do it. The situation is dire.
". What we are saying is not taken seriously, not by the government, not by ourselves and those who need to do something about it."
Click HERE
Auditor-General's concerns must not be rubbished like Khoza's were
The Times Editorial: Auditor-General Terence Nombembe has sounded a warning that the government would do well to heed - that the financial management of the state's affairs is going badly awry.
Opening a building in Pretoria last week, Nombembe raised his concerns that the government has steadfastly refused to implement the corrective measures his office recommended to put the country's financial affairs in order.
Read article HERE
South Africa's Jobless youth time bomb
A young person is three times more likely to be unemployed than an adult globally and if the disparity is not dealt with urgently economic protest will worsen.
Unemployment remains high at 23.9% in South Africa, and 70% of the jobless are between the ages of 15 and 34.
Read article HERE
Bonds weaken as investors dump risk assets
South African government bonds weakened on Monday as political uncertainty over Europe's austerity measures weighed on appetite for riskier assets around the globe.
Read article HERE
Healthcare dilemma in South Africa
Rural area health care is getting worse, not better, with each and every passing day.
Currently our infant mortality rate is 6 times higher than in the OECD countries. About 5.5 million South Africans have HIV/AIDS or 10.6% of South Africa's total population with 17% of the adult population that lives with this dreadful illness. Most of them live in rural South Africa. Death rates from these are extremely high.
a lack of much needed medicines and essential medical equipment, incompetent management and a chronic shortage of qualified doctors and nurses which makes the country's situation much worse.
Read the article HERE
Injured SA soldiers transported in wheelbarrows
The Hoedspruit military health centre in Limpopo is currently servicing 11,000 people without an ambulance or adequate supplies of medicine or equipment according to a newspaper report.
Several recruits injured during training have had to be pushed to the centre in a wheelbarrow.
Due to a total lack of blood pressure measuring devices or ECG machines, no emergency cases are currently being treated at the centre, the daily reported.
Some of the most crucial medicines and equipment ordered in 2009 had still not been delivered.
Read the article HERE
Cadre deployment just like a tornado raging through Buffalo City Municipality
The minute you elevate political loyalty to a formal policy, as cadre deployment does, and seek then to extend it not just to political appointments but the public service too, you have not only violated the principles that define best democratic practice, but created the potential for the perfect political storm.
Read this nauseating article HERE
Warning on small town tap water
Water affairs has red-flagged 14 municipalities in seven provinces, warning residents of numerous small rural towns in these areas not to drink untreated tap water.
Read the article HERE
Financial Paedophiles
Has our constitution made provision for financial rape?
Electricity tariffs have sky rocketed, the mammoth petrol price keeps escalating and now the price of parking is also defying gravity.
But who is to blame for the surge in financial rape? Let me not beat around the bush; all fingers point to the ANC.
Read the article HERE
New KT offer on Telkom 'fair': Analysts
South Korean telecoms giant, KT Corporation's advisors are aware of the "depressing" financial state of Telkom and the new offer made for a 20% stake in the fixed-line operator is fair, analysts said on Tuesday.
"The market share of Telkom has been declining and it's now a buyers' market. I think the price is fair and Telkom needs to do something about its state of affairs. I think the advisors of KT are aware of this,"
Read the article about the, once powerful, now collapsed Telkom HERE
SA named world rape capital of the world
With alarming rape statistics, Interpol has named South Africa as the world's rape capital. Women are more likely raped than educated. Watch this SABC report to find out more.
In South Africa a woman, toddler or baby is raped every 17 seconds
Watch video HERE
Rape Statistics - South Africa & Worldwide 2011
Click HERE
South Africa, world's rape capital: Interpol
Interpol says South Africa is the world's rape capital and less than 1% of rape cases are reported to police. According to a reliable website that compiles rape statistics this has had a detrimental effect on successfully pursuing rape cases in the country.
Read the article HERE
Need we continue any further?
Monday, 7 May 2012
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Gross wages of SA government employees higher than other sectors combined

When this happens to a country it spells the end of the economy. South Africa is busy sinking under the weight of the public service.
This is the result of quasi-democracy when democracy is not really democracy.
Formatting, highlighting by Toxinews
05 May, 2012 19:59
The government employs more than a fifth of formal sector workers in South Africa and pays its employees an average 34% more than the private sector does.
According to trade union Uasa's 2012 Employment Report, the average gross wages of government employees are higher than the average gross wages across all sectors in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a group of mostly rich countries. Net wages after taxes in the South African government are higher than net wages in Germany, Sweden and Finland, on a dollar purchasing power parity basis.
The report showed government salaries account for more than 12.8% of GDP and, when the salaries paid by state-owned enterprises are added, it increases to more than 14.3% of GDP.
Mike Schüssler, economist at, who compiled the report for Uasa, a multi-sector union with 73000 members, said on Friday the public sector has grown from 11% of total employment in 1970 to 22.8% today.
"This means SA has more civil servants than the total number of people employed in mining and manufacturing combined. We cannot have more people in the government than we have people producing things. This is apart from the fact that more people get an income from welfare than from employment," he said.
The state salary bill was about R382-billion last year, which could have paid for 19 Gauteng Freeway Improvement Projects.
Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said in his February budget the public sector wage bill was the largest component of current expenditure. He allowed for only a 5% cost of living adjustment for public servants, excluding pay progression, in the 2012-13 budget.
The report states it is specifically the wages of unskilled and semi-skilled workers which are too high - in the government and private sectors. In the last 40 years the real unit labour cost in SA has increased twice as fast as the OECD's average.
"The cost of producing things in the rest of the world is falling, whereas in SA the cost of producing things is rising and that makes us less and less competitive," Schüssler said.
Stats SA will release unemployment data for the first quarter on Tuesday. The unemployment rate was 23.9% in the fourth quarter of last year.
"Overpaid, unskilled workers are keeping other people out of employment. Lower level civil servants in SA, like cleaners, earn more than teachers in India or Brazil," said Schüssler.
See the original unformatted article HERE
British Foreign Office Warns Its Citisens About Rape Danger in South Africa
The British Foreign Office today issued an official warning to British citisens about the dangers of being raped in South Africa.
Interpol recently reaffirmed South Africa as the Rape Capitol of the World.

UK's Daily Mail 6 May 2012
Click HERE for the article
Interpol recently reaffirmed South Africa as the Rape Capitol of the World.

UK's Daily Mail 6 May 2012
Click HERE for the article
Friday, 4 May 2012
Dr Hendrik van der Bijl - The Man Who Built South Africa
The MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN THE HISTORY OF SOUTH AFRICA and AFRICA as a whole and my greatest hero and role-model, without whom South Africa would still have been in the middle ages.
Last updated : 09 October 2014
I present to you South Africa's Greatest Son

Dr. Hendrik van der Bijl, MA, Ph.D., MAIE, MIRE. Chancellor of the Univ. of Pretoria 1934 - 1948.
No other person in the history of South Africa made a greater contribution to this country, generally, than Dr. Hendrik van der Bijl.
"... the same man who, by extraordinary vision and foresight, laid out the blueprint whereby a small country could rapidly industrialize itself, and who is honoured in the naming of the city of v.d. Bijl Park near Vereeniging." - Professor Martin Wedepohl
"Hendrik v.d. Bijl was a genius of the highest order. To electrical engineers, he is seen in one light. To industrialists another. He was undoubtedly the "father" of modern industrial South Africa."- Professor Martin Wedepohl
He was President of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE);
He founded the Electricity Supply Commission (Escom- 1923);
He founded the South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation (Iscor - 1928);
He founded the African Metals Corporation (Amcor - 1937);
He founded ARMSCOR while serving as director-general of war supplies;
He founded the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC);
He founded the South African shipping company (Safmarine, now part of A.P. Moller-Maersk Group);
He obtained a PhD with a thesis on the behaviour of pure liquid under the influence of radioactivity;
He was Chancellor of the University of Pretoria from 1934 to 1948;
He is the father of 'Electron Tube Theory';
He developed the thermionic vacuum tube, which enabled wireless telephony to be transmitted over a distance of 4 800 km;
His research led to his treatise entitled The Thermionic Vacuum Tube and Its Applications. This became the standard textbook on the subject for more than 20 years and remains the standard reference work on the subject to this day. This research led to the use of these tubes in radio communication. The first successful transmission of speech by radio was made in 1915. Later that year speech was transmitted by radio over a distance of more than 8 000 km. Van der Bijl managed to get the amplifiers to work to the precise tolerances required over this very long distance.
He assisted in the development of intercontinental telephony and of radio communication between land and aeroplanes;
In the 1940s he developed a method of recording sound using photographed waveforms on 35mm film, which were passed across and interrupted a steady beam of light, and thus generated an electronic impulse to represent sound;
His work contributed to the development of the transistor, which changed the world forever;
In 1940 he was made an external member of the United States Institute of Radio Engineers, of which he became deputy chairman in 1944.
In 1946 he was asked to act as arbitrator between the British government and the British steel industry.
He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.
One of his last activities was the chairmanship of the Van der Bijl Engineers' Corporation (1947).
South Africa's industrial history began with the discovery of gold and diamonds during the last century, and the mining industry was the first chief component of our technological development. During the past six decades, quantum leaps were made in other fields, too, when other industries and research bodies such as Escom, NDC, Iscor, Sasol, Foskor, Alusaf, Mintek, cs I R, SA B S, and A E C were established. These meaningful additions have two outstanding characteristics. Firstly, they were linked mainly to primary activities such as energy and minerals and, secondly, their establishment was to a large extent due to the driving force of individuals such as Hendrik van der Bijl, van Eck, Rossouw, Schonland, and Roux, rather than to impersonal government policy.
Hendrik van der Bijl said - "it is not the Government’s function to do everything for its people, but that it is it's duty to create conditions that will encourage enterprise, not the type of enterprise that results in the unfair enrichment of some at the expense of others, but enterprise that results in equitable distribution of all the benefits."
Dr Hendrik van der Bijl was to South Africa what Chung Ju-yung was to South Korea
If you do not know who Chung Ju-yung was, see the following links:
Chung Ju-yung - Wikipedia -
Chung Ju-yung 1915–2001 - Biography -
The Hendrik van der Bijl Memorial Lectures
The Hendrik van der Bijl Memorial Lecture is delivered annually by a leading personality under the general theme of the role of engineering in society. It is arranged under the auspices of the South African Academy of Engineering and the University of Pretoria (of which Dr Van der Bijl was Chancellor from 1934 to 1948) to commemorate the great contribution he made to the industrial, engineering and scientific development of South Africa. The first Hendrik van der Bijl Memorial Lecture was delivered in 1963 by Dr M S Louw and since then the lecture has been delivered by many eminent South Africans. (see the list of names HERE)
Hendrik van der Bijl (1887 - 1948)
Hendrik van der Bijl was born in Pretoria in 1887 and attended school in the Cape Province during the Anglo Boer War. After studying at the Victoria College in Stellenbosch, he continued his studies in Physics in Germany and obtained his Ph.D degree at the University of Leipzig, specializing in Electronics. His successful research lead to an appointment as Instructor of Physics in Dresden in 1912 and soon thereafter he was invited to join the American Telegraph and Telephone Co. in New York where he became one of a selected group of engineering research scientists that spearheaded American technological development.
In answer to a call by General Smuts, van der Bijl returned to South Africa in 1920 as Technical Adviser to the South African Government and in the second quarter of the twentieth century he laid the foundations for the development of the South African industry. After studying the economic conditions in the country, he concluded that cheap electric power, cheap steel and financial and technical assistance to the developing industries were prerequisites to further development. This led to him being the architect and Chairman of Escom, Iscor and the Industrial Development Corporation. Then followed an association of Iscor with private enterprise, in Amcor, for the beneficiation of South Africa's base minerals and in Van der Bijl Engineering for the establishment of a heavy engineering industry.
During the second world war Hendrik van der Bijl was appointed first as Director General of War Supplies and later as Director General of Supplies. His outstanding organizing ability and his leadership qualities enabled him to use this opportunity to stimulate and direct this into the second stage of rapid industrial development in South Africa.
In later years Dr Van der Bijl turned his attention to the private sector of the economy. One outcome of this was the establishment in 1947 of Safmarine, of which he was the first Chairman.
The foundations for the industrial development of South Africa were laid by Hendrik van der Bijl the Engineer / scientist, industrial leader and entrepreneur. His achievements have been recognized internationally and locally. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and he received honorary degrees from both the University of Stellenbosch and the University of the Witwatersrand.
The Hendrik van der Bijl lecture is delivered by a leading personality under the general theme of the role of engineering in society.
The following article demonstrates the importance of vd Bijl, not only to South Africa, but to the continent as a whole and even though he is not mentioned int the article, without vd Bijl Africa would still have been in darkness.
Eskom Heritage
Dr H J van der Bijl, the first Chairman of Escom, was also one of the first truly great South African engineering scientists.

"As I have mentioned my radio engineering bibles when I was a student were Terman's two books. In them I learned about high efficiency modulators and oscillators for high power radio transmitters, developed in the 1920's, by an engineer called v.d. Bijl. It was many years later that I realized that he was the same man who, by extraordinary vision and foresight, laid out the blueprint whereby a small country could rapidly industrialize itself, and who is honoured in the naming of the city of v.d. Bijl Park near Vereeniging.
Hendrik v.d. Bijl was a genius of the highest order. To electrical engineers, he is seen in one light. To industrialists another. He was undoubtedly the "father" of modern industrial South Africa. Someone once explained to me (I think I was my brother's father in law, Ignatius de Villiers, who was at that time Chief Engineer of Eskom) where his stroke of genius lay. Industrial USA heavily influenced him. Under their law private monopolies are illegal. This was exemplified by the break up of ATT/Bell in between the war years when they were broken in two to create as a rival ITT as a competitor. v.d Bijl recognized the danger of government monopolies with an explosion of inefficient bureaucracy but also recognized that South Africa at the time was far too small to create competing private industries (the economically active population was only about 3,000,000). His genius was to establish a series of commissions which were private, but in which the government owned 51% of the shares. At first sight this would appear to be no different from a government monopoly. But not so. The commission might consist of three government nominees, but there would also be two private members that could scream from the rafters if bureaucratic excess started to develop. It was this factor which led to the extraordinary success of Iscor, Eskom, Phoskor and so on. The liberal party in the UK adopted his structure in the 1960's as the correct way to establish national industries. BP (British Petroleum) was structured the v.d Bijl way and has been a notable success." - Professor Martin Wedepohl
Hendrik Johannes van der Bijl, the second son of Pieter Gerhard van der Bijl was born on 23rd November 1887 in Pretoria, some 33 years after Scottish missionary David Livingstone first set eyes on the "The Smoke That Thunders" (the Victoria Falls). His parents were typical burghers of the Zuid Afrikaansche (i.e. Boer) Republic of the Transvaal. His father Pieter Gerhard van der Bijl was the seventh generation of the original Dutch van der Bijl family to be born in South Africa. The family had moved to Pretoria a few months before Hendrik was born. Pieter build up a successful business as a produce merchant and property investor. He became quite influential, counting among his many friends such well-known South African politicians and future Prime Ministers as Louis Botha, Jan Smuts, and Barry Hertzog.
Young Hendrik’s education was disrupted because of the Anglo-Boer War. He attended the Staatsch Model School in Pretoria, but the school was closed down and converted to a prisoner-of-war camp. (It was this camp from which young war correspondent Winston Churchill made his much-publicised escape during the early days of the war, just one day before he was to be released anyway.) After the fall of Pretoria in 1900, the family moved to Gordon's Bay and Hendrik was sent to Boys' High School at Franschhoek, from where he matriculated. The boy was interested in music and literature, and philosophy interested him deeply, but it was the exactness and logic of science that gave him great satisfaction, the application of which he held in even greater esteem. The boy did well at school and continued his studies at the Victoria College (today the University of Stellenbosch).
At Victoria College he excelled at physics, but in 1908, when he graduated it was with distinctions in mathematics and chemistry as well. He was also awarded a prize as best student in mathematics and physics.
In those days opportunities for a man of his talents were somewhat limited. He could either become a lecturer and later a professor of physics or join the Department of Agriculture.
On the other hand, he could further his studies in Europe. This he decided to do and as the German universities were considered leaders in the field of experimental physics, he went to Germany. Up to that stage his father had paid all his education fees, but stated clearly that further expenses were to be looked upon as a loan.
Van der Bijl first studied at Halle, later at the University of Leipzig and although the language was strange to him, it in no way hindered his academic achievements. Within two years, van der Bijl completed his thesis to prove an electron carried the same fundamental charge in ionised liquids as in gases. Impressed by his talent and dedication, his supervisor recommended him highly and he was offered the post of Assistant in Physics at the Royal School of Technology at Dresden. At the beginning of 1912, the 24 year-old van der Bijl took up his new duties, having left Leipzig with the degrees of Masters of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy.
The head of the Department of Physics at Dresden was Professor Hallwachs, the discoverer of the photoelectric effect. Hallwachs had observed that when ultra-violet light struck the surface of a metallic plate, some of the electrons were dislodged at high velocities. If Einstein's and Planck’s new quantum theories were correct, the wavelength of the light should be proportional to the maximum velocity of the electrons. However, several attempts to demonstrate this had so far proved fruitless. Hallwachs brought this perplexing problem to van der Bijl’s attention and suggested that he look into it. This led to van der Bijl’s paper entitled "Zur Bestimmung der Erstenergien lichtelektrisch ausgeslöster Elektronen" [The Determination of the Initial Energies of Photoelectrically Liberated Electrons] being published in April 1913.
Just before the publication of his paper, van der Bijl met Robert Millikan, the eminent American physicist. Millikan was impressed with the young van der Bijl and recommended the young engineer to the Western Electric Company. Van der Bijl accepted their job offer and set out for New York.
His research at this company on the thermionic valve, which was developed by Dr Lee de Forest, led to his treatise entitled The Thermionic Vacuum Tube and Its Applications. It became the standard textbook on the subject for more than 20 years. This research led to the use of these tubes in radio communication. The first successful transmission of speech by radio was made in 1915. Later that year speech was transmitted by radio over a distance of more than 8 000 km. Van der Bijl managed to get the amplifiers to work to the precise tolerances required over this very long distance.
He married an American girl and during the First World War was approached by the American government to assist them with the defence system of the country. He was also associated with the Bell Telephone Laboratories and by 1917 had made significant contributions to the development of the photo-electric cell and by this means also to television. A book which he later published, remained a standard textbook on the subject for some 45 years. Hendrik van der Bijl was extensively honoured for his many engineering and scientific achievements.
General J C Smuts had assumed the reigns of government in South Africa. Smuts thought that a scientific adviser would be an asset to his Cabinet, and as van der Bijl’s fame had spread to the country of his birth, he was Smuts’ first choice.
Van der Bijl was persuaded to return to South Africa and in 1920 he left the United States. He was formally appointed as Scientific and Technical Adviser to the Department of Mines and Industries, but was directly responsible to the Prime Minister. At first his work was unrelated to electricity, but soon he started with plans for a public utility to provide the industries with cheap electricity.
The United States had given him plenty of opportunity of acquainting himself with this type of concern. "South Africa", he said, "cannot afford to be unmindful of the very great changes that are taking place in other countries. Once cannot help being impressed with the enormous industrial potentialities of this country".
Van der Bijl wanted to combine the advantage of a state-controlled undertaking with those of a public concern. The capital would be provided by the State and the company would be run on commercial lines. These ideas had already occurred to van der Bijl while in the United States.
In 1923 the Electricity Supply Commission (Escom) was founded. As Chairman, van der Bijl borrowed R16 million from the State and began putting his plans into action. From the outset the undertaking was success and within 10 years van der Bijl was able to pay back to the State loan.
Under his expert guidance Escom progressed form strength to strength and within a short period of time van der Bijl was able to fulfil his promise: South Africa was assured of sufficient inexpensive power for its fast-growing industries.
Hendrik van der Bijl had originally shaped the Office of the Chairman of Escom as an executive chairmanship. It was only while he ran the supplies directorate during World War II that George Harding and Percy Furness handled much of the day-to-day management of Escom. Towards the end of the war, van der Bijl resumed control when the expropriation of the Victoria Falls and Transvaal Power Company Limited (VFP) was raised, and he only appointed Harding and Furness joint General Managers (that is, executive officers) of Escom in 1948.
With Escom progressing so well, this far-sighted engineering scientist was able to direct his attention to the steel industry. Before long Escom had an industrial twin, namely Iscor (the South African Iron and Steel Corporation). In this instance the promise was to provide inexpensive steel for South Africa. In 1934 the first steel was produced.
During the Second World War, van der Bijl became Director-General of War Supplies and later Director of Supplies, appointments that afforded him the status of a Minister.
It was also during this period that he became a Fellow of the Royal Society, an honour he considered to be the greatest afforded him.
By the end of the war in 1945, Dr Hendrik van der Bijl could look back on 25 years devoted to serving his country. During this period he had been responsible for the founding of dynamic undertakings such as Escom, Iscor, Amcor, Vecor and the development of Vanderbijlpark. In this time he had been responsible for the rapid advance of his country along the paths of progress and prosperity. He was a man of vision and forcefulness who planned magnificently. The benefits of these attributes are being reaped in South Africa today.
He had relinquished a most promising career in the United States to be of service to the land of his birth.
Dr Hendrik van der Bijl, a truly great South African, passed away in 1948 while still in the prime of his life.
The sources of this material are:
A Symphony of Power – The Eskom Story, and Eskom: Golden Jubilee 1923 - 1973.
"The Remarkable Dr Hendrik van der Bijl" Dirk J Vermeulen, SAIEE Historical Interest Group, The Proceedings of the IEEE vol 86 no 12, December 1998
See also:
Van der Bijl, Hendrik
1887 - 1948 Engineering Scientist and Industrialist
WECO VALVE, 1920's
Called the Weco (Western Electric Company) or Peanut Valve. Mullard also produced this valve. Ideal for battery equipment with a nominal 1Volt quarter amp heater, and only 17-45 volts anode.
Introduced by the Western Electric Company in 1919 and developed originally by Dr Hendrik Johannes Van der Bijl as the 215A
The Mullard version complete with 4 pin adapter was advertised in The Meccano Magazine in 1924 for 30 shillings.
Made in Britain from the American version with a British 4 pin base.
Also made by B.T.H.Co. and called the Weco Valve. Mullard also produced this valve. Ideal for battery equipment with a nominal 1Volt quarter amp heater, and only 17-45 volts anode.
Introduced by the Western Electric Company in 1919 and developed originally by Hendrik Johannes Van der Bijl as the 215A
Africa 2010 – Bridging the knowledge divide
– electricity Part 16 of 30
The Zimbabwe Telegraph
Published: January 8, 2010 (Sadly this link is no longer available)
In our daily conversations, many of us believe that Africa would have been better off if it was left to its own devices to chat a development course that addressed its human and institutional challenges.
It is easy to blame colonialism, imperialism and globalisation for the current condition of Africa.
However, Africa may not be necessarily where it is on the development ladder just because of the complex interactions with other civilisations but also the inability of our generation to fully appreciate the true nature of the colonial state and the mindset that informed the choices made by the role players.
As we try to understand our present, we are compelled to look back and locate some of the innovations that have contributed significantly to the continent’s social and economic change.
We all take for granted electricity and its impact on the quality of human life and yet without it the condition of Africa would be a very different story.
For the privileged Africans, it is hard to imagine life without electricity and yet millions of Africans live without it.
The genesis of the electronic revolution was in Europe and Africa had little part to play in the history and development of electricity.
Electricity has been a challenge not only to engineers and scientists but lay persons for hundreds of years. We know it exists but it is difficult to explain what it actually is.
It is not visible and it cannot be stored. Although it has no weight, it can lift and move thousands of tons. It has no shape and yet it is everywhere. It is a form of energy that can be harnessed. Modern Africa could not exist without electricity.
There are two main types of electricity known i.e. static and current. If it was not for the work of people like Benjamin Franklin, Luigi Galvani, and Alessandron Volta, our world today would be different. We, therefore, need to acknowledge the contribution of non-Africans to our heritage.
Without their knowledge, capital and ability to convert ideas into practical things, Africa’s present condition would be different.
What is the history of electricity in Africa? It is recorded in the Encyclopaedia of Southern Africa that an electric device was first used in South Africa in 1809.
In 1860, the first electric telegraph system that operated between Cape Town and Simon’s Town was introduced so was an electric arc light demonstrated the same year on the African soil.
The local railway station in Cape Town was first illuminated by electricity in 1881 and the first telephone exchange was opened a year later in Port Elizabeth.
Cape Town’s Table Bay docks were first illuminated by electric arc lamps in April 1882 followed by the Cape Colonial Parliament in May 1882.
During the same year, Kimberley, the Diamond City, switched on electric streetlights making it the first city in Africa to use electricity in this manner.
The first electric power station was established in 1891 preceded by the use of electric motors, lights in mines, private lighting and an electric tram between 1884 and 1890.
With the discovery of gold on the Witwatersrand in 1886, Johannesburg installed its first electric plant in 1889 that generated power by gas engines.
An electric reticulation system followed in 1891 with municipal supplies being switched on in 1892 in Rondebosch, followed by Cape Town city centre in 1895, Durban in 1897, Pietermaritzburg in 1898, East London in 1899, Bloemfontein and Kimberley in 1900, and Port Elizabeth in 1906.
In 1892, hydropower was first generated in South Africa and this was followed by the installation and commissioning in 1896 of an overhead trolley-wire electric tram.
Siemens and Halske became the first independent power producer in Africa in 1889 when it was granted the concession to supply electricity to Johannesburg and Pretoria beginning operations in 1894 after obtaining a concession to transmit electricity to the mines of the Witwatersrand.
In 1895, the concession was ceded to The Rand Central Electric Works Limited which commenced commercial supply operations in Brakpan in 1897.
Pursuant to a Government Gazette of 6 March 1923, the Electricity Supply Commission (Escom) was established with effect from 1 March 1923 with Dr. Hendrik Johannes van der Bijl as its first Chairman. It is Africa’s largest producer of electricity.
South Africa will this year be the first African country to host the FIFA Soccer World Cup. It was also the first country to introduce electricity in the continent.
Electricity was introduced to meet market needs not for political expediency.
Investments in the power sector are lumpy. Before an investment is made one has to be confident that the target market would be willing and able to pay for the investment.
What is instructive about the South African experience is that such investments were domestically conceptualised with little or no input from the colonial office.
There was no expectation of external bilateral or multilateral financial and technical support. If there were mistakes, they were made by the actors who had to live with the consequences of their choices and actions.
At its foundation, the colonial state was meant to serve the needs of the people to whom it owed its existence.
Without enterprising and daring people, South Africa would not have scored a first. This is not to say that the political economic system that underpinned the business model was desirable and equitable.
What it means is that we should not take for granted our corporate heritage lest we lose the foundation that has made some part of Africa points of light while other parts remain in darkness.
Investments in electricity were not accidental but were deliberate. There are men and women who made it possible. It is through the experiences of these individuals that we can learn about what we need to do to extend the perimeter of light in Africa.
As we learn about our past we should critically examine what our obligations are in terms of institution and human capacity building. If the industrial pioneers of South Africa were small minded the outcome we see today in the country would show.
What occupied the minds of these pioneers? Their actions could not have been motivated by a desire to solely promote the interests of the mother country but a genuine desire to improve the quality of life of the people to whom they felt electricity meant something.
To a subsistence farmer, for instance, the meaning and value of electricity is different to a commercial farmer.
Electricity only has value to those with the means to pay for it. If you do not have the resources, it is a question of time before you plunge into darkness.
It is after all an expensive and risky game but ultimately someone has to pay.
To the extent that South Africa has scored many firsts in Africa, we need to know more about this 15-year old baby in Africa.
It is pregnant with lessons on how to build nation states. Once we discount the race-based approach to human civilization, we may find that the values, beliefs and principles that informed the choices made on industrial, agricultural and mining development may resonate need to be holistically understood.
Note by ToxiNews:
Sadly, besides the fact that this great South African has never received the acclaim or recognition he truly deserves, in post-1994 South Africa, being a white male Afrikaner, a man like Dr. Hendrik Johannes van der Bijl would not have achieved anything for the country, because the ANC Government's affirmative action policies, like Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) and Transformation policies, would have excluded him from from the job market and prevented him from establishing any of the companies and organisations he founded in his day. He would probably not have returned or, if he had, he would have been forced to leave his country of birth.
Daphne Oram
An Electronic Music Pioneer
"South African electronics engineer, [Hendrik] Johannes van der Bijl, working in the 1940s, developed a method of recording sound using photographed waveforms on 35mm film, which were passed across and interrupted a steady beam of light, and thus generated an electronic impulse to represent sound but the Oramics system reveals a more lucid, free and at the same time more precise analogue of sound waveforms."
A history of sampling (TUTORIAL ARTICLE)
By Hugh Davies
Most of the photoelectric organs and organ-like instruments from the late 1920s and 1930s were based on the mechanism of a rotating disc that interrupted the passage of a beam of light between its source and a photocell (already used by Hendrik van der Bijl in 1916 and envisaged in 1921 by Hugoniot), thus avoiding the wear and tear of direct contact with the surface of the recording.
Oral History Transcript
Interview of Dr. Leonard Loeb by Thomas S. Kuhn on August 7, 1962,
At Loeb’s Summer home, Pacific Grove, California
Niels Bohr Library & Archives, American Institute of Physics,
College Park, MD USA,
This transcript is based on a tape-recorded interview deposited at the Center for History of Physics of the American Institute of Physics. The AIP's interviews have generally been transcribed from tape, edited by the interviewer for clarity, and then further edited by the interviewee.
But you know, it wasn’t explained within a couple of years. At least it wasn’t generally. The first time that Franck and Hertz publish anything which relates these experiments to the Bohr atom, is in 1919, five years or more after the experiment.
In this country we were ahead of them then. I didn’t realize that. Now let me give the picture as I see it. Van der Bijl was a British-trained Dutchman who was at the Bell Laboratories. And he was an exceedingly astute fellow. And he explained the operation of the low voltage mercury arc on the basis of multiple ionization. He pointed out also that the apparent ionization of these things must be due to a secondary photo-electric emission. And he pointed this out at that time. Now he may not have published it, but this was in discussions or in a seminar at Ryerson. When was the Bergen Davis and Goucher experiment published? … I can tell you this, at a Physical Society meeting in 1917, John T. Tate gave his maiden doctoral paper. It was this April meeting — I guess ‘18. He had awakened one after another of the spectral lines with a spectroscope at the Bohr potentials. So already in 1917 there was experimental proof that these were lines, line emission, and Van der Bijl, I am sure … was the one who suggested this, but Tate used a different technique. He used a spectroscopic technique, as I remember it. And this endeared Tate to me. When I listened to this, why this just popped out, there it was! Then Compton very early came out with the idea of using asymmetrical electrode systems and then differentiate the photo-effect. As I say, these wee inelastic impacts were received and this was quantum theory.
What sort of contact would there have been between Van der Bijl at Bell, and (Ryerson)?
Millikan was very closely tied in with Bell Labs. I think they offered him the job of director, and his outstanding Ph.D., Jewett, one of the first few (somochromes) from Ryerson, took the directorship there. He kept very close to Millikan, and Millikan was continually consulted. Chicago was just as California now or began to be with the cyclotron and the developments and Birge — a mecca for visiting scientists. So in those days, everybody came to Chicago. And Millikan of course was a tremendous drawing card. So Van der Bijl spent some time around there. I mean I got to know him personally very well. He was the one who did probably the best engineering scientific work, and wrote the first book on the amplifier and oscillator tubes. Before that you’d had de Forrest and (Winters) and everything had been cloaked in secrecy. Van der Bijl was a top-notch engineering scientist. Then he went down to South Africa and became director of their South African research group, and he died very early. He was a very able man.
Read more about this Great South African Engineer :
The Remarkable Dr. Hendrik van der Bijl (a MUST READ .pdf article)
Proceedings of the IEEE
Reminiscences on vacuum tube radio engineering, Trevor Wadley, Hendrik van der Bijl, and Otto Brune
by Professor Martin Wedepohl, March 2002
Hendrik van der Bijl
Thermionic amplifier article
Proceedings of the IEEE
Dr Hendrik van der Bijl
File size: 327kb .pdf
Famous SA Engineers, Scientists/Events
University of Stellenbosch
Dr Hendrik van der Bijl
Links to the two articles above obtained here
The thermionic vacuum tube and its applications (eBook download)
By H. J. (Hendrik Johannes) Van der Bijl
Publisher: New York [etc.] McGraw-Hill book company, inc.
Contributor: University of California Libraries
55.3mb 424 pages
The Hendrik van der Bijl Memorial Lectures
South African Academy of Engineering
International Electrotechnical Commission - Hendrik van der Bijl
Scanning the Past: A History of Electrical Engineering from the Past
Hendrik van der Bijl
IEEE Cincinnati Section
The Contribution of the South African Dr HJ van der Bijl
SAIEE Museum Historical Section
COMMUNICATION THEORY by Frans M.J. Willems Spring 2005
The thermionic vacuum tube and its applications (1920)
University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
Ebook and Texts Archive downloads
A Biography of H. J. Van Der Bijl
University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
Ebook and Texts Archive downloads
7.3mb .pdf
Internet Archive - Search results
Vacuum Tube Electronics I: The Classic Texts Time-Line
Positive Feedback
Selected and annotated by Scott Frankland
©Scott Frankland, 1998
431kb .pdf
Early X-ray equipment: a view from the south
by Dirk. J. Vermeulen
Springbok business XV
The departure of four Big Men complicates selection of SA's best in business.
See second-last paragraph
The above article will in due course also be available HERE
By Hendrik vd Bijl's books at
References to Hendrik van der Bijl
SPOTLIGHT on the 27th Annual Hendrik van der Bijl Memorial Lecture
by A.N. BROWN.
Africa 2010 – Bridging the knowledge divide – electricity Part 16 of 30
The Zimbabwe Telegraph
Published: January 8, 2010
Sadly this link is no longer available, but the entire article is posted above
Die siel van Jacob Maroga
Nov 07 2009 23:45
Deur Jan de Lange
Moroga claims that his inspiration comes from Dr. vd Bijl
List of Fellows of the Royal Society 1660 – 2007
Bijl, Hendrik Johannes van der
23 November 1887 - 02 December 1948
Fellow 16/03/1944
Page 35
File size 1mb .pdf
Royal Society Record of Hendrik van der Bijl
More Royal Society links refering to Hendrik vd Bijl can be found here
Os Homens Por Traz Dos Circuitos
Hendrik Johannes Van Der Bijl
George H. Clark Radioana Collection c. 1880-1950
By Robert S. Harding, 1990
Revised by Robert S. Harding, 2001
Archives Center, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
Van Der Bijl, Hendrik Biographical writings and information
Interview with Harold S. Black
Harold S. Black (1898-1983) invented the negative feedback amplifier, revolutionizing the field of electronics.
An Interview Conducted by Michael Wolff, IEEE History Center, 20 May and 29 June 1977
A number of refences to Hendrik van der Bijl can be found in this interview
Opening Black’s Box
Rethinking Feedback’s Myth of Origin
David A. Mindell
Refence to Hendrik van der Bijl can be found on page 411
File size: 277kb .pdf
Dr Hendrik Johannes van der Bijl, SA industrialist who laid the foundation for the establishment of Escom and Iscor, is born in Pretoria
Stalled on the road to growth
by Lumkile Mondi
Mail & Guardian 22 JUN 2012
WIKIPEDIA PAGES Referring to vd Bijl
Hendrik van der Bijl
Hendrik van der Bijl
Hendrik van der Bijl
Mittal Steel South Africa
They shaped our century
List of Fellows of the Royal Society A,B,C,B,C
Current–voltage characteristic
See (
Caxton and CTP Publishers and Printers Limited
See (
Voice inversion
See (
Superfluid helium-4
L.D. Landau's phenomenological and semi-microscopic theory of superfluidity of helium-4 earned him the Nobel Prize in physics, in 1962. To explain the early specific heat data on superfluid helium-4, Landau posited the existence of a type of excitation he called a "roton", but as better data became available he considered that the "roton" was the same as a high momentum version of sound.
Landau thought that vorticity entered superfluid helium-4 by vortex sheets, but such sheets have since been shown to be unstable. Lars Onsager and, later independently, Feynman showed that vorticity enters by quantized vortex lines. They also developed the idea of quantum vortex rings. Hendrik van der Bijl in the 1940s, and Richard Feynman around 1955, developed microscopic theories for the roton, which was shortly observed with inelastic neutron experiments by Palevsky.
Last updated : 09 October 2014
I present to you South Africa's Greatest Son

Dr. Hendrik van der Bijl, MA, Ph.D., MAIE, MIRE. Chancellor of the Univ. of Pretoria 1934 - 1948.
No other person in the history of South Africa made a greater contribution to this country, generally, than Dr. Hendrik van der Bijl.
"... the same man who, by extraordinary vision and foresight, laid out the blueprint whereby a small country could rapidly industrialize itself, and who is honoured in the naming of the city of v.d. Bijl Park near Vereeniging." - Professor Martin Wedepohl
"Hendrik v.d. Bijl was a genius of the highest order. To electrical engineers, he is seen in one light. To industrialists another. He was undoubtedly the "father" of modern industrial South Africa."- Professor Martin Wedepohl
He was President of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE);
He founded the Electricity Supply Commission (Escom- 1923);
He founded the South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation (Iscor - 1928);
He founded the African Metals Corporation (Amcor - 1937);
He founded ARMSCOR while serving as director-general of war supplies;
He founded the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC);
He founded the South African shipping company (Safmarine, now part of A.P. Moller-Maersk Group);
He obtained a PhD with a thesis on the behaviour of pure liquid under the influence of radioactivity;
He was Chancellor of the University of Pretoria from 1934 to 1948;
He is the father of 'Electron Tube Theory';
He developed the thermionic vacuum tube, which enabled wireless telephony to be transmitted over a distance of 4 800 km;
His research led to his treatise entitled The Thermionic Vacuum Tube and Its Applications. This became the standard textbook on the subject for more than 20 years and remains the standard reference work on the subject to this day. This research led to the use of these tubes in radio communication. The first successful transmission of speech by radio was made in 1915. Later that year speech was transmitted by radio over a distance of more than 8 000 km. Van der Bijl managed to get the amplifiers to work to the precise tolerances required over this very long distance.
He assisted in the development of intercontinental telephony and of radio communication between land and aeroplanes;
In the 1940s he developed a method of recording sound using photographed waveforms on 35mm film, which were passed across and interrupted a steady beam of light, and thus generated an electronic impulse to represent sound;
His work contributed to the development of the transistor, which changed the world forever;
In 1940 he was made an external member of the United States Institute of Radio Engineers, of which he became deputy chairman in 1944.
In 1946 he was asked to act as arbitrator between the British government and the British steel industry.
He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.
One of his last activities was the chairmanship of the Van der Bijl Engineers' Corporation (1947).
South Africa's industrial history began with the discovery of gold and diamonds during the last century, and the mining industry was the first chief component of our technological development. During the past six decades, quantum leaps were made in other fields, too, when other industries and research bodies such as Escom, NDC, Iscor, Sasol, Foskor, Alusaf, Mintek, cs I R, SA B S, and A E C were established. These meaningful additions have two outstanding characteristics. Firstly, they were linked mainly to primary activities such as energy and minerals and, secondly, their establishment was to a large extent due to the driving force of individuals such as Hendrik van der Bijl, van Eck, Rossouw, Schonland, and Roux, rather than to impersonal government policy.
Hendrik van der Bijl said - "it is not the Government’s function to do everything for its people, but that it is it's duty to create conditions that will encourage enterprise, not the type of enterprise that results in the unfair enrichment of some at the expense of others, but enterprise that results in equitable distribution of all the benefits."
Dr Hendrik van der Bijl was to South Africa what Chung Ju-yung was to South Korea
If you do not know who Chung Ju-yung was, see the following links:
Chung Ju-yung - Wikipedia -
Chung Ju-yung 1915–2001 - Biography -
The Hendrik van der Bijl Memorial Lectures
The Hendrik van der Bijl Memorial Lecture is delivered annually by a leading personality under the general theme of the role of engineering in society. It is arranged under the auspices of the South African Academy of Engineering and the University of Pretoria (of which Dr Van der Bijl was Chancellor from 1934 to 1948) to commemorate the great contribution he made to the industrial, engineering and scientific development of South Africa. The first Hendrik van der Bijl Memorial Lecture was delivered in 1963 by Dr M S Louw and since then the lecture has been delivered by many eminent South Africans. (see the list of names HERE)
Hendrik van der Bijl (1887 - 1948)
Hendrik van der Bijl was born in Pretoria in 1887 and attended school in the Cape Province during the Anglo Boer War. After studying at the Victoria College in Stellenbosch, he continued his studies in Physics in Germany and obtained his Ph.D degree at the University of Leipzig, specializing in Electronics. His successful research lead to an appointment as Instructor of Physics in Dresden in 1912 and soon thereafter he was invited to join the American Telegraph and Telephone Co. in New York where he became one of a selected group of engineering research scientists that spearheaded American technological development.
In answer to a call by General Smuts, van der Bijl returned to South Africa in 1920 as Technical Adviser to the South African Government and in the second quarter of the twentieth century he laid the foundations for the development of the South African industry. After studying the economic conditions in the country, he concluded that cheap electric power, cheap steel and financial and technical assistance to the developing industries were prerequisites to further development. This led to him being the architect and Chairman of Escom, Iscor and the Industrial Development Corporation. Then followed an association of Iscor with private enterprise, in Amcor, for the beneficiation of South Africa's base minerals and in Van der Bijl Engineering for the establishment of a heavy engineering industry.
During the second world war Hendrik van der Bijl was appointed first as Director General of War Supplies and later as Director General of Supplies. His outstanding organizing ability and his leadership qualities enabled him to use this opportunity to stimulate and direct this into the second stage of rapid industrial development in South Africa.
In later years Dr Van der Bijl turned his attention to the private sector of the economy. One outcome of this was the establishment in 1947 of Safmarine, of which he was the first Chairman.
The foundations for the industrial development of South Africa were laid by Hendrik van der Bijl the Engineer / scientist, industrial leader and entrepreneur. His achievements have been recognized internationally and locally. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and he received honorary degrees from both the University of Stellenbosch and the University of the Witwatersrand.
The Hendrik van der Bijl lecture is delivered by a leading personality under the general theme of the role of engineering in society.
The following article demonstrates the importance of vd Bijl, not only to South Africa, but to the continent as a whole and even though he is not mentioned int the article, without vd Bijl Africa would still have been in darkness.
Eskom Heritage
Dr H J van der Bijl, the first Chairman of Escom, was also one of the first truly great South African engineering scientists.

"As I have mentioned my radio engineering bibles when I was a student were Terman's two books. In them I learned about high efficiency modulators and oscillators for high power radio transmitters, developed in the 1920's, by an engineer called v.d. Bijl. It was many years later that I realized that he was the same man who, by extraordinary vision and foresight, laid out the blueprint whereby a small country could rapidly industrialize itself, and who is honoured in the naming of the city of v.d. Bijl Park near Vereeniging.
Hendrik v.d. Bijl was a genius of the highest order. To electrical engineers, he is seen in one light. To industrialists another. He was undoubtedly the "father" of modern industrial South Africa. Someone once explained to me (I think I was my brother's father in law, Ignatius de Villiers, who was at that time Chief Engineer of Eskom) where his stroke of genius lay. Industrial USA heavily influenced him. Under their law private monopolies are illegal. This was exemplified by the break up of ATT/Bell in between the war years when they were broken in two to create as a rival ITT as a competitor. v.d Bijl recognized the danger of government monopolies with an explosion of inefficient bureaucracy but also recognized that South Africa at the time was far too small to create competing private industries (the economically active population was only about 3,000,000). His genius was to establish a series of commissions which were private, but in which the government owned 51% of the shares. At first sight this would appear to be no different from a government monopoly. But not so. The commission might consist of three government nominees, but there would also be two private members that could scream from the rafters if bureaucratic excess started to develop. It was this factor which led to the extraordinary success of Iscor, Eskom, Phoskor and so on. The liberal party in the UK adopted his structure in the 1960's as the correct way to establish national industries. BP (British Petroleum) was structured the v.d Bijl way and has been a notable success." - Professor Martin Wedepohl
Hendrik Johannes van der Bijl, the second son of Pieter Gerhard van der Bijl was born on 23rd November 1887 in Pretoria, some 33 years after Scottish missionary David Livingstone first set eyes on the "The Smoke That Thunders" (the Victoria Falls). His parents were typical burghers of the Zuid Afrikaansche (i.e. Boer) Republic of the Transvaal. His father Pieter Gerhard van der Bijl was the seventh generation of the original Dutch van der Bijl family to be born in South Africa. The family had moved to Pretoria a few months before Hendrik was born. Pieter build up a successful business as a produce merchant and property investor. He became quite influential, counting among his many friends such well-known South African politicians and future Prime Ministers as Louis Botha, Jan Smuts, and Barry Hertzog.
Young Hendrik’s education was disrupted because of the Anglo-Boer War. He attended the Staatsch Model School in Pretoria, but the school was closed down and converted to a prisoner-of-war camp. (It was this camp from which young war correspondent Winston Churchill made his much-publicised escape during the early days of the war, just one day before he was to be released anyway.) After the fall of Pretoria in 1900, the family moved to Gordon's Bay and Hendrik was sent to Boys' High School at Franschhoek, from where he matriculated. The boy was interested in music and literature, and philosophy interested him deeply, but it was the exactness and logic of science that gave him great satisfaction, the application of which he held in even greater esteem. The boy did well at school and continued his studies at the Victoria College (today the University of Stellenbosch).
At Victoria College he excelled at physics, but in 1908, when he graduated it was with distinctions in mathematics and chemistry as well. He was also awarded a prize as best student in mathematics and physics.
In those days opportunities for a man of his talents were somewhat limited. He could either become a lecturer and later a professor of physics or join the Department of Agriculture.
On the other hand, he could further his studies in Europe. This he decided to do and as the German universities were considered leaders in the field of experimental physics, he went to Germany. Up to that stage his father had paid all his education fees, but stated clearly that further expenses were to be looked upon as a loan.
Van der Bijl first studied at Halle, later at the University of Leipzig and although the language was strange to him, it in no way hindered his academic achievements. Within two years, van der Bijl completed his thesis to prove an electron carried the same fundamental charge in ionised liquids as in gases. Impressed by his talent and dedication, his supervisor recommended him highly and he was offered the post of Assistant in Physics at the Royal School of Technology at Dresden. At the beginning of 1912, the 24 year-old van der Bijl took up his new duties, having left Leipzig with the degrees of Masters of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy.
The head of the Department of Physics at Dresden was Professor Hallwachs, the discoverer of the photoelectric effect. Hallwachs had observed that when ultra-violet light struck the surface of a metallic plate, some of the electrons were dislodged at high velocities. If Einstein's and Planck’s new quantum theories were correct, the wavelength of the light should be proportional to the maximum velocity of the electrons. However, several attempts to demonstrate this had so far proved fruitless. Hallwachs brought this perplexing problem to van der Bijl’s attention and suggested that he look into it. This led to van der Bijl’s paper entitled "Zur Bestimmung der Erstenergien lichtelektrisch ausgeslöster Elektronen" [The Determination of the Initial Energies of Photoelectrically Liberated Electrons] being published in April 1913.
Just before the publication of his paper, van der Bijl met Robert Millikan, the eminent American physicist. Millikan was impressed with the young van der Bijl and recommended the young engineer to the Western Electric Company. Van der Bijl accepted their job offer and set out for New York.
His research at this company on the thermionic valve, which was developed by Dr Lee de Forest, led to his treatise entitled The Thermionic Vacuum Tube and Its Applications. It became the standard textbook on the subject for more than 20 years. This research led to the use of these tubes in radio communication. The first successful transmission of speech by radio was made in 1915. Later that year speech was transmitted by radio over a distance of more than 8 000 km. Van der Bijl managed to get the amplifiers to work to the precise tolerances required over this very long distance.
He married an American girl and during the First World War was approached by the American government to assist them with the defence system of the country. He was also associated with the Bell Telephone Laboratories and by 1917 had made significant contributions to the development of the photo-electric cell and by this means also to television. A book which he later published, remained a standard textbook on the subject for some 45 years. Hendrik van der Bijl was extensively honoured for his many engineering and scientific achievements.
General J C Smuts had assumed the reigns of government in South Africa. Smuts thought that a scientific adviser would be an asset to his Cabinet, and as van der Bijl’s fame had spread to the country of his birth, he was Smuts’ first choice.
Van der Bijl was persuaded to return to South Africa and in 1920 he left the United States. He was formally appointed as Scientific and Technical Adviser to the Department of Mines and Industries, but was directly responsible to the Prime Minister. At first his work was unrelated to electricity, but soon he started with plans for a public utility to provide the industries with cheap electricity.
The United States had given him plenty of opportunity of acquainting himself with this type of concern. "South Africa", he said, "cannot afford to be unmindful of the very great changes that are taking place in other countries. Once cannot help being impressed with the enormous industrial potentialities of this country".
Van der Bijl wanted to combine the advantage of a state-controlled undertaking with those of a public concern. The capital would be provided by the State and the company would be run on commercial lines. These ideas had already occurred to van der Bijl while in the United States.
In 1923 the Electricity Supply Commission (Escom) was founded. As Chairman, van der Bijl borrowed R16 million from the State and began putting his plans into action. From the outset the undertaking was success and within 10 years van der Bijl was able to pay back to the State loan.
Under his expert guidance Escom progressed form strength to strength and within a short period of time van der Bijl was able to fulfil his promise: South Africa was assured of sufficient inexpensive power for its fast-growing industries.
Hendrik van der Bijl had originally shaped the Office of the Chairman of Escom as an executive chairmanship. It was only while he ran the supplies directorate during World War II that George Harding and Percy Furness handled much of the day-to-day management of Escom. Towards the end of the war, van der Bijl resumed control when the expropriation of the Victoria Falls and Transvaal Power Company Limited (VFP) was raised, and he only appointed Harding and Furness joint General Managers (that is, executive officers) of Escom in 1948.
With Escom progressing so well, this far-sighted engineering scientist was able to direct his attention to the steel industry. Before long Escom had an industrial twin, namely Iscor (the South African Iron and Steel Corporation). In this instance the promise was to provide inexpensive steel for South Africa. In 1934 the first steel was produced.
During the Second World War, van der Bijl became Director-General of War Supplies and later Director of Supplies, appointments that afforded him the status of a Minister.
It was also during this period that he became a Fellow of the Royal Society, an honour he considered to be the greatest afforded him.
By the end of the war in 1945, Dr Hendrik van der Bijl could look back on 25 years devoted to serving his country. During this period he had been responsible for the founding of dynamic undertakings such as Escom, Iscor, Amcor, Vecor and the development of Vanderbijlpark. In this time he had been responsible for the rapid advance of his country along the paths of progress and prosperity. He was a man of vision and forcefulness who planned magnificently. The benefits of these attributes are being reaped in South Africa today.
He had relinquished a most promising career in the United States to be of service to the land of his birth.
Dr Hendrik van der Bijl, a truly great South African, passed away in 1948 while still in the prime of his life.
The sources of this material are:
A Symphony of Power – The Eskom Story, and Eskom: Golden Jubilee 1923 - 1973.
"The Remarkable Dr Hendrik van der Bijl" Dirk J Vermeulen, SAIEE Historical Interest Group, The Proceedings of the IEEE vol 86 no 12, December 1998
See also:
Van der Bijl, Hendrik
1887 - 1948 Engineering Scientist and Industrialist
WECO VALVE, 1920's
Called the Weco (Western Electric Company) or Peanut Valve. Mullard also produced this valve. Ideal for battery equipment with a nominal 1Volt quarter amp heater, and only 17-45 volts anode.
Introduced by the Western Electric Company in 1919 and developed originally by Dr Hendrik Johannes Van der Bijl as the 215A
The Mullard version complete with 4 pin adapter was advertised in The Meccano Magazine in 1924 for 30 shillings.
Made in Britain from the American version with a British 4 pin base.
Also made by B.T.H.Co. and called the Weco Valve. Mullard also produced this valve. Ideal for battery equipment with a nominal 1Volt quarter amp heater, and only 17-45 volts anode.
Introduced by the Western Electric Company in 1919 and developed originally by Hendrik Johannes Van der Bijl as the 215A
Africa 2010 – Bridging the knowledge divide
– electricity Part 16 of 30
The Zimbabwe Telegraph
Published: January 8, 2010 (Sadly this link is no longer available)
In our daily conversations, many of us believe that Africa would have been better off if it was left to its own devices to chat a development course that addressed its human and institutional challenges.
It is easy to blame colonialism, imperialism and globalisation for the current condition of Africa.
However, Africa may not be necessarily where it is on the development ladder just because of the complex interactions with other civilisations but also the inability of our generation to fully appreciate the true nature of the colonial state and the mindset that informed the choices made by the role players.
As we try to understand our present, we are compelled to look back and locate some of the innovations that have contributed significantly to the continent’s social and economic change.
We all take for granted electricity and its impact on the quality of human life and yet without it the condition of Africa would be a very different story.
For the privileged Africans, it is hard to imagine life without electricity and yet millions of Africans live without it.
The genesis of the electronic revolution was in Europe and Africa had little part to play in the history and development of electricity.
Electricity has been a challenge not only to engineers and scientists but lay persons for hundreds of years. We know it exists but it is difficult to explain what it actually is.
It is not visible and it cannot be stored. Although it has no weight, it can lift and move thousands of tons. It has no shape and yet it is everywhere. It is a form of energy that can be harnessed. Modern Africa could not exist without electricity.
There are two main types of electricity known i.e. static and current. If it was not for the work of people like Benjamin Franklin, Luigi Galvani, and Alessandron Volta, our world today would be different. We, therefore, need to acknowledge the contribution of non-Africans to our heritage.
Without their knowledge, capital and ability to convert ideas into practical things, Africa’s present condition would be different.
What is the history of electricity in Africa? It is recorded in the Encyclopaedia of Southern Africa that an electric device was first used in South Africa in 1809.
In 1860, the first electric telegraph system that operated between Cape Town and Simon’s Town was introduced so was an electric arc light demonstrated the same year on the African soil.
The local railway station in Cape Town was first illuminated by electricity in 1881 and the first telephone exchange was opened a year later in Port Elizabeth.
Cape Town’s Table Bay docks were first illuminated by electric arc lamps in April 1882 followed by the Cape Colonial Parliament in May 1882.
During the same year, Kimberley, the Diamond City, switched on electric streetlights making it the first city in Africa to use electricity in this manner.
The first electric power station was established in 1891 preceded by the use of electric motors, lights in mines, private lighting and an electric tram between 1884 and 1890.
With the discovery of gold on the Witwatersrand in 1886, Johannesburg installed its first electric plant in 1889 that generated power by gas engines.
An electric reticulation system followed in 1891 with municipal supplies being switched on in 1892 in Rondebosch, followed by Cape Town city centre in 1895, Durban in 1897, Pietermaritzburg in 1898, East London in 1899, Bloemfontein and Kimberley in 1900, and Port Elizabeth in 1906.
In 1892, hydropower was first generated in South Africa and this was followed by the installation and commissioning in 1896 of an overhead trolley-wire electric tram.
Siemens and Halske became the first independent power producer in Africa in 1889 when it was granted the concession to supply electricity to Johannesburg and Pretoria beginning operations in 1894 after obtaining a concession to transmit electricity to the mines of the Witwatersrand.
In 1895, the concession was ceded to The Rand Central Electric Works Limited which commenced commercial supply operations in Brakpan in 1897.
Pursuant to a Government Gazette of 6 March 1923, the Electricity Supply Commission (Escom) was established with effect from 1 March 1923 with Dr. Hendrik Johannes van der Bijl as its first Chairman. It is Africa’s largest producer of electricity.
South Africa will this year be the first African country to host the FIFA Soccer World Cup. It was also the first country to introduce electricity in the continent.
Electricity was introduced to meet market needs not for political expediency.
Investments in the power sector are lumpy. Before an investment is made one has to be confident that the target market would be willing and able to pay for the investment.
What is instructive about the South African experience is that such investments were domestically conceptualised with little or no input from the colonial office.
There was no expectation of external bilateral or multilateral financial and technical support. If there were mistakes, they were made by the actors who had to live with the consequences of their choices and actions.
At its foundation, the colonial state was meant to serve the needs of the people to whom it owed its existence.
Without enterprising and daring people, South Africa would not have scored a first. This is not to say that the political economic system that underpinned the business model was desirable and equitable.
What it means is that we should not take for granted our corporate heritage lest we lose the foundation that has made some part of Africa points of light while other parts remain in darkness.
Investments in electricity were not accidental but were deliberate. There are men and women who made it possible. It is through the experiences of these individuals that we can learn about what we need to do to extend the perimeter of light in Africa.
As we learn about our past we should critically examine what our obligations are in terms of institution and human capacity building. If the industrial pioneers of South Africa were small minded the outcome we see today in the country would show.
What occupied the minds of these pioneers? Their actions could not have been motivated by a desire to solely promote the interests of the mother country but a genuine desire to improve the quality of life of the people to whom they felt electricity meant something.
To a subsistence farmer, for instance, the meaning and value of electricity is different to a commercial farmer.
Electricity only has value to those with the means to pay for it. If you do not have the resources, it is a question of time before you plunge into darkness.
It is after all an expensive and risky game but ultimately someone has to pay.
To the extent that South Africa has scored many firsts in Africa, we need to know more about this 15-year old baby in Africa.
It is pregnant with lessons on how to build nation states. Once we discount the race-based approach to human civilization, we may find that the values, beliefs and principles that informed the choices made on industrial, agricultural and mining development may resonate need to be holistically understood.
Note by ToxiNews:
Sadly, besides the fact that this great South African has never received the acclaim or recognition he truly deserves, in post-1994 South Africa, being a white male Afrikaner, a man like Dr. Hendrik Johannes van der Bijl would not have achieved anything for the country, because the ANC Government's affirmative action policies, like Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) and Transformation policies, would have excluded him from from the job market and prevented him from establishing any of the companies and organisations he founded in his day. He would probably not have returned or, if he had, he would have been forced to leave his country of birth.
Daphne Oram
An Electronic Music Pioneer
"South African electronics engineer, [Hendrik] Johannes van der Bijl, working in the 1940s, developed a method of recording sound using photographed waveforms on 35mm film, which were passed across and interrupted a steady beam of light, and thus generated an electronic impulse to represent sound but the Oramics system reveals a more lucid, free and at the same time more precise analogue of sound waveforms."
A history of sampling (TUTORIAL ARTICLE)
By Hugh Davies

Most of the photoelectric organs and organ-like instruments from the late 1920s and 1930s were based on the mechanism of a rotating disc that interrupted the passage of a beam of light between its source and a photocell (already used by Hendrik van der Bijl in 1916 and envisaged in 1921 by Hugoniot), thus avoiding the wear and tear of direct contact with the surface of the recording.
Oral History Transcript
Interview of Dr. Leonard Loeb by Thomas S. Kuhn on August 7, 1962,
At Loeb’s Summer home, Pacific Grove, California
Niels Bohr Library & Archives, American Institute of Physics,
College Park, MD USA,
This transcript is based on a tape-recorded interview deposited at the Center for History of Physics of the American Institute of Physics. The AIP's interviews have generally been transcribed from tape, edited by the interviewer for clarity, and then further edited by the interviewee.
But you know, it wasn’t explained within a couple of years. At least it wasn’t generally. The first time that Franck and Hertz publish anything which relates these experiments to the Bohr atom, is in 1919, five years or more after the experiment.
In this country we were ahead of them then. I didn’t realize that. Now let me give the picture as I see it. Van der Bijl was a British-trained Dutchman who was at the Bell Laboratories. And he was an exceedingly astute fellow. And he explained the operation of the low voltage mercury arc on the basis of multiple ionization. He pointed out also that the apparent ionization of these things must be due to a secondary photo-electric emission. And he pointed this out at that time. Now he may not have published it, but this was in discussions or in a seminar at Ryerson. When was the Bergen Davis and Goucher experiment published? … I can tell you this, at a Physical Society meeting in 1917, John T. Tate gave his maiden doctoral paper. It was this April meeting — I guess ‘18. He had awakened one after another of the spectral lines with a spectroscope at the Bohr potentials. So already in 1917 there was experimental proof that these were lines, line emission, and Van der Bijl, I am sure … was the one who suggested this, but Tate used a different technique. He used a spectroscopic technique, as I remember it. And this endeared Tate to me. When I listened to this, why this just popped out, there it was! Then Compton very early came out with the idea of using asymmetrical electrode systems and then differentiate the photo-effect. As I say, these wee inelastic impacts were received and this was quantum theory.
What sort of contact would there have been between Van der Bijl at Bell, and (Ryerson)?
Millikan was very closely tied in with Bell Labs. I think they offered him the job of director, and his outstanding Ph.D., Jewett, one of the first few (somochromes) from Ryerson, took the directorship there. He kept very close to Millikan, and Millikan was continually consulted. Chicago was just as California now or began to be with the cyclotron and the developments and Birge — a mecca for visiting scientists. So in those days, everybody came to Chicago. And Millikan of course was a tremendous drawing card. So Van der Bijl spent some time around there. I mean I got to know him personally very well. He was the one who did probably the best engineering scientific work, and wrote the first book on the amplifier and oscillator tubes. Before that you’d had de Forrest and (Winters) and everything had been cloaked in secrecy. Van der Bijl was a top-notch engineering scientist. Then he went down to South Africa and became director of their South African research group, and he died very early. He was a very able man.
Read more about this Great South African Engineer :
The Remarkable Dr. Hendrik van der Bijl (a MUST READ .pdf article)
Proceedings of the IEEE
Reminiscences on vacuum tube radio engineering, Trevor Wadley, Hendrik van der Bijl, and Otto Brune
by Professor Martin Wedepohl, March 2002
Hendrik van der Bijl
Thermionic amplifier article
Proceedings of the IEEE
Dr Hendrik van der Bijl
File size: 327kb .pdf
Famous SA Engineers, Scientists/Events
University of Stellenbosch
Dr Hendrik van der Bijl
Links to the two articles above obtained here
The thermionic vacuum tube and its applications (eBook download)
By H. J. (Hendrik Johannes) Van der Bijl
Publisher: New York [etc.] McGraw-Hill book company, inc.
Contributor: University of California Libraries
55.3mb 424 pages
The Hendrik van der Bijl Memorial Lectures
South African Academy of Engineering
International Electrotechnical Commission - Hendrik van der Bijl
Scanning the Past: A History of Electrical Engineering from the Past
Hendrik van der Bijl
IEEE Cincinnati Section
The Contribution of the South African Dr HJ van der Bijl
SAIEE Museum Historical Section
COMMUNICATION THEORY by Frans M.J. Willems Spring 2005
The thermionic vacuum tube and its applications (1920)
University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
Ebook and Texts Archive downloads
A Biography of H. J. Van Der Bijl
University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information Centre
Ebook and Texts Archive downloads
7.3mb .pdf
Internet Archive - Search results
Vacuum Tube Electronics I: The Classic Texts Time-Line
Positive Feedback
Selected and annotated by Scott Frankland
©Scott Frankland, 1998
431kb .pdf
Early X-ray equipment: a view from the south
by Dirk. J. Vermeulen
Springbok business XV
The departure of four Big Men complicates selection of SA's best in business.
See second-last paragraph
The above article will in due course also be available HERE
By Hendrik vd Bijl's books at
References to Hendrik van der Bijl
SPOTLIGHT on the 27th Annual Hendrik van der Bijl Memorial Lecture
by A.N. BROWN.
Africa 2010 – Bridging the knowledge divide – electricity Part 16 of 30
The Zimbabwe Telegraph
Published: January 8, 2010
Sadly this link is no longer available, but the entire article is posted above
Die siel van Jacob Maroga
Nov 07 2009 23:45
Deur Jan de Lange
Moroga claims that his inspiration comes from Dr. vd Bijl
List of Fellows of the Royal Society 1660 – 2007
Bijl, Hendrik Johannes van der
23 November 1887 - 02 December 1948
Fellow 16/03/1944
Page 35
File size 1mb .pdf
Royal Society Record of Hendrik van der Bijl
More Royal Society links refering to Hendrik vd Bijl can be found here
Os Homens Por Traz Dos Circuitos
Hendrik Johannes Van Der Bijl
George H. Clark Radioana Collection c. 1880-1950
By Robert S. Harding, 1990
Revised by Robert S. Harding, 2001
Archives Center, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
Van Der Bijl, Hendrik Biographical writings and information
Interview with Harold S. Black
Harold S. Black (1898-1983) invented the negative feedback amplifier, revolutionizing the field of electronics.
An Interview Conducted by Michael Wolff, IEEE History Center, 20 May and 29 June 1977
A number of refences to Hendrik van der Bijl can be found in this interview
Opening Black’s Box
Rethinking Feedback’s Myth of Origin
David A. Mindell
Refence to Hendrik van der Bijl can be found on page 411
File size: 277kb .pdf
Dr Hendrik Johannes van der Bijl, SA industrialist who laid the foundation for the establishment of Escom and Iscor, is born in Pretoria
Stalled on the road to growth
by Lumkile Mondi
Mail & Guardian 22 JUN 2012
WIKIPEDIA PAGES Referring to vd Bijl
Hendrik van der Bijl
Hendrik van der Bijl
Hendrik van der Bijl
Mittal Steel South Africa
They shaped our century
List of Fellows of the Royal Society A,B,C,B,C
Current–voltage characteristic
See (
Caxton and CTP Publishers and Printers Limited
See (
Voice inversion
See (
Superfluid helium-4
L.D. Landau's phenomenological and semi-microscopic theory of superfluidity of helium-4 earned him the Nobel Prize in physics, in 1962. To explain the early specific heat data on superfluid helium-4, Landau posited the existence of a type of excitation he called a "roton", but as better data became available he considered that the "roton" was the same as a high momentum version of sound.
Landau thought that vorticity entered superfluid helium-4 by vortex sheets, but such sheets have since been shown to be unstable. Lars Onsager and, later independently, Feynman showed that vorticity enters by quantized vortex lines. They also developed the idea of quantum vortex rings. Hendrik van der Bijl in the 1940s, and Richard Feynman around 1955, developed microscopic theories for the roton, which was shortly observed with inelastic neutron experiments by Palevsky.
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