Written by Vusi Mabaso (And if you have to know, he is a black South African man)
400 years ago Africa might as well been another planet in our solar system.
We were living in peace in our thatch huts. The 10 piece of cattle were grazing under the African sky. The head of the family sat in the shade of a tree drinking beer, the wives were working the land and the kids were making clay oxen to play with.
Every man’s dream, even to this day, no matter where on this planet you might come from. It sounds like the African version of the Playboy mansion. You sit in the shade and your multiple wives work for you.
Then the Europeans arrived and laughed at our people who had no education and thought our way of life was savagery. We had to fight them with spears to survive and ultimately lost the battle. They took our land and made us their slaves. They sold us to America and we became a trading commodity.
That is, what it is. We can’t change the past. So now 400 years later, what now?
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Put God in the trash?
Apparently the White House referred to Christmas Trees as Holiday Trees for the first time this year which prompted CBS presenter, Ben Stein, to present this piece which I would like to share with you. I think it applies equally to most countries outside America ...

The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.

The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.
Friday, 14 December 2012
Wat gebeur regtig in sogenaamde wit plakkerskampe?
Met ’n ruie baard en deurmekaar boskasie het Neels Jackson hom as ’n werklose en hawelose voorgedoen. Hy het twee dae by die Dagbreek-sorgsentrum by Bapsfontein en vier dae by die Elim Pinksterkerk se Eksodus-sentrum by Bela-Bela (Warmbad) gaan bly om te sien wat gebeur regtig in sogenaamde wit plakkerskampe. Deaan Vivier het die foto's geneem.
Daar is nie ’n beter woord as “uitbuiting” om te beskryf hoe tienduisende arm mense in sogenaamde wit plakkerskampe behandel word nie.
Die enigste inkomste van talle inwoners is R1 200 ouderdoms- of ongeskiktheidspensioen van die staat. Daarvan moet hulle die helfte of meer afstaan om in dié sentrums te woon.
Inwoners meen skenkings word soms deur die bestuur toegeëien.
Die bestuur gebruik inwoners as onbetaalde arbeiders vir allerlei werk wat soms niks met die sentrum te doen het nie.
Beskuldigings dat godsdiens by Eksodus gebruik word om inwoners tot absolute gehoorsaamheid van die bestuur te manipuleer.
Klagtes dat die bestuur mense se bankkaarte vat en by hulle hou.
Rautenbach sê mense stem met beëdigde verklarings in dat sy dit kan doen.
Volgens Van Rensburg kom dié soort praktyke wyd voor in die sogenaamde sorgsentra.
Hy sê daar is 89 sulke plekke binne 200 km van Pretoria met tussen 13 000 en 15 000 mense wat daar bly.
Landwyd is daar 633 000 wit Afrikaanssprekende werkloses waarvan die meeste in sulke kampe woon.
Lees verder en kyk ook die video:
Video: Oorde buit oues uit
Deur Neels Jackson
BEELD 2012-12-12
Daar is nie ’n beter woord as “uitbuiting” om te beskryf hoe tienduisende arm mense in sogenaamde wit plakkerskampe behandel word nie.
Die enigste inkomste van talle inwoners is R1 200 ouderdoms- of ongeskiktheidspensioen van die staat. Daarvan moet hulle die helfte of meer afstaan om in dié sentrums te woon.
Inwoners meen skenkings word soms deur die bestuur toegeëien.
Die bestuur gebruik inwoners as onbetaalde arbeiders vir allerlei werk wat soms niks met die sentrum te doen het nie.
Beskuldigings dat godsdiens by Eksodus gebruik word om inwoners tot absolute gehoorsaamheid van die bestuur te manipuleer.
Klagtes dat die bestuur mense se bankkaarte vat en by hulle hou.
Rautenbach sê mense stem met beëdigde verklarings in dat sy dit kan doen.
Volgens Van Rensburg kom dié soort praktyke wyd voor in die sogenaamde sorgsentra.
Hy sê daar is 89 sulke plekke binne 200 km van Pretoria met tussen 13 000 en 15 000 mense wat daar bly.
Landwyd is daar 633 000 wit Afrikaanssprekende werkloses waarvan die meeste in sulke kampe woon.
Lees verder en kyk ook die video:
Video: Oorde buit oues uit
Deur Neels Jackson
BEELD 2012-12-12
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Mandela - Zuma - Gaddafi - Castro
HOW TO BE A GOOD COMMUNIST by Nelson Mandela the "Great Statesman"

New Evidence Shows Mandela Was Senior Communist Party Member
Source: http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/africa/item/13920-new-evidence-shows-mandela-was-senior-communist-party-member?fb_action_ids=10151215750988051&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582
Dear Liberal Fucktards: Do you still think Mandela was a heroic Freedom Fighter?
Mandela is also a vicious racist who cannot stand white people around him for longer than 15 minutes. He starts to get extremely irritable and aggressive if there are too many whites around him for too long.
Even the Red Bishop, Arch Desmond Tutu, critisized Mandela for not speaking out against despotic tyrant Mugabe and his failed state of Zimbabwe. Neither has Mandela spoken too loudly about AIDS that kills 800 people (mostly blacks) every day.

New Evidence Shows Mandela Was Senior Communist Party Member
Source: http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/africa/item/13920-new-evidence-shows-mandela-was-senior-communist-party-member?fb_action_ids=10151215750988051&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582
Dear Liberal Fucktards: Do you still think Mandela was a heroic Freedom Fighter?
Mandela is also a vicious racist who cannot stand white people around him for longer than 15 minutes. He starts to get extremely irritable and aggressive if there are too many whites around him for too long.
Even the Red Bishop, Arch Desmond Tutu, critisized Mandela for not speaking out against despotic tyrant Mugabe and his failed state of Zimbabwe. Neither has Mandela spoken too loudly about AIDS that kills 800 people (mostly blacks) every day.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
History of the Zuid-Afrikaans Hospitaal
The bloodiest war ever fought on South African soil, namely the Anglo-Boer War (1899–1902), resulted in the birth of the Zuid-Afrikaans Hospitaal en Diakonessenhuis.
By 1904 the Boers were finding it difficult to be admitted to the Victoria Cottage Hospital in Pretoria, which was a strictly British military hospital. They needed their own hospital where they could feel at home and be treated in their own language. And so the Zuid-Afrikaans Hospital started out as a 6-bed nursing facility in the home of General CF Beyers in Sunnyside. The name of the hospital was “Het Hollands Hospetaaltje”, mainly because of the funding being received from Holland.
By 1904 the Boers were finding it difficult to be admitted to the Victoria Cottage Hospital in Pretoria, which was a strictly British military hospital. They needed their own hospital where they could feel at home and be treated in their own language. And so the Zuid-Afrikaans Hospital started out as a 6-bed nursing facility in the home of General CF Beyers in Sunnyside. The name of the hospital was “Het Hollands Hospetaaltje”, mainly because of the funding being received from Holland.
The Russians and the Anglo-Boer War
by Apollon Davidson and Irina Filatova
Published by: Human and Rousseau/Combined Book Services 287 pp. £17.99
When we were at school 70 years ago, a quarter of the World's map was coloured red to denote the territories of the British Empire on which the sun never set. Britain did not acquire this largest Empire in history by chance, or by mere luck, Britain fought its way at every turn in the face of jealous rivals such as Russia, France, Spain and Germany.
Even when transport was slow and the motorcar and aeroplane were not yet in service, Britain could despatch half a million troops to South Africa to protect the long route to India via the Cape. Jews played a major part in Britain's ascendancy in the 19th Century.
Benjamin Disraeli whose family were members of the Sephardi Bevis Marks Synagogue, acquired the shares of the Suez Canal with the help of the Rothschilds and he made Victoria Empress of India.
Published by: Human and Rousseau/Combined Book Services 287 pp. £17.99
When we were at school 70 years ago, a quarter of the World's map was coloured red to denote the territories of the British Empire on which the sun never set. Britain did not acquire this largest Empire in history by chance, or by mere luck, Britain fought its way at every turn in the face of jealous rivals such as Russia, France, Spain and Germany.
Even when transport was slow and the motorcar and aeroplane were not yet in service, Britain could despatch half a million troops to South Africa to protect the long route to India via the Cape. Jews played a major part in Britain's ascendancy in the 19th Century.
Benjamin Disraeli whose family were members of the Sephardi Bevis Marks Synagogue, acquired the shares of the Suez Canal with the help of the Rothschilds and he made Victoria Empress of India.
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Geloftefeeskalender 2012
Lys van Geloftefeeste sover inligting bekom kon word
• Gelofteherdenking Plek: Kalgoorlie 600 km vanaf Perth, Gemeenskapsentrum
16/12: 18:00
Laertrek Geloftefees Plek: Laertrek Geloftefeesterrein (Tussen Bethlehem enKestell)
15/12: 13:30 – Bring en braai / Ou danse / Boeresport /Samesang /Lees van Gelofte.
16/12: 09:30 - Vlaghysing en vlaglied
10:00 - Gelofte diens en heraflegging van Gelofte - Ds.Dawie Kriel
12:00 - Gelofterede - Johan de Beer (Pretoria)
13:10 – Saam eet en kuier en kort toer na Voortrekker en ABO terreine.
Kontak: Martiens le Roux tel 082 571 5471
• Gelofteherdenking Plek: Kalgoorlie 600 km vanaf Perth, Gemeenskapsentrum
16/12: 18:00
Laertrek Geloftefees Plek: Laertrek Geloftefeesterrein (Tussen Bethlehem enKestell)
15/12: 13:30 – Bring en braai / Ou danse / Boeresport /Samesang /Lees van Gelofte.
16/12: 09:30 - Vlaghysing en vlaglied
10:00 - Gelofte diens en heraflegging van Gelofte - Ds.Dawie Kriel
12:00 - Gelofterede - Johan de Beer (Pretoria)
13:10 – Saam eet en kuier en kort toer na Voortrekker en ABO terreine.
Kontak: Martiens le Roux tel 082 571 5471
Naamlys van Boere by Bloedriver en die Gelofte
Deur Cuan Elgin, outeur van: Bulala: A True Story Of South Africa
Vind Cuan Elgin op Facebook : BULALA by Cuan Elgin
Koop die boek Bulala: A True Story Of South Africa hier:
Kalahari.com : http://www.kalahari.com/books/Bulala-Bulala-Tagati/632/39409700.aspx
Amazon.com : http://www.amazon.com/Bulala-True-Story-South-Africa/dp/1588402940
Volgens Dewald Johannes Pretorius is hierdie lys die naamlys van offisiere en manskappe in Die Slag van Bloedrivier.
Soek jou familienaam en as jy dit vind, sal jy besef daar rus 'n verpligting op jou en jou kinders om die eed, afgele op 16 Desember te eer - my familienaam is daar, is joune?
Vind Cuan Elgin op Facebook : BULALA by Cuan Elgin
Koop die boek Bulala: A True Story Of South Africa hier:
Kalahari.com : http://www.kalahari.com/books/Bulala-Bulala-Tagati/632/39409700.aspx
Amazon.com : http://www.amazon.com/Bulala-True-Story-South-Africa/dp/1588402940
Volgens Dewald Johannes Pretorius is hierdie lys die naamlys van offisiere en manskappe in Die Slag van Bloedrivier.
Soek jou familienaam en as jy dit vind, sal jy besef daar rus 'n verpligting op jou en jou kinders om die eed, afgele op 16 Desember te eer - my familienaam is daar, is joune?
Monday, 10 December 2012
Die Gelofte en die NG Kerk se siening
Ope brief aan die Kerke van Suid-Afrika
4 Desember 2012
Re: Geloftefees- ‘n Broer in die tronk?
Die Bybel maak dit baie duidelik dat ‘n volk wat nie sy Geloftes onderhou nie, swaar gestraf sal word. In die lig hiervan vra ek vandag die kerke van Suid-Afrika hoekom hulle so min aandag gee aan die volk se Geloftes (Ja, ons volk is met 4 Geloftes aan die Vader verbind)
Kyk, as julle ernstig was oor die mense in julle banke, die Bybel en ons Skepper sou dit julle seker bygeval het dat die afwatering van ‘n Gelofte, ‘n bittere skande is. Ja, julle hou elke jaar kersdienste (op ‘n datum wat ons nie eers kan bevestig of ons Verlosser gebore is nie), maar op ‘n datum soos 16 Desember waar ons volk ‘n direkte verbond gesluit het met ons Vader, is julle stil. Hier en daar is nog ‘n gemeente wat regtig erns maak met die saak op 16 Desember, maar oor die algemeen word dit eenvoudig afgewater en is dit ‘n paar ou mensies wat nog die dienste bywoon. Is dit julle ‘n idee van ‘n Dankdag tot SY eer?
4 Desember 2012
Re: Geloftefees- ‘n Broer in die tronk?
Die Bybel maak dit baie duidelik dat ‘n volk wat nie sy Geloftes onderhou nie, swaar gestraf sal word. In die lig hiervan vra ek vandag die kerke van Suid-Afrika hoekom hulle so min aandag gee aan die volk se Geloftes (Ja, ons volk is met 4 Geloftes aan die Vader verbind)
Kyk, as julle ernstig was oor die mense in julle banke, die Bybel en ons Skepper sou dit julle seker bygeval het dat die afwatering van ‘n Gelofte, ‘n bittere skande is. Ja, julle hou elke jaar kersdienste (op ‘n datum wat ons nie eers kan bevestig of ons Verlosser gebore is nie), maar op ‘n datum soos 16 Desember waar ons volk ‘n direkte verbond gesluit het met ons Vader, is julle stil. Hier en daar is nog ‘n gemeente wat regtig erns maak met die saak op 16 Desember, maar oor die algemeen word dit eenvoudig afgewater en is dit ‘n paar ou mensies wat nog die dienste bywoon. Is dit julle ‘n idee van ‘n Dankdag tot SY eer?
Friday, 7 December 2012
Collective Narcissism and the ANC
This article was originally published as a note on a Facebook page and republished here with the permission of the author.
By Renata S Roux
During my research regarding Parental Alienation, I became aware of everything from the corrupt justice system to the psychological aspects involved in this type of child abuse. Many may wonder what this has got to do with our present situation as this mostly concern children, parents, and custody battles.
Many people have accused political leaders of narcissism in the past, something I have come to agree with. It took some time before I realized the cruel reality of such a claim.
Today, we as South Africans live in one of the most troubled countries in the world. No one can deny that. Not only is crime, corruption and murder part of our reality, we are also subjected to the psychological trauma that goes along with these everyday occurrences.
I am no expert in any field, but it doesn’t take much more than a bit of common sense and some research to reveal to the average person that there are much more involved in understanding what we are going through as a minority group in this country.
Every day we see the same comments on Facebook, but after 18 years we have still not been able to fight against something that is considered a crime by International Law.
By Renata S Roux
During my research regarding Parental Alienation, I became aware of everything from the corrupt justice system to the psychological aspects involved in this type of child abuse. Many may wonder what this has got to do with our present situation as this mostly concern children, parents, and custody battles.
Many people have accused political leaders of narcissism in the past, something I have come to agree with. It took some time before I realized the cruel reality of such a claim.
Today, we as South Africans live in one of the most troubled countries in the world. No one can deny that. Not only is crime, corruption and murder part of our reality, we are also subjected to the psychological trauma that goes along with these everyday occurrences.
I am no expert in any field, but it doesn’t take much more than a bit of common sense and some research to reveal to the average person that there are much more involved in understanding what we are going through as a minority group in this country.
Every day we see the same comments on Facebook, but after 18 years we have still not been able to fight against something that is considered a crime by International Law.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Pik Botha op Volksmikrofoon 30 Nov 2012
Op 75 het Mnr. Koos van der Merwe, IVP-LP, 35 jaar in die parlement gevier.

Foto: Nico Van Heerden
Gaste op Koos van der Merwe se onthaal om sy 35 jaar in die parlement te vier, is:
Dr. Ferdi Hartzenberg
Andrew Gerber
Genl. Gert Opperman
Dr. Willem Crywagen
Pik Botha
Dr. Stoffel van der Merwe
Adv. Chris de Jager; en
Koos van der Merwe.

Foto: Nico Van Heerden
Gaste op Koos van der Merwe se onthaal om sy 35 jaar in die parlement te vier, is:
Dr. Ferdi Hartzenberg
Andrew Gerber
Genl. Gert Opperman
Dr. Willem Crywagen
Pik Botha
Dr. Stoffel van der Merwe
Adv. Chris de Jager; en
Koos van der Merwe.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
South Africa's Trade deficit explodes reaching R104.6bn as economic growth slows
South Africa's trade deficit ALMOST DOUBLED from R6.7bn in JULY to R12.2bn in AUGUST!
The cumulative deficit exploded to ALMOST EIGHT TIMES compared to 2011. By this time last year it amounted to R8.7bn, while for the same period this year it at R69.9bn!
South Africa's trade deficit almost doubled again from R13.8bn in September to R21.2bn in October.
Exports increased by 7.8% month-on-month to R61.1bn while imports jumped 16.7% to R82.3bn, SARS data showed.
Economists failed us AGAIN! The rules of their super PC game (the stock exchange) did not allow for reality.
Economists surveyed by Reuters had expected a trade shortfall of only R15.35bn for October but the data is volatile and thus difficult to forecast they said.
They cannot forecast anything, because they are constantly trying to fool the world and fool the SA public by trying to make things "look good".
South Africa is collapsing faster by the day. it is a falling rock and no one will stop or even slow it's fall.
The cumulative deficit exploded to ALMOST EIGHT TIMES compared to 2011. By this time last year it amounted to R8.7bn, while for the same period this year it at R69.9bn!
South Africa's trade deficit almost doubled again from R13.8bn in September to R21.2bn in October.
Exports increased by 7.8% month-on-month to R61.1bn while imports jumped 16.7% to R82.3bn, SARS data showed.
Economists failed us AGAIN! The rules of their super PC game (the stock exchange) did not allow for reality.
Economists surveyed by Reuters had expected a trade shortfall of only R15.35bn for October but the data is volatile and thus difficult to forecast they said.
They cannot forecast anything, because they are constantly trying to fool the world and fool the SA public by trying to make things "look good".
South Africa is collapsing faster by the day. it is a falling rock and no one will stop or even slow it's fall.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Is South Africa under Muslim rule?
The following comes from a lecture delivered by Faizal Dawjee to the Muslim Institute in London. See "Muslims in anti-Apartheid" for the full article.
Nelson Mandela at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, 11 July 1997 said: “I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to those South African Muslims who died while in detention because of their resistance to apartheid; Babla Saloojee; Imam Haron; Ahmed Timol; and Dr Hussein Haffejee. They represent the involvement of the Muslim community in the struggle for justice and freedom, as does the presence of Muslims as Cabinet Ministers and in the highest office of our judiciary, in the new democratic political dispensation of our country.”
Muslims constitute just more than 1% of the total population of South Africa. Notwithstanding the small percentage of Muslims it has been observed that the Muslim influence is disproportionate to their small numbers. But what were the conditions that have made it possible for Muslims to obtain such an influential position in post-Apartheid South Africa? And more importantly what implications if any, has this had on Muslim identities in post-Apartheid South Africa.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Who has been fuelling the hate against SA farmers?
Shortly after becoming Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale in the Zuma administration, Tokyo Sexwale said
Protests are Mbeki’s fault, says Sexwale
Protests are Mbeki’s fault, says Sexwale
Moipone Malefane 25 July 2009The above was clearly in defence of Jacob Zuma, while blaming problems at the time on Thabo Mbeki
‘(The) housing (department) has built 2.8 million houses. Housing is not a problem but poverty is’
Sexwale said he visited Diepsloot informal settlement (in Gauteng) last week. “Most (of the people there) were clear that they did not want houses.”
There are 2000 informal settlements in the country and Sexwale said he intended to visit all of them.
But he said human settlement was about more than housing. “The crisis now is about urbanisation, a challenge that was at some point going to catch up with the new South Africa. All metropolitan areas have had an influx of people looking for wealth.”
He explained that, as was the case worldwide, many people had left rural areas and settled in places where there was a lack of basic services because they wanted to live in urban areas and look for work.
Sexwale said the problem had been compounded by the global recession, when the economy needed 6% growth.
“The global downturn has put more pressure on us.”
Thursday, 22 November 2012
A MUST READ FOR EVERYONE - GRANTHAM: We're Headed For A Disaster Of Biblical Proportions
GRANTHAM: We're Headed For A Disaster Of Biblical Proportions
Henry Blodget | Nov. 21, 2012
Last year, legendary investor Jeremy Grantham of GMO published a treatise on exploding commodity prices.
He also offered a startlingly depressing outlook for the future of humanity.
Grantham believes the world has undergone a permanent "paradigm shift" in which the number of people on Earth has finally and permanently outstripped the planet's ability to support us.
The phenomenon of ever-more humans using a finite supply of natural resources cannot continue forever, Grantham says--and the prices of metals, hydrocarbons (oil), and food are now beginning to reflect that.
Grantham believes that the planet can only sustainably support about 1.5 billion humans, versus the 7 billion on Earth right now (heading to 10-12 billion). For all of history except the last 200 years, the human population has been controlled via the limits of the food supply. Grantham thinks that, eventually, the same force will come into play again.
The hope of the optimists, of course, is that science will find a solution to this problem, the way it has for the past 150 years.
Henry Blodget | Nov. 21, 2012
Last year, legendary investor Jeremy Grantham of GMO published a treatise on exploding commodity prices.
He also offered a startlingly depressing outlook for the future of humanity.
Grantham believes the world has undergone a permanent "paradigm shift" in which the number of people on Earth has finally and permanently outstripped the planet's ability to support us.
The phenomenon of ever-more humans using a finite supply of natural resources cannot continue forever, Grantham says--and the prices of metals, hydrocarbons (oil), and food are now beginning to reflect that.
Grantham believes that the planet can only sustainably support about 1.5 billion humans, versus the 7 billion on Earth right now (heading to 10-12 billion). For all of history except the last 200 years, the human population has been controlled via the limits of the food supply. Grantham thinks that, eventually, the same force will come into play again.
The hope of the optimists, of course, is that science will find a solution to this problem, the way it has for the past 150 years.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Chinese firm drops SA taxi plans
JOHANNESBURG - A Chinese state-owned company is cancelling plans to manufacture Inyathi minibusesin South Africa after facing hostility from the taxi industry, Business Day reported on Wednesday, November 21, 2012.

Resistance from the industry on Monday forced Beijing Automotive Works SA to cancel plans to assemble minibuses locally, the company's head of sales and marketing, John Jessup, was quoted as saying.

Resistance from the industry on Monday forced Beijing Automotive Works SA to cancel plans to assemble minibuses locally, the company's head of sales and marketing, John Jessup, was quoted as saying.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness - colonialization and racism
Applying Theory to Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is among the most studied, debated, contested, and theorized works of Western literature. While some critics feel it offers a scathing attack on colonialist ideology, others feel the novel celebrates and defends colonialization and racism. The novel, however, can be approached, quite readily, from virtually all theoretical approaches.
A number of theorists have studied the novel through the perspective of post-colonial theory and have contended, often in response to or in conversation with other post-colonial theorists, that it critiques, celebrates, and even reconciles Europe’s colonialization activities throughout Africa in the 19 th century.
Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is among the most studied, debated, contested, and theorized works of Western literature. While some critics feel it offers a scathing attack on colonialist ideology, others feel the novel celebrates and defends colonialization and racism. The novel, however, can be approached, quite readily, from virtually all theoretical approaches.
A number of theorists have studied the novel through the perspective of post-colonial theory and have contended, often in response to or in conversation with other post-colonial theorists, that it critiques, celebrates, and even reconciles Europe’s colonialization activities throughout Africa in the 19 th century.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Handvol gruis uit die Hantam
Deur C. Louis Leipoldt
’n Handvol gruis uit die Hantam –
My liewe, lekker Hantam-wyk!
’n Handvol gruis en gedroogde blare,
Waboom-blare, ghnarrabos-blare!
Arm was ek gister, en nou is ek ryk.
Arm in herinnering, arm in verbeelding,
Arm in onthou van die vroeër jare
Deurgebring in die Hantam-wyk.
’n Handvol gras en gedroogde blare
Maak my, wat arm was, koning-ryk –
Ryk in herinnering, ryk in verbeelding,
Ryk in onthou van die vroeër tyd
Toe die Hantam-wêreld al die wêreld
Vir my was in die vroeër tyd.
’n Handvol gruis en gedroogde blare
Vertel so veel van die wonderjare
In my liewe lekker Hantam-wyk –
Waboom-blare, ghnarrabos-blare –
Arm eergister en nou skatryk!
’n Handvol gruis uit die Hantam –
My liewe, lekker Hantam-wyk!
’n Handvol gruis en gedroogde blare,
Waboom-blare, ghnarrabos-blare!
Arm was ek gister, en nou is ek ryk.
Arm in herinnering, arm in verbeelding,
Arm in onthou van die vroeër jare
Deurgebring in die Hantam-wyk.
’n Handvol gras en gedroogde blare
Maak my, wat arm was, koning-ryk –
Ryk in herinnering, ryk in verbeelding,
Ryk in onthou van die vroeër tyd
Toe die Hantam-wêreld al die wêreld
Vir my was in die vroeër tyd.
’n Handvol gruis en gedroogde blare
Vertel so veel van die wonderjare
In my liewe lekker Hantam-wyk –
Waboom-blare, ghnarrabos-blare –
Arm eergister en nou skatryk!
Monday, 12 November 2012
Poisoned! What to do when your dog is poisoned by criminals
What to do when your dog is poisoned by criminals
This guide dedicated to the memory of Misha, who died at the hands of criminals who poisoned him on the 8th of August, 2011, at the age of 14 months.
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The research I was doing for this document was tested when the same criminals returned a month later to complete a job interrupted. Thankfully, we were able to save Ludwig, the Blood Hound, without any complications.
I sincerely hope that this guide will help others save their dogs when the unthinkable happens.
What to do when your dog is poisoned by criminals
This guide dedicated to the memory of Misha, who died at the hands of criminals who poisoned him on the 8th of August, 2011, at the age of 14 months.
This image is hidden for guests. Please log in or register to see it.
The research I was doing for this document was tested when the same criminals returned a month later to complete a job interrupted. Thankfully, we were able to save Ludwig, the Blood Hound, without any complications.
I sincerely hope that this guide will help others save their dogs when the unthinkable happens.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
SA se nuutste ses dae uit die hel
Boere Krisis Aksie (B.K.A.)
BRANDE IN WES KAAP: 'n Berig dat 'n boer wat sy eiendom wou beskerm teen brandstigters in hegtenis geneem is weens poging tot moord is op 'n plaaslike radiostasie uitgesaai.
ROODEPOORT: Sakeman vermoor gevind in sy besigheid. Enigiemand met inligting oor naam en adres? A prominent Roodepoort businessman was found dead at his CBD office on Monday night 5 November.
DARLING: 62-jarige Sue Flight vermoor:
NOORWEEGSE UITRUILSTUDENT 24 keer met mes gesteek:
BRANDE IN WES KAAP: 'n Berig dat 'n boer wat sy eiendom wou beskerm teen brandstigters in hegtenis geneem is weens poging tot moord is op 'n plaaslike radiostasie uitgesaai.
ROODEPOORT: Sakeman vermoor gevind in sy besigheid. Enigiemand met inligting oor naam en adres? A prominent Roodepoort businessman was found dead at his CBD office on Monday night 5 November.
DARLING: 62-jarige Sue Flight vermoor:
NOORWEEGSE UITRUILSTUDENT 24 keer met mes gesteek:
Sunday, 4 November 2012
It seems that a lot of attackers use some tactic to get away with violence. Not many people know how to take care of themselves when faced with such a
situation. Everyone should read this especially each n every girl in this world. THOUGHT THIS WAS GOOD INFO TO PASS ALONG…
FYI - Through a rapist’s eyes! A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were interviewed on what they look for in a potential victim and here are some interesting facts:
1] The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle.
They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun! , braid, or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed. They are also likely to go after a woman with long hair. Women with short hair are not common targets.
It seems that a lot of attackers use some tactic to get away with violence. Not many people know how to take care of themselves when faced with such a
situation. Everyone should read this especially each n every girl in this world. THOUGHT THIS WAS GOOD INFO TO PASS ALONG…
FYI - Through a rapist’s eyes! A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were interviewed on what they look for in a potential victim and here are some interesting facts:
1] The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle.
They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun! , braid, or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed. They are also likely to go after a woman with long hair. Women with short hair are not common targets.
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Where did we in SA go wrong
There were good parties, but sadly South Africans had to chose the worst of the worst to run SA.
New Political Party Launched
By Frans Pienaar
A new addition to the South African political arena, the United Federal Party, has been launched in Johannesburg.
Born out of severe discontent with "the pandemonium and insecurity prevailing in the country... the UFP is a multiracial centrist multipurpose type organisation," its executive council spokesman Barry Nilsson told a news conference on Friday.
Chaired by former SABC television presenter Justice Tsungu -- who failed to attend the Press conference -- the nine-member executive council includes several businessmen, a veterinary surgeon, a manpower consultant and a retired couple.
New Political Party Launched
By Frans Pienaar
A new addition to the South African political arena, the United Federal Party, has been launched in Johannesburg.
Born out of severe discontent with "the pandemonium and insecurity prevailing in the country... the UFP is a multiracial centrist multipurpose type organisation," its executive council spokesman Barry Nilsson told a news conference on Friday.
Chaired by former SABC television presenter Justice Tsungu -- who failed to attend the Press conference -- the nine-member executive council includes several businessmen, a veterinary surgeon, a manpower consultant and a retired couple.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Project 4020 White Cross Monument SA Farm Murders / Projek 4020 Witkruismonument SA Plaasmoorde
At least 4020 South African farmers have been murdered since 1994, and 60,000 whites have been murdered country wide!
Project 4020
Johan vd Merwe will be lying in a coffin for 72 hours and go on a hunger-strike at the same time, in aid of the farm murders.
This will take place in Ermelo road, Springs, opposite the Shell garage at the food caravan. Starts at 12:00
The White Cross Monument
The White Cross Monument was upgraded on the 2nd of June 2012 and new crosses were planted We made a dvd of the event which includes the march. A second DVD was recorded covering the events on the Friday evening.
Both DVD's are available at only R100. Please order via e-mail from
Lita Fourie: tabita.fourie7@gmail.com or call Lita Fourie at 0725427352.
I believe that we shall have 2000 people at the 2013 meeting and not the measly 200 we had in 2012.
Ten minste 4020 plaasboere is vermoor sedert 1994, meer as 60 000 blankes is alreeds landwyd vermoor!
Projek 4020
Johan vd Merwe gaan in 'n doodskis le vir 72uur en ook nie eet vir die tydperk, ten bate van Plaasmoorde.
Ermeloweg, Springs. Regoor die shell garage, by die koskaravaantjie! Begin 12h00.
Die witkruismonument
Die witkruismonument is die 2de Junie 2012 opgradeer en nuwe kruise is geplant. Ons het dit goed gedink en n DVD van die dag se gebeure gemaak, dit sluit die optog in.
Ons het nog n dvd gemaak van die beligting die vrydagaand. Dit kan bestel word teen slegs R100, dit is 2 DVD's vir R100.
Bestel by Lita Fourie: tabita.fourie7@gmail.com of skakel Lita Fourie by 0725427352.
Ek glo ons gaan 2013 nie net 200 mense wees nie, maar 2000!
Lees Bankrot Boer... http://toxinews.blogspot.com/2012/10/bankrot-boer.html
Project 4020
Johan vd Merwe will be lying in a coffin for 72 hours and go on a hunger-strike at the same time, in aid of the farm murders.
This will take place in Ermelo road, Springs, opposite the Shell garage at the food caravan. Starts at 12:00
The White Cross Monument
The White Cross Monument was upgraded on the 2nd of June 2012 and new crosses were planted We made a dvd of the event which includes the march. A second DVD was recorded covering the events on the Friday evening.
Both DVD's are available at only R100. Please order via e-mail from
Lita Fourie: tabita.fourie7@gmail.com or call Lita Fourie at 0725427352.
I believe that we shall have 2000 people at the 2013 meeting and not the measly 200 we had in 2012.
Ten minste 4020 plaasboere is vermoor sedert 1994, meer as 60 000 blankes is alreeds landwyd vermoor!
Projek 4020
Johan vd Merwe gaan in 'n doodskis le vir 72uur en ook nie eet vir die tydperk, ten bate van Plaasmoorde.
Ermeloweg, Springs. Regoor die shell garage, by die koskaravaantjie! Begin 12h00.
Die witkruismonument
Die witkruismonument is die 2de Junie 2012 opgradeer en nuwe kruise is geplant. Ons het dit goed gedink en n DVD van die dag se gebeure gemaak, dit sluit die optog in.
Ons het nog n dvd gemaak van die beligting die vrydagaand. Dit kan bestel word teen slegs R100, dit is 2 DVD's vir R100.
Bestel by Lita Fourie: tabita.fourie7@gmail.com of skakel Lita Fourie by 0725427352.
Ek glo ons gaan 2013 nie net 200 mense wees nie, maar 2000!
Lees Bankrot Boer... http://toxinews.blogspot.com/2012/10/bankrot-boer.html
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Bankrot Boer.....
Die volgende stuk plaas ek met toestemming van JanPubliek Mediadialoog, wat dit vandag op sy Facebook muur geskryf het:
Ek het vandag ‘n ware realiteit in die gesig gestaar. Ons volk is bankrot... Meer as wat ons ooit gedink het. Ons het ‘n plek gesoek om ‘n protes-aksie te loods teen plaasmoorde. Die projek behels dat ek in ‘n kis le vir 67 ure (4020 minute) in protes teen die ongeveer 4020 plaasmoorde. Dit is ‘n in-jou-gesig veldtog om mense bewus te maak van net een van die gevare wat ons as volk in die gesig staar..
Ons het begin met die inkopiesentrums... Die “Bestuur” van sentrum na sentrum het gevoel dit is onvanpas en kan hulle kliente onstel... Sien dit is maand-einde en ons wil nie mense blootstel aan die feit dat hulle volk wreed vermoor word nie... Ons kon nerens ‘n inkopiesentrum (Mall) kry wat bereid is om ons toe te laat om protes aan te teken nie...
Daarna het ons gepoog om by monumente of volks-eie terreine in te kom... Het u geweet dat ons omtrent niks van ons eie erfenis besit nie? Hier en daar is nog van ons eie mense wat eienaarskap het, maar dit kan op een hand getel word...
Ek was vandag geskok en moedeloos om uit te vind dat mense plaasmoorde sien as iets waaroor hulle skaam is. Ek was geskok om te hoor hoeveel mense is bang ons teenwoordigheid, ons protes kan moontlik hulle lewe in gevaar stel. Mense is bang om met so iets ge-assosieer te word want hulle is bang hulle word geteiken...
Deel van die projek is om mense ook bewus te maak van die volks-eie monument van die Wit Kruise. Hierdie monument is daar om die wrede realiteit van ons volk te verbeeld. Besef u dat daar nie eers ‘n toilet is nie? Dat daar nie eers water is nie? Die mense wat die terein in stand hou en bestuur kry nie eers genoeg fondse bymekaar gemaak om ons eie monument op te gradeer nie... Het ons dan geen trots nie? Is ons kultureel dan so bankrot dat ons nie eers trots kan wees op ons eie nie?
Ons het die laaste twee dekades so agteruit gegaan dat ons nou in ‘n baie sleg plek is. Ons is in die niemandsland waar dit gemakliker is om te kerm as om te werk, en meer gerieflik is om te teem as om aksie te neem.
Hierdie is bankrot land.
Hierdie is die plek waar volke gaan om te sterf...
Ek het vandag ‘n ware realiteit in die gesig gestaar. Ons volk is bankrot... Meer as wat ons ooit gedink het. Ons het ‘n plek gesoek om ‘n protes-aksie te loods teen plaasmoorde. Die projek behels dat ek in ‘n kis le vir 67 ure (4020 minute) in protes teen die ongeveer 4020 plaasmoorde. Dit is ‘n in-jou-gesig veldtog om mense bewus te maak van net een van die gevare wat ons as volk in die gesig staar..
Ons het begin met die inkopiesentrums... Die “Bestuur” van sentrum na sentrum het gevoel dit is onvanpas en kan hulle kliente onstel... Sien dit is maand-einde en ons wil nie mense blootstel aan die feit dat hulle volk wreed vermoor word nie... Ons kon nerens ‘n inkopiesentrum (Mall) kry wat bereid is om ons toe te laat om protes aan te teken nie...
Daarna het ons gepoog om by monumente of volks-eie terreine in te kom... Het u geweet dat ons omtrent niks van ons eie erfenis besit nie? Hier en daar is nog van ons eie mense wat eienaarskap het, maar dit kan op een hand getel word...
Ek was vandag geskok en moedeloos om uit te vind dat mense plaasmoorde sien as iets waaroor hulle skaam is. Ek was geskok om te hoor hoeveel mense is bang ons teenwoordigheid, ons protes kan moontlik hulle lewe in gevaar stel. Mense is bang om met so iets ge-assosieer te word want hulle is bang hulle word geteiken...
Deel van die projek is om mense ook bewus te maak van die volks-eie monument van die Wit Kruise. Hierdie monument is daar om die wrede realiteit van ons volk te verbeeld. Besef u dat daar nie eers ‘n toilet is nie? Dat daar nie eers water is nie? Die mense wat die terein in stand hou en bestuur kry nie eers genoeg fondse bymekaar gemaak om ons eie monument op te gradeer nie... Het ons dan geen trots nie? Is ons kultureel dan so bankrot dat ons nie eers trots kan wees op ons eie nie?
Ons het die laaste twee dekades so agteruit gegaan dat ons nou in ‘n baie sleg plek is. Ons is in die niemandsland waar dit gemakliker is om te kerm as om te werk, en meer gerieflik is om te teem as om aksie te neem.
Hierdie is bankrot land.
Hierdie is die plek waar volke gaan om te sterf...
Monday, 29 October 2012
Die Zoeloekoning? Suid-Afrika het SEWE baie duur konings!
En saam eet hulle miljarde van ons belastingbetalers se swaarverdiende geld!
Zoloekoning: Goodwill Zweletini Hy verdien R59 miljoen. Plus 'n jaarlikse salaris van R 978 321... Asook 'n ekstra R18 000 000 vir nuwe geboue... R 6 miljoen hotelle en reis in 5ster geriewe. Kos R 1,5 miljoen. Vermaak R 969 000. Skryfbehoeftes R 517 000. Bestuur en onderhoud van sy plase R 1,8 miljoen. Hy betaal onlangs R 2,8 miljoen vir 40 beeste. Konsultante en kontrakteurs R 3,5 miljoen. Munisipale dienste R859 000. Verbetering en onderhoud van sy paleise R 14, 3 miljoen. Petrol, olie en gas R 1 miljoen. Admin en ondersteuningsdienste 'n allemintige R 43,2 miljoen!!! Hy het 6 vroue en 27 kinders.
Die Temboekoning; Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo - Sy salaris is R 927 319 p/j. Petrol R 10 000. Selfoontoelaag p/j R 24 000. Ampsmotor (mercedes-Benz ML 350 CDI) R 778 000.
Zoloekoning: Goodwill Zweletini Hy verdien R59 miljoen. Plus 'n jaarlikse salaris van R 978 321... Asook 'n ekstra R18 000 000 vir nuwe geboue... R 6 miljoen hotelle en reis in 5ster geriewe. Kos R 1,5 miljoen. Vermaak R 969 000. Skryfbehoeftes R 517 000. Bestuur en onderhoud van sy plase R 1,8 miljoen. Hy betaal onlangs R 2,8 miljoen vir 40 beeste. Konsultante en kontrakteurs R 3,5 miljoen. Munisipale dienste R859 000. Verbetering en onderhoud van sy paleise R 14, 3 miljoen. Petrol, olie en gas R 1 miljoen. Admin en ondersteuningsdienste 'n allemintige R 43,2 miljoen!!! Hy het 6 vroue en 27 kinders.
Die Temboekoning; Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo - Sy salaris is R 927 319 p/j. Petrol R 10 000. Selfoontoelaag p/j R 24 000. Ampsmotor (mercedes-Benz ML 350 CDI) R 778 000.
Sunday, 28 October 2012
SAA - R5-Billion depends on their turn-around strategy
Why is SAA always running at such a huge loss and forever requesting 'bail outs' from the government?
The reason appears to be quite simple: they have too many people working for them and the business simply cannot afford it!
Many of these SAA employees fall into the 'protected employees' category, (those that simply have a job and do very little to substantiate their worth. In fairness, SAA also had them during the apartheid days), and our Employment Act prevents the SAA from simply 'getting rid' of surplus or unnecessary staff.
The reason appears to be quite simple: they have too many people working for them and the business simply cannot afford it!
Many of these SAA employees fall into the 'protected employees' category, (those that simply have a job and do very little to substantiate their worth. In fairness, SAA also had them during the apartheid days), and our Employment Act prevents the SAA from simply 'getting rid' of surplus or unnecessary staff.
This could have been your daughter, your girl-friend, your sister -
A reward for info on the hijackers that shot and killed a 18-year-old young girl in Springs last week..
Anyone with any information please call:
082 303 9429 or 083 412 4009
Another young White person gunned down in South Africa - all for a car. As her father says, they didn't have to shoot her in the mouth, they could have just taken the car. But then, that defeats the purpose of all these attacks now, doesn't it? Because these attacks are meant to kill white South Africans.
She was the only child of Carol and Willie Aucamp, who told reporters on Thursday that they had waited ten years to have her.
"She was so young - they could have just taken the car," a devastated Willie Aucamp said.
Anyone with any information please call:
082 303 9429 or 083 412 4009
Another young White person gunned down in South Africa - all for a car. As her father says, they didn't have to shoot her in the mouth, they could have just taken the car. But then, that defeats the purpose of all these attacks now, doesn't it? Because these attacks are meant to kill white South Africans.
She was the only child of Carol and Willie Aucamp, who told reporters on Thursday that they had waited ten years to have her.
"She was so young - they could have just taken the car," a devastated Willie Aucamp said.

"The young girl was shot in her face, allegedly at point blank range, with the bullet exiting the back of her head." Minke apparently died in the chopper, shortly before it landed.
Another beautiful young life and another family destroyed by the cursed "Rainbow" of the New South Africa

The hijacker escaped in her silver Hyundai.
Apparently the killer was known to the SA Police, because he was out on bail - for hijacking! The police on scene stated that they have been in pursuit of the suspect for some time and will continue regular patrols to find the man known to be terrorising Springs' residents.
Now had this happened in any other country there would have been an outcry, a march or two and even riots. In South Africa it went by quietly. Very few comments about it, no outcry, no warning that this could happen to anyone any time anywhere in this pest infested corrupt African country.
Just a week or two ago we saw the massive meetings and outcries about Pretoria's name being changed. We've seen in the past what happened when the Springbok emblem was to be changed. The whole country rose up and attacked the governemnt, they even took it to the outside world and challenged name changes in court, yet no one takes on the government about this?
On 19 June 2012 we marched to the union buildings against violence in South Africa with AfriForum, Afrikaans singers, Bobby and Karlien van Jaarsveld, Steve Hofmeyr and 30 other celebrities. Only some 2000 to 3000 people pitched. http://www.afriforum.co.za/english/2012-06-08-afriforum-stap-saam-met-bobby-en-karlien-van-jaarsveld-en-ander-bekendes-teen-geweld/
This march followed the murder of 5 month old Wiehan Botes and his caretaker in Delmas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgxgwfb00S4
Had they marched for Pretoria's name it would have been completely different, because both the right-wing and some of the left-wing would have supported it. Had it been for the Springbok emblem the whole country would have supported it.
But here we have a beautiful young woman, just starting out in life, shot dead at close range in the drive way of their own home.
It should actually have acted as a wake-up call for people to realise just how bloody dangerous this country is, but no, they prefer not talking about it, because it is negative and it does not affect them at an emotional level as the Springbok emblem does.
The Springbok emblem, the street and town names, the flag and anthem are all emotional issues, while murder and rape are reality.
Emotional issues will always triumph when people are called upon to react, while reality is something people rather deny.
Where are the churches who banished all white South Africans to hell for the so-called sins of "Apartheid"?
Not a single SA church has until now said a single word about the rapes, the murders, the raping and murdering of babies, toddlers, old women in this country? Their silence amounts to tacit approval of these inhumane acts.
Where are the goody-two-shoes do-gooders of the Humanitarian organisations, the two faced Human Rights activists who had so much to say against so-called "Apartheid"?
Where are all the drug-addicted wash-outs from the international music bands that had so much to say and sing about so-called "Apartheid"?

Where are all the liberals with their liberal politicians and their liberal political parties now?
Obviously all these hypocritical liberals are supporting the murders, the rapes, the human abductions, the drug trafficking in SA, because THEY ARE SILENT ABOUT IT.

Saturday, 27 October 2012
Visioene van Gert van Niewenhuizen - Profesieë vir Suid-Afrika vir hierdie dekade
(privaat uitgegee deur D. Steyn)
Profesieë vir Suid-Afrika vir hierdie dekade
Voor my lêdie lowergroen vlakte met sulke blou kolle tussenin, asof hier elke dag sprinkelbesproeiing toegepas word; struik- en bosrandjies verraai plek-plek die skeiding tussen die Hoëveld en Laeveld.
Reg voor my lêdie berge dwars in die verte. Aan die voet van die berge breek die lower waar die kranse skerp neerdaal na die Laeveld. Voor my strek ‘n gebied waar die die Hoëveld en Laeveld skaars drie kilometer uitmekaar lê!
Agter my uit die berge hoër op, ontspring ‘n waterstroom en kronkel regs van my oor ‘n klipplaat tot waar dit in ‘n rivier saamvloei teen die agtergrond van grasvlaktes, bosveld en bergtoppe.
Profesieë vir Suid-Afrika vir hierdie dekade
Voor my lêdie lowergroen vlakte met sulke blou kolle tussenin, asof hier elke dag sprinkelbesproeiing toegepas word; struik- en bosrandjies verraai plek-plek die skeiding tussen die Hoëveld en Laeveld.
Reg voor my lêdie berge dwars in die verte. Aan die voet van die berge breek die lower waar die kranse skerp neerdaal na die Laeveld. Voor my strek ‘n gebied waar die die Hoëveld en Laeveld skaars drie kilometer uitmekaar lê!
Agter my uit die berge hoër op, ontspring ‘n waterstroom en kronkel regs van my oor ‘n klipplaat tot waar dit in ‘n rivier saamvloei teen die agtergrond van grasvlaktes, bosveld en bergtoppe.
Seer Niklaas van Rensburg
FAIR USE NOTICE: This book may contain copyrighted material the use of which has notbeen pre-authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of political, economic, scientific, social, art, media, and cultural issues. Material on this site is distributed without profit to persons interested in such information for research and educational purposes. If you want to use any copyrighted material that mayexist on this site for purposes that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. This book may not be sold in any way. You may not claim that you are the auther of it.A copy is also available in the form of downloadable e-book at :
Watchman Willie Martin Archive
Obtained from http://www.israelect.com/reference/WillieMartin/SEER%20[A].htm
by the English Translators
It has been a privilege to translate this very important book; a book with a clear message from a prophet of the Almighty God to his people, not only present in the Southern point of Africa, but also to the Western World. If one reads these visions of the Seer Nicolaas van Rensburg, one finds the Hand of Almighty God always present, surely guiding His people towards their destiny, according to His Will, through all the errors made by this stiff-necked people out of own choice.
The time of this destiny is on the horizon and like the sun at dawn, only a faint light is visible, but as the sun rises over and above the horizon, its light suddenly becomes bright and clear. So also will the time of this destiny suddenly appear. The brightness thereof will be such, that it will consume their enemies like that of fire, forever to be destroyed.
Watchman Willie Martin Archive
Obtained from http://www.israelect.com/reference/WillieMartin/SEER%20[A].htm
by the English Translators
It has been a privilege to translate this very important book; a book with a clear message from a prophet of the Almighty God to his people, not only present in the Southern point of Africa, but also to the Western World. If one reads these visions of the Seer Nicolaas van Rensburg, one finds the Hand of Almighty God always present, surely guiding His people towards their destiny, according to His Will, through all the errors made by this stiff-necked people out of own choice.
The time of this destiny is on the horizon and like the sun at dawn, only a faint light is visible, but as the sun rises over and above the horizon, its light suddenly becomes bright and clear. So also will the time of this destiny suddenly appear. The brightness thereof will be such, that it will consume their enemies like that of fire, forever to be destroyed.
Friday, 26 October 2012
Adopt a Terrorist
A Canadian female libertarian wrote many letters to the Canadian government, complaining about the treatment of captive insurgents (terrorists) being held in Afghanistan National Correctional System facilities. She demanded a response to her letter correspondence.
She received back the following reply:
National Defense Headquarters
M Gen George R. Pearkes Bldg., 15 NT
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa , ON K1A 0K2
Dear Concerned Citizen,
She received back the following reply:
National Defense Headquarters
M Gen George R. Pearkes Bldg., 15 NT
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa , ON K1A 0K2
Dear Concerned Citizen,
Thursday, 25 October 2012
South Africa's consumer spending losing steam
The impact of the strike on retail sales growth will be seen in September, says Schüssler. The BankservAfrica disposable salary index (BDSI) for September is not optimistic. BankservAfrica, SA's largest automated bank payments clearing house, processes almost half of all salary payments.
The number of salary payments processed by BankservAfrica in September was down about 47000 (4,5%) on August's figure. It was the first fall since the state worker strike in 2010. The total amount of money paid out in September fell by nearly 3%. "The continuing nature of the strike makes it likely that overall payouts will decline in October as well," says Schüssler.
The knock-on effect of the mining strike could be significant, says Nedbank Capital retail analyst Syd Vianello. "There is a big industry supplying mines. Many companies in the sector have closed factories and put staff on unpaid leave."
...one negative is that many mines closed by the strike will not reopen.
The number of salary payments processed by BankservAfrica in September was down about 47000 (4,5%) on August's figure. It was the first fall since the state worker strike in 2010. The total amount of money paid out in September fell by nearly 3%. "The continuing nature of the strike makes it likely that overall payouts will decline in October as well," says Schüssler.
The knock-on effect of the mining strike could be significant, says Nedbank Capital retail analyst Syd Vianello. "There is a big industry supplying mines. Many companies in the sector have closed factories and put staff on unpaid leave."
...one negative is that many mines closed by the strike will not reopen.
School principal’s letter to Zuma that went viral
A Cape Town's high school principal's open letter to South African president Jacob Zuma has gone viral.
Here is the text:
Dear President Zuma,
It's two years to the day when Gareth Cliff, a local media celebrity, wrote an open letter to you. It caused quite a stir at the time. And as I was thinking about what I was going to say to the Class of 2012 of my school, his letter came to mind. As I re-read it I realised it was about time for another one. Not quite as controversial perhaps but nevertheless another open letter borne out of my desire to see the 200 matrics that we're about to send you, fulfil their dreams in a positive, dynamic South Africa.
My name is Stephen Price. I am the Principal of Bergvliet High School here in the Western Cape. Some would describe this school as a 'former Model C school'... a description generally used to justify why other schools are underperforming. But that is another discussion.
Here is the text:
Dear President Zuma,
It's two years to the day when Gareth Cliff, a local media celebrity, wrote an open letter to you. It caused quite a stir at the time. And as I was thinking about what I was going to say to the Class of 2012 of my school, his letter came to mind. As I re-read it I realised it was about time for another one. Not quite as controversial perhaps but nevertheless another open letter borne out of my desire to see the 200 matrics that we're about to send you, fulfil their dreams in a positive, dynamic South Africa.
My name is Stephen Price. I am the Principal of Bergvliet High School here in the Western Cape. Some would describe this school as a 'former Model C school'... a description generally used to justify why other schools are underperforming. But that is another discussion.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Gold Fields ANC MP's convicted criminals an Advocate and Black Economic Empowerment - enriching SA's ANC Elite
CODESA were not political negotiations, CODESA was the finalisation of a business agreement - Selling South Africa to the highest bidder.
South Africa was handed over to the ANC, because big corporates needed to get their hands on SA's mineral resources. The National Party was way to tough to deal with and had to be replaced by a corrupt movement that could be easilty bribed.
Today 18 years later the ANC is the richest political party in the world and its elite members rank among the richest people on earth, while the rest of South Africa is sinking.
Part 1
It may look like just another mineshaft, but this [on screen] is South Deep, one of the world's richest mines. In 2006 Goldfields paid $3-billion for it, but it could only be mined once they had a new order mining right. By 2010 Goldfields were awarded their South Deep licence - as precious and as rare a commodity in South Africa, as the mineral riches it unlocks.
Bongani Bingwa (Carte Blanche presenter): "At the same time Goldfields announced a R2.1-billion BEE deal. It was widely hailed, particularly because the company's 47 000 workforce stood to benefit. So, if it looked so good on paper, why have two investigative journalists refused to let this story go."
South Africa was handed over to the ANC, because big corporates needed to get their hands on SA's mineral resources. The National Party was way to tough to deal with and had to be replaced by a corrupt movement that could be easilty bribed.
Today 18 years later the ANC is the richest political party in the world and its elite members rank among the richest people on earth, while the rest of South Africa is sinking.
Part 1
It may look like just another mineshaft, but this [on screen] is South Deep, one of the world's richest mines. In 2006 Goldfields paid $3-billion for it, but it could only be mined once they had a new order mining right. By 2010 Goldfields were awarded their South Deep licence - as precious and as rare a commodity in South Africa, as the mineral riches it unlocks.
Bongani Bingwa (Carte Blanche presenter): "At the same time Goldfields announced a R2.1-billion BEE deal. It was widely hailed, particularly because the company's 47 000 workforce stood to benefit. So, if it looked so good on paper, why have two investigative journalists refused to let this story go."
Monday, 22 October 2012
"They walk amongst us" Awards
Here are the glorious winners:
1. When his 38-caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Johannesburg, South Africa, would-be robber Elliot Ncgube did something that can only inspire wonder. He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again. This time it worked.
2. The chef at a hotel in Switzerland lost a finger in a meat-cutting machine and, after a little shopping around, submitted a claim to his insurance company. The company expecting negligence sent out one of its men to have a look for himself. He tried the machine and he also lost afinger. The chef's claim was approved.
3. A man who shoveled snow for an hour to clear a space for his car during a blizzard in Chicago returned with his vehicle to find a woman had taken the space. Understandably, he shot her.
1. When his 38-caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Johannesburg, South Africa, would-be robber Elliot Ncgube did something that can only inspire wonder. He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again. This time it worked.
2. The chef at a hotel in Switzerland lost a finger in a meat-cutting machine and, after a little shopping around, submitted a claim to his insurance company. The company expecting negligence sent out one of its men to have a look for himself. He tried the machine and he also lost afinger. The chef's claim was approved.
3. A man who shoveled snow for an hour to clear a space for his car during a blizzard in Chicago returned with his vehicle to find a woman had taken the space. Understandably, he shot her.
Monday, 15 October 2012
Facts On e-Toll tags Revealed - BOYCOTT SANRAL's e-TAG
* Less than 10 000 registered e-Tag's at present
* The system is not manageable for cars travelling on the highways without an e-Tag.
* The Ben Schoeman Highway between Pretoria and Johannesburg carries 300 000 cars per day.
* The e-Tag system is a dismal failure so far.
* The latest R1.75 p/km is a last bid from the government to force us to buy this e-Tag so they can get the 98% of the pension money back they've spent on the toll roads.
* Less than 10 000 registered e-Tag's at present
* The system is not manageable for cars travelling on the highways without an e-Tag.
* The Ben Schoeman Highway between Pretoria and Johannesburg carries 300 000 cars per day.
* The e-Tag system is a dismal failure so far.
* The latest R1.75 p/km is a last bid from the government to force us to buy this e-Tag so they can get the 98% of the pension money back they've spent on the toll roads.
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Persverklaring - Nuwe Party vir Blanke Regte
Nuwe Party vir Blanke Regte
Op 10 Oktober 2012 is die Federale Vryheidsparty van Suid-Afrika (FVP) amptelik bekendgestel in Capital Park, Pretoria. Die party is reeds by die OVK as party geregistreer.
Hierdie was ‘n geskiedkundige gebeurtenis, wat die hertoetrede van die blankes van die land tot die hoofstroom politiek aangekondig het. Die FVP is gestig om die regte van blankes in Suid-Afrika vanaf die openbare verhoog en vanuit ‘n publieke forum te bevorder en te beskerm.
Huidiglik kan blankes hulle eie regte net afdwing deur hulle tot die howe te wend, wat elke keer duur en tydrowend is. Die feit is egter dat blankes net soveel regte het as enige ander bevolkingsgroep in terme van internasionale reg. Dit is slegs in Suid-Afrika dat daar ‘n artikel 36 in die Grondwet is, waardeer daar “wettiglik” teen “’n klas van persone of burgers” gediskrimineer kan word, en daardie klas van burgers is blankes.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
The True Meaning of the ANC's Black Economic Empowerment (BEE)
Shortly after class, an economics student approaches his economics professor and says, "I don't understand the point of BEE.
Can you explain it to me?"
The professor replied, "I don't have any time to explain it at my office, but if you come over to my house on Saturday and help me with my weekend project, I'll be glad to explain it to you."
The student agreed.
Can you explain it to me?"
The professor replied, "I don't have any time to explain it at my office, but if you come over to my house on Saturday and help me with my weekend project, I'll be glad to explain it to you."
The student agreed.
Russia is the only country that speaks of the atrocities in South Africa
This is the translated Article written by Avigdor Eskin which appeared in Versia - a Mainstream Russian Newspaper today.
Russia is the only country that speaks of the atrocities of Africans in South Africa.
By Avigdor Eskin
South Africa stirred the world, with 34 striking miners at a platinum mine in Marikana South Africa were shot and killed by police during a protest. Be clear: this is not about the times of apartheid: the time and place - here and now. As a result, the government first set out to bring to justice the miners themselves and accuse them of provoking bloody riots. However, the world wide publicity forced President Jacob Zuma to change his mind. All those arrested were released miners and mine owners directly linked to the ruling party, "the African National Congress', hastened to meet them halfway in the demands for higher wages. So the conflict was over.
It will be recalled that the global response to the aforementioned carnage did not include South African Embassy pickets and calls for sanctions, as was the town Sharpville in 1960. March 10, 1960 7 thousand black demonstrators surrounded the building where the police station and tried to take it by storm. The police opened fire, killing 69 blacks.
Russia is the only country that speaks of the atrocities of Africans in South Africa.
By Avigdor Eskin
South Africa stirred the world, with 34 striking miners at a platinum mine in Marikana South Africa were shot and killed by police during a protest. Be clear: this is not about the times of apartheid: the time and place - here and now. As a result, the government first set out to bring to justice the miners themselves and accuse them of provoking bloody riots. However, the world wide publicity forced President Jacob Zuma to change his mind. All those arrested were released miners and mine owners directly linked to the ruling party, "the African National Congress', hastened to meet them halfway in the demands for higher wages. So the conflict was over.
It will be recalled that the global response to the aforementioned carnage did not include South African Embassy pickets and calls for sanctions, as was the town Sharpville in 1960. March 10, 1960 7 thousand black demonstrators surrounded the building where the police station and tried to take it by storm. The police opened fire, killing 69 blacks.
Sunday, 7 October 2012
The Shocking Truth About Farm Attacks and Farm Murders in South Africa
The information below is in support of yesterday's MESSAGE TO SOUTH AFRICANS FROM GENOCIDE WATCH DR GREGORY STANTON
According to the SA Institute of Race Relations "The analysis of statistics did not indicate that farm attacks were not a problem,". In proper, non politically correct terms, this means that the analysis of statistics showed it as being a problem.
The Institute also stated that "Rather it [the analysis of statistics] revealed just how vulnerable all South Africans are to violent crime."
It should be noted that, because of the SA Police Sevices' refusal to release any statistics on farm murders and farm attacks, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) is forced to use the Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU) statistics for calculations.
Attacks on SA whites are usually horrific and even include torture.
According to the SA Institute of Race Relations "The analysis of statistics did not indicate that farm attacks were not a problem,". In proper, non politically correct terms, this means that the analysis of statistics showed it as being a problem.
The Institute also stated that "Rather it [the analysis of statistics] revealed just how vulnerable all South Africans are to violent crime."
It should be noted that, because of the SA Police Sevices' refusal to release any statistics on farm murders and farm attacks, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) is forced to use the Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU) statistics for calculations.
Attacks on SA whites are usually horrific and even include torture.
TO: Gilbert Edward Martin II
Dear Mr. Martin,
As you know, Genocide Watch has already raised the Genocide Stage level for South Africa to Stage 6 because we now have evidence that the murders of Afrikaaner farmers and other whites is organized by racist communists determined to drive whites out of South Africa, nationalize farms and mines, and bring on all the horrors of a communist state. Marxism-Leninism is not yet the official ideology of the ANC government, as it is in ZANU-PF in Zimbabwe, but ANC policy will take a further step in that direction at the ANC national conference in December.
TO: Gilbert Edward Martin II
Dear Mr. Martin,
As you know, Genocide Watch has already raised the Genocide Stage level for South Africa to Stage 6 because we now have evidence that the murders of Afrikaaner farmers and other whites is organized by racist communists determined to drive whites out of South Africa, nationalize farms and mines, and bring on all the horrors of a communist state. Marxism-Leninism is not yet the official ideology of the ANC government, as it is in ZANU-PF in Zimbabwe, but ANC policy will take a further step in that direction at the ANC national conference in December.
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Sal die (Boere) haan ooit weer koning kraai in sy hok?
Die haan is jou gevangene, jou slaaf. Jy onderhou die hoenderhaan. Jy gee vir hom blyplek, kos en water, en hy is jou besitting, maar ten spyte daarvan kraai die haan koning in sy hok.
Die feit dat die haan jou gevangene is en van jou afhanklik is vir sy kos, water en veiligheid doen niks aan die trots, die arrogansie, die selfvoldaanheid van die haan nie, want wat ook al die omstandighede, in daardie hok kraai die haan koning.
Die haan mag totaal en geheel en al van jou afhanklik wees en hy mag jou gevangene wees, maar as jy in daardie haan se hok ingaan sal hy jou steeds aanval en skop as hy wil, want in daardie hok kraai die haan koning.
As jy dit nie kan verstaan nie en as jy daardie haan nie kan respekteer vir sy houding nie, dan moet jy nie 'n hoenderhaan besit nie. Al skop hy jou, spog jy steeds oor hom, want eintlik is jy trots op daardie hardegat hoenderhaan, juis omdat hy so selfvoldane, trotse, windgat hoenderhaan is.
Die vraag is of jyself soos daardie trotse hoenderhaan is?
Die feit dat die haan jou gevangene is en van jou afhanklik is vir sy kos, water en veiligheid doen niks aan die trots, die arrogansie, die selfvoldaanheid van die haan nie, want wat ook al die omstandighede, in daardie hok kraai die haan koning.
Die haan mag totaal en geheel en al van jou afhanklik wees en hy mag jou gevangene wees, maar as jy in daardie haan se hok ingaan sal hy jou steeds aanval en skop as hy wil, want in daardie hok kraai die haan koning.
As jy dit nie kan verstaan nie en as jy daardie haan nie kan respekteer vir sy houding nie, dan moet jy nie 'n hoenderhaan besit nie. Al skop hy jou, spog jy steeds oor hom, want eintlik is jy trots op daardie hardegat hoenderhaan, juis omdat hy so selfvoldane, trotse, windgat hoenderhaan is.
Die vraag is of jyself soos daardie trotse hoenderhaan is?
Friday, 5 October 2012
In this mad world, the sane are declared mad
There was once a wise king who ruled over a vast city. He was feared for his might and loved for his wisdom. Now in the heart of the city, there was a well whose waters were pure and crystalline from which the king and all the inhabitants drank. When all were asleep, an enemy entered the city and poured seven drops of a strange liquid into the well. And he said that henceforth all who drink this water shall become mad.
All the people drank of the water, but not the king. And the people began to say, "The king is mad and has lost his reason. Look how strangely he behaves. We cannot be ruled by a madman, so he must be dethroned."
The king grew very fearful, for his subjects were preparing to rise against him. So one evening, he ordered a golden goblet to be filled from the well, and he drank deeply. The next day, there was great rejoicing among the people, for their beloved king had finally regained his reason."
Lesson: A time will come when the whole world will go mad. And to anyone who is not mad they will say: 'You are mad, for you are not like us.' - St. Anthony the Great
All the people drank of the water, but not the king. And the people began to say, "The king is mad and has lost his reason. Look how strangely he behaves. We cannot be ruled by a madman, so he must be dethroned."
The king grew very fearful, for his subjects were preparing to rise against him. So one evening, he ordered a golden goblet to be filled from the well, and he drank deeply. The next day, there was great rejoicing among the people, for their beloved king had finally regained his reason."
Lesson: A time will come when the whole world will go mad. And to anyone who is not mad they will say: 'You are mad, for you are not like us.' - St. Anthony the Great
European Life Died In Second World War
Here's an interesting and thought provoking viewpoint The following contains extracts of an article "EUROPEAN LIFE DIED IN AUSCHWITZ" written by Spanish writer Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez and published in a Spanish newspaper on 15 January 2011.
It doesn't take much imagination to extrapolate the message to the rest of Europe - and possibly to the rest of the world.
In the article Rodrigez suggested that what died in Auschwitz were not Jews, but European culture.
He says he was walking down the street in Barcelona when he suddenly realised that Europe had died in Auschwitz ... while thousands were killed in death camps, they were replaced by 20 million Muslims. "In Auschwitz we killed a culture, thought, creativity, talent."
Not only Auschwitz, but WW2 killed millions of people. The contribution of those people affected all areas of European life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world.
And under the pretence of tolerance, and because Europe wanted to prove to themselves that they were cured of the so-called 'disease of racism' he says "we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride."
"They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.
And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition. We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs.
What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe ."
We could argue about the true number of Jews that died at Auschwitz (See below), but that is not what this is about. This is about the fact that WW2 killed European culture and replaced it with Muslim culture, Muslim religion, and above all it replaced pride with fear.
Recently, the UK debated whether to remove the Holocaust from its school curriculum because it 'offends' the Muslim population. It is not removed as yet. However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving in to it.
The same is happening all over the world. Everyone is scared of saying anything 'wrong' / telling the truth about Muslim fanatics.
How many people really died at Auschwitz?
Source: http://tinyurl.com/7nbxnfv
The Germans kept meticulous records of deaths in the camps. Based on the Bad Arolsen documents, the Nazi documents captured by the Russians, and their own records, in 1984 the Red Cross has estimated the TOTAL Red Cross estimate number of deaths for all prisoners, including but not limited to Jews, in Nazi concentration camps to be 262,077. The authenticity of the estimates was verified in the trial of Ernst Zundel by the director of the International Tracing Service, see http://www.zundelsite.org/english/101/english1013.html and http://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=120 and http://www.zundelsite.org/english/dsmrd/dsmrd10biedermann.html. These are records which have been reviewed, debated, and found to be legitimate. This information – original German records seized at the liberation of germany – was kept in Russian archives and only released in the 1990s.
The official number of deaths at Auschwitz even according to zionists had to be revised on the plaque mentioning it – from 4 million to 1.5 million.
Source: The French War Crime Research Office, Doc. 31, 1945.
Source: Also cited by the French War Crime Research Office.
Source: Cited in the book Auschwitz Doctor by Miklos Nyiszli. It has since been proven that this book is a fraud and the “doctor” was never even at Auschwitz, even though the book is often cited by historians.
5,000,000 to 5,500,000
Source: Cited in 1945 at the trial of Auschwitz commander Rudolf Höss, based on his confession which was written in English, a language he never spoke.
Source: Cited on April 20, 1978 by the French daily, Le Monde. Also cited on January 23, 1995 by the German daily Die Welt. By September 1, 1989, Le Monde reduced the figure to 1,433,000.
Source: In 1945 this figure was cited by another witness at the aforementioned Höss trial.
Source: Cited by a Soviet document of May 6, 1945 and officially acknowledged by the Nuremberg War Crimes trial. This figure was also reported in The New York Times on April 18, 1945, although 50 years later on January 26, 1995, The New York Times and The Washington Post slashed the figure to 1,500,000 citing new findings by the Auschwitz Museum officials. In fact, the figure of 4,000,000 was later repudiated by the Auschwitz museum officials in 1990 but the figure of 1,500,000 victims was not formally announced by Polish President Lech Walesa until five years after the Auschwitz historians had first announced their discovery.
Source: Cited in the 1991 edition of the Dictionary of the French Language and by Claude Lanzmann in 1980 in his introduction to Filip Muller’s book, Three Years in an Auschwitz Gas Chamber.
Source: Cited in a forced confession by Rudolf Höss, the Auschwitz commander who said this was the number of those who had died at Auschwitz prior to Dec. 1, 1943. Later cited in the June 7, 1993 issue of Heritage, the most widely read Jewish newspaper in California, even though three years previously the authorities at the Auschwitz museum had scaled down the figure to a minimum of 1,100,000 and a maximum of 1,500,000. (see below).
Source: Cited by Rudolf Vrba (an author of various fraudulent accounts of events he claims to have witnessed at Auschwitz) when he testified on July 16, 1981 for the Israeli government’s war crimes trial of former SS official Adolf Eichmann.
Source: Cited by Leon Poliakov (1951) writing in Harvest of Hate; Georges Wellers, writing in 1973 in The Yellow Star at the Time of Vichy; and Lucy Dawidowicz, writing in 1975 in The War Against the Jews.
2,000,000 to 4,000,000
Source: Cited by Yehuda Bauer in 1982 in his book, A History of the Holocaust. However, by 1989 Bauer revised his figure to 1,600,000.
Source: This is a 1989 revision by Yehuda Bauer of his earlier figure in 1982 of 2,000,000 to 4,000,000, Bauer cited this new figure on September 22, 1989 in The Jerusalem Post, at which time he wrote “The larger figures have been dismissed for years, except that it hasn’t reached the public yet.”
Source: In 1995 this was the number of Auschwitz deaths announced by Polish President Lech Walesa as determined by those at the Auschwitz museum. This number was inscribed on the monument at the Auschwitz camp at that time, thereby “replacing” the earlier 4,000,000 figure that had been formally repudiated (and withdrawn from the monument) five years earlier in 1990. At that time, on July 17, 1990 The Washington Times reprinted a brief article from The London Daily Telegraph citing the “new” figure of 1,500,000 that had been determined by the authorities at the Auschwitz museum. This new figure was reported two years later in a UPI report published in the New York Post on March 26, 1992. On January 26, 1995 both The Washington Post and The New York Times cited this 1,500,000 figure as the new “official” figure (citing the Auschwitz Museum authorities).
Source: This is a 1983 figure cited by Georges Wellers who (as noted previously) had determined, writing in 1973, that some 2,000,000 had died.
Source: This figure was cited on September 1, 1989 by the French daily, Le Monde, which earlier, on April 20, 1978, had cited the figure at 4,000,000.
Source: In the book, The Destruction of the European Jews, by Raul Hilberg (1985).
1,100,000 to 1,500,000
Source: Sources for this estimate are Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum in their 1984 book, Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp. This estimate was later also cited by Walter Reich, former director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, writing in The Washington Post on September 8, 1998. The upper figure of 1,500,000 is (the new) “official” figure as now inscribed at Auschwitz, with the earlier figure of 4,000,000 having been removed from the memorial at the site of the former concentration camp.
Source: Jean-Claude Pressac, writing in his 1989 book Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers. This is interesting since he wrote his book to repudiate so-called “Holocaust deniers” who were called that precisely because they had questioned the numbers of those who had died at Auschwitz.
Source: Reported on August 3, 1990 11, by Aufbau, a Jewish newspaper in New York.
800,000 to 900,000
Source: Reported by Gerald Reitlinger in his book, The Final Solution.
775,000 to 800,000
Source: Jean-Claude Pressac’s revised figure, put forth in his 1993 book, The Crematoria of Auschwitz: The Mass Murder’s Machinery, scaling down his earlier claim of 1,000,000 dead.
630,000 to 710,000
Source: In 1994 Pressac scaled his figure down somewhat further; this is the figure cited in the German language translation of Pressac’s 1993 book originally published in French. Again, this is substantially less than Pressac’s 1989 figure of 1,000,000.
135,000 to 140,000
Source: This is an estimate based on documents held by the International Tracing Service of the Red Cross. It is known that International Tracing Service has a complete set of registration documents. This is thought to include a complete set of roll-call data which includes twice daily tallies of those who died. Although the International Tracing Service of the Red Cross has such records, they have never officially published an accurate count of those who died, or even an accurate report as to exactly which documents they hold. However, totals from these records have been obtained by various interested parties.
The estimate of 135,000 is roughly corroborated by the “Auschwitz death books.” The death books themselves are wartime German camp records, which were captured by the Soviets towards the end of the war, and hidden in Soviet achieves, until released to the Red Cross in 1989.
The death books consist of 46 volumes which document each death at Auschwitz (each death certificate consists of the deceased person’s full name, profession and religion, date and place of birth, pre-Auschwitz residence, parents’ names, time of death, and cause of death as determined by a camp physician). The records for the most important years, 1942 and 1943, are almost complete (there are also a few volumes for the year 1941, but none for the year 1944 or January 1945 (when Auschwitz was evacuated)).
The Auschwitz death books contain the death certificates of some 69,000 individuals, of whom about 30,000 were listed as Jews. The above mentioned, ever declining numbers of dead at Auschwitz, are illustrated by the plaques from the camp. The first is the plaque that was on display at the Auschwitz camp from 1948 until 1989, which read “4 million” victims. The second is the plaque currently on display at Auschwitz, which indicates a dramatically reduced number of victims, now only 1.5 million.
It doesn't take much imagination to extrapolate the message to the rest of Europe - and possibly to the rest of the world.
In the article Rodrigez suggested that what died in Auschwitz were not Jews, but European culture.
He says he was walking down the street in Barcelona when he suddenly realised that Europe had died in Auschwitz ... while thousands were killed in death camps, they were replaced by 20 million Muslims. "In Auschwitz we killed a culture, thought, creativity, talent."
Not only Auschwitz, but WW2 killed millions of people. The contribution of those people affected all areas of European life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world.
And under the pretence of tolerance, and because Europe wanted to prove to themselves that they were cured of the so-called 'disease of racism' he says "we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride."
"They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.
And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition. We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for themselves and others, for our children and theirs.
What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe ."
We could argue about the true number of Jews that died at Auschwitz (See below), but that is not what this is about. This is about the fact that WW2 killed European culture and replaced it with Muslim culture, Muslim religion, and above all it replaced pride with fear.
Recently, the UK debated whether to remove the Holocaust from its school curriculum because it 'offends' the Muslim population. It is not removed as yet. However, this is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country is giving in to it.
The same is happening all over the world. Everyone is scared of saying anything 'wrong' / telling the truth about Muslim fanatics.
How many people really died at Auschwitz?
Source: http://tinyurl.com/7nbxnfv
The Germans kept meticulous records of deaths in the camps. Based on the Bad Arolsen documents, the Nazi documents captured by the Russians, and their own records, in 1984 the Red Cross has estimated the TOTAL Red Cross estimate number of deaths for all prisoners, including but not limited to Jews, in Nazi concentration camps to be 262,077. The authenticity of the estimates was verified in the trial of Ernst Zundel by the director of the International Tracing Service, see http://www.zundelsite.org/english/101/english1013.html and http://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=120 and http://www.zundelsite.org/english/dsmrd/dsmrd10biedermann.html. These are records which have been reviewed, debated, and found to be legitimate. This information – original German records seized at the liberation of germany – was kept in Russian archives and only released in the 1990s.
The official number of deaths at Auschwitz even according to zionists had to be revised on the plaque mentioning it – from 4 million to 1.5 million.
Source: The French War Crime Research Office, Doc. 31, 1945.
Source: Also cited by the French War Crime Research Office.
Source: Cited in the book Auschwitz Doctor by Miklos Nyiszli. It has since been proven that this book is a fraud and the “doctor” was never even at Auschwitz, even though the book is often cited by historians.
5,000,000 to 5,500,000
Source: Cited in 1945 at the trial of Auschwitz commander Rudolf Höss, based on his confession which was written in English, a language he never spoke.
Source: Cited on April 20, 1978 by the French daily, Le Monde. Also cited on January 23, 1995 by the German daily Die Welt. By September 1, 1989, Le Monde reduced the figure to 1,433,000.
Source: In 1945 this figure was cited by another witness at the aforementioned Höss trial.
Source: Cited by a Soviet document of May 6, 1945 and officially acknowledged by the Nuremberg War Crimes trial. This figure was also reported in The New York Times on April 18, 1945, although 50 years later on January 26, 1995, The New York Times and The Washington Post slashed the figure to 1,500,000 citing new findings by the Auschwitz Museum officials. In fact, the figure of 4,000,000 was later repudiated by the Auschwitz museum officials in 1990 but the figure of 1,500,000 victims was not formally announced by Polish President Lech Walesa until five years after the Auschwitz historians had first announced their discovery.
Source: Cited in the 1991 edition of the Dictionary of the French Language and by Claude Lanzmann in 1980 in his introduction to Filip Muller’s book, Three Years in an Auschwitz Gas Chamber.
Source: Cited in a forced confession by Rudolf Höss, the Auschwitz commander who said this was the number of those who had died at Auschwitz prior to Dec. 1, 1943. Later cited in the June 7, 1993 issue of Heritage, the most widely read Jewish newspaper in California, even though three years previously the authorities at the Auschwitz museum had scaled down the figure to a minimum of 1,100,000 and a maximum of 1,500,000. (see below).
Source: Cited by Rudolf Vrba (an author of various fraudulent accounts of events he claims to have witnessed at Auschwitz) when he testified on July 16, 1981 for the Israeli government’s war crimes trial of former SS official Adolf Eichmann.
Source: Cited by Leon Poliakov (1951) writing in Harvest of Hate; Georges Wellers, writing in 1973 in The Yellow Star at the Time of Vichy; and Lucy Dawidowicz, writing in 1975 in The War Against the Jews.
2,000,000 to 4,000,000
Source: Cited by Yehuda Bauer in 1982 in his book, A History of the Holocaust. However, by 1989 Bauer revised his figure to 1,600,000.
Source: This is a 1989 revision by Yehuda Bauer of his earlier figure in 1982 of 2,000,000 to 4,000,000, Bauer cited this new figure on September 22, 1989 in The Jerusalem Post, at which time he wrote “The larger figures have been dismissed for years, except that it hasn’t reached the public yet.”
Source: In 1995 this was the number of Auschwitz deaths announced by Polish President Lech Walesa as determined by those at the Auschwitz museum. This number was inscribed on the monument at the Auschwitz camp at that time, thereby “replacing” the earlier 4,000,000 figure that had been formally repudiated (and withdrawn from the monument) five years earlier in 1990. At that time, on July 17, 1990 The Washington Times reprinted a brief article from The London Daily Telegraph citing the “new” figure of 1,500,000 that had been determined by the authorities at the Auschwitz museum. This new figure was reported two years later in a UPI report published in the New York Post on March 26, 1992. On January 26, 1995 both The Washington Post and The New York Times cited this 1,500,000 figure as the new “official” figure (citing the Auschwitz Museum authorities).
Source: This is a 1983 figure cited by Georges Wellers who (as noted previously) had determined, writing in 1973, that some 2,000,000 had died.
Source: This figure was cited on September 1, 1989 by the French daily, Le Monde, which earlier, on April 20, 1978, had cited the figure at 4,000,000.
Source: In the book, The Destruction of the European Jews, by Raul Hilberg (1985).
1,100,000 to 1,500,000
Source: Sources for this estimate are Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum in their 1984 book, Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp. This estimate was later also cited by Walter Reich, former director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, writing in The Washington Post on September 8, 1998. The upper figure of 1,500,000 is (the new) “official” figure as now inscribed at Auschwitz, with the earlier figure of 4,000,000 having been removed from the memorial at the site of the former concentration camp.
Source: Jean-Claude Pressac, writing in his 1989 book Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers. This is interesting since he wrote his book to repudiate so-called “Holocaust deniers” who were called that precisely because they had questioned the numbers of those who had died at Auschwitz.
Source: Reported on August 3, 1990 11, by Aufbau, a Jewish newspaper in New York.
800,000 to 900,000
Source: Reported by Gerald Reitlinger in his book, The Final Solution.
775,000 to 800,000
Source: Jean-Claude Pressac’s revised figure, put forth in his 1993 book, The Crematoria of Auschwitz: The Mass Murder’s Machinery, scaling down his earlier claim of 1,000,000 dead.
630,000 to 710,000
Source: In 1994 Pressac scaled his figure down somewhat further; this is the figure cited in the German language translation of Pressac’s 1993 book originally published in French. Again, this is substantially less than Pressac’s 1989 figure of 1,000,000.
135,000 to 140,000
Source: This is an estimate based on documents held by the International Tracing Service of the Red Cross. It is known that International Tracing Service has a complete set of registration documents. This is thought to include a complete set of roll-call data which includes twice daily tallies of those who died. Although the International Tracing Service of the Red Cross has such records, they have never officially published an accurate count of those who died, or even an accurate report as to exactly which documents they hold. However, totals from these records have been obtained by various interested parties.
The estimate of 135,000 is roughly corroborated by the “Auschwitz death books.” The death books themselves are wartime German camp records, which were captured by the Soviets towards the end of the war, and hidden in Soviet achieves, until released to the Red Cross in 1989.
The death books consist of 46 volumes which document each death at Auschwitz (each death certificate consists of the deceased person’s full name, profession and religion, date and place of birth, pre-Auschwitz residence, parents’ names, time of death, and cause of death as determined by a camp physician). The records for the most important years, 1942 and 1943, are almost complete (there are also a few volumes for the year 1941, but none for the year 1944 or January 1945 (when Auschwitz was evacuated)).
The Auschwitz death books contain the death certificates of some 69,000 individuals, of whom about 30,000 were listed as Jews. The above mentioned, ever declining numbers of dead at Auschwitz, are illustrated by the plaques from the camp. The first is the plaque that was on display at the Auschwitz camp from 1948 until 1989, which read “4 million” victims. The second is the plaque currently on display at Auschwitz, which indicates a dramatically reduced number of victims, now only 1.5 million.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Can South Africa Survive Given The Following?
The folks who are getting free stuff, don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.
The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, and the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!
Now ... The people who are forcing the people to pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.
So... The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff, and giving them the free stuff in the first place.
We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.
Now understand this: all great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them. Thomas Jefferson said it best: “Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not”.
The number of people now getting free stuff out numbers the people paying for the free stuff.
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves!
"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." - Margaret Thatcher
The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, and the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!
Now ... The people who are forcing the people to pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.
So... The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff, and giving them the free stuff in the first place.
We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.
Now understand this: all great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them. Thomas Jefferson said it best: “Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not”.
The number of people now getting free stuff out numbers the people paying for the free stuff.
A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves!
"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." - Margaret Thatcher
Sunday, 30 September 2012
82000 or 13000 Handguns and Rifles missing from SA Defense Force and SA Police
In 2011 it was reported that 82,000 firearms went missing from the SA Police and SA Defence Force:
82 000 weapons 'missing'
Article By: Rafiq Wagiet
Tue, 01 Mar 2011 5:01 PM
Parliament's watchdog public accounts committee Scopa on Tuesday demanded an explanation from Defence Minister Lindiwe Sisulu about missing weapons.
According to a report by the auditor general, an estimated 82 000 weapons belonging to the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) and the Navy are unaccounted for.
A staggering 72 000 out of 82 000 missing weapons belong to the army.
The defence department says that it cannot say the weapons are missing or stolen because they could simply not be properly registered.
The department has a project planned to address the discrepancies within the assets registry, but it could take up to 18 months to complete.
Over 13,000 Handguns and Rifles Lost Since 2007
This year (2012) it was reported that South Africa Admits the SA Police had lost over 13,000 Handguns, Rifles Since 2007.
Then they point the finger to lawfully registered fire-arm owners for “losing fire-arms to criminals”?
82 000 weapons 'missing'
Article By: Rafiq Wagiet
Tue, 01 Mar 2011 5:01 PM
Parliament's watchdog public accounts committee Scopa on Tuesday demanded an explanation from Defence Minister Lindiwe Sisulu about missing weapons.
According to a report by the auditor general, an estimated 82 000 weapons belonging to the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) and the Navy are unaccounted for.
A staggering 72 000 out of 82 000 missing weapons belong to the army.
The defence department says that it cannot say the weapons are missing or stolen because they could simply not be properly registered.
The department has a project planned to address the discrepancies within the assets registry, but it could take up to 18 months to complete.
Over 13,000 Handguns and Rifles Lost Since 2007
This year (2012) it was reported that South Africa Admits the SA Police had lost over 13,000 Handguns, Rifles Since 2007.
Then they point the finger to lawfully registered fire-arm owners for “losing fire-arms to criminals”?
South Africa's Crime Statistics a Farce
On E News Friday 28 Septemeber 2012 - clip recorded with a cell phne - in summary, South Africa's crime statistics are very questionable as 52% of victims give up after trying to go through the process....
Listen to James Armstrong's story.....
and so the white nation is ridiculed by our justice system and police, whilst the attackers walk free.
Crime not worth reporting - James Armstrong
Another victim of crime whom has given up on reporting the crime as the SA police is just not interested.
Listen to James Armstrong's story.....
and so the white nation is ridiculed by our justice system and police, whilst the attackers walk free.
Crime not worth reporting - James Armstrong
Another victim of crime whom has given up on reporting the crime as the SA police is just not interested.
Eskom's infrastructure cost breakdown
The Eskom Success Story
03 August 2012
Recently a mining company released its cost structure and it was noted that their profit margin dropped drastically due to high cost of electricity.(Harmony)
In 2008 we experienced a major catastrophe when our power provider Eskom could not meet the power requirements of the country and we were forced to endure load-shedding at its worst.
This was due to several factors – bad management of coal supplies (cancellation or not renewing supply contracts) and lack of planned maintenance of power plants being the major contributors to the problem. We also had the loose bolt story at Koeberg, and the conspiracy plot theory (Mr. Alec Erwin) to put up with, as well as Ms Sonjica saying that we should go to bed early to become wiser.
No forward planning of building of new power stations, as this proposal was deemed to be an unnecessary expense at this point in time. As there was an abundance of power available. In fact during the late 1990’s, and early 2000’s saw several older power stations be imploded in the Vaal area.
03 August 2012
Recently a mining company released its cost structure and it was noted that their profit margin dropped drastically due to high cost of electricity.(Harmony)
In 2008 we experienced a major catastrophe when our power provider Eskom could not meet the power requirements of the country and we were forced to endure load-shedding at its worst.
This was due to several factors – bad management of coal supplies (cancellation or not renewing supply contracts) and lack of planned maintenance of power plants being the major contributors to the problem. We also had the loose bolt story at Koeberg, and the conspiracy plot theory (Mr. Alec Erwin) to put up with, as well as Ms Sonjica saying that we should go to bed early to become wiser.
No forward planning of building of new power stations, as this proposal was deemed to be an unnecessary expense at this point in time. As there was an abundance of power available. In fact during the late 1990’s, and early 2000’s saw several older power stations be imploded in the Vaal area.
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens in South Africa
U.S. Consulate General, Johannesburg
Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens
September 27, 2012
Protesters Blocking the Motorway and Throwing Petrol Bombs at Cars at
the R21/R24 Split near OR Tambo International Airport
The Consulate General informs U.S. citizens that protesters are blocking
the motorway and throwing petrol bombs at cars on the motorway at the
R21/R24 split near OR Tambo Airport. U.S. citizens are advised to avoid
the R21 OR Tambo Highway. Trucks are reported being burned. South
African Police Service officers are on the scene.
U.S. citizens are reminded to remain alert and take appropriate
precautions. We encourage you to monitor local media for updates on
traffic disruptions, roadblocks, and potential protests. Keep in mind
toll plazas can become congested because of delays caused by strikes. It
is prudent to plan alternate routes.
U.S. citizens in South Africa should avoid demonstrations. Spontaneous
and/or planned demonstrations occur regularly in South Africa. U.S.
citizens are reminded that protests intended to be peaceful can turn
confrontational and may escalate into violence. As always, U.S. citizens
are advised to be aware of their surroundings and to monitor local media.
You can stay in touch and get Embassy updates by checking the website of
the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria.
Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens
September 27, 2012
Protesters Blocking the Motorway and Throwing Petrol Bombs at Cars at
the R21/R24 Split near OR Tambo International Airport
The Consulate General informs U.S. citizens that protesters are blocking
the motorway and throwing petrol bombs at cars on the motorway at the
R21/R24 split near OR Tambo Airport. U.S. citizens are advised to avoid
the R21 OR Tambo Highway. Trucks are reported being burned. South
African Police Service officers are on the scene.
U.S. citizens are reminded to remain alert and take appropriate
precautions. We encourage you to monitor local media for updates on
traffic disruptions, roadblocks, and potential protests. Keep in mind
toll plazas can become congested because of delays caused by strikes. It
is prudent to plan alternate routes.
U.S. citizens in South Africa should avoid demonstrations. Spontaneous
and/or planned demonstrations occur regularly in South Africa. U.S.
citizens are reminded that protests intended to be peaceful can turn
confrontational and may escalate into violence. As always, U.S. citizens
are advised to be aware of their surroundings and to monitor local media.
You can stay in touch and get Embassy updates by checking the website of
the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria.
Monday, 24 September 2012
Such a sad story - We must never forget those that still live in South Africa - This is a MUST READ
The following story comes from the Facebook page : NoWorths https://www.facebook.com/noworths
Today I witnessed something which broke my heart and soul.
At a pay point at Pick n Pay in Cresta, an elderly white male, in his 70's, stood behind me with 2 packets of 2 minute noodles and a can of bully beef.
As I completed my purchase I saw in the corner of my eye him putting the can back on the sweets shelf slightly shaking his head, somewhat disappointed, looking down and I saw around R10, maybe R13 in his hand. I realised he did not have enough money, so I offered to pay but he declined with a fake smile. I took all of his items and paid for him, after which he said something which shook my existence.
"Dit is vandag my vrou se 70ste verjaarsdag en ek wil haar so bietjie treat, sy gaan nou darem baie bly wees hieroor, baie dankie."
He was neatly dressed; I could see he was not an alcoholic or a beggar, but an honest man just not able to survive.
Today I witnessed something which broke my heart and soul.
At a pay point at Pick n Pay in Cresta, an elderly white male, in his 70's, stood behind me with 2 packets of 2 minute noodles and a can of bully beef.
As I completed my purchase I saw in the corner of my eye him putting the can back on the sweets shelf slightly shaking his head, somewhat disappointed, looking down and I saw around R10, maybe R13 in his hand. I realised he did not have enough money, so I offered to pay but he declined with a fake smile. I took all of his items and paid for him, after which he said something which shook my existence.
"Dit is vandag my vrou se 70ste verjaarsdag en ek wil haar so bietjie treat, sy gaan nou darem baie bly wees hieroor, baie dankie."
He was neatly dressed; I could see he was not an alcoholic or a beggar, but an honest man just not able to survive.
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
"Vrees" deur Barend Buitekamer
(Main article in English - scroll down)
Jammer oor dié een mense. Ek weet dit maak seer & ek weet dit maak bang, maar soos baie ander, is ek ook gatvol vir al die praat en die gebrek aan daad. Vrees is eintlik 'n wonderlike oorlewings-meganisme.
(FEAR staan vir F*ck Everything And Run.)
Soos dinge tans staan, is die stryd ongewonne, maar nié tevergeefs nie. Dit is nie meer 'n verdedigingstryd nie, maar 'n stryd om oorlewing. Wie in welke geval aktief in diesulke konflikte betrokke is, moet nou kies tussen die pen of die swaard.
Ek doen nou 'n beroep op Afrikaner-Boere Kunstenaars (skilders, skrywers, beeldhouers, musikante, akteurs et al) om met "werke" vorendag te kom wat een van twee uitwerkings sal hê. Dit moet of 'n intens onbeheersde vrees by Afrikaner Boere wek (om hulle te dwing om saam te staan of saam te vlug), of om vrees by die vyand te wek.
Jammer oor dié een mense. Ek weet dit maak seer & ek weet dit maak bang, maar soos baie ander, is ek ook gatvol vir al die praat en die gebrek aan daad. Vrees is eintlik 'n wonderlike oorlewings-meganisme.
(FEAR staan vir F*ck Everything And Run.)
Soos dinge tans staan, is die stryd ongewonne, maar nié tevergeefs nie. Dit is nie meer 'n verdedigingstryd nie, maar 'n stryd om oorlewing. Wie in welke geval aktief in diesulke konflikte betrokke is, moet nou kies tussen die pen of die swaard.
Ek doen nou 'n beroep op Afrikaner-Boere Kunstenaars (skilders, skrywers, beeldhouers, musikante, akteurs et al) om met "werke" vorendag te kom wat een van twee uitwerkings sal hê. Dit moet of 'n intens onbeheersde vrees by Afrikaner Boere wek (om hulle te dwing om saam te staan of saam te vlug), of om vrees by die vyand te wek.
Friday, 7 September 2012
SA se Swart Bevolkingsaanwas
Baie interessante statistiek uit die South African Native Affairs Commission Report van 1905. Die hele Suid-Afrika, met Bechuanaland en Suid-Rhodesië ingesluit, het maar 4,6 miljoen swartes gehad! So lyk dit:
Kaapkolonie 1,4m
Natal 904 000
Transvaal 812 000 met 134 000 tydelike werkers
Swaziland 85 000
Vrystaat 235 000
Suid-Rhodesië 570 000
Basotholand 347 000
Betsjoeanaland 119 000
Die teenswoordige SA het dus slegs 3 351 000 swartes gehad. Binne slegs een honderd jaar het hul bevolking met meer as 20 vermenigvuldig deur aanwas en immigrasie.
Kaapkolonie 1,4m
Natal 904 000
Transvaal 812 000 met 134 000 tydelike werkers
Swaziland 85 000
Vrystaat 235 000
Suid-Rhodesië 570 000
Basotholand 347 000
Betsjoeanaland 119 000
Die teenswoordige SA het dus slegs 3 351 000 swartes gehad. Binne slegs een honderd jaar het hul bevolking met meer as 20 vermenigvuldig deur aanwas en immigrasie.
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Five good reasons to boycott Woolworths
1. The "quota system" is being abused by the government. Ultimately their aim is not to create jobs themselves so that they can be accountable for election promises and so that they can drop the 49% unemployment rate in SA. They want to say that 99% of jobs are held by blacks - irrespective of if there are 300 jobs or 3 million. They are ruining education for black people while their children are sitting next to white children in private schools and the result is that the majority of black people will not improve their lot in life - so they will use job reservation to mollify and manipulate an illiterate population. This will never help black people.
2. They can sabotage coloured people to keep them disadvantaged in areas like the Cape because jobs in their areas will go to black people who do not live in their areas but who will come from Limpopo and other areas where the government is failing hopelessly to improve conditions. Conditions have worsened there in the last 20 years. These coloured folk do not have the buying power to fight big companies. We do - at this stage as a big chunk of Woolworths' demographic clientele is still white people. In this way they can also destabilise the Cape so that they can get a foothold there as up to now their attempts with political rhetoric have failed. We have all heard their racist remarks about coloured people and the fact that they feel that they are losing elections there because "the problem with the Cape is that there are too many coloureds there" - so they want to break down their community sense.
2. They can sabotage coloured people to keep them disadvantaged in areas like the Cape because jobs in their areas will go to black people who do not live in their areas but who will come from Limpopo and other areas where the government is failing hopelessly to improve conditions. Conditions have worsened there in the last 20 years. These coloured folk do not have the buying power to fight big companies. We do - at this stage as a big chunk of Woolworths' demographic clientele is still white people. In this way they can also destabilise the Cape so that they can get a foothold there as up to now their attempts with political rhetoric have failed. We have all heard their racist remarks about coloured people and the fact that they feel that they are losing elections there because "the problem with the Cape is that there are too many coloureds there" - so they want to break down their community sense.
Friday, 24 August 2012
Die Eerste Gesamentlike Vergadering van die ZAR se Volksraad in 1849
Ter inleiding:
"After serious efforts to end the divisions within the Voortrekker state, the first united meeting of the Volksraad of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek took place on the farm, then belonging to Roelof J. Jansen, on May 22 and 23, 1849. The commitment to unity led to the establishment of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, and some historians thus consider the year 1849 as the year the Republic was born.
The western part of Derdepoort was, from March 3, 1864, the registered property of Johannes Barend Wolmarans and remained the property of the Wolmarans family until it was acquired by the Pretoria City Council in 1978.
Derdepoort with its historic farmhouse, known as Die Opstal, is a large recreational park just off the Pietersburg Highway on the north-easterly borders of Pretoria. The park is owned by the Pretoria City Council and operated by its Parks and Recreation Department."
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Anglo-Boereoorlog en Niko die Boer van Georgië
Oplaas hulde aan ‘Niko die Boer’
Die Burger - 2012-03-31

Toe Nikolay Georgievich Bagrationi, die Georgiese prins van Tiflis (nou Tbilisi), einde 1901 uit krygsgevangenskap op die eiland St. Helena deur die Britse militêre vrygelaat is om na Georgië terug te keer, is hy as ’n held verwelkom.
En tot vandag toe is sy bynaam, Niko Buri (Niko die Boer), ’n towerwoord in dié land.
Só het ’n joernalis van Landbouweekblad, Hugo Lochner, agtergekom toe hy die land onlangs besoek en heel toevallig gas was by die opening van ’n voorlopige Anglo-Boereoorlog-museum in Tbilisi, hoofstad van Georgië, hoofsaaklik gewy aan Niko die Boer. Die museum- gebou is die Mukhrani-paleis van die adellike Mukhrani- Bagrationi-familie, waarvan Nikolay lid was. Hy is in dié paleis gebore.
Die Burger - 2012-03-31

Toe Nikolay Georgievich Bagrationi, die Georgiese prins van Tiflis (nou Tbilisi), einde 1901 uit krygsgevangenskap op die eiland St. Helena deur die Britse militêre vrygelaat is om na Georgië terug te keer, is hy as ’n held verwelkom.
En tot vandag toe is sy bynaam, Niko Buri (Niko die Boer), ’n towerwoord in dié land.
Só het ’n joernalis van Landbouweekblad, Hugo Lochner, agtergekom toe hy die land onlangs besoek en heel toevallig gas was by die opening van ’n voorlopige Anglo-Boereoorlog-museum in Tbilisi, hoofstad van Georgië, hoofsaaklik gewy aan Niko die Boer. Die museum- gebou is die Mukhrani-paleis van die adellike Mukhrani- Bagrationi-familie, waarvan Nikolay lid was. Hy is in dié paleis gebore.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Opsomming van aanvalle en moorde in die 13 dae vanaf 1 Augustus 2012
'n Opsomming van die aanvalle en moorde op ons mense in die 13 dae vanaf 1 Augustus 2012 waarvan ons kennis dra: (Dankie vir die inligting Hannes (BKA)
*WARBURTON/LOTHAIR: Tony Mason aangeval. Ernstig aangerand.
*KLERKSDORP/HARTBEESFONTEIN: Hendrien Johnstone De Lange doodgeskiet tydens ‘n plaasaanval.
*JANSENVILLE: Owen Charles, ‘n Sewentigjarige boer van die Jansenville-omgewing is dood en sy vrou ernstig beseer in 'n plaasaanval verlede nag.
*AMANZIMTOTI: Lucas Holtzhausen in ‘n koma met breinskade na barbaarse aanval deur drie swartes in Umbilostraat.
*POTCHEFSTROOM: PLAASAANVAL: Oom Jurie Barnard (82) en tannie Anna (80) aangeval, aangerand en met warm strykyster gebrand.
*RHODESFIELD, KEMPTONPARK: Karen Goosen (44) veg om haar lewe na sinnelose, barbaarse aanval deur twee swartes:
*SABIE: Mavis Koekemoer van Lewis gsiter oorval en in pikdonker stoorkamer toegesluit.
*WARBURTON/LOTHAIR: Tony Mason aangeval. Ernstig aangerand.
*KLERKSDORP/HARTBEESFONTEIN: Hendrien Johnstone De Lange doodgeskiet tydens ‘n plaasaanval.
*JANSENVILLE: Owen Charles, ‘n Sewentigjarige boer van die Jansenville-omgewing is dood en sy vrou ernstig beseer in 'n plaasaanval verlede nag.
*AMANZIMTOTI: Lucas Holtzhausen in ‘n koma met breinskade na barbaarse aanval deur drie swartes in Umbilostraat.
*POTCHEFSTROOM: PLAASAANVAL: Oom Jurie Barnard (82) en tannie Anna (80) aangeval, aangerand en met warm strykyster gebrand.
*RHODESFIELD, KEMPTONPARK: Karen Goosen (44) veg om haar lewe na sinnelose, barbaarse aanval deur twee swartes:
*SABIE: Mavis Koekemoer van Lewis gsiter oorval en in pikdonker stoorkamer toegesluit.
Friday, 10 August 2012
South Africa under the ANC Regime: Summary of reported brutal attacks and cold blooded murders in just one week
By https://www.facebook.com/The.Real.South.Africa
Aug 9 2012 - Morne Vorster writes: "Yesterday my good friend Robbie Anderson's body was found next to the road in Eston KZN. Murdered.He was shot for what? Becau
se he lives on a farm and works hard, who knows. He ran the sawmill in Richmond for his father Malcolm Anderson, the owner of the Minerva Private Game Reserve and Museum in Byrne.Robbie lived on a farm just outside Eston. Absolutely shocked that such a good person has to be murdered in such a gruesome manner. "
Karen Jooste's face beaten to a pulp: nose torn off by two black males: Stephen Barnard writes: August 9 2012 - KEMPTON PARK. Mrs Karen Goosen 44 is fighting for her life in ICU at the moment. She was viciously attacked on her porch while waiting for her lift to work yesterday morning around 7am in Rhodesfield, Kempton Park.
Aug 9 2012 - Morne Vorster writes: "Yesterday my good friend Robbie Anderson's body was found next to the road in Eston KZN. Murdered.He was shot for what? Becau
se he lives on a farm and works hard, who knows. He ran the sawmill in Richmond for his father Malcolm Anderson, the owner of the Minerva Private Game Reserve and Museum in Byrne.Robbie lived on a farm just outside Eston. Absolutely shocked that such a good person has to be murdered in such a gruesome manner. "
Karen Jooste's face beaten to a pulp: nose torn off by two black males: Stephen Barnard writes: August 9 2012 - KEMPTON PARK. Mrs Karen Goosen 44 is fighting for her life in ICU at the moment. She was viciously attacked on her porch while waiting for her lift to work yesterday morning around 7am in Rhodesfield, Kempton Park.
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Die Ontwaking ons Volk
So sien ons dan die dinge gebeur in SA. Alles waarteen ons gewaarsku het en waarvoor ons uitgeskel is as doemprofete is aan die gebeur.
Die ineenstorting word in die buitelandse media gepubliseer, verkondig en bespreek, terwyl ons arme SA mensies geblinddoek word.
In die buitelandse media word daar gereeld na SA verwys as 'n 'failed state' en die volgende Afrikaland waar revolusie verwag word, terwyl ons eie media nie een enkele woord daaroor publiseer nie.
Ons eie blanke Afrikaner mense weier om te sien wat aan die gebeur is, hulle doen alles in hul vermoe om dit weg te praat en af te maak as bangmaakpraatjies, terwyl die sekel besig is om die koppe om ons te laat rol. Amptelik word daar daagliks sowat 50 mense in SA vermoor, volgens die Mediese Navorsingraad se syfers meer as dubbel daardie amptelike getal.
Minder as 10% van aanvalle haal ooit die SA media.
Die ineenstorting word in die buitelandse media gepubliseer, verkondig en bespreek, terwyl ons arme SA mensies geblinddoek word.
In die buitelandse media word daar gereeld na SA verwys as 'n 'failed state' en die volgende Afrikaland waar revolusie verwag word, terwyl ons eie media nie een enkele woord daaroor publiseer nie.
Ons eie blanke Afrikaner mense weier om te sien wat aan die gebeur is, hulle doen alles in hul vermoe om dit weg te praat en af te maak as bangmaakpraatjies, terwyl die sekel besig is om die koppe om ons te laat rol. Amptelik word daar daagliks sowat 50 mense in SA vermoor, volgens die Mediese Navorsingraad se syfers meer as dubbel daardie amptelike getal.
Minder as 10% van aanvalle haal ooit die SA media.
Monday, 30 July 2012
Ontstaan en Ontwikkeling van die Boerevolk
Die afgelope 360 jaar het in Suid Afrika ‘n baie eienaardige, maar merkwaardige, situasie ontwikkel wat die blanke betref.
Dit het begin met die verversingspos, wat hier gevestig is deur Jan van Riebeeck, wat sy lewensideaal, om terug te keer na die Ooste in diens van die sy werkgewer,bekend as die HereXVII, as ‘n tussentydse stap beskou, om weer die guns van sy werkgewers terug te wen. Dit is en was nooit van Riebeeck se gedagte of begeerte, dat hier ‘n volksplanting moet plaasvind nie.
Die werkgewer van Van Riebeeck was baie liberaal gesind en die voorgeskrewe optrede van die plaaslike kommandeurs was dus ook baie liberaal. Verskeie kommandeurs het van Riebeeck opgevolg, waarvan sekerlik die bekendste die baster Simon van der Stel was. Simon van der Stel het in werklikheid die stigter aan die Kaap geword.
Dit het begin met die verversingspos, wat hier gevestig is deur Jan van Riebeeck, wat sy lewensideaal, om terug te keer na die Ooste in diens van die sy werkgewer,bekend as die HereXVII, as ‘n tussentydse stap beskou, om weer die guns van sy werkgewers terug te wen. Dit is en was nooit van Riebeeck se gedagte of begeerte, dat hier ‘n volksplanting moet plaasvind nie.
Die werkgewer van Van Riebeeck was baie liberaal gesind en die voorgeskrewe optrede van die plaaslike kommandeurs was dus ook baie liberaal. Verskeie kommandeurs het van Riebeeck opgevolg, waarvan sekerlik die bekendste die baster Simon van der Stel was. Simon van der Stel het in werklikheid die stigter aan die Kaap geword.
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Political Correctness: The Scourge of Our Times
Agustin Blazquez with the collaboration of Jaums Sutton
Monday, April 8, 2002
Does anyone know the origins of Political Correctness? Who originally developed it and what was its purpose?
I looked it up. It was developed at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany, which was founded in 1923 and came to be known as the "Frankfurt School." It was a group of thinkers who pulled together to find a solution to the biggest problem facing the implementers of communism in Russia.
The problem? Why wasn't communism spreading?
Their answer? Because Western Civilization was in its way.
What was the problem with Western Civilization? Its belief in the individual, that an individual could develop valid ideas. At the root of communism was the theory that all valid ideas come from the effect of the social group of the masses. The individual is nothing.
Monday, 23 July 2012
Veiligheid vir die huisvrou en haar familie
Suid-Afrika se misdaad statistieke is skokkend.
Dit is hoekom dit belangrik is dat ons familie veiligheid n prioriteit moet maak.
Bespreek veiligheid met jou familie gereëld:
Laat almal insluitende ouer kinders saam gesels oor hulle vrese en wat hulle dink die huis nodig het om hulle veiliger te maak en laat voel.
Algemene veiligheids maatreëls moet neergele word bv:
1. Voordeure word onder geen omstandighede oopgemaak vir vreemdelinge nie.
Praat deur die deur en stel eers vas of jy besigheid het met die vreemdeling, bv n posman wat `n posstuk aflewer; iemand wat vir kos of geld of werk vra - maak jy nie die deur voor oop nie.
Suid-Afrika se misdaad statistieke is skokkend.
Dit is hoekom dit belangrik is dat ons familie veiligheid n prioriteit moet maak.
Bespreek veiligheid met jou familie gereëld:
Laat almal insluitende ouer kinders saam gesels oor hulle vrese en wat hulle dink die huis nodig het om hulle veiliger te maak en laat voel.
Algemene veiligheids maatreëls moet neergele word bv:
1. Voordeure word onder geen omstandighede oopgemaak vir vreemdelinge nie.
Praat deur die deur en stel eers vas of jy besigheid het met die vreemdeling, bv n posman wat `n posstuk aflewer; iemand wat vir kos of geld of werk vra - maak jy nie die deur voor oop nie.
Saturday, 21 July 2012
How does the ANC Regime Spend Your Tax Money?
Government blames poverty on apartheid, while busy enriching themselves, wasting taxpayer’s money while the poor are getting poorer every day!
How the ANC government spends our money:
R 2 million Refurbishing of her government house from the budget of the Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development. Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane
R 570 000 Seven month stay at top hotel in Pretoria for Nonhlanhla Mkhize and her assistant who were seconded from the KZN Premier’s office to the Dept of Women, Children and People with Disabilities Former Minister of Women, Children & People with Disabilities, Noluthando Mayende-Sibiya
R 3.7 million A new ‘official residence’ for National police commissioner Bheki Cele, though several less costly official residences were available in Silverton. National Police Commissioner Bheki Cele – 15 Oct 2010
R 1.2 million Furnishing for National Commissioner's 'official residence' National Police Commissioner Bheki Cele – 15 Oct 2010
R 235 000 66 days at the 5-Star Table Bay Hotel by Minister Nathi Mthethwa and eight department officials – the Minister also stayed in the Presidential Suite for one night and four body guards in luxury rooms for four nights. Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa – 7 Oct 2009
R 2 million Prolonged stay at 5-star Sheraton Hotel in Pretoria while official residence was refurbished Minister of Communications, Roy Padayachie – 22 Nov 10
R 32.4 million Over R70 million spent on the President’s 5 official residences over the last 5 years. Jacob Zuma has presided over a large portion of this expenditure since 2009, which totals a minimum of R32.4 million. This number excludes staff salaries for the 5 residences which would add millions more per year. Department of Public Works
3. Cargate - wasteful expenditure on luxury vehicles for politicians - R69 735 000
Cost Details Minister/ Department/ Entity responsible RDP Houses foregone
R 2.4 million BMW 750is (X2) at a cost of R1.1 million each plus R150 000 on extras, including items like ‘rear seat entertainment’ and a ‘sports leather steering wheel’ Dept of Communications, Minister Siphiwe Nyanda
R 1.7 million BMW 730d and Range Rover Sport TDV8 Dept of Education, Minister Angie Motshekga
R 11 million The Free State Provincial Cabinet purchased new Mercedes-Benzes for each member (11 in total) – 10 Mercedes-Benz S500s and 1 Mercendes-Benz S600 for Premier Ace Magashule Free State Provincial Cabinet
R 795 000 Mercedes-Benz S350 – with extras Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Minister Buyelwa Sonjica
R 1.4 million BMW X5 3.0d and BMW X5 Si 3.0 with R202 000 worth of extras Dept of Police, Minister Nathi Mthethwa
R 1.3 million Mercedes-Benz S250 (X2) with R150 000 worth of extras each Dept of Science and Technology, Minister Naledi Pandor
R 1 million Toyota Prada - R480 000 and BMW X5 - R550 000 North West province’s Moretele Mayor, Asnath Molekwa
R 1.1 million BMW 750i Blade Nzimande, Minister of Higher Education
R 740 000 BMW X5 Bitou Mayor Lulama Mvimbi
R 795 000 Mercedes-Benz S350 Tina Joemat-Petterson, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
R 760 000 Mercedes-Benz E500 Aaron Motsoaledi, Minister of Health
R 820 000 Range Rover HSE Phumulo Masualle, Eastern Cape MEC for Health
R 615 000 Audi Q7 3.0 TDI Pemmy Majodina, Eastern Cape MEC for Public Works
R 770 000 Mercedes-Benz ML500 Mcebisi Jonas, Eastern Cape MEC for Finance
R 620 000 Mercedes-Benz ML320 CDI Sibongile Manana, Mpumalanga MEC for Community Safety
R 580 000 Mercedes-Benz ML500 Dikeledi Mahlangu, Mpumalanga MEC for Health
R 700 000 Mercedes-Benz ML350 Mohlalefi Mokoena, Mpumalanga MEC for Traditional Affairs
R 845 000 BMW X5 Madala Masuku, Mpumalanga MEC for Human Settlements
R 730 000 BMW X5 Pinky Kekana, Limpopo MEC for Transport
R 880 000 BMW 740i Boitumelo Tshwene, North West MEC for Agriculture
R 900 000 BMW 735 Mahlakeng Mahlakeng, North West MEC for Public Works
R 900 000 Mercedes-Benz GL500 Desbo Sefanyetso, North West MEC for Housing
R 875 000 Mercedes-Benz GL500 Johannes Tselapedi, North West MEC for Education
R 795 000 Audi Q7 4.2 Grace Pampiri, North West MEC for Sports and Culture
R 890 000 BMW X6 Gordon Kegakilwe, North West MEC for Local Govt
R 1.5 million BMW 550is (X2) Thokozile Xasa, Deputy Minister of Tourism
R 720 000 BMW 550i Sedan Deputy Minster of Arts and Culture, Paul Matashile
R 1.6 million Mercedes Benz GL320 CDI – for Pretoria office and Audi Q7 4.2 TDI – for Cape Town office Deputy Minister of Communications, Dina Pule
R 670 000 Mercedes-Benz E350 Deputy minister of Public Enterprises Enoch Godongwana
R 900 000 BMW X5 4.8 – with extras Dept of Water and Environment Affairs Deputy Minister Rejoice Mabudafhasi
R 1.2 million BMW 7 Series – with extras Minister in the Presidency, Trevor Manuel
R 575 000 BMW 530d Deputy Minister of Human Settlements
R 660 000 Volkswagen Touareg V8 4.2 Minister in the Presidency
R 750 000 Mercedes-Benz ML500 Deputy Minister Minister of Trade and Industry Ntuli
R 2.4 million Audi Q7 (X4) Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform
R 7 million Fleet of Mercedes-Benz cars including four E-class sedans Minister of Defence Lindiwe Sisulu – 2010
R 6 million Fleet of Mercedes-Benz ML 4x4s for traditional kings Eastern Cape Provincial Government
R 2 million Six Mercedes-Benz E-class cars for members of the Zulu Royal Family KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government
R 850 000 Two Mitsubishi Pajero 4x4s for members of Eastern Cape House of Traditional Affairs Eastern Cape Provincial Government
R 1.1 million Three Toyota Fortuner 4x4s for executive members of the Eastern Cape House of Traditional Leaders Eastern Cape Provincial Government
R 1.2 million BMW 750i – with extras Minister of Foreign Affairs, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane
R 1.4 million BMW X5 3.0d and a Mercedes-Benz E350 CDI Minister of Public Service and Administration Richard Baloyi
R 1.4 million Two BMW X5 3.0Ds Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa – 4 Aug 2009
R 1.6 million BMW 740i – with extras, and Mercedes-Benz ML500– with extras Deputy Minister of Police Fikile Mbalula
R 2.3 million Audi Q7 4.2 TDi Quattro Tiptronic, Mercedes Benz S320CDI, Two Volkswagen Toauregs (X2) Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Sicelo Schiceka (and Deputy) – 30 Oct 2009
4. Partygate - wasteful expenditure on parties, conferences and other events - R160 870 000
Cost Details Minister/ Department/ Entity responsible RDP Houses foregone
R 10.6 million Inauguration party for Premier of KwaZulu-Natal Premier of KwaZulu-Natal, Zweli Mkhize – May 2009
R 7 million Opening of the Free State legislature Dept of the Premier, the Free State Provincial Govt – June 2009
R 300 000 A ‘project launch’ celebration party Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
R 350 000 End-of-year function for 150 department officials Minister of Labour Mdladlana – Dec 2009
R 40 million National Police Day, involving the summoning of one out of every three police officers in the country to Bloemfontein. Minister has refused in parliamentary questions to confirm exact amount spent. R40m is a conservative estimate based both on figures made available to us by senior police officials. Minister of Police – Jan 2010
R 920 000 Ten SETAs threw parties to celebrate the tabling of their annual reports: BANKSETA - R 104 709 , CHIEFA - R 47 485 , FASSET - R 235 885 , FOODBEV - R 16 500 , INSETA - R 9 513 , MAPPP - R 22 681 , MQA - R 150 000 , MERSETA - R 242 251 , SERVICES SETA - R 31 000 , W&RSETA - R 58 072 , TOTAL - R 918 097 Minister of Labour – 2009
R 165 000 “Performance of Lady Salsa” - show to commemorate the establishment of bilateral relations between South Africa and Cuba. This included nearly R 20 000 of state funds spent on the bar and drinks vouchers, R 25 000 spent on the venue, and R 60 000 on purchasing tickets to the show for the 150 guests. Minister of Arts and Culture – July 2009
R 2.7 million Trips by Armscor executives to international arms exhibitions with their wives – staying at 5-star hotels and flying first class, while the SOE is in financial straits Armscor and Minister of Defence – 2009
R 2.6 million Several National Departments held unnecessary “budget vote parties”: Arts and Culture – R 223 281 , Basic Education – R 267 000 , Correctional Services – R 101 594 , Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs – R 67 768 , Energy: R 412 077 , Health (two parties) – R R65 639 , Home Affairs – R52 365 , Human Settlements – R 114 184 , International Relations – R 160 440 , Police – R 56 695 , Justice and Constitutional Development – R 24 323 , Public Service and Administration – R104 407 , Public Works – R84 240 , Science and Technology – R 33 000 , Social Development – R 180 026 , Sports & Recreation – R 105 000 , State Security – R 41 558 , Trade and Industry / Economic Development – R 43 000 , Transport – R 461 228 = R 2 597 825 Various Departments – June 2009
R 585 000 Women’s Day Celebration in Soweto which did not benefit commuters Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA), Dept of Transport
R 350 000 End-of-year function for 150 department officials Jimmy Manyi, DG of Dept of Labour – Dec 2009
R 5.7 million ‘Golden handshake’ to music producer Lebo Morake to ‘walk away’ from World Cup opening and closing ceremony project City of Johannesburg – June 2010
R 300 000 Party to celebrate executive mayor Gwen Ramokgopa's State of the City address and a gala dinner at the Pretoria City Hall Tshwane Metro Council – March 2010
R 1.2 million Luncheon commemorating the re-opening of the Camden Coal Power Station, feeding 300 delegates (including President Zuma) Minister Barbara Hogan and Eskom CEO Brian Dames
R 83 million The National Youth Development Agency’s “anti-imperialism conference,” sponsored by The Presidency (R 29 million) and National Lotteries Board (R 40 million) along with smaller amounts from the DTI and Arts and Culture. NYDA, The Presidency and the Dept of Trade & Industry – 13 Dec 2010
R 2.5 million Party thrown by SASSA for Jacob Zuma using RDP funds Fezile Makiwane, head of SASSA – 17 May 2009
R 2.6 million The DPSA spent R54 million on 22 conferences during the period 1 January 2006 to 30 September 2009. Within the first few months of the Zuma administration, it had already spent R 2 576 000. Dept of Public Service and Administration
Ticketgate - wasteful expenditure on tickets to sports events and other entertainment - R196 975 000
Cost Details RDP Houses foregone
R 16.2 million World Cup Tickets: National Departments: International Relations (200 tickets) – R 10 297 500 , Science and Technology (12) – R 25 200 , Tourism (180) – R 1 127 129 , Trade and Industry (320) – R 4 738 960 , Total (712) – R 16 188 789
R 116.5 million World Cup Tickets: State Entities:
Airport Companies South Africa (170 tickets) – R 4 760 000
Air Traffic and Navigation Services (143) – R 1 400 000
CEF Group (1 224) – R 12 865 375
CSIR (20) – R 314 991
Development Bank of SA (300) – R 2 348 897
Denel (48) – R 256 000
Eskom (1 080) – R 12 273 518
GEMS (25) – R 65 400
IDC (2 734) – R 12 000 000
Mhlathuze Water Board (1 Hospitality box) – R 1 900 000
NERSA (2) – R 2 240
Onderstepoort Biological Products (12) – R 24 000
PetroSA (1000) – R 12 500 000
PRASA (4 570) – R 10 800 000
Road Accident Fund (600) – R 1 821 405
SAA (1 633) – R 22 500 000
SABC (2 190) – R 3 332 250
SAMSA (40) – R 2 226 989
SAPO (800) – R 800 000
Sentech (96) – R 1 067 325
Transnet (962) – R 13 344 209
Total (17 650) – R 116 512 597
R 12.3 million World Cup Tickets: Provinces
Eastern Cape – R 280 000
Free State – R 6.8 million
Gauteng – R 4 million
Mpumalanga – R 1.2 million
Total – R 12 280 000
R 20.7 million World Cup Tickets: Municipalities
Johannesburg – R 4.5 million (with paraphernalia)
Mangaung – R 15 million
Mbombela – R 730 000
Tshwane – R 500 000
Total – R 20 730 000
R 4.1 million World Cup Paraphernalia: National Departments
Arts & Culture – R 175,027
Cooperative Gov & Traditional Affairs – R 4,231
Defence & Military Veterans – R 22,900
Health – R 964,764
Justice & Constitutional Development – R 1,143,324
Mineral Resources – R 30,000
Police – R 386,725
Presidency – R 84,994
Public Enterprises – R 4,694
Public Works – R 166,747
Science & Technology – R 50,474
Social Development – R 11,000
Sports & Recreation – R 871,870
Transport – R 144,781
Total – R 4 061 531
R 21.3 million World Cup Paraphernalia: Public Entities
R 32 million Cost of 10% of the value of a major housing project for cancelling contract due to inadequate research prior to awarding the tender Department of Public Works
~ R 35 000 The Gauteng Commissioner of Correctional Services undertook a series of trips of little or no relevance to her mandate as Commissioner. The trips included hiring a Mercedes Benz at a cost of R2 000 per day and attending the Grahamstown Festival. Department of Correctional Services; Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula
R 90 000 The North West Education Department spent about R90 000 to pamper their officials at a day spa North West Education MEC Johannes Tselapedi
R 3 million Sending a 200-strong delegation including councillors, a netball team, cultural ensemble, choir and soccer team to Lusaka to attend Zambia’s Independence Day celebrations. Mayor Zoleka Capa of OR Tambo Municipality
R 3.6 million VIP protection costing R 300 000 per month for ANC Youth League President Julius Malema from November 2009 to October 2010 South African Police Service
R 9.5 million Dedicated DoD VIP lounge at OR Tambo International Airport for use by Defence Minister Lindiwe Sisulu, department officials and official guests. Department of Defence
R 3 million Statue of Shaka Zulu for Durban’s new King Shaka International Airport KZN Premier Zweli Mkhize
R 1.5 million Statue of an elephant that was removed because it resembled the emblem of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) eThekwini municipality
R 6.8 million 6333 traffic fines incurred by the SA diplomatic staff in London. Dept of International Relations & Cooperation
R 935 000 Paid to Queenstown education district chief education specialist Mzwandile Bula despite the latter failing to turn up to work for two years in a row Eastern Cape Education Department
R 14.9 million Rivoningo Magazine (a SAPS magazine) – 50 000 copies per quarter over 21 months, at an average cost of R37 per magazine. SAPS [see here] 15 Oct 10
R 160 000 Payment above and beyond the statutory salary of National Commissioner of Correctional Service, Tom Moyane Dept of Correctional Services [see 3 Oct 10 statement by Lennit Max]
R 11.7 million R11.7 million was spent on a “cancellation fee for reserved heads of state accommodation” for an “African Diaspora Summit”. Department of International Relations and Cooperation
R 155 000 Sponsorship of former Portfolio Committee Chair on Public Enterprises, Vytjie Mentor, on trip to China Transnet – 7 Dec 10
R 76 million Four Department of Transport Conferences – of which R 12 million was spent on “VIP shuttle services” alone Department of Transport – 10 Mar 2010
R 50 million Misappropriation of Parliamentary funds for personal expenditure on luxury homes and hotel stays Parliament – 2 Dec 2009
R 15.5 million The National Lottery, in probable contravention of the law, paid out a total of R15.5m to the Jazz Foundation of South Africa, even though the CEO of the Foundation - Mr Leabua (Oupa) Salemane - is also a member of the Lotto’s Arts and Culture Distributing Agency. Department of Trade and Industry, Minister Rob Davies
R 75 million For Presidential inauguration President Jacob Zuma – 29 April 2009
R 23.7 million For defending department against lawsuits emanating from individuals being denied services Dept of Home Affairs – 12 Oct 2010
R 20.6 million Charter flights booked by the Presidency for former President Mbeki.
How the ANC government spends our money:
R 2 million Refurbishing of her government house from the budget of the Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development. Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane
R 570 000 Seven month stay at top hotel in Pretoria for Nonhlanhla Mkhize and her assistant who were seconded from the KZN Premier’s office to the Dept of Women, Children and People with Disabilities Former Minister of Women, Children & People with Disabilities, Noluthando Mayende-Sibiya
R 3.7 million A new ‘official residence’ for National police commissioner Bheki Cele, though several less costly official residences were available in Silverton. National Police Commissioner Bheki Cele – 15 Oct 2010
R 1.2 million Furnishing for National Commissioner's 'official residence' National Police Commissioner Bheki Cele – 15 Oct 2010
R 235 000 66 days at the 5-Star Table Bay Hotel by Minister Nathi Mthethwa and eight department officials – the Minister also stayed in the Presidential Suite for one night and four body guards in luxury rooms for four nights. Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa – 7 Oct 2009
R 2 million Prolonged stay at 5-star Sheraton Hotel in Pretoria while official residence was refurbished Minister of Communications, Roy Padayachie – 22 Nov 10
R 32.4 million Over R70 million spent on the President’s 5 official residences over the last 5 years. Jacob Zuma has presided over a large portion of this expenditure since 2009, which totals a minimum of R32.4 million. This number excludes staff salaries for the 5 residences which would add millions more per year. Department of Public Works
3. Cargate - wasteful expenditure on luxury vehicles for politicians - R69 735 000
Cost Details Minister/ Department/ Entity responsible RDP Houses foregone
R 2.4 million BMW 750is (X2) at a cost of R1.1 million each plus R150 000 on extras, including items like ‘rear seat entertainment’ and a ‘sports leather steering wheel’ Dept of Communications, Minister Siphiwe Nyanda
R 1.7 million BMW 730d and Range Rover Sport TDV8 Dept of Education, Minister Angie Motshekga
R 11 million The Free State Provincial Cabinet purchased new Mercedes-Benzes for each member (11 in total) – 10 Mercedes-Benz S500s and 1 Mercendes-Benz S600 for Premier Ace Magashule Free State Provincial Cabinet
R 795 000 Mercedes-Benz S350 – with extras Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Minister Buyelwa Sonjica
R 1.4 million BMW X5 3.0d and BMW X5 Si 3.0 with R202 000 worth of extras Dept of Police, Minister Nathi Mthethwa
R 1.3 million Mercedes-Benz S250 (X2) with R150 000 worth of extras each Dept of Science and Technology, Minister Naledi Pandor
R 1 million Toyota Prada - R480 000 and BMW X5 - R550 000 North West province’s Moretele Mayor, Asnath Molekwa
R 1.1 million BMW 750i Blade Nzimande, Minister of Higher Education
R 740 000 BMW X5 Bitou Mayor Lulama Mvimbi
R 795 000 Mercedes-Benz S350 Tina Joemat-Petterson, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
R 760 000 Mercedes-Benz E500 Aaron Motsoaledi, Minister of Health
R 820 000 Range Rover HSE Phumulo Masualle, Eastern Cape MEC for Health
R 615 000 Audi Q7 3.0 TDI Pemmy Majodina, Eastern Cape MEC for Public Works
R 770 000 Mercedes-Benz ML500 Mcebisi Jonas, Eastern Cape MEC for Finance
R 620 000 Mercedes-Benz ML320 CDI Sibongile Manana, Mpumalanga MEC for Community Safety
R 580 000 Mercedes-Benz ML500 Dikeledi Mahlangu, Mpumalanga MEC for Health
R 700 000 Mercedes-Benz ML350 Mohlalefi Mokoena, Mpumalanga MEC for Traditional Affairs
R 845 000 BMW X5 Madala Masuku, Mpumalanga MEC for Human Settlements
R 730 000 BMW X5 Pinky Kekana, Limpopo MEC for Transport
R 880 000 BMW 740i Boitumelo Tshwene, North West MEC for Agriculture
R 900 000 BMW 735 Mahlakeng Mahlakeng, North West MEC for Public Works
R 900 000 Mercedes-Benz GL500 Desbo Sefanyetso, North West MEC for Housing
R 875 000 Mercedes-Benz GL500 Johannes Tselapedi, North West MEC for Education
R 795 000 Audi Q7 4.2 Grace Pampiri, North West MEC for Sports and Culture
R 890 000 BMW X6 Gordon Kegakilwe, North West MEC for Local Govt
R 1.5 million BMW 550is (X2) Thokozile Xasa, Deputy Minister of Tourism
R 720 000 BMW 550i Sedan Deputy Minster of Arts and Culture, Paul Matashile
R 1.6 million Mercedes Benz GL320 CDI – for Pretoria office and Audi Q7 4.2 TDI – for Cape Town office Deputy Minister of Communications, Dina Pule
R 670 000 Mercedes-Benz E350 Deputy minister of Public Enterprises Enoch Godongwana
R 900 000 BMW X5 4.8 – with extras Dept of Water and Environment Affairs Deputy Minister Rejoice Mabudafhasi
R 1.2 million BMW 7 Series – with extras Minister in the Presidency, Trevor Manuel
R 575 000 BMW 530d Deputy Minister of Human Settlements
R 660 000 Volkswagen Touareg V8 4.2 Minister in the Presidency
R 750 000 Mercedes-Benz ML500 Deputy Minister Minister of Trade and Industry Ntuli
R 2.4 million Audi Q7 (X4) Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform
R 7 million Fleet of Mercedes-Benz cars including four E-class sedans Minister of Defence Lindiwe Sisulu – 2010
R 6 million Fleet of Mercedes-Benz ML 4x4s for traditional kings Eastern Cape Provincial Government
R 2 million Six Mercedes-Benz E-class cars for members of the Zulu Royal Family KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government
R 850 000 Two Mitsubishi Pajero 4x4s for members of Eastern Cape House of Traditional Affairs Eastern Cape Provincial Government
R 1.1 million Three Toyota Fortuner 4x4s for executive members of the Eastern Cape House of Traditional Leaders Eastern Cape Provincial Government
R 1.2 million BMW 750i – with extras Minister of Foreign Affairs, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane
R 1.4 million BMW X5 3.0d and a Mercedes-Benz E350 CDI Minister of Public Service and Administration Richard Baloyi
R 1.4 million Two BMW X5 3.0Ds Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa – 4 Aug 2009
R 1.6 million BMW 740i – with extras, and Mercedes-Benz ML500– with extras Deputy Minister of Police Fikile Mbalula
R 2.3 million Audi Q7 4.2 TDi Quattro Tiptronic, Mercedes Benz S320CDI, Two Volkswagen Toauregs (X2) Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Sicelo Schiceka (and Deputy) – 30 Oct 2009
4. Partygate - wasteful expenditure on parties, conferences and other events - R160 870 000
Cost Details Minister/ Department/ Entity responsible RDP Houses foregone
R 10.6 million Inauguration party for Premier of KwaZulu-Natal Premier of KwaZulu-Natal, Zweli Mkhize – May 2009
R 7 million Opening of the Free State legislature Dept of the Premier, the Free State Provincial Govt – June 2009
R 300 000 A ‘project launch’ celebration party Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
R 350 000 End-of-year function for 150 department officials Minister of Labour Mdladlana – Dec 2009
R 40 million National Police Day, involving the summoning of one out of every three police officers in the country to Bloemfontein. Minister has refused in parliamentary questions to confirm exact amount spent. R40m is a conservative estimate based both on figures made available to us by senior police officials. Minister of Police – Jan 2010
R 920 000 Ten SETAs threw parties to celebrate the tabling of their annual reports: BANKSETA - R 104 709 , CHIEFA - R 47 485 , FASSET - R 235 885 , FOODBEV - R 16 500 , INSETA - R 9 513 , MAPPP - R 22 681 , MQA - R 150 000 , MERSETA - R 242 251 , SERVICES SETA - R 31 000 , W&RSETA - R 58 072 , TOTAL - R 918 097 Minister of Labour – 2009
R 165 000 “Performance of Lady Salsa” - show to commemorate the establishment of bilateral relations between South Africa and Cuba. This included nearly R 20 000 of state funds spent on the bar and drinks vouchers, R 25 000 spent on the venue, and R 60 000 on purchasing tickets to the show for the 150 guests. Minister of Arts and Culture – July 2009
R 2.7 million Trips by Armscor executives to international arms exhibitions with their wives – staying at 5-star hotels and flying first class, while the SOE is in financial straits Armscor and Minister of Defence – 2009
R 2.6 million Several National Departments held unnecessary “budget vote parties”: Arts and Culture – R 223 281 , Basic Education – R 267 000 , Correctional Services – R 101 594 , Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs – R 67 768 , Energy: R 412 077 , Health (two parties) – R R65 639 , Home Affairs – R52 365 , Human Settlements – R 114 184 , International Relations – R 160 440 , Police – R 56 695 , Justice and Constitutional Development – R 24 323 , Public Service and Administration – R104 407 , Public Works – R84 240 , Science and Technology – R 33 000 , Social Development – R 180 026 , Sports & Recreation – R 105 000 , State Security – R 41 558 , Trade and Industry / Economic Development – R 43 000 , Transport – R 461 228 = R 2 597 825 Various Departments – June 2009
R 585 000 Women’s Day Celebration in Soweto which did not benefit commuters Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA), Dept of Transport
R 350 000 End-of-year function for 150 department officials Jimmy Manyi, DG of Dept of Labour – Dec 2009
R 5.7 million ‘Golden handshake’ to music producer Lebo Morake to ‘walk away’ from World Cup opening and closing ceremony project City of Johannesburg – June 2010
R 300 000 Party to celebrate executive mayor Gwen Ramokgopa's State of the City address and a gala dinner at the Pretoria City Hall Tshwane Metro Council – March 2010
R 1.2 million Luncheon commemorating the re-opening of the Camden Coal Power Station, feeding 300 delegates (including President Zuma) Minister Barbara Hogan and Eskom CEO Brian Dames
R 83 million The National Youth Development Agency’s “anti-imperialism conference,” sponsored by The Presidency (R 29 million) and National Lotteries Board (R 40 million) along with smaller amounts from the DTI and Arts and Culture. NYDA, The Presidency and the Dept of Trade & Industry – 13 Dec 2010
R 2.5 million Party thrown by SASSA for Jacob Zuma using RDP funds Fezile Makiwane, head of SASSA – 17 May 2009
R 2.6 million The DPSA spent R54 million on 22 conferences during the period 1 January 2006 to 30 September 2009. Within the first few months of the Zuma administration, it had already spent R 2 576 000. Dept of Public Service and Administration
Ticketgate - wasteful expenditure on tickets to sports events and other entertainment - R196 975 000
Cost Details RDP Houses foregone
R 16.2 million World Cup Tickets: National Departments: International Relations (200 tickets) – R 10 297 500 , Science and Technology (12) – R 25 200 , Tourism (180) – R 1 127 129 , Trade and Industry (320) – R 4 738 960 , Total (712) – R 16 188 789
R 116.5 million World Cup Tickets: State Entities:
Airport Companies South Africa (170 tickets) – R 4 760 000
Air Traffic and Navigation Services (143) – R 1 400 000
CEF Group (1 224) – R 12 865 375
CSIR (20) – R 314 991
Development Bank of SA (300) – R 2 348 897
Denel (48) – R 256 000
Eskom (1 080) – R 12 273 518
GEMS (25) – R 65 400
IDC (2 734) – R 12 000 000
Mhlathuze Water Board (1 Hospitality box) – R 1 900 000
NERSA (2) – R 2 240
Onderstepoort Biological Products (12) – R 24 000
PetroSA (1000) – R 12 500 000
PRASA (4 570) – R 10 800 000
Road Accident Fund (600) – R 1 821 405
SAA (1 633) – R 22 500 000
SABC (2 190) – R 3 332 250
SAMSA (40) – R 2 226 989
SAPO (800) – R 800 000
Sentech (96) – R 1 067 325
Transnet (962) – R 13 344 209
Total (17 650) – R 116 512 597
R 12.3 million World Cup Tickets: Provinces
Eastern Cape – R 280 000
Free State – R 6.8 million
Gauteng – R 4 million
Mpumalanga – R 1.2 million
Total – R 12 280 000
R 20.7 million World Cup Tickets: Municipalities
Johannesburg – R 4.5 million (with paraphernalia)
Mangaung – R 15 million
Mbombela – R 730 000
Tshwane – R 500 000
Total – R 20 730 000
R 4.1 million World Cup Paraphernalia: National Departments
Arts & Culture – R 175,027
Cooperative Gov & Traditional Affairs – R 4,231
Defence & Military Veterans – R 22,900
Health – R 964,764
Justice & Constitutional Development – R 1,143,324
Mineral Resources – R 30,000
Police – R 386,725
Presidency – R 84,994
Public Enterprises – R 4,694
Public Works – R 166,747
Science & Technology – R 50,474
Social Development – R 11,000
Sports & Recreation – R 871,870
Transport – R 144,781
Total – R 4 061 531
R 21.3 million World Cup Paraphernalia: Public Entities
R 32 million Cost of 10% of the value of a major housing project for cancelling contract due to inadequate research prior to awarding the tender Department of Public Works
~ R 35 000 The Gauteng Commissioner of Correctional Services undertook a series of trips of little or no relevance to her mandate as Commissioner. The trips included hiring a Mercedes Benz at a cost of R2 000 per day and attending the Grahamstown Festival. Department of Correctional Services; Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula
R 90 000 The North West Education Department spent about R90 000 to pamper their officials at a day spa North West Education MEC Johannes Tselapedi
R 3 million Sending a 200-strong delegation including councillors, a netball team, cultural ensemble, choir and soccer team to Lusaka to attend Zambia’s Independence Day celebrations. Mayor Zoleka Capa of OR Tambo Municipality
R 3.6 million VIP protection costing R 300 000 per month for ANC Youth League President Julius Malema from November 2009 to October 2010 South African Police Service
R 9.5 million Dedicated DoD VIP lounge at OR Tambo International Airport for use by Defence Minister Lindiwe Sisulu, department officials and official guests. Department of Defence
R 3 million Statue of Shaka Zulu for Durban’s new King Shaka International Airport KZN Premier Zweli Mkhize
R 1.5 million Statue of an elephant that was removed because it resembled the emblem of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) eThekwini municipality
R 6.8 million 6333 traffic fines incurred by the SA diplomatic staff in London. Dept of International Relations & Cooperation
R 935 000 Paid to Queenstown education district chief education specialist Mzwandile Bula despite the latter failing to turn up to work for two years in a row Eastern Cape Education Department
R 14.9 million Rivoningo Magazine (a SAPS magazine) – 50 000 copies per quarter over 21 months, at an average cost of R37 per magazine. SAPS [see here] 15 Oct 10
R 160 000 Payment above and beyond the statutory salary of National Commissioner of Correctional Service, Tom Moyane Dept of Correctional Services [see 3 Oct 10 statement by Lennit Max]
R 11.7 million R11.7 million was spent on a “cancellation fee for reserved heads of state accommodation” for an “African Diaspora Summit”. Department of International Relations and Cooperation
R 155 000 Sponsorship of former Portfolio Committee Chair on Public Enterprises, Vytjie Mentor, on trip to China Transnet – 7 Dec 10
R 76 million Four Department of Transport Conferences – of which R 12 million was spent on “VIP shuttle services” alone Department of Transport – 10 Mar 2010
R 50 million Misappropriation of Parliamentary funds for personal expenditure on luxury homes and hotel stays Parliament – 2 Dec 2009
R 15.5 million The National Lottery, in probable contravention of the law, paid out a total of R15.5m to the Jazz Foundation of South Africa, even though the CEO of the Foundation - Mr Leabua (Oupa) Salemane - is also a member of the Lotto’s Arts and Culture Distributing Agency. Department of Trade and Industry, Minister Rob Davies
R 75 million For Presidential inauguration President Jacob Zuma – 29 April 2009
R 23.7 million For defending department against lawsuits emanating from individuals being denied services Dept of Home Affairs – 12 Oct 2010
R 20.6 million Charter flights booked by the Presidency for former President Mbeki.
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